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== Agilent B1500A/B1505A Software A.05.50.2013.0426 Release Notes ==
This software A.05.50.2013.0426 works with the following firmware.
- B1500A/B1505A: A.05.04 or later.
- 415xB/C: HOSTC 03.08, SMUC 04.08 or later.
The following features are added in this release.
- B1511B support for B1500A
- B1511B/E5288A support for B1500A
- B1514A support for B1500A
- B1511B support for B1505A
- Contribution to Application Test Library
- [8986] [EasyEXPERT] New Features Advertisement
- [8987] [EasyEXERT] Remote Control Function
- [8988] [EasyEXPERT] Information Generation for Technical Support
- [8995] License for Agilent EasyEXPERT Extension
- [8996] Support of import and export of Workspace
The following improvements are added in this release.
- [8948] [Tracer Test] Existing traces are to be cleared at the start of measurement.
- [8965] [Tracer Test] Default interlacing for pulse mode VAR1 channel is to be 1.
- [8968] [Application Test] PowerMOSFET Cgs and IGBT Cge application tests are to be changed to sweep Drain-Source/Collector Emitter voltage.
- [8989] [I/V Sweep] Sweep points enhancement to 10,001 pts
The following defects are fixed in this release.
- [8961] [Oscilloscope View] Maximum setting for delay time is to be defined.
- [8985] [EasyEPXERT] Memory leaks when repeating to open and close a workspace.
- [8992] [DR13I-006] EasyEXPERT data display is not updated automatically.
- [8993] [C-V Sweep] Model parameter name for L, Q, Y, B, and X are not saved in exported setup.
- [8994] [N1265A Support] Unexpected error 105994 occurs for disabled assignment of Gate Control SMU which is assigned for N1266A or N1268A.
Fixed Defects:
- [8972] [Oscilloscope View] Delay may increase unexpectedly for each measurement in case of duration above 4ms.
New Features:
- [8932] [ER12I-149] EasyEXPERT: Readout function to refer the latest AutoAnalysis Result on ASSIGN.
- "Ic-Ib for Expanders" and "G-Plot for Expanders" are added in the PowerBJT category of Application Library.
Fixed Defects:
- [8752] EasyEXPERT database restoration may fail.
- [8925] [N1268A Support] Unexpected error 1004 may occur depending on pulse base and peak settings.
- [8927] [N1265A/N1266A/N1268A Support] Standby Channel Definition may be left disabled after losing communication with expanders.
- [8929] [UHCU 500A Version Support] Recalling or importing fails for setups using UHCU of 500A version.
- [8933] [N1267A Support] Time offset definition in Signal Monitor application tests for GaN Current Collapse is different from Oscilloscope View.
- [8934] Error occurs for exporting test result of empty Tracer Test setup.
- [8940] [Tracer Test] Changing IPULSE VAR2 channel to VAR1 channel may cause persistent error messaging.
- [8944] [UHCU/HVMCU/UHVU Support] Power compliance for VAR2 channel is not based on measured values.
Fixed Defects:
- [8929] [UHCU 500A Version Support] Recalling or importing fails for setups using UHCU of 500A version.
Fixed Defects:
- [8839] [Oscilloscope View] Time domain may not be set to 5us/div by enter key.
- [8850] [C-V Sweep] For imported C-V Sweep setup, CONST SMU channel source setting may be reset to 0 depending on the order in channel definition.
- [8852] [N1267A Support] 0V is output for Gate instead of GateOff setting for FET Current Collapse Signal Monitor Application Test.
- [8855] [Classic Test] Channel Setting in Advanced Setup dialog may miss and duplicate SMU channels depending on GNDU order in Channel Definition.
- [8856] [Database] database may corrupt by saving App Test Definition during measurement.
- [8858] [EasyEXPERT for 415x] Error may occur with execution Application Test imported from Test Setup file.
- [8862] SMU/PG Selector setting and ASU I/O Path setting are not restored at the opening of a worksapce.
- [8864] Recovery from non-numeric input for numeric field needs keyboard.
- [8866] [Auto/Folder Export] Access Control List of index.txt is not derived from the target folder.
- [8868] [N1268A Support] Diagnosis may end up with timeout error in case of wrong V Control SMU connection.
- [8870] [Oscilloscope View] Sampling setup is disabled in case that only arithmetic operation data is selected.
- [8873] [Tracer Test] Axis setting dialog may not appear appropriate position in case of Desktop version.
- [8904] [Tracer Test] User Function converted from arithmetic operation with right-hand side operand of signed literal constant is invalid.
New Features:
- N1267A support for B1505A
- N1265A diagnosis
- N1268A diagnosis
Fixed Defects:
- [8756] [Tracer Test] Specified minimum value of scale may not be restored from my favorite setup.
- [8779] [N1265A Support] Thermo-trigger does not refer latest temperature.
- [8783] [Database Restoration] Access Permission of Database changes.
- [8786] [Oscilloscope View] Error dialog persists for time scale input of wrong format.
- [8789] [Multi Channel I/V Sweep] Incorrect Japanese error message for error 105940.
- [8790] [B1511A Support] MPSMU is to be supported in Application Tests for B1505A.
- [8796] [N1265A Thermometer Support] Thermo-trigger setting GUI on Repeat Measurement Setup is to be disabled in case of other than B1505A.
- [8802] [N1265A Support] Performing self-test resets default output.
- [8815] [Oscilloscope View] Time domain scale setting dialog persists after switching to Test Modes other than Tracer Test Mode.
- [8824] [N1265A Support] Wrong error handling for trial of self-calibration for self-test failed UHCU.
New Features:
- B1511A support for B1505A
- B1513B support for B1505A
- B1514A support for B1505A
- N1265A support for B1505A
- N1266A support for B1505A
- N1268A support for B1505A
- Oscilloscope View in Tracer Test mode
- Pulse measurement delay in Tracer Test mode
- Hold time for VAR1 and VAR2 in Tracer Test mode
- Thermotrigger using thermometer of N1265A
- [8614] [Advertisement Support] Agilent Logo is to be placed in graph image dump.
- [8622] [Multi Channel I/V Sweep] Measurement delay setting is to be supported in case of single pulse channel.
- [8625] [Tracer Test] Support of binomial operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- [8632] [Data Display] Support of optional setup parameter summary on graph view
- [8637] [B1505A] QSCV application test is to be visible also in case of B1505A.
- [8477] [EasyEXPERT/Desktop EasyEXPERT] should show appropriate error massage that shows it does not support 'Switch User'.
- [8539] [Tracer Test] Fixed scaling is to be saved and restored.
- [8676] [Auto/Folder Export] Flag and Remarks of test result are to be included in file name of custom format.
Fixed Defects:
- [8492] [I/V Sweep] Immediate value of VAR1 step width is not applied in case of assigning non-immediate expression of Start/Stop.
- [8581] [Tracer Test] Displayed value of pulse duration is not updated according to current pulse peak value.
- [8657] [Tracer Test] Trace including NaN saved in XMLSS format cannot be restored due to parsing error.
- [8673] [Tracer Test] Data unit may not correspond to axis assignment change in case of fixed scaling.
- [8700] [Tracer Test] Conversion to Multi Channel I/V Sweep Classic Test Setup may fail.
- [8736] [Licensing] Ejecting network interface causes crash of License Management Tool at its invocation.
Fixed Defects:
- [4973] Readout function (@MX, @MY) does not return marker position when Tangent/Regression analysis line is used in fixed mode.
- [8383] [WES7] Ejecting USB 2.0 device while measurement may cause timeout error.
- [8514] [Tracer Test] Pulse period setting in recalled/imported setup may be prolonged.
- [8595] [MM10] HVSMU may not output negative current for voltage compliance setting above 1500V.
- [8630] EasyEXPERT may not terminate properly with shutdown by power button.
New Features:
- Windows version of B1500A/B1505A is changed to Windows Embedded Standard 7.
- Windows 7 32 bit version and 64 bit version are supported for Desktop EasyEXPERT.
- [8317] Blinking of ALWG Pattern Editor for adding a new point is to be suppressed.
- [8344] [I/V-t Sampling] Data transfer in High Speed Sampling mode is to be bulky.
Fixed Defects:
- [8213] [Multi Channel I/V Sweep] Unexpected error 105940 may occur even in case of single pulse channel setting.
- [8216] [Preset Group] Even in case of single preset group, copy/move button is enabled in Organize Preset Group dialog.
- [8286] [Tracer Test] Setup templates is to be updated for Dual HCSMU.
- [8306] Hung-up after aborting high speed sampling without recoding test result.
- [8314] Cannot use Shift/Ctrl function with scroll bar on list view of quick test.
- [8325] 'Program Compatibility Assistant' Dialog appears when SetupConverterW is terminated.
- [8328] Test Definition Editor blinks when resize window.
- [8329] Minimum size and anchor setting is unnatural on test specification tab.
Fixed Defects:
- [8030] [DR09I-046] B1500A: Data saved as "CSV" is actually tab separated values on the Tracer Test.
- [8128] [DHC] Error 130011 occurs for importing Classic Test setup with power compliance setting above 40W (DC) or 400W (Pulse).
- [8132] [DHC] Loading workspace with Dual HCSMU Configuration fails for failed HCSMU.
- [8149] [Tracer Test] In case of Dual Polarity Sweep, trace of Single Measurement after Repeat Measurement may not appear.
- [8151] [I/V Sweep] Pulse width check may be bypassed for unit change in channel definition.
- [8161] [Tracer Test] In case of fixed pulse period setting, error 105001 may occur for added channel due to its pulse width not conforming to the pulse period.
- [8169] [WOW64 Support] No GPIB interface option appears for Desktop EasyEXPERT due to WOW64 registry redirection.
- [8170] [Tracer Test] Reading reference trace in XMLSS format skips each first sample for the second or greater VAR2 step.
- [8190] [Tracer Test] Setup template for B1500A MOSFET ID(off)-VDS has duplicate channel assignments.
New Features:
- Dual HCSMU Combination support
- ER09I-073 [Enhancement Request] B150xA: Dual Polarity Sweep support in Tracer Test mode
- [8068] ER09I-04 [Enhancement Request] B1500A: B1500A R-I Kelvin Application Library enhance request Auto forwarded by a Rule.
Fixed Defects:
- [8028] [DR10I-001] B1500A: Input Range/Resolution of Id_at_Vth is not appropriate.
- [8020] [MFCMU] Auto ranging may end up in not optimal range due to improper time window for status latching.
- [8062] [Tracer Test] Auto adjustment of pulse period and width does not work for HCSMU 20A range constraints.
- [8091] [HVSMU] *TST? does not report failure in Osc. Detector Test.
- [8094] [Multi Channel Pulse] Wrong value and X status may occur when pulse width is set longer than 500ms.
- [8113] [C-V Sweep, Direct Control] Internal conversion between impedance and admittance may cause improper rounding.
- [8114] [Tracer Test] Saving compressed trace list (.gtr) to a removable device may prevent safe removal of the device.
- [8115] [Tracer Test] Saving reference trace to existing file may result corrupt trace file due to no truncating of the file.
Fixed Defects:
- [8038] For some culture/locale settings, display of SMU Output Setting Limits does not correspond to the actual settings.
- [8039] [Tracer Test] For some culture/locale settings, reading traces from .csv or .gtr file may not be successful.
Fixed Defects:
- [8033] For some localizations of Windows XP, installation of Desktop EasyEXPERT may be unsuccessful and unable to start by user account without administrators' privilege.
- [8037] Installer fails in updating firmware from P.A.04.00.2009.0626.
Fixed Defects:
- [8021] For some localizations of Windows XP, installation of Desktop EasyEXPERT may be unsuccessful and unable to start.
Fixed Defects:
- [7996] [DR09I-041] B1500A: GPIB I/O ReadValue operation has a gap from User's Guide.
- [8001] [DR09I-043] B1500A: The calculation for D is wrong in Generic C-f and Generic C-t.
- [8008] [App. Lib.] Utility::QSCV C Offset Meas should not be listed for B1505A.
- [8013] [Data Display] For clipboard copy of graph image, MSPAINT.EXE may not draw traces containing scoped-out point.
- [8014] [Tracer Test] Dead time between sweeps may vary due to internal time-out for data reading.
Fixed Defects:
- [7493] [Auto Analysis] Nested evaluation of read-out function in analysis function definition malfunctions.
- [7570] [Instrumentation] Source data resolution in case of voltage log sweep is to correspond to fixed output ranging.
- [7693] [Tracer Test] Improper axis range for sweep source data in case of bipolar axis setting and Data Display of corresponding test result.
- [7906] [DR09I-027] Error 114101 occurs for exporting test result with multi-byte setup name as CSV.
- [7911] Sample application test "Vth gmMax and Id" is not integrated.
- [7915] EasyEXPERT error occurs when the channel mapping is set by ACH FLEX command.
- [7916] [DR09I-032] Error 122014 occurs while running Reliability::Charge Pumping application test in case of enabling allocation of Data Display for each test.
- [7917] [DR09I-030] The output waveform of Reliability::Charge Pumping application test is different from application note 5964-2195E.
- [7922] [Ana.Op] NullReferenceException may be thrown for print preview operation of Data Display.
- [7923] [Multi Channel I/V Sweep] Unexpected error 105001 corresponding to FLEX error 1008 for pulsed sweep may occur without pulsed channel.
- [7932] [Tracer Test] Remaining data is wrong, when the tracer test is aborted by INTLK open.
- [7943] [Tracer Test] Change of SMU output range due to power compliance setting is not displayed on GUI.
- [7944] [Tracer Test] Sweep range of recalled or converted setup is changed regardless of power compliance setting.
- [7948] [DR09I-033] Read-out function @LY may return incorrect value.
- [7951] DR-09I-036 [Defect Report] B1500A: QuickTest is not supported on EasyEXPERT 4.0 offline operation.
- [7953] [N1258A Support] Status LED is turned on after diagnosing regardless of the setting before diagnosing.
- [7954] [N1258A Support] Status LED should be turned off while diagnosing.
- [7956] [App. Lib.] Sweep should continue at any measurement status for off-leak and breakdown measurements.
- [7957] [App. Lib.] Default delay time of C-V Sweep using HV Bias Tee should be 80ms.
- [7958] [App. Lib.] HR ADC is preferable for leak or breakdown measurement considering the use of HPSMU.
- [7973] [Tracer Test] Error 105001 due to F/W error 130 may occur for inconsistency between VAR1 Start/Stop and Power Comp.
- [7984] [App. Lib.] Interpolation should be on for PowerMOSFET::Id(off)-Vds.
- [7985] [Tracer Test] Error 105001 due to firmware error 130 may occur for switching between staircase and log sweep.
- [7986] [Tracer Test] Erased tracking trace remains on graph until next measurement.
- [7987] [Classic Test] Unexpected error 105001 due to firmware error 1002 occurs for HCSMU channel with pulse width setting exceeding 1ms with AUTO period and current setting exceeding 1A.
- [7990] [Tracer Test] Bias settings may not be exported in correct order.
- [7993] Ic-Vce(PowerBJT) application test with manual pulse period setting encounters unexpected exception.
New Features:
- HCSMU, HVSMU and Module Selector Support
- Auto Start of EasyEXPERT
- Auto Selection of Workspace
- Interlock Circuit Diagnosis
- SMU Output Setting Limits for B1505A
- Power Device Application Library for B1505A
- SMU voltage sweep in C-V Sweep Classic Test
- Multi channel pulsed sweep in Multi Channel I/V Sweep Classic Test
- Tracer Test
- [ER06-27] Duplicate the line of Test Parameter Definition.
[ID 7001]
- [ER06-28] Variable list is shown when editing the Test Contents.
[ID 7002]
- [ER07-83] Want data save (Record) on/off capability in each items in the quick test.
[ID 7003]
- [ER08-23] Remember graph window settings in EasyEXPERT.
[ID 7004]
- [ER08-33] Preset group import/export procedure is not useful.
[ID 7005]
- [ER08-35,37] Want to set ADC/Integ setting for SMU Pulse.
[ID 7245]
- [ER08-83] Add counter reset option in repeat measurement window and in main window of EasyEXPERT.
[ID 7006]
- [ER08I-116] EasyEXPERT programming environment is poorly documented and difficult to use.
[ID 7234]
Fixed Defects:
- [DR08I-23] GPIB Timeout Error Occur at opening workspace and unexpected TooManyWorkspaceException is thrown for retrying opening workspace.
[ID 7034]
- [DR09I-019] Easy EXPERT BVdss application has bug.
[ID 7685]
- [DR09I-024] Fast BTI application test failed when the SICL ID is set as hpib7.
[ID 7848]
New Features:
- WGFMU Support
[ID 6997]
- Supporting self testing and self calibration
- Providing application libraries using WGFMU
- Windows Vista Support
[ID 6994]
- Incremental Serch for Application Test Librarry
[ID 7045]
- License Management Tool
[ID 7104]
- Built-in function string() accepts string type.
[ID 6963]
- Database move windows is automatically closed.
[ID 6971]
- Data Vector Edit Dialog supports row insert function.
[ID 6972]
- Limitation of total data points is relaxed with sweep measurement.
[ID 6973]
- Last used workspace selection is restored.
[ID 6974]
- Labels are improved to be more comprehensive in GPIB I/O Plug-in.
[ID 6975]
- Labels are improved to be more comprehensive in Text File Export setting.
[ID 6977]
- Analyzer model can be selected in Desktop EasyEXPERT when Agilent IO
Library Suite is not installed.
[ID 6998]
- HRSMU serial which is used for calibration is shown in Notes.
[ID 7183]
Fixed Defects:
- B1500A the sweep is finished before reaching VAR2 stop value.
[ID 6797]
- Timing on the fly NBTI failes if the initial stress > 500 sec
[ID 6941]
- Error message may be displayed when "FIXED" mode is chosen
in SMU Range Setup dialog.
[ID 6956]
- Desktop EasyEXPERT cannnot access to 415x.
[ID 6967]
Fixed Defects:
- EasyEXPERT A.03.11 can not control 11731A switch controller
which is used in PIV solution by GPIB I/O.
[ID 7057]
- EasyEXPERT A.03.11 can not read data from 3458A multimeter by GPIB I/O.
[ID 7115]
New Features:
- Faster and robust text file exporting with flexible formatting options.
- Agilent 415xB/C Parametric Analyzer Support Enhancements:
- Range Change Rule support
- More robust database management
- Faster installation and start-up
- Faster data storage
- Faster turn around time at automated repeating looping
- Improved Data Display response
- Minor improvements:
- Workspace name is shown in EasyEXPERT main GUI.
- Run Option setting is retained in Workspace context.
Fixed Defects:
- Wrong Amplitude(V) scale appears in ALWG Pattern Editor.
[ID 6526]
- Parameter value may not be restored when recalling a test result.
[ID 6664]
- USB memory device cannot be removed after exporting test result into it
by Export in My Format.
[ID 6666]
- Progress of SPGU Control may not reach 100 %.
[ID 6774]
- SMU/SPGU Calibration tab in Calibration dialog shall be renamed.
[ID 6775]
- Export in My Format dialog is displayed in the taskbar.
[ID 6801]
- Output file name and File Name Format are different.
[ID 6812]
- Default icon is used in Database Summary Report Dialog on task bar.
[ID 6822]
- Unexpected characters may be displayed in list view of Quick Test.
[ID 6823]
- "Display Data" does not work while long-time measurement is performed.
[ID 6895]
New Features:
- Classic Tests Enhancements:
- HV-SPGU Support
- GNDU Support
- I/V-t Sampling Enhancements:
- Stop Condition Support
- Switching Matrix Contorl Enhancements
- E5250A Switching Matrix Support ( License option is required. )
- 16440A SMU/PG Selector Support
- Data Display Enhancements
- Multiple Data Display
- Fixable Analysis Lines
- Agilent 415xB/C Parametric Analyzer Support Enhancements:
- New Classic Test
- I/V-t Sampling ( License option is required. )
- Classic Tests Enhancements:
- VSU/VMU Support ( License option is required. )
- PGU Support ( License option is required. )
- GNDU Support
- Graphical status indicator for remote control
- Utility to toggle Windows auto login
- Page margin for printing is improved.
Fixed Defects:
- Prompt if there are unsaved texts and pointers on graph.
- Improved resources assignment in Application Test
- Subscript of pointer is not displayed in print preview.
[ID 5988]
- Intercept, Gradient field of Y Axis(Sub) is not initialized
when Line1 is enabled.
[ID 5998]
- Information about Line may be corrupt after GraphPropertiesDialog
is closed.
[ID 6001]
- Change in the order of Y axes causes elimination of Texts on graph.
[ID 6024]
- "Cancel Scaling" causes elimination of Texts and Pointers on graph.
[ID 6038]
- Auto scaling with LOG scale may not work properly.
[ID 6247]
- Delete All function in define vector editor does not work.
[ID 6030]
- Auto Analysis doesn't work for max() with After condition.
[ID 6031]
- "Tile Data Display" does not work property in Desktop EasyEXPERT.
[ID 6245]
New Features:
- New Classic Tests
- Multi Channel I/V Sweep
- I/V List Sweep
- Direct Control
- Standby Function
- Agilent 415xB/C Parametric Analyzer support
- Data Dislpay enhancements
- Run Time Auto Scale
- Pointers on graph
- Texts on graph
- Shared Y axis scale
- Highlighting coordinate axes
- Label at each major tick
- Minor ticks on log scale axis in wider range
- Resizeable tick labels, legends and title
- X/Y scales alignment between overlaid graphs
- Direct input for gradient of lines
- Data Record ON/OFF function
- Test Results Data Export in Simple Data Format
- Layout dialog for Test Parameters in Application Test Definition
- Performance improvement in storeAt() built-in function
- Improved CMU calibration instructions
- Tiling Data Display windows with the same window size.
- Showing Cable length with model number and option in Switching Matrix
CMU Compensation dialog.
Fixed Defects:
- Unpredictable order of data columns in CSV test results.
- Maximum power compliance for MP/HRSMU is corrected by 2W from 4W.
- Synchronous sweep channel outputs pulse base output for Pulse I/V Sweep.
- Reference to external vector variable in User Function causes wrong
evaluation result.
- Log range in Display Setup is not adjusted to decade.
Fixed Defects:
- Cannot overlay more than 3 Data Displays.
- Desktop EasyEXPERT may halt for interlock open while holding
bias between setup executions.
- Cannot use the value of numeric variable with symbol in Direct
Fixed Defects:
- High speed I/V-t sampling may assert false ADC overflow status
depending on the number of samples.
- I/V Sweep with HRSMU may lose data depending on integ. time
and delay settings.
- Cannot adjust offline unit configuration to online one.
Usage of offline unit configuration:
Copy C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Agilent Technologies, Inc\EasyEXPERT\UnitConfigB1500A.xml
on B1500A to the same location on your PC on which Desktop
EasyEXPERT operates offline.
- Numerous fixes in Direct Control.
New Features:
- EasyEXPERT database maintenance
- Test Result Data Folder Export
Fixed Defects:
- Cannot correct data name duplication in C-V Sweep.
- Tabs in Data Display may become invisible.
- Cannot recall test results of application test with invalid
axis setup.
- Data Display may not update its graph for append measurement.
- Quick Test operation may cause hung-up.
- Cannot pass string variables to application test parameters
without typical values.
- Invalid ADC mode setting causes unexpected error messages.
- After deleting all preset groups, setups stored in the
default preset group become invisible.
- Nested user functions may delay starting a measurement.
- Fast, iterative line selection in program editor may cause
an unexpected error (ObjectDisposedException).
New Features:
- Impedance range setup in C-V Sweep
- CMU AC level/DC bias monitoring in C-V Sweep
- Categorized Application Test listing in Program Editor
- Progress indication and cancellation while deleting Test Results
- Import operation for plural test result files at once
- Performance improvements in executing Quick Test, in recalling Test
Setup from Preset Group
- Performance improvements of Data Display in switching tabbed pages
and (real-time) data listing.
- Performance improvements in listing Application Tests for Categories,
in setting up Application Test, in editing Application Test definition
- Performance improvements in setting up Classic Test
- Scalability improvements in importing huge Test Results
- Progress/wait indication while loading Workspace and importing/exporting
Test Setup, Preset Group, Application Test definition and Test Results
- Performance improvements in sorting and filtering Test Result List
Fixed Defects:
- Auto export function exports test results of application test in reverse order.
- For I/V-t sampling using negative hold time, stepping position in source data
series is incorrect in case of interval relaxation for monitor channel count.
- Windows starts rebooting if FLEX command service receives any command
while Agilent Connection Expert is opened.
- Performance issues in storing, importing and exporting huge test results.
- Cannot store nor recall empty test results.
- Cannot duplicate setup with name of maximum length in preset group.
- An error occurs for front key operation if options for an input field decrease.
- Cosmetic defects in Data Display.
New features:
- Auto Analysis in Classic Test
- B220xA support
- Bias Hold after Measurement
- Data Append
- Data Display enhancements
- dim1Size and dim2Size built-in functions
- I/V-t Sampling enhancements
- My Favorite Setup in Application Test Contents
- Post Analysis in Classic Test
- Prober Control A.02.00
- Quick Test
- Status Indicators
- Status LED Control (ASU/SCUU)
- SMU Zero Cancel
- Subsite Probing support
- Test Results Data Auto Export
Fixed defects:
- Change of a setup in test contents effects to its copy.
- PGU control library does not work under some locale/culture settings.
- Cannot apply change of User Function to Data Display after measurement.
- Improvement of the usability of ASU which is not calibrated with HRSMU.
- Enhancement of I/V-t sampling capabilities.
Fixed defects:
- If the read out function is used for any parameter setting in a test setup,
the display in the Data Display window will slow down.
- The auto scale function in the Data Display window does not work when the
maximum or minimum data in the graph data is less than 1.000000E-15.
- If a variable name that is defined as string value in the imported test is
set to a string parameter in the Test Definition window, an error occurs.
- If the scale of the graph is changed in the Data Display window,
the normal/gradient/regression lines and cursor will be corrupt.
- When importing the I/V sweep setup with the double directional sweep,
it will always be loaded as the single directional sweep.
- When importing the test result of the I/V sweep test with the double
directional sweep that has two or more VAR2 steps, it will be loaded
as the result for the single directional sweep test. That is, the
imported data is only the first half of the original result.
- If the following combination of the sweep parameters is set and it is
repeated in a loop, incorrect number of steps may be calculated and be
Start: low
Stop: high
Step: high - low
- The auto scale function in the Data Display window does not work for
data of both polarities in the log scale.
- The sampling measurement has timing error for the last channel in its
output sequence. Due to this error, extra overhead time around 50 ms is
added before the bias hold time, and the channel starts to force the bias
in the overhead time.
- Since the time data does not consider the overhead time for the first
measurement point, the time origin does not match with the start point of
transition of the last channel's output.
- If the default compliance value is selected in newly-created I/V Sweep
setup, unexpected compliance value is applied in the measurement.
- For the pulsed sweep measurement, the pulsed sweep channel forces the
start value of the sweep as the pulse base value of the initial bias level.
- For the pulsed sweep measurement and measurements with the pulsed bias,
* The specified hold time is not applied.
* The Delay Time parameter is programmable, though it is invalid.
- If the channel settings in the SMU Range Setup window meets both
conditions below when importing an I/V Sweep or I/V-t sampling setup,
the setting values are cleared and set to the default values.
* The order of the channels in the SMU Range Setup window is different
from the order of the channels in the Channel Setup screen.
* The mode setting (I/IPULSE or V/VPULSE/COMMON) defined in the Channel
Setup screen for N-th channel in the SMU Range Setup window is different
from the mode setting of N-th channel in the Channel Setup screen.
- For the pulsed sweep measurement and measurements with pulsed bias,
the following settings of the past that should not be used may cause an
error, though they are not used in these measurements.
* SMU Range Setup
* ADC and Integration Time Setup
- The auto scale function in the Data Display window does not work when the
scale is log scale and the graph data of the maximum absolute value has
negative polarity.
New feature:
- Release for VS of B1500A.
New feature:
- Release for FCS of B1500A.