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Keysight N9038A MXE EMI Receiver
Self-Guided Demonstration
Demo Guide
This document demonstrates
electromagnetic interference (EMI)
compliance measurements using
the MXE EMI receiver.
02 | Keysight | N9038A MXE EMI Receiver Self-Guided Demonstration - Demo Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
Demonstration Preparation ..................................................................................................... 5
Making Measurements ............................................................................................................ 6
Single Frequency Measurement ........................................................................................... 20
Diagnostic Tools ..................................................................................................................... 22
Other Features ....................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 28
Web Resources ...................................................................................................................... 29
This demonstration guide will familiarize you with the N9038A MXE EMI receiver when making EMC
compliance measurements. The MXE allows you to fully test devices up to 44 GHz in compliance with
CISPR 16-1-1:2010 and MIL-STD-461. This guide follows the EMI test low recommended by CISPR
and uses an N9038A MXE EMI receiver with irmware version A.13.58, a whip antenna, and an N5181/
2B MXG X-Series signal generator.
User interface layout
The default startup mode in the MXE is EMI receiver mode. There are several measurements in EMI re-
ceiver mode accessible via the [Meas] key, such as frequency scan, Strip Chart, monitor spectrum, and
APD. The user interface for frequency scan measurement has three display regions showing informa-
tion regarding different setting menus (Figure 1).
Region 1#: Spectrum and setting information of scan table, trace/detector, and input/output
Region 2#: Meter graphs, metrics, and related setting information
Region 3#: Signal list with suspect signals populated by searching
Region # 1 Region # 2
Region # 3
Figure 1. N9038A MXE EMI receiver user interface
04 | Keysight | N9038A MXE EMI Receiver Self-Guided Demonstration - Demo Guide
Navigating the menu system
Before starting the demonstration, it is important to understand the MXE's menu
structure. The meters menu is for making a single frequency measurement with up to
three detectors updated simultaneously. The frequency of meters represents the current
frequency of EMI receiver mode.
Data Reduction
The scan and (re) measure menus apply to scan sequence. Scan sequence is very impor-
tant for understanding the philosophy of MXE operation because it aligns with the CISPR
test low. The MXE is designed with clearly independent settings for meters (Region
1), scan (Region 2), and (re) measure. The current values for the Region 1 and Region 2 Maximization
settings are presented in each region. Figure 2 shows the EMI test low recommended
by CISPR 16-2-3. Scan only, search only, and (re) measure are the settings of scan
sequence on the MXE corresponding to pre-scan, data reduction, and inal measurement
of the EMI test low. Table 1 lists the menu path of the sets of settings for meters, scan, Final Measurement
and (re) measure respectively.
All keystrokes surrounded by [ ] indicate front panel hard keys and keystrokes surround-
ed by { } indicate soft keys on the side of display.
Report Generation
Figure 2. CISPR-recommended EMI test low
Table 1. Keystrokes for settings of meters, scan, and (re) measure
Settings Meters Scan (Re) measure
Frequency [Frequency], {Frequency (Meters)} [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, {Start --
Freq}/{Stop Freq} *
Detector [Mode setup], {Meter control}, {Meters}, [Trace/Detector], {More 1 of 2}, [Meas Setup], {Detectors (Measure)}
{Detector (Meters)} {Detector (Trace)}
RBW [BW], {RBW (Meters)} [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, {Res BW}
Attenuation [AMPTD], {Atten (Meters)} [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, {More 1 of 3}, {Attenuation}
Preamp [AMPTD], {More 1 of 2}, [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, {More 1 of 3}, {Internal Preamp}
{Int Preamp (Meters)}
Auto range, auto preamp [Mode setup], {Meter Control}, [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, {More 1 of [Meas Setup], {More 1 of 2},
{Autorange} 3}, {More 2 of 3}, {Autorange}/{Auto {Autorange (Measure)}
Dwell time [Mode setup], {Meter Control}, [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, [Meas Setup], {Detectors (Measure)},
{Dwell Time (per point)} {More 1 of 3}, {Dwell Time} {Dwell Time}
Limit lines [Mode setup], {Meter Control}, {Meters}, [Meas setup], {More 1 of 2}, {Limits} [Meas Setup], {Detectors (Measure)},
{Limit} {Limit for }
RF input (1/2) [Input/output], {RF Input}, [Meas Setup], {Scan Table}, --
{RF Input Port} {More 1 of 3}, {More 2 of 3}, {RF Input}
RF coupling (AC/DC) [Input/output], {RF Input}, {RF Coupling}
Preselector on/off [Input/output], {RF Input}, {RF Preselector}
Corrections [Input/output], {More 1 of 2}, {Corrections}
*Note: The {Start Freq} and {Stop Freq} under [Frequency] is for setting displayed span on the screen, not for scanning. In default, they are coupled to
the {Start Freq} and {Stop Freq} under scan table if Auto is selected.
05 | Keysight | N9038A MXE EMI Receiver Self-Guided Demonstration - Demo Guide
Demonstration Preparation
This demonstration guide includes the following sections: