Text preview for : 5991-3515EN TC611 GaAs Detector Diode Sensitivity Measurements - Application Note c20140829 [2].pdf part of Agilent 5991-3515EN TC611 GaAs Detector Diode Sensitivity Measurements - Application Note c20140829 [2] Agilent 5991-3515EN TC611 GaAs Detector Diode Sensitivity Measurements - Application Note c20140829 [2].pdf
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Keysight TC611
GaAs Detector Diode Sensitivity Measurements
Technical Overview
The TC611 was installed into a 2.4 mm, 50 GHz diode detector
housing (the same housing used for Keysight Technologies, Inc.
Coaxial Detector 33330E). Detector voltage measurements were
made using the internal 50 pf bypass capacitor and an external
10 KW load resistor. A 50 ohms resistor near the diode terminates
the RFin.
This product note presents sensitivity measurements as Vdetector
millivolts vs. RFin (dBm) at 10 GHz and 30 GHz. From these
measurements the deviation from linearity is calculated and
plotted referenced to