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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
Vol. 14, No. 5-6


A Versatile Wave Analyzer
for the 1 kc to 1.5 Me Range
THE transistorized wave analyzer (preci contained test set for frequency response meas
sion tunable voltmeter) introduced by urements. Another output is a dc current, pro
Hewlett-Packard in 1958 greatly simplified the portional to meter deflection, for operation of
measurement of harmonic and intermodulation graphic recorders. The third output is an ac
components in the audio frequency range. voltage identical in frequency to the signal
Automatic frequency con component being measured, enabling precision
trol in this instrument, the measurement of the component's frequency
Model 302A, made possi with a digital counter. Requiring no lengthy
ble the use of an extremely warm-up procedure, the 302A has a wide dy
narrow passband in the measurement circuits namic range and an excellent signal-to-noise
without requiring constant retuning to prevent ratio (input noise <10 »v) enabling the meas
loss of a drifting signal. urement of weak signals in the presence of
Other features contributing to the versatility noise.
of the 302A included three output signals. One Now, a new -hp- wave analyzer (Fig. 1) pro
of these is a signal source controlled by the in vides the same ease of operation and conveni
strument's tuning, making the analyzer a self- ence features in the 1 kc to 1.5 Me range, mak-

Fig. 1. Neu' -hp- Model ?lOA VC'aie Analyzer measures ampli Fig. 2. Using neu analyzer ttith -hp- ciirreut-
tude of individual frequency components in I kc-1.5 Me region ^cl2>illg probe, loop gains of feedback amplifiers
over a dynamic range of more than 75 db. SSB carrier system can be measured without breaking loop. See
testing in this frequency range is facilitated by carrier reinser article on p. 5.
tion provision contained in analyzer.

PRINTED IN U. S. A. C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 6 3 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .