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Keysight Technologies
Electronic Components
Semiconductor/Transistor Evaluation
IC, solar cell, MEMS, nanotechnology, power device

IC FLASH memory Solar cell Carbon nanotube IGBT IGBT module

IC Solar cell MEMS Nanotechnology Power device

Evaluation of
Noise evaluation,
IV characteristics, CV characteristic break down voltage,
Pulsed IV test transient response
leakage current test test on-resistance
evaluation measurement
B1500A B1500A B1542A B1500A B1505A
Semiconductor Semiconductor 10 n second Semiconductor Power Device
Device Analyzer Device Analyzer Pulsed IV Parametric Device Analyzer Analyzer/
Test Solution Curve Tracer

E5270B E4980A Used in combination with N1259A/N1265A
8-Slot Precision Precision the B1530A Waveform High Power Test
Measurement Mainframe LCR Meter Generator/Fast Fixture for the B1505A
Measurement Unit Module,
B1500A the B1500A is capable of
Semiconductor RTN measurement.
Device Analyze

B2900A Series 4294A
Benchtop Source/ Precision Impedance
Measure Unit Analyzer
2 | Keysight | Electronic Components Semiconductor/Transistor Evaluation

Keyword Test item Typical product model Features Approx. price
1- or 2-channel configuration with minimum
10 fA current resolution
B2900A Series Benchtop Source/
IV characteristics Capable of voltage and current analysis with From 6,000 USD
Measure Unit
an intuitive GUI
On-screen IV curve display
Single-box solution for IV and CV
IV/CV characteristic B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer measurements, 0.1 fA/0.5 V to 1 A/200 V From 55,000 USD
Excellent pulse measurement capabilities
Capable of characterizing high-k gate
Pulsed IV B1542A Ten Nanosecond Pulsed IV dielectric and SOI (silicon-on-insulator)
From 34,000 USD
measurement Parametric Test Solution utilizing minimum 10 nsec pulse width
pulsed IV measurement
Supports accurate, fast IV and time-
Noise evaluation/ B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer
domain measurements for a large variety of
Transient response (B1530A Waveform Generator/Fast From 60,000 USD
applications including pulsed IV, NBTI, and
evaluation Measurement Unit Module)
RTS noise measurement
E5262A 2-Channel (MPSMU, MPSMU) E5262A
High Speed Source Monitor Unit Provides high-speed DC measurements From 15,000 USD
IV characteristics with 2 channels, 100 mA/100 V (E5262A)
E5263A 2-Channel (HPSMU, MPSMU) and 1 mA/200 V (E5263A) E5263A
High Speed Source Monitor Unit From 18,000 USD
Solar cell
Capable of IV characterization up to B1500A
B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer
1 A/200 V (B1500A) and 1500 A/10 kV From 55,000 USD
IV/CV characteristic B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve (B1505A) B1505A
Tracer CV characteristic test also available From 90,000 USD
Solution for minimum 0.1 fA/0.5 V
Leakage current test/
B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer current and voltage resolution and CV From 52,000 USD
CV characteristic
Precision CV measurement by sweeping at
any frequency in the 20 Hz to 2 MHz range
CV characteristic E4980A Precision LCR Meter From 18,000 USD
MEMS and with 0.05 % basic accuracy and built-in
40 V DC bias
Fast and accurate measurement at any
Frequency frequency in the 40 Hz to 110 MHz range
4294A Precision Impedance Analyzer From 46,000 USD
characteristics Basic accuracy: 0.08 %
Built-in 40 V DC bias
Minimum 0.1 fA extremely low current
Nanotechnology IV characteristics B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer From 43,000 USD
Application test such as carbon nanotube
available as standard
Breakdown voltage
Single-box solution for IV measurements,
On-resistance B1505A Power Device Analyzer/ from the sub-pA level to 1500 A/10 kV and
Power device measurement Curve Tracer high-voltage CV measurement up to 3000 V From 90,000 USD
N1259A High Power Test Fixture Safe and precise device testing assured with
High voltage CV
N1259A/N1265A Test Fixture

An approximate price is a reference price of a typical product model. Please inquire with your Keysight Technologies, Inc. field engineer or sales representative for
more information.

For more information on Keysight Technologies' products, applications or
services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available
at: www.keysight.com/find/contactus

This information is subject to change without notice.