Text preview for : 5991-0310EN U2020 X-Series USB Peak and Average Power Sensors - Data Sheet c20140809 [18].pdf part of Agilent 5991-0310EN U2020 X-Series USB Peak and Average Power Sensors - Data Sheet c20140809 [18] Agilent 5991-0310EN U2020 X-Series USB Peak and Average Power Sensors - Data Sheet c20140809 [18].pdf
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Keysight Technologies
U2020 X-Series USB Peak
and Average Power Sensors
Data Sheet
Accelerate your production throughput
Accelerate your production throughput with
Keysight Technologies, Inc. U2020 X-series
USB peak and average power sensors.
These sensors provide the high performance
and features needed to satisfy the require-
ments of many power applications in R&D
and manufacturing, offering a fast measure-
ment speed of > 25,000 readings/second
to reduce testing time and cut cost of test.
The U2020 X-series comes with two models:
U2021XA (50 MHz to 18 GHz), and U2022XA
(50 MHz to 40 GHz). Get the peak power
measurement capability of a power meter in
a compact, portable form with the Keysight
U2020 X-series USB power sensors.
Accurate RMS power Built-in trigger in/trigger out Fast rise and fall time;
measurements An external trigger enables accurate wide video bandwidth
The U2020 X-Series have a wide 30 triggering of small signals close to the Accurately measure the output power
MHz video bandwidth and a signal noise floor. The U2020 X-series and timing parameters of pulses when
80 M-sample/s continuous sampling USB power sensors come with designing or manufacturing compo-
rate for fast, accurate and repeat- built-in trigger in/out connection, nents and subcomponents for radar
able RMS power measurements. allowing you to connect an external systems. The U2020 X-series USB
With its high frequency coverage trigger signal from a signal source or power sensors come with a 30 MHz
of 40 GHz, wide dynamic range and the device-under-test directly to the bandwidth and 13 ns rise and fall
extensive measurement capability, the USB sensor through a standard BNC time, providing a high performance
X-Series is optimized for aerospace/ to SMB cable. The sensors also come peak and average power solution
defense, wireless communication with recorder/video-output features. that covers most high frequency test
(LTE, WCDMA, GSM) and wireless applications up to 40 GHz.
networking applications (WLAN) Compact and portable
form factor Built-in radar and
A wide peak power wireless presets
The U2020 X-series are standalone
dynamic range sensors that operate without the need Begin testing faster; the U2020
The U2020 X-series sensors' dynamic of a power meter or an external power X-series USB power sensors come
range of