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Keysight Technologies
W1906BEL 5G Baseband Exploration Library
Simulation Reference Library for 5G Research
Data Sheet
The W1906BEL 5G Baseband Exploration Library provides a ready-to-use set of source code with Keysight
reference signal processing IP for 5G technology research. It provides an unmatched productivity increase
for new baseband physical layer designs. The integrated simulation environment enables dynamic link level
scenario investigation, implementation and veriication of your Communications Physical Layer signal pro-
cessing designs.
Reference models support various 5G candidate waveforms for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal type
of multi-carrier communications systems, including advanced MIMO and beamforming signal processing
techniques. The reference receiver can easily be re-designed to achieve the best performance and may be
compared against the theoretical maximum performance.
5G Communication Architects, Baseband Algorithm Researchers, and Component Veriiers in R&D will bene-
it from the W1906BEL 5G simulation reference library.
Figure 1. The W1906BEL 5G Baseband Exploration Library provides a ready-to-use set of source code with Keysight reference
signal processing IP for 5G technology research.
03 | Keysight | W1906BEL 5G Baseband Exploration Library - Data Sheet
Key Features
The W1906BEL 5G Baseband Exploration Library consists of source code, models,
sub-systems, simulation examples and infrastructure components. Combined with the
SystemVue communications architect platform it enables the rapid development and
veriication of high quality advanced digital modem designs. Access to the Keysight
source code speeds conidence in your algorithmic development and offers an indepen-
dent self-documenting reference library that enables you to quickly replace and modify
blocks and subsystems during product design and development.