Text preview for : APPLICATION NOTICE (E01_APPLICATION_080509).pdf part of Hitano APPLICATION NOTICE (E01 APPLICATION 080509) . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors CDD H Hitano APPLICATION NOTICE (E01_APPLICATION_080509).pdf

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When using aluminum electrolytic capacitors, pay strict attention to the following
Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors. the capacitance reduced with resultant shortened life. We
If you should reverse the polarities of aluminum offer high ripple resistant capacitors especially designed
electrolytic capacitors, it would lead to short-circuited for use with high ripple current on request.
circuitry and many further results in an explosion if the unit
Ripple current
were kept energized. We offer units of 8 or more with
The capacitor should be used within specified permissible
safety vent design as the standard type in order to prevent
ripple current in each standard products table. (The sum
possible accidents that may take place if the unit should
of DC voltage and voltage shall not exceed the rated DC
be connected with its polarities. Small-size capacitors (5
working voltage.)
~ 6) with safety vents are available on request.
The specified maximum permissible ripple current is
It is advisable to the use non-polar capacitors for a DC
defined at + 85 and 120Hz, unless otherwise specified.
circuit where the polarity is reserved.
In other condition of ambient temperature and frequency,
Do not apply any over-voltage exceeding the ripple current multiplied by following multiplier can be
rated voltage (surge voltage for a short period) applied as maximum permissible ripple current.
to the capacitor.
When applying ripple current to the capacitor, be very Temperature 40 60 70 85 105
careful not to allow the peak voltage value (a value Multiplier 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.6
obtained by adding the ripple voltage to the DC voltage) to
exceed the rated voltage. Application of any voltage
higher than the rated value would lead to shortened Frequency 60HZ 120Hz 300Hz 1KHz 10KHz 100KHz
service life of the capacitor or would even destroy the unit Multiplier 0.7 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4
in a short period.
However, the unit may withstand extremely short When you see a capacitor after prolonged
application of surge voltage. storage.
a) Do not store capacitors at a high temperature or in high
Ascertain the operating temperature range. humidity. Store the capacitors indoors and a
Use the electrolytic capacitors according to the specified temperature of 535 and a humidity of 70% R.H.
operating temperature range. Usage at room temperature b) Store the capacitors in places free from water, oil or salt
will ensure longer life. water.
c) Store the capacitors in places free from toxic gasses
Reverse voltage
(hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, chlorine, ammonium,
The reverse voltage shall not exceed 2V.
(The sum of DC voltage peak ripple voltage shall not
d) Store the capacitors in places free from ozone,
ultraviolet rays or radiation.
tan /E.S.R. e) Keep capacitors in the original package.
The maximum value of tan is specified in each table f) When the capacitor is stored for a long time without
which is measured at 120Hz and 20, unless otherwise applying voltage,Leakage current tends to increase.
specified. E.S.R. can be obtained from the following This returns to normal by applying the rated voltage to
formula. the capacitor before use.
E.S.R. = tan /2.f. C. g) It is recommended to apply D.C. working voltage to the
Where: f = measurement frequency in Hz capacitor for 30 minutes through 1K of protective
C = measurement capacitance value in F series resistor, if it is stored more than 6 months..

Electrolytic capacitor is not suitable for circuits Be careful of temperature and time when
in which charge + discharge are frequently soldering.
repeated When soldering a printed circuit board with various
If used in circuits, in which charge and discharge are components, care must be taken that the soldering
frequently repeated, the capacitance value may drop, or temperature is not too high and that the dipping time is not
the capacitor may be damaged. Please consult our too long. Otherwise, there will be adverse effects on the
engineering department for assistance in these electrolytic capacitor. In the case of small sized electrolytic
applications. capacitor, nothing abnormal will occur if dipping is
performed at less than 260 for less than 10 seconds.

Do not allow any higher ripple current than rated
to flow through capacitor.
If any ripple current higher than the rated value is to flow
through a capacitor, excessive heat will be generated and