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4800 Series
The precision to build configuration allows us to
offer it at a price significantly less
reach the performance limits of your
workload without the need for an
meet demanding than that of comparable multi- external power amplifier. Their
calibration function calibrators on the market. built-in volt.hertz capability allows
workloads The Model 4808 not only extends them to reach 1100V at 33 kHz or
workload coverage to 8-1/2 digits, it 750V at 100 kHz -- essential for
eeting the demands of an also offers you a choice of configura- calibrating high-end DMMs such as
increasingly varied electrical tions -- from DC or AC Voltage only the Solartron 7061 and Wavetek
calibration workload means units to full-function DC/AC Voltage, 1271. Their 25 mA DC voltage
you must find a calibrator that can DC/AC Current and Resistance drive capability maintains accuracy
reach the performance limits of the versions. Modular plug-ins provide even when calibrating low input
latest 7-1/2 and 8-1/2 digit high- a continuous upgrade path from one impedance voltmeters.
precision DMMs, while still configuration to the next. As far as If you do need to extend their
handling volume throughput of 3-1/2 accuracy is concerned, the Model output range, we have a wideband
digit to 6-1/2 digit instruments with 4808 is quite simply the best multi- option that extends frequency cover-
efficiency and ease. In the search function calibrator you can buy. age from 1 MHz to 30 MHz, and a
for accuracy, versatility, safety and Unlike some other multifunction transconductance amplifier that
ease-of-use you need look no calibrators, 4800-Series calibrators delivers DC/AC currents up to 11A.
further, because Wavetek 4800-
Series calibrators have no equal.
Extended Functionality
In a single unit, the Model 4800A
offers Voltage, Current and
Resistance calibration for
instruments with scale
lengths up to 7-1/2
digits. Yet its fixed
Automated Calibration And when the time comes to and the latest resistor technologies,
In addition to the hardware, we also recalibrate your 4800-Series means they easily meet their
have the support software you'll calibrator, our software controlled uncertainty specifications over 180-
need to automate your calibration Model 4950 Multifunction Transfer day or 1-year calibration intervals.
operations and manage your Standard (MTS) can automate this One-year stability figures for the
calibration workload. Wavetek's task as well. Model 4808, for example, are an
Portocal-II Calibration and exceptional 6 ppm for DC voltage,
Inventory Management Software, Consistent Performance 50 ppm for AC voltage, 40 ppm for
for example, allows you to automate The exceptional stability of 4800- DC current, 100 ppm for AC current
calibration operations, analyze Series calibrators, achieved through and 9 ppm for Ohms. Zero to full-
calibration results, produce the use of specially conditioned range linearity is better than 0.1 ppm
comprehensive calibration zener references, ultra-linear pulse- of full-scale -- guaranteed for life.
certificates and reports, and track an width modulation D/A converters And if you don't like the thought
unlimited inventory of of losing the use of your calibrator
instruments. once or twice a year while it's at the
cal lab, you can take advantage of
Wavetek's unique, fully accredited,
on-site calibration service.
4800 Series
Designed for being designed to deliver 1-year
uncertainties relative to calibration
conditions. Their ability to store and
recall any five user-defined
Accuracy and standards around two times better frequencies makes ac flatness
Versatility than the Model 4800A. Coupled testing extremely easy. Their offset
with the Model 4808's unique ability and error modes provide a direct
oth the Model 4800A and 4808
calibrators deliver DC voltage to `spot calibrate' as many as five readout of unit-under-test errors and
from zero to