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Keysight Technologies
Characterizing the I-V Curve
of Solar Cells and Modules
Measurement Tips Volume 7, Number 2
Application Note
Explosive growth in the solar industry has intensiied the
Characterizing the I-V curve from Isc to Voc
need for test and measurement solutions that can quickly Characterizing a solar cell from the short circuit current
and accurately capture the I-V curve characteristics of solar (Isc) to the open circuit voltage (Voc) requires a device with
cells and modules. Because solar technology is being used a voltage range that covers Voc and can sink Isc. Charac-
in residential, commercial and military applications, solar terizing the I-V curve is typically accomplished by stepping
cells and modules are developed in a wide range of power the voltage from Isc to Voc. At each voltage step the current
levels and with various conversion eficiencies. Also, the is measured. This can be achieved using an electronic load
different testing stages -- research, quality assurance and or a two-quadrant DC source.
production -- have different needs for measurement speed,
measurement accuracy and the range of device characteris-