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Technical Guide
9th Generation Plasma Display
Troubleshooting Handbook
TH-37/42/50/58PX60 TH-42/50/58/65PX600
Panasonic Service and Technology Company
National Training
Table of Contents
Subject Page Subject Page
Troubleshooting Shutdown Problems 5 LED blinks 12 times (TH42/50/58PX600U) 29
Power LED's Response to Shutdown Operation 6 Dead 30
LED blinks 1 time 7 No Picture from one or all inputs (OSD and Sound OK) 31
LED blinks 2 times (TH-37PX60, TH-42PD60U, TH-42PX60U \ 600U) 8 No Picture\No OSD 32
LED blinks 2 times (TH-50PX60U\600U, TH-58PX60U\600U, TH- 9 No Sound (TH-42PX600U) 33
Troubleshooting for Picture Problems 36
LED blinks 3 times 10
Diagnostic Method for Troubleshooting PDP Television 36
LED blinks 4 times 11
Diagnosis by Test Pattern When OSD is Available 37
LED blinks 5 times (Quick Troubleshooting) 12
Diagnosis by Removing the D5 Connector 38
LED blinks 5 times (TH-37PX60U, TH-42PX60U and TH 42PX600U) 13
Troubleshooting for Picture Trouble 39
LED blinks 5 times (TH-50PX60U and TH 50PX600U) 14
Diagnosis for Picture Problem (All Over the Screen) 40
LED blinks 5 times (TH-58PX60U and TH 58PX600U) 16
Diagnosis of Vertical Line Problem 44
LED blinks 5 times (TH-65PX600U) 18
Picture Trouble at Upper or Lower half 45
LED blinks 6 times 20
Picture Trouble at Right or Left half (50 Inch) 46
LED blinks 7 times (All Models Except TH-58PX60/600U) 21
Picture Trouble at Right or Left half (42/37 Inch) 47
LED blinks 7 times (TH-58PX60/600U) 22
Picture Trouble in 50 Inch Models 48
LED blinks 8 times 23
Picture Trouble all Over the Screen 49
LED blinks 9 times 24
Examples of Symptoms and Remedies 50
LED blinks 10 times before pressing the power button 25
Reset and Self-check Procedure 57
LED blinks 10 times after pressing the power button 26
Driver Setup Adjustment 58
LED blinks 11 times 26
Board Layout and Part Numbers 63
LED blinks 12 times (TH42PD60U, TH-37/42/50PX60U) (TH- 28
1. Basic concept of how to determine the defective board
1) Verification of voltages
Normally, when there is a power problem, shutdown occurs immediately.
So, to resolve a power problem, voltage checks are necessary before shutdown.
2) Check if the power comes up after disconnecting the board under suspicion.
If power comes up (*) after disconnecting a board, the board is defective.
(*) "Power comes up" equals "no shutdown".
2. Troubleshooting Video and Audio problems
3. Examples of video problems
4. Adjustment after PCB exchange
1) After exchanging the following boards, voltage adjustment is required.
P board, SC board, SS board => Please refer to the "Service Manual".
1. Troubleshooting Shutdown Problems
Power LED's Response to Shutdown Operation
3.0sec (interval) Light
No Light
Blinking Contents Check Point
1 Communication error D Board
2 15V line abnormality D Board (15V SOS)
3 3.3V line abnormality D Board (3.3V SOS)
4 Power Supply abnormality P Board (Power SOS)
5 5V line abnormality D Board (5V SOS)
6 Scan Driver (1) abnormality SC,SU,SD Board (SC Energy recovery circuit)
7 Scan Driver (2) abnormality SC,SU,SD Board (SC Floating voltage area)
8 Sustain Driver abnormality SS Board (SS Energy recovery circuit)
9 Panel Status abnormality D,DG Board (Panel Status DET)
10 REG. voltage abnormality PA, Board (PA SOS, Tuner SOS)
11 FAN abnormality FAN
12 Voltage for sound abnormality PA Board (Sound SOS)
20 Communication error DT,DG Board
LED blinks 1 time
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
Communication Error D Board
In this case, the defective board is D board only.
LED blinks 2 times (TH-37PX60, TH-42PD60U, TH-42PX60U\600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board (Possibility) making any disconnection or
15V down SOS P, D, PA, SC, SS Board (P > PA, D, SC, SS)
(*1) = Th reference number of
the sustain data connector is
different in some of the models:
TH-42PX600U = SS23
Turn the unit on. No Power SW OFF. No
Is there 15V output Disconnect CN P25. Is pin 1 With the power SW OFF, disconnect
at CN P25 pin 1 or 2 before or 2 of the socket P25 shorted CN SC23, SC20, and SC2. To isolate
Shutdown ? to GND? the SC board.
Yes No
D Board Turn the unit on.
Does the power LED SC Board
blink 2 times?
With the power SW OFF, disconnect
CN P5. To isolate the PA board
With the power SW OFF, disconnect CN P12, SS11, and SS23 (*1)to
isolate the SS board. Remove the jumper at CN SS34 and install it
across pin 8 and 10 of connector P12.
Turn the unit on.
Does the power
LED blink 2 times? The PA Board No
Turn the unit on.
power LED may blink 12 SS Board
Does the power LED
blink 2 times?
Yes Yes
P Board D Board
LED blinks 2 times (TH-50PX60U\600U, TH-58PX60U\600U, TH-65PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board (Possibility) making any disconnection or
15V down SOS P, D, PA, SC, SS Board (P > PA, D, SC, SS)
(*1) = The reference number of the sustain data
connector is different in some of the models:
TH-50PX60U = SS43 TH-58PX600U = SS44
TH-50PX600U = SS43 TH-65PX600U = SS44
TH-58PX60U = SS44
Turn the unit on. No Power SW OFF. No
Is there 15V output Disconnect CN P25. Check With the power SW OFF, disconnect
at CN P25 pin 1 or 2 before pin 1 or 2 of the socket for a CN SC23, SC20, and SC2. To isolate
Shutdown ? Short to GND? the SC board.
Yes No
D Board Turn the unit on.
Does the power LED SC Board
blink 2 times?
With the power SW OFF, disconnect
CN P5. To isolate the PA board
With the power SW OFF, disconnect CN P12, SS11, and SS43
(*1). to isolate the SS board. Remove the jumper at CN SS34
and install it across pin 8 and 10 of connector P12.
Turn the unit on.
Does the power
LED blink 2 times? The PA Board No
Turn the unit on.
power LED may blink 12 SS Board
Does the power LED
blink 2 times?
Yes Yes
P Board D Board
LED blinks 3 times
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
3.3V down SOS D Board
In this case, the defective board is D board only.
LED blinks 4 times
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
Power Supply SOS Primarily P board or possible D board
Turn the unit on.
Is pin 16 of CN P25 of
D Board
the P board high
before shutdown?
P Board
LED blinks 5 times (Quick Troubleshooting)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1
(*1) = Data Driver IC
Disconnect CN P12
of the power supply board. Measure the
resistance of pin 1 of the lead cable to ground.
Is the resistance of pin 1 of
No Proceed to more extensive troubleshooting of
the lead cable P12 zero the pages that follow.
LED blinks 5 times (TH-37PX60U, TH-42PX60U and TH 42PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1
Disconnect CN P25. No Connect CN P25. Connect CN SC20. No
Is pin 7 of the socket P25 Disconnect CN SC20 Disconnect CN SS23
shorted to GND? Turn on the unit. Does it Turn on the unit. Does it
power up? power up?
Yes Yes Yes
P Board SC Board SS Board
Disconnect No Connect D31.
No Disconnect D31.
CN D31, D32 Disconnect D32.
Connect D32.
Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
Is pin 7 CN P25 shorted
to GND? to GND??
to GND?
Go Back
Yes Yes Yes to the start.
D Board
Disconnect CB1-CB4.
Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted Disconnect CB5-CB8.
to GND? Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
to GND?
C1 Board Panel
C2 Board
LED blinks 5 times (TH-50PX60U and TH 50PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1
Connect Connect
Disconnect CN P25. No CN P25. Disconnect CN No No
CN SC20. Disconnect CN SS43 (*1)
Is pin 7 of the socket P25 SC20 Turn on the unit. Does Turn on the unit. Does it
shorted to GND? it power up? power up?
Yes Yes Yes
P Board SC Board SS Board
Disconnect No
No Connect D31. Disconnect See step 1 of next
CN D31, D32, D33, and D34.
CN D32, D33, and D34. Is pin 7 of CN
Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
P25 shorted to GND?
to GND?
Yes Disconnect No CN C10 of the C1 No
CN C10 of the C1 board. Is pin 7 of CN P25 board. Disconnect CA1-CA3.
D Board Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
shorted to GND?
to GND?
(*1) = The reference number of Connect CN C10. Disconnect No Panel
C1 Board
the sustain data connector is CA4-CA7. Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
different in some of the models: to GND?
Yes Panel
TH-50PX60U = SS43
C2 Board
TH-50PX600U = SS43
LED blinks 5 times (TH-50PX60U and TH 50PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1
Step 1
of previous page
Connect D32. No Connect D33. No Connect D34. No Go back
Disconnect CN D31, D33, Disconnect CN D31, D32, Disconnect CN D31, D32,
and D34. Is pin 7 of CN and D33. Is pin 7 of CN to the start of
and D34. Is pin 7 of CN
P25 shorted P25 shorted P25 shorted the flowchart.
to GND? to GND? to GND?
Yes Yes Connect
No CN C60 of the C6 No
Disconnect CN C60 of
board. Disconnect CB1-
Disconnect Disconnect the C6 board. Is pin 7 of CN
No No P25 shorted to GND?
CB3. Is pin 7 of CN P25
CA8-CA11. Is pin 7 of CB8-CB11. Is pin 7 of shorted
CN P25 shorted to CN P25 shorted to to GND?
Disconnect No
CB4-CB7. Is pin 7 of CN P25
Yes Panel Yes Panel
shorted to GND?
C6 Board Panel
Yes Panel
C3 Board C4 Board
C5 Board
LED blinks 5 times (TH-58PX60U and TH 58PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1
Connect Connect
Disconnect CN P25. No CN P25. Disconnect CN No No
CN SC20. Disconnect CN SS44
Is pin 7 of the socket P25 SC20 Turn on the unit. Does
Turn on the unit. Does it
shorted to GND? it power up?
power up?
Yes Yes Yes
P Board SC Board SS Board
Disconnect No
No Connect D31. Disconnect See step 1 of next
CN D31, D32, D33, and D34. CN D32, D33, and D34. Is pin 7 of CN
Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted P25 shorted to GND? page.
to GND?
Yes No CN C10 of the C1 No
Disconnect CN C10
D Board board. Disconnect CA1-CA4.
of the C1 board. Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
Is pin 7 of CN P25 shorted
to GND?
to GND?
No Panel
CN C10. Disconnect CN CA5-CA8 C1 Board
and C23 of the C2 board. Is pin 7 of CN
P25 shorted to GND?
Yes Panel
C2 Board
LED blinks 5 times (TH-58PX60U and TH 58PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1
Step 1 from previous page Go back
Connect D34. Connect D33.
No to the
Disconnect CN D31, No Disconnect CN D31,
D32, and D33. Is pin 7 D32, D34 and C60 of the C1 start of
of CN P25 shorted board. Is pin 7 of CN
P25 shorted
Connect D32. to GND?
No to GND? flowchart.
Disconnect CN D31,
D33, D34 and C10 of the C1 Yes
board. Is pin 7 of CN Yes
P25 shorted Connect
Disconnect CN C60 of the
to GND? No No
CN C60 of the C6 board. C6 board. Disconnect Disconnect
Is pin 7 of CN P25 CB1-CB4. Is pin 7 of CN CB9-CB11. Is pin 7 of No
Yes shorted to P25 shorted CN P25 shorted to
Disconnect Yes
CA9-CA11. Is pin 7 of
CN P25 shorted to Connect
GND? CN C60. Yes Yes
Disconnect CN No C6 Board Panel C4 Board Panel
CB5-CB8 and C43 of the
C4 board. Is pin 7 of CN
Yes Panel P25 shorted Panel
to GND?
C3 Board Yes
C5 Board
LED blinks 5 times (TH-65PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board
making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1 connection.
Connect Connect
Disconnect CN P25. No CN P25. Disconnect CN No No
CN SC20. Disconnect CN SS44
Is pin 7 of the socket P25 SC20 Turn on the unit. Does Turn on the unit. Does it
shorted to GND? it power up? power up?
Yes Yes Yes
P Board SC Board SS Board
CN D32. Disconnect No
D31, D33, D34, D35, and D36. Is
See step 1 of
CN D31.Disconnect No pin 7 of CN P25 shorted next page.
Disconnect CN D32, D33, D34, D35 to GND?
CN D31, D32, D33, and D36. Is pin 7 of CN
P25 shorted Yes
D34,D35 and D36.
Is pin 7 of CN P25 to GND?? Disconnect No
Shorted to CN C31of the C3 board. Is pin
GND? 7 of CN P25 shorted
Yes to GND?
Disconnect Yes
Yes No
CA1-CA5. Is pin 7 of Connect CN C31.
D Board
CN P25 shorted No
Disconnect CN CA6-CA10
to GND? of the C2 board. Is pin 7
of CN P25 shorted
Yes to GND?
Yes Panel
C1 Board Panel
C2 Board
LED blinks 5 times Continued (TH-65PX600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board
making any disconnection or
5V SOS D, P, C, SC, SS board or Panel (DDIC)*1 connection.
Step 1 from previous page.
Connect CN C41 of the C4
Connect Connect
CN C31 of the C3 board and D34 of the
No CN D36.Disconnect No CN D35. Disconnect No
board and D33 of the C2 Board. C5 Board. Disconnect
CN D31 D32, D33, D34, D31, D32, D33, D34, and
Disconnect CN D31, D32, D34, CN D31, D32, D33, D35,
and D35. Is pin 7 of CN D36. Is pin 7 of CN P25
D35, and D36. Is pin 7 of and D36. Is pin 7 of
P25 shorted shorted to GND?
CN P25 shorted CN P25 shorted
to GND??
to GND? to GND?
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Disconnect Disconnect
CB1-CB5 of the C6 No CN C41of the C4 board. No
board. Is pin 7 of CN Is pin 7 of CN P25
. Disconnect
P25 shorted shorted to GND?
Disconnect CN CB11-CB16
CN CA11-CA16 to GND? of the C4 board. Is pin 7
of the C3 board. Is pin 7 Yes of CN P25 shorted
of CN P25 shorted
Panel to GND?
to GND? C6 Board
Yes Connect CN C31.
Disconnect CN CB6-CB10 No
Yes Panel
C3 Board Panel of the C5 board. Is pin 7
of CN P25 shorted C4 Board
to GND?
C5 Board
LED blinks 6 times
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board (Possibility) making any disconnection or
SC Energy Recovery SOS SC, SS, D, P Board (SC > SS, D, P )
Are the Reseat Disconnect Disconnect
ribbon cables the ribbon the connectors SC2, Turn the TV on. the connectors P11,
No No
that connect the No cables. Turn the No SC23, and SC20 from No Does VSUS(*1) P12(*2), and SS23 (*3)
D board to the C unit on. Does it the SC board. Turn the voltage appear at pin 1 from the SS board. Turn P Board
boards properly power up and of CN P2 before the TV on. Does the
TV on. Does the TV
seated? stay on? power up and shutdown? TV power up
stay on? and stay on?
Yes Yes Yes
End Yes Yes
SC Board D Board SS Board
(*3) = The reference number of the sustain
data connector is different in some of the
TH-37PX60U = SS23
TH-42PD60U = SS23
TH-42PX60U = SS23
TH-42PX600U = SS23 (*1) VSUS about 180V (Accurate voltage is provided on the Panel Label)
TH-50PX60U = SS43 CAUTION: Before connecting P2 or P11, discharge is necessary to prevent
TH-50PX600U = SS44 potential shock caused by VSUS.
TH-58PX60U = SS44 (*2) Place a jumper across pin 8 and 10 of connector P12. The unit will not enter the
TH-58PX600U = SS44 standby mode without the jumper.
TH-65PX600U = SS44
LED blinks 7 times (all models except TH-58PX60/600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board (possibility) making any disconnection or
SC Floating voltage SOS SC, SU, SD, P board (SC,SU,SD>D,P)
Make sure the connectors P2/SC2, P23/SC23 SC20/D20 located are not loose and seated properly.
Disconnect Turn the TV on. Turn the TV on.
the connectors SC2, Does 15Vdc appear No Does VSUS(*1)
SC23, and SC20 from
No No
at pin 1 of CN P23 on the P Board voltage appear at pin 1 of
the SC board. Turn the P Board
P board before the unit CN P2 of the P board
TV on. Does the TV shuts down? before shutdown?
power up and
stay on?
Yes Yes
SS Board
(*1) VSUS about 180V
Connect Install (Accurate voltage is
the connectors SC2(*2), No the SU board and No Replace the SC provided on the Panel
SC23, and SC20 to the No
Remove the SD board. board. Turn the TV D Board Label)
SC board. Remove the SU Turn the TV on. Does on. Does the TV
board. Turn the TV on. it power up
power up and
Does the TV power up and stay on? stay on?
Before connecting
and stay on? P2/SC2 or P11/SS11,
discharge is necessary
Yes Yes Yes to prevent potential
shock caused by
SU Board SD Board End VSUS.
Note: CN = Connector
LED blinks 7 times (TH-58PX60/600U)
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board (possibility) making any disconnection or
SC Floating voltage SOS SC, SU, SD, P board (SC,SU,SD>D,P)
Make sure the connectors P2/SC2, P23/SC23 SC20/D20 located are not loose and seated properly.
Disconnect P Board
Disconnect Turn the TV on. Turn the
the connectors No
the connectors SC2, Does 15Vdc appear No TV on. Does
SC23, and SC20 from
No P11(*1), P12 and SS44 No
at pin 1 of CN P23 on the VSUS(*1) voltage appear
the SC board. Turn the (*2) from the SS board. P Board
P board before the unit at pin 1 of CN P2 of the P
TV on. Does the TV Turn the TV on. Does the
TV power up and shuts down? board before
power up and shutdown?
stay on?
stay on?
Yes Yes Yes
Yes No
SS Board (*3) SS Board
(*1) VSUS about 180V (Accurate
Connect voltage is provided on the Panel
the connectors SC2(*2), No the SU board and No Label)
Replace the SC No
SC23, and SC20 to the Remove the SD board. D
board. Turn the TV
SC board. Remove the SU Turn the TV on. Does on. Does the TV Board (*2) CAUTION: Before connecting
board. Turn the TV on. it power up power up and
Does the TV power up
P2/SC2 or P11/SS11, discharge is
and stay on? stay on?
and stay on? necessary to prevent potential
shock caused by VSUS.
Yes Yes Yes
(*3) If the power LED continues to
SU Board SD Board End blink after replacing the SS board,
change the D board.
Note: CN = Connector
LED blinks 8 times
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board (possibility) making any disconnection or
SS Energy recovery SOS SS, SC, D, P board (SS>SC,D,P)
Disconnect Disconnect
the connectors P11, Turn the TV on. No the connectors SC2,
P12 (*1), and SS23 (*2) No SC23, and SC20 from No
Is the VSUS(*3) input at
from the SS board. Turn pin 1 of CN P11 present the SC board. Turn the P Board
the TV on. Does the TV before Shutdown? TV on. Does the TV
power up and stay on? power up and
stay on?
Yes Yes
Yes D Board
SC Board
SS Board (*4)
(*2) = The reference number of the sustain
data connector is different in some of the
models: (*1) Place a jumper across pin 8 and 10 of connector P12. The unit will not enter the
standby mode without the jumper.
TH-37PX60U = SS23
TH-42PD60U = SS23 (*3) VSUS about 180V (Accurate voltage is written on the Panel Label of the chassis)
TH-42PX60U = SS23 CAUTION : To avoid potential shock from the VSUS voltage, discharge the
TH-42PX600U = SS23 connectors SC2 or SS11 before reconnecting them into their respective socket.
TH-50PX60U = SS43
TH-50PX600U = SS43 (*4) If the power LED continues to blink after replacing the SS board, change the D
TH-58PX60U = SS44 board.
TH-58PX600U = SS44
TH-65PX600U = SS44
LED blinks 9 times
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
Panel Status D Board
In this case, the defective board is D board only.
LED blinks 10 times before pressing the power button
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to
Trouble Mode Defective Board making any disconnection or
Tuner/ PA SOS PA, P, H, DG, DT Board
PA board
Disconnect connector PA40 of the PA
board and plug the TV into the AC line. Connector PA40
Does the Yes
power LED H Board
stop blinking?
No Note: When the DT board is removed, Since it may be
the unit will power up with all functions difficult to determine
Remove the DT board and disabled due to a lack of data whether the PA or the
plug the TV into the AC line. communication. Does the 14V Yes
DG board is
come up?
defective, it's OK to
order both the DG
Does the and PA boards
Yes No together.
power LED DT Board
stop blinking? P Board
1. Disconnect connector P10 on the P board. (Make sure the TV is
2. Because you only have 2 to 3 seconds to measure the F_STB_
14V, place your meter's probe at pin 1 of connector P10 on the
P board before plugging the TV to the AC line.
3. Plug the TV to the AC line while still holding the probe at pin 1.
LED blinks 10 times after pressing the power button
(*2) = The reference number of the sustain
data connector is different in some of the
Trouble Mode Defective Board models:
TH-37PX60U = SS23
Tuner/ PA SOS PA, P, H, DG, SC, SS Board TH-42PD60U = SS23
TH-42PX60U = SS23
TH-42PX600U = SS23
TH-50PX60U = SS43
Disconnect connector DG3 of the DG TH-50PX600U = SS44
board and plug the TV into the AC line. TH-58PX60U = SS44
Observe the SC and SS board LEDs. TH-58PX600U = SS44
TH-65PX600U = SS44
Do the AC
No Disconnect CN SC2(*1), Disconnect CN SS11(*1), SS12 (*2)
Relays click and remain on?