Text preview for : LH NOVA-Fenghua [screw] GS Series.pdf part of LH Nova [Fenghua] LH NOVA-Fenghua [screw] GS Series . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors LH Nova [Fenghua] LH NOVA-Fenghua [screw] GS Series.pdf
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: 105 5000 Life time:105 5000 hours
Wide operating temperature range
Suited for smoothing circuits for general purpose inverter
control for F.A. machine designed for use as input filter
capacitor for current
Item Performance Characteristics
Rated Working Voltage Range 10V.DC 100V.DC 160V.DC 400V.DC
-40 +105 -25 +105
Operating Temperature Range
220 F~680000 F
Nominal Capacitance Range
20%(M,+20 ,120Hz)
Capacitance Tolerance
5 I 0.02CV 5mA( ) 20
: After application of rated voltage for 5 minutes: I 0.02CV or 5mA(whichever is greater)20
Leakage current: C: ( F) C: Nominal Capacitance in F;
V: (V) V: Rated Working Voltage in V
WV(V) 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 160-250 350-450
35 0.75 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.20
(tan ) 50 1.00 0.70 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.20
Dissipation Factor
(20 ,120Hz) 65 1.30 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.25
76-90 1.50 1.00 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.25
+105 2000
After applying rated voltage for 2000 hours at +105 , Capacitors meet the characteristics
requirements measured at +20 listed below;
Capacitance Change Within 15% of the initial measured value
Load life
Leakage Current Less than the initial specified value
Tan Less than 150% the initial specified value
+105 1000
Shelf Life After leaving capacitors under no load at +105 for 1000 hours, capacitors meet the
characteristics listed above
Frequency coefficient
Frequency(Hz) 50(60) 100(120) 400 1k 10k
10~50WV 0.80 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08
Coefficient 63~100WV 0.80 1.00 1.05 1.07 1.10
160~450WV 0.80 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.18
- 35 50 65 76 90
L +3.0
- 50 60 80 100 80 100 120 100 120 140 100 120 140 150 140 150
F F +1.0
- 12.7 21.8 28.2 31.4 31.4
L 20max D
wv(v) 10(LB) 16(LC) 25(LD) 35(LE) 50(LF) 63(LG) 80(LH)
Cap(uF) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
3300(332) 35 50 3.0
3900(392) 35 60 3.3
4700(472) 35 50 3.2 35 80 3.6
5600(562) 35 60 3.5 35 80 3.9
6800(682) 35 50 2.5 35 50 3.6 35 60 3.8 35 80 4.3
8200(822) 35 50 2.8 35 60 3.9 35 80 4.3 35 100 5.1
10000(103) 35 50 3.8 35 80 4.2 35 80 4.7 35 120 5.8
12000(123) 35 60 4.3 35 80 5.0 35 100 5.6 50 80 7.0
15000(153) 35 50 4.2 35 80 4.7 35 100 5.5 35 120 6.4 50 80 7.6
18000(183) 35 60 4.6 35 80 5.1 35 100 5.7 50 80 7.5 50 100 7.7
22000(223) 35 50 4.0 35 80 5.2 35 100 6.6 35 120 7.5 50 80 7.5 50 120 9.0
27000(273) 35 50 4.4 35 60 5.0 35 80 5.4 35 120 6.7 50 80 7.5 50 100 8.7 65 100 10.1
33000(333) 35 60 5.5 35 80 5.2 35 100 6.5 50 80 7.1 50 100 9.3 50 120 10.3 65 120 11.6
39000(393) 35 60 6.0 35 80 5.8 35 100 7.5 50 80 8.4 50 100 9.4 65 100 11.2 65 140 13.5
47000(473) 35 80 6.6 35 100 6.8 35 120 8.9 50 100 9.9 50 120 11.7 65 120 12.9 76 100 15.8
56000(563) 35 80 7.5 35 100 6.9 50 80 10.0 50 100 10.3 65 100 12.4 65 140 15.2 76 120 17.0
68000(683) 35 100 7.6 35 120 8.4 50 100 10.7 50 120 11.4 65 120 15.1 76 100 16.0 76 140 20.4
82000(823) 35 120 9.0 50 80 8.4 50 100 12.0 65 100 12.5 76 100 15.5 76 120 17.7 76 150 21.5
100000(104) 50 80 10.2 50 100 11.3 50 120 13.1 65 120 15.5 76 100 16.3 76 140 21.5 90 140 22.3
120000(124) 50 80 11.0 50 100 11.4 65 100 13.7 76 100 15.5 76 120 19.1 90 140 22.4
150000(154) 50 100 13.4 50 120 12.5 65 120 16.4 76 120 17.9 76 140 23.4
180000(184) 50 120 14.0 65 100 14.2 76 100 16.7 76 140 20.0 90 140 23.7
220000(224) 65 100 14.5 65 120 16.6 76 120 20.5 76 150 24.1
270000(274) 65 120 16.0 76 100 17.5 76 140 21.3 90 140 26.5
330000(334) 76 100 18.0 76 120 24.3 76 150 26.0
390000(394) 76 100 19.5 76 140 25.2 90 140 27.2
470000(474) 76 120 20.0 76 150 26.7
560000(564) 76 140 24.1 90 140 29.1
680000(684) 90 140 26.5
wv(v) 100(MA) 160(MB) 200(MC) 250(MD) 315(MQ) 350(MF) 400(VA)
Cap(uF) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
220(221) 35 50 0.9 35 50 1.0
270(271) 35 50 1.0 35 50 1.0 35 60 1.0
330(331) 35 50 1.2 35 60 1.2 35 60 1.2
390(391) 35 60 1.3 35 80 1.3 35 80 1.4
470(471) 35 50 1.3 35 80 1.5 35 80 1.5 35 100 1.5
560(561) 35 50 1.4 35 60 1.6 35 80 1.6 35 100 1.7 35 100 1.7
680(681) 35 50 1.5 35 80 1.7 35 100 1.9 35 100 1.9 50 80 2.3
820(821) 35 50 1.4 35 80 1.9 35 80 1.9 35 120 2.2 35 120 2.1 50 100 2.4
1000(102) 35 60 1.9 35 80 2.2 35 100 2.3 50 80 2.3 50 100 2.5 50 120 2.7
1200(122) 35 80 2.3 35 80 2.3 35 100 2.4 50 100 2.7 50 100 2.7 50 120 3.0
1500(152) 35 80 2.6 35 100 2.9 35 120 2.9 50 100 3.1 50 120 3.3 65 100 3.5
1800(182) 35 80 2.6 35 100 2.9 35 120 3.0 50 120 3.6 65 100 3.8 65 120 3.6
2200(222) 35 50 2.9 35 100 3.2 35 120 3.3 50 100 3.8 65 100 4.2 65 120 4.6 76 100 4.1
2700(272) 35 60 3.4 35 120 3.2 50 80 3.8 50 120 4.5 65 120 4.3 76 100 4.6 76 120 4.8
3300(332) 35 80 3.9 35 120 3.7 50 100 4.7 65 100 5.2 76 100 4.9 76 120 5.3 76 140 5.7
3900(392) 35 80 4.2 50 100 4.3 50 120 5.4 65 120 5.2 76 120 5.8 76 140 6.2 90 140 6.7
4700(472) 35 80 4.6 50 100 4.8 65 100 6.2 65 120 5.7 76 120 6.3 90 140 7.4 90 140 7.4
5600(562) 35 100 4.9 50 120 5.5 65 100 6.3 76 100 6.4 76 140 7.3 90 140 8.1
6800(682) 35 120 5.5 65 100 6.3 65 120 7.3 76 120 7.6 90 140 8.9
8200(822) 50 80 6.2 65 120 7.1 76 100 8.5 76 140 8.3
10000(103) 50 100 6.7 76 100 7.9 76 120 9.5 90 140 9.9
12000(123) 50 100 7.3 76 120 9.0 76 140 10.5 90 140 10.8
15000(153) 50 120 8.6 76 140 11.3 90 140 12.5
18000(183) 65 100 8.9 90 140 13.0 90 140 13.3
22000(223) 65 120 10.3 90 140 14.3
27000(273) 65 140 12.1
33000(333) 76 120 14.1
39000(393) 76 140 16.5
47000(473) 76 140 18.3
56000(563) 90 140 19.2
68000(683) 90 150 20.1
Max allowable ripple current (A r.m.s./105 .120Hz )
Case Size DXL mm