Text preview for : 5990-5093EN InfiniiScan+ Event Identification Software for Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes - Data She part of Agilent 5990-5093EN InfiniiScan+ Event Identification Software for Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes - Data She Agilent 5990-5093EN InfiniiScan+ Event Identification Software for Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes - Data Sheet c20140813 [11].pdf

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Keysight Technologies
InfiniiScan+ Event Identification Software
for Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes

Data Sheet

Now featuring more zones for zone qualify triggering
Identify Signal Integrity Issues Quickly and Easily
Today's digital signals are increasingly
Consideration Classic methods InfiniiScan software
complex. Designers of serial links and
parallel busses want to quickly identify Number of events One, the hardware trigger Up to five different events or the
signal anomalies in their designs. that can be monitored event same event on four channels
Engineers have traditionally relied on simultaneously
hardware triggering and deep memory Number of occurrences One, the occurrence at the Unlimited number of events
to capture such illusive events. of that event that can hardware trigger point within the acquired time
However, these classic methods fall be identified window
short in some key areas. Variety of events that Approximately ten, fixed and Software descriptions provide
can be identified limited by hardware triggering increased event definition
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. capabilities flexibility
InfiniiScan software allows you Maximum speed of Minimum input setting of Events as narrow as 70 ps can
to use an oscilloscope to identify events that can be 300 ps, limited by hardware be isolated, limited only by
signal integrity issues that hardware isolated triggering circuits sample rate resolution
triggering is unable to find in your Difficulty in defining Requires triggering expertise. If you can see it, you can
electronic designs. This innovative the proper setup to Many people end up pressing capture it using the zone qualify
software scans through thousands of capture the event the Single key many times capability or any of InfiniiScan's
acquired waveforms per second to help or spending hours scanning other power isolation
you isolate signal anomalies, saving though acquired data. mechanisms
you time and improving designs. Finding an event of Manually inspecting Scope scans the waveform
interest in a deep waveforms is impractical, so you don't have to, and no
memory capture as 1 M point of memory programming is required
represents 10,000 screens of
Looking for a third Trigger on two events and With InfiniiScan and hardware
state event scan through data to find the triggering of the 90000 Series,
third stage trigger on the first two events
and the scope scans for the

InfiniiScan overcomes these classic limitations by using as InfiniiScan will scan a waveform automatically to identify
software to overcome the limitations of hardware triggering. a single waveform anomaly out of 10,000 screens of data
InfiniiScan inspects individual waveforms and lets you know without requiring programming.
where the anomalies are. InfiniiScan moves an oscilloscope
a few steps closer to the ideal of a "Find Problem" button. Keysight InfiniiScan consists of three components,
InfiniiScan can also isolate events as narrow as 35 ps