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Agilent U3606A Firmware Revision History

IOB - IO Board
MB - Measurement Board
SB - Source Board

Release 03.07(IOB)-04.07(MB)-03.02(SB) (9-Jan-2013):

- Improved GPIB timeout on looping test.
- Improved NI LabView driver issue.
- Corrected VOLT:ACDC:RANGE? MAX and MEAS? command
- Resolved GPIB Legacy issue.
- Resolved USB NI driver issue.
- Resolved the IOB firmware update issue on IOB version 2.00

Release 03.00(IOB)-04.00(MB)-03.00(SB) (14-Mar-2012):

- Resolved MEAS:VOLT? AUTO,MIN command issue
- Resolved GPIB timeout issue & CR+LF issue
- Resolved the IOB firmware update issue. (format new flash IC to 256 bytes per page)
Improved from version 02.00(IOB)-03.00(MB)-03.00(SB) & 02.01(IOB)-03.00(MB)-03.00(SB)

Release 02.03(IOB)-03.01(MB)-03.00(SB) (9-Dec-2011):

- Resolved the IOB firmware update issue. (format new flash IC to 256 bytes per page)
- Resolved GPIB issue

Release 02.02(IOB)-03.01(MB)-03.00(SB) (18-Nov-2011):

- Resolved the IOB firmware update issue. (format flash IC to 256 bytes per page)
- Resolved CR issue on GPIB
- Resolved Utility save issue

Release 02.01(IOB)-03.00(MB)-03.00(SB) (9-Jun-2011):

- Resolved the IOB firmware update issue.

Release 02.00(IOB)-03.00(MB)-03.00(SB) (23-Mar-2011):

- To improve the CC mode Trip issue (involved hardware changes)
- To improve the CC stability issue on E-load CV & CR

Release 02.00(IOB)-02.00(MB)-02.01(SB) (18-Nov-2010):

- To clear the Error511 - "Current output over protection" in display

Release 02.00(IOB)-02.00(MB)-02.00(SB) (20-May-2010):

- To add 20mV range in DMM.
- To add in Smooth Function in DMM.
- To add in Source Protection Mode with ON/OFF.
- To add in the termination :\n detection.

Release 01.00(IOB)-01.00(MB)-01.00(SB) (14-Oct-2009):

- To improve the Low Resistance measurement time.
- To enhance the device clear execution.
- To enhance the queue up buffer for continuously sending write commands without read back.
- Resolved the wrong range returned while set to default range in duty cycle voltage measurement.
- Resolved the subsequence query commands timeout after the time consuming measurement if purposely shorten the timeout setting.

Release 00.18(IOB)-00.50(MB)-00.21(SB) (20-May-2009):

Initial release.