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Thermistor Production Test Using the
Agilent B2900A Series of SMUs
Technical Overview

Agilent B2901/02/11/12A Precision Source/Measure Unit
Agilent B2901A Precision SMU, 1ch, 100 fA resolution, 210 V, 3 A DC/10.5 A pulse
Agilent B2902A Precision SMU, 2ch, 100 fA resolution, 210 V, 3 A DC/10.5 A pulse
Agilent B2911A Precision SMU, 1ch, 10 fA resolution, 210 V, 3 A DC/10.5 A pulse
Agilent B2912A Precision SMU. 2ch, 10 fA resolution, 210 V, 3 A DC/10.5 A pulse

Introduction High force DUT interface
Thermistors are devices that exhibit Test
variations in resistance as a function leads Thermistor
of temperature. Due to this property,
thermistors are used for a variety of GPIB
LAN Low force
applications such as temperature
USB GPIO Mechanical
sensors, current limiting devices and
liquid level sensors.

To ensure compliance with manu- Component handler
facturing specifications, single-point
pass/fail DC testing must be
performed on thermistor devices. Figure 1. Example test system configuration using the B2900A Series of SMUs
Because these tests are also used to
identify and remove defective devices
before shipment, their reliability is The Agilent B2901/02/11/12A the measurement results. In addition
important to guarantee product qual- Precision Source/Measure Unit meets to these comprehensive measure-
ity. In addition, it is also essential to all of these requirements, making ment capabilities, the B2900A Series
perform the tests quickly to keep the it the best solution for thermistor of SMUs possesses high throughput
production throughput high. However, production test. It is an compact and that reduces test times. The B2900A
the thermistor's sensitivity to tem- cost-effective bench-top Source/ Series of SMUs also has many features
perature changes can work against Measure Unit (SMU) with the capabil- that make it well-adapted for produc-
measurement accuracy since Joule ity to source and measure both volt- tion test, such as pass/fail binning,
self-heating during measurement can age and current. They cover currents a digital I/O interface for handler
alter device characteristics. This from 10 fA to 3 A (DC)/10.5 A (pulse) control, and code compatibility with
requires measurement instrumentation and voltages from 100 nV to 210 V. standard single channel SMU products.
used for thermistor characterization The B2900A Series of SMUs has
to possess both precise low-current the ability to perform not only DC This technical overview shows how
resistance measurement capability measurements but also pulsed to use the B2900A Series of SMUs
and pulsed current measurement measurements in order to prevent for production test using a thermistor
capability (to minimize self-heating device self-heating from distorting device as an example.
Easy production test Program memory improves recall those strings multiple times
while the program is executing using
system configuration throughput a single SCPI command. By storing
Figure 1 shows a conceptual diagram Fast test times are essential to the command strings in memory, the
of a system based on the B2900A maximize throughput and maintain time that would have been spent
Series of SMUs for production high levels of factory productivity. sending those same commands over
thermistor test. The widely available Besides possessing fast intrinsic a communication bus is eliminated.
banana style terminals of the B2900A measurement speed, the B2900A For tests that utilize lots of repeated
Series of SMUs greatly simplify the Series of SMUs has a program code (such as subroutines), program
test system configuration. As will be memory function that can be used to memory can dramatically reduce test
discussed later, in most production improve production test throughput. times. Of course, programs can be
testing measurement results are Program memory allows you to store saved to or loaded from any attached
compared with pre-defined limits and long strings of SCPI command lines USB flash memory device (please see
pass/fail judgments are made. Output once into the volatile memory of the Figure 3).
signals from the GPIO port of the B2900A Series of SMUs and then
B2900A Series of SMUs can be used
to communicate with the component
handler to sort devices based on the B2900A Series B2900A Series
pass/fail criteria. The thermistor is RLead
usually placed on a temperature- High force IMeas High force IMeas
controlled DUT interface. RLead
High sense High sense A
The B2900A Series of SMUs supports VMeas VSet RT VMeas VSet RT
both 2-wire connection and 4-wire
Low sense Low sense B
connections. A basic 2-wire connec- RLead
tion is commonly used for standard Low force Low force
resistance measurements, while a
4-wire connection is required for low
a) 2-wire connection (RT