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HP 4396A Network/Spectrum Analyzer
Performance Test Program (PN: 04396-65001)
Operation Manual

HP Part No. 04396-90106
Printed in JAPAN July 1999

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are
reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another
language without the prior written consent of the Hewlett-Packard Company.

Hewlett-Packard Japan, LTD.
Kobe Instrument Division
1-3-2, Murotani, Nishi-ku, Kobe-shi,
Hyogo, 651-2241 Japan

Copyright 1993,1999 Hewlett-Packard Japan, LTD.
1. General Information
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Initial Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Making Working Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Required Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Calibration Data Required for Step Attenuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
2. Preparation
Test Equipment Con guration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
System Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
3. Operation
Keyboard and Mouse Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Program Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Built-in Calibration Data Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Program Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Main Program Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Built-in Calibration Data Editor Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

2-1. Performance Test Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
3-1. Performance Test Program Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3-2. Built-in Calibration Data Editor Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

1-1. Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-2. Required Language Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-3. Recommended Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1-4. Calibration Data Required for HP 8496A/G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-5. Calibration Data Required for HP 8494A/G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

General Information
The HP 4396A Performance Test Program (P/N: 04396-65001) is written in HP BASIC, designed
to minimize the test time, and helps eliminate human error while performance testing the
HP 4396A Network/Spectrum Analyzer. When executing the program, the computer displays
the test instructions, and controls the HP 4396A under test and the related test equipment.
This performance test program has the \Built-in Calibration Data Editor" which edits and stores
the standards' calibration data needed in the tests.

Initial Inspection
The Performance Test Program for HP 4396A has been carefully inspected before being shipped
from the factory. Verify that the shipping container contains the following:
2 ea. of 3-1/2 inch diskettes
Operation Manual (this book)
The diskettes should contain the following. Check the contents of the diskette using your
computer CAT command:
Filename Description

TEST4396A Main Program
SUBT4396A Subprogram
CSUBS Compiled Utilities for BASIC 5.13
CSUBS6 Compiled Utilities for BASIC 6.2 and above
TE_T4396A Test Equipment Con guration Program

General Information 1-1
HP 4396A

Making Working Copies
Copy the contents of the performance test program diskette to a working diskette or to the
hard disk to prevent accidental deletion or destruction of the program les. Use the working
diskettes or the hard disk, and store the original diskette in a safe place.
Note Make an exclusive directory for this program and copy the les of the diskette
into the directory when you use a hard disk.

Required Tools
Hardware Requirements

Table 1-1 lists the equipment required for executing the programs.
Table 1-1. Required Equipment

Equipment Requirements Recommended Models Qty.

Computer No Substitute HP 9000 series 200 or 300 1 1
RAM 4 MBytes
Operating System BASIC 5.1 or higher HP 98616A 1
Flexible Disk Drive Dual 3-1/2 inch Drive HP 9122C 1
Printer HP-IB Printer HP 2225AJ 1
1 Excluding the HP 9826A

Software Requirements

Table 1-2 lists the required language extensions to be used with the performance test program.
If you already have a pre-con gured BASIC system, you can verify if it contains all the
required binaries by typing LIST BIN.
Table 1-2. Required Language Extensions

Name Description Name Description
CLOCK Clock CRTX CRT Extensions
EDIT List and Edit FHPIB Fast Disc Interface Driver
GRAPHX Graphics Extensions IO I/O
MAT Matrix Statements PDEV Program Development
CRTA Alpha CRT Driver CS80 CS80 Disc Driver
ERR Error Messages GRAPH Graphics
HPIB HPIB Interface Driver KBD Keyboard Extensions
MS Mass Storage

1-2 General Information
HP 4396A

Test Equipment
Table 1-3 lists the required equipment to perform the performance test.
Table 1-3. Recommended Test Equipment

Equipment Name Model or HP Part Number Qty
Frequency Counter HP 5343A Opt. 001 or HP 5334B Opt.010 or 1
HP 5335A Opt.0101
Frequency Standard2 HP 5061B 1
Spectrum Analyzer HP 8566A/B 1
Network Analyzer HP 8753A/B/C 1
Power Meter HP 436A Opt. 022 or HP 437B or HP 438A 1
Power Sensor HP 8482A 1
Power Sensor HP 8481D 1
Function Genarator HP 3325A 1
Signal Generator3 HP 8663A or HP 8642B 2
Step Attenuator4 HP 8496A/G Option 001 and H605 1
Step Attenuator4 HP 8494A/G Option 001 and H606 1
Attenuator/Switch Driver HP 11713A 7 1
Type-N Calibration Kit HP 85032B 1
T/R Test Set HP 85044A 1
50 MHz Low Pass Filter PN 0955-0306 1
termination, type-N(m) HP 909C Opt 012 or part of HP 85032B8 3
6 dB Fixed Attenuation, 50
HP 8491A Opt 006 2
6 dB Fixed Attenuation, 50
, VSWR 1.015 HP 8491A Opt 006 & Opt H609 2
Two-way Power Splitter HP 11667A 1
N(m)-N(m) cable, 50
HP 11500B or part of HP 11851B 10 4
RF cable kit HP 11851B 1

1 Option 001 or 010 (optional time base) is not required, when a frequency standard in Table 1-3 is available.
2 Required for testing an analyzer equipped with Option 1D5 (High Stability Frequency Reference).
3 The \HPxxxx 2" type model number is assigned to the \Signal Generator 2", while the nomal \HPxxxx" is
used for the \Signal Generator 1". This makes us possible to use two signal generators of the same model.
4 Calibration values at 50 MHz are required in the tests. See the Calibration Data Required for Step
Attenuators later in this chapter.
5 An HP 8496A/G step attenuator with required low VSWR ( 1.02) can be purchased by specifying option H60.
6 An HP 8494A/G step attenuator with required low VSWR ( 1.02) can be purchased by specifying option H60.
7 Required when an HP 8494G or HP 8496G step attenuator is used in the tests.
8 The HP 85032B includes a type-N(m) 50
9 An HP 8491A Opt. 006 xed attenuator with required low VSWR ( 1.015) can be purchased by specifying
Opt. H60.
10 The HP 11851B includes three N(m)-N(m) cables of 61 cm and a N(m)-N(m) cable of 88 cm.

General Information 1-3
HP 4396A

Table 1-3. Recommended Test Equipment (continued)

Equipment Name Model or HP Part Number Qty
BNC(m)-BNC(m) cable, 61 cm, 50
PN 8120-1839 1
BNC(m)-BNC(m) cable, 122 cm, 50
PN 8120-1840 2
BNC(f)-BNC(f) adapter, 50
PN 1250-0080 1
BNC(f)-SMA(f) adapter, 50
PN 1250-0562 1
Tee BNC(m)-(f)-(f) adapter, 50
PN 1250-0781 1
N(m)-N(m) adapter, 50
PN 1250-1475 1
N(m)-BNC(f) adapter, 50
PN 1250-1476 1
N(f)-BNC(m) adapter, 50
PN 1250-1477 1
APC 3.5(m)-APC 3.5(f) adapter, 50
PN 1250-1866 1
APC 7-N(f) adapter, 50
HP 11524A or part of HP 85032B 1 1

1 The HP 85032B includes two APC 7-N(f) adapters.

Calibration Data Required for Step Attenuator

The six performance tests listed below measure the analyzer's performance against a known
standard (the attenuation values at a frequency 50 MHz of the HP 8496A/G and HP 8494A/G
step attenuators).
3. Non-Sweep Power Linearity Test
4. Power Sweep Linearity Test
10. Magnitude Ratio/Phase Dynamic Accuracy Test
14. Amplitude Fidelity Test
15. Input Attenuator Switching Uncertainty Test
18. IF Gain Switching Uncertainty Test
These tests require the calibrated values of the attenuators listed in Table 1-4 and Table 1-5.
Enter these attenuation values (referenced to 0 dB setting) at the beginning of the program
with following instructions. See \Built-in Calibration Data Editor" in Chapter 3 for details.
Table 1-4. Calibration Data Required for HP 8496A/G

Frequency Attenuation Uncertainty
50 MHz 10 dB 0.0060 dB
20 dB 0.0060 dB
30 dB 0.0066 dB
40 dB 0.0090 dB
50 dB 0.0165 dB
60 dB 0.0197 dB
70 dB 0.0272 dB

1-4 General Information
HP 4396A

Table 1-5. Calibration Data Required for HP 8494A/G

Frequency Attenuation Uncertainty
50 MHz 2 dB 0.007 dB
4 dB 0.007 dB
6 dB 0.007 dB
8 dB 0.007 dB
10 dB 0.007 dB
The calibration uncertainty is the primary source of measurement error in performance tests.
The measurement uncertainties listed in the performance test record are valid only when the
uncertainty of the step attenuation data satis es that given in the third column of Table 1-4
and Table 1-5.
The calibration of step attenuators, HP 8496A/G and HP 8494A/G, are available at
Hewlett-Packard. For information about the calibration and the available uncertainties, contact
your nearest Hewlett-Packard service center.

General Information 1-5
Test Equipment Con guration
This procedure is used to select the equipment and to set their HP-IB addresses. When you
perform the Performance Test Program at the rst time, perform this Equipment Con guration
Program to select the equipment and the HP-IB address. After that, only when you want to
change the equipment or the HP-IB address, perform this program.
1. Set the MSUS (Mass Strage Unit Speci er) to the working directory or drive using the MSI
2. Load the Test Equipment Con guration Program, \TE T4396A" by pressing LOAD
"TE_T4396A" 4Return5 (or 4ENTER5) key.
3. Execute the program by pressing RUN, and follow the instructions on the computer's screen.
4. The BDAT les which contain the test equipment con guration information will be created
in the working directory / drive.

Preparation 2-1
HP 4396A

System Setup
The system setup is shown in Figure 2-1

Figure 2-1. Performance Test Hardware Setup

2-2 Preparation
This chapter describes a program owchart, and how to operate the program.

Keyboard and Mouse Operation
The menus in \TEST4396A" use a window format. It supports keyboard and mouse operations.
The operations are as follows.
Keyboard Operation
1. Press 485/495 cursors until your preference is highlighted.
2. Choose the highlighted item by pressing 4Return5 or 4Select5 (4ENTER5 or 4EXECUTE5).
3. If QUIT or EXIT is displayed in a menu, select one of these to exit the menu. Otherwise,

press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to exit. When you exit menus, the program displays next
Note Press 4?5 to access on-screen help information for the selection you have
highlighted. Help information appears in a display window.
Press 4Return5 or 4Select5 (4ENTER5 or 4EXECUTE5) to turn o the help screen.

Mouse Operation
1. Slide the mouse up or down until your preference is highlighted.
2. Choose the highlighted item by pressing left-hand button on the mouse, or slide the mouse
to the right.
3. If QUIT or EXIT is displayed in a menu, select one of these to exit the menu. Otherwise,

slide the mouse to the left to exit. When you exit menus, the program displays next
Note Press the right-hand mouse button to access on-screen help information for the
selection you have highlighted. Help information appears in a display window.
Press the left-hand mouse button to turn o the help screen.

Operation 3-1
HP 4396A

Program Execution
Perform the following steps to start the performance test program.
Note In the program, the HP 4396A under test is referred as \UUT".

Note Perform the Test Equipment Con guration prior to execution. Refer to \Test
Equipment Con guration" in Chapter 2.

Main Program Instruction

1. Turn on the computer and bring up the BASIC system. Refer to the Table 1-2 for the
required language extensions.
2. Set the Mass Storage Unit Speci er to the drive/directory where the adjustment program
exists using the MSI command.
3. Load the program, \TEST4396A" by pressing LOAD "TEST4396A" 4Return5 (or 4ENTER5).
4. Execute the program by pressing RUN.
5. The copyright will be displayed on the computer's screen. Press any key to continue.
6. The UUT con guration window \UUT: HP4396A" will be opened. Enter the UUT (the
HP 4396A under test) con guration (serial number, HP-IB address, environment, and line
frequency), and press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to continue.
7. The program will ask \Where should Test Reports be printed?". Select CRT , PRINTER , NNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


If the performance test record is necessary, then select PRINTER and connect a

printer which is addressed 701 to the computer by HP-IB cable.

8. The used equipment list will be displayed. Select CONTINUE to go to next step, or PRINT

to print the used equipment list to the printer.
9. The used accessory list will be displayed. Select CONTINUE to go to next step, or PRINT to

print the used accessories list to the printer.
10. The \TEST LIST" menu will be opened. Each test can be selected using 485/495 cursors and
4Return5 (or 4ENTER5) key, or pressing 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to exit the program.

Note INITIAL SETUP will be performed automatically when you select any other test
before performing INITIAL SETUP.

Note INITIAL SETUP includes the Built-in Calibration Data Editor and the Standard
Selection screen. Refer to the next section for instruction of the Built-in
Calibration Data Editor.

3-2 Operation
HP 4396A

11. The program will invoke the Calibration Data Editor. Select the calibration standard's serial
number to be used in the test among the listed serial numbers.

Built-in Calibration Data Editor
This section provides the instructions for the Built-in Calibration Data Editor.
Built-in Calibration Data Editor Instruction

1. The window \Enter the CAL FACTOR volume Msvs" will be opened. Enter the MSVS (Mass
Storage Volume Speci er) which the calibration data will be stored in.
Note The directory must be already exist before executing the performance test
program. Create directory rst which the calibration data should be stored in.

2. The menu for selecting ADD, EDIT or DELETE the standard will be opened. Select ADD for

adding the new standard data, EDIT for editing an existing standard data, or DELETE for

deleting an existing standard data.
The SERIAL eld cannot be modi ed when editing the calibration


Operation 3-3
HP 4396A

Program Flow
Figure 3-1 shows the performance test program owchart. The following information gives a
brief explanation for each menu item. Figure 3-2 shows the Built-in calibration data editor

Main Program Flowchart

Figure 3-1. Performance Test Program Flowchart

3-4 Operation
HP 4396A

UUT Con guration Input Input the UUT serial number, HP-IB address, installed options,
environment, and line frequency.
Destination of Test Report Select where the Test Report will be output. The output medium
Selection can be selected as CRT , PRINTER , or NO OUTPUT .

Equipment / Accessories Con rm equipment and accessories are correct. If necessary,
Con rmation select PRINT to print out the list. Otherwise, select CONTINUE to

TEST LIST Menu Each test can be selected by using 485/495 cursors and 4Return5 (or
4ENTER5) key. If necessary, you can invoke the Built-in Calibration
Data Editor by selecting \INITIAL SETUP".
Press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to quit the program.
Built-in Calibration Data Input standards' calibration data which are needed to perform the
Editor performance test.
Standards Selection Select the standards' serial numbers used in the performance test.
This list must be lled before performing each test.
Press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to exit this screen.
Performing Each Test Each test can be selected in the `TEST LIST' Menu.
Test Report Output Outputs the Test Report to the medium that was selected at
\Destination of Test Report Selection".

Operation 3-5
HP 4396A

Built-in Calibration Data Editor Flowchart

Figure 3-2. Built-in Calibration Data Editor Flowchart

3-6 Operation
HP 4396A

Power Sensor or Step Select


Selecting EXIT or pressing 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key quits the Built-in

Calibration Data Editor.
Entering the MSVS to Enter the MSVS (Mass Storage Volume Speci er) which the
store the Calibration Data calibration data will be stored in. For example:
:CS80,702,1 Flexible disk based system
Default MSVS is current MSVS.
Press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to exit this screen.
Add / Edit / Delete Menu You can select NEW CAL FACTOR FILE to add the new calibration

data, or EDIT CAL FACTOR FILE to modify the existing calibration

data, or PURGE CAL FACTOR FILE to delete the existing calibration

Entering / Editing the Tag Enter / edit the serial number, cal due date, trace number, and
Data press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to exit this screen.
Existing Data Selection A list of existing data is displayed. Select one of the data to be
edited / deleted using 485/495 cursors, and press 4Return5 (or 4ENTER5)
key to go to next step.
Editing the Calibrated A screen that corresponds to the Calibration Report is displayed.
Values You can select the eld that you want to edit by using 485/495
cursors, and pressing 4Return5 (or 4ENTER5) key to start modify. Each
value is adjusted by 485/495 cursors.
Press 45 (or 4CONTINUE5) key to back to previous screen.

Operation 3-7