Text preview for : Method of Implementation(MOI) for MIPI M-PHY Interface S-Parameter and Impedance Conformance Tests E part of Agilent Method of Implementation(MOI) for MIPI M-PHY Interface S-Parameter and Impedance Conformance Tests E Agilent Method of Implementation(MOI) for MIPI M-PHY Interface S-Parameter and Impedance Conformance Tests E5071C_TDR_MIPI_M-PHY_MOI_110 c20140408 [31].pdf
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Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
Revision 1.10
20 Mar 2014
Agilent Method of Implementation (MOI) for MIPI
M-PHY Conformance Tests Using Agilent E5071C ENA
Network Analyzer Option TDR
Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
Table of Contents
1. Modification Record ....................................................................................................... 4
2. Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 4
3. References ...................................................................................................................... 4
4. Resource Requirements .................................................................................................. 4
5. Test Procedure ................................................................................................................ 5
5.1. Outline of Test Procedure ......................................................................................... 5
5.2. Instrument Setup ....................................................................................................... 6
5.2.1. Recalling State File ............................................................................................ 6
5.2.2. Running VBA macro program ........................................................................... 7
5.3. Screen Configuration ................................................................................................ 9
5.4. Calibration and Adjustment .................................................................................... 11
5.4.1. Time Domain Calibration ................................................................................ 11
5.4.2. Frequency Domain Calibration ....................................................................... 13
5.5. M-TX S-Parameter and Impedance ........................................................................ 14
5.5.1. Differential Return Loss (SDDTX) ................................................................... 14
5.5.2. Common-Mode Return Loss (SCCTX) ............................................................ 15
5.5.3. Single-Ended Output Resistance (RSE-TX) ....................................................... 16
5.5.4. HS-TX Single-Ended Output Resistance Mismatch (RSE-TX) ....................... 17
5.5.5. Single-Ended Output Resistance, STALL or SLEEP (RSE-PO-TX) .................... 18
5.6. M-RX S-Parameters and Impedance ...................................................................... 19
5.6.1. Differential Return Loss (SDDRX) ................................................................... 19
5.6.2. Differential Termination Resistance (RDEF-RX) ................................................ 20
6. Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 22
6.1. Manual Setup for Time Domain Measurement ...................................................... 22
6.1.1. Starting Setup .................................................................................................. 22
6.1.2. Impedance Single-Ended Output Resistance ................................................... 23
6.1.3. Impedance Single-Ended Output Resistance, STALL or SLEEP State ........... 24
Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
6.1.4. M-RX Differential Termination Resistance ..................................................... 25
6.2. Manual Setup for Frequency Domain Measurement .............................................. 26
6.2.1. Channel and Trace Settings ............................................................................. 26
6.2.2. Differential Return Loss .................................................................................. 26
6.2.3. Common-Mode Return Loss ........................................................................... 27
6.3. Limit Test Settings .................................................................................................. 27
6.3.1. Turning On/Off Fail Sign ................................................................................ 27
6.3.2. Setting the Warning Beeper ............................................................................. 27
6.3.3. Defining the Limit Line ................................................................................... 28
Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
1. Modification Record
Revision Comments Issue Date
1.00 First Release Dec 1, 2011
1.10 Updated procedures to spec version 3.0. Mar 20, 2014
2. Purpose
This document is intended to provide the measurement procedures for the interface
S-parameter and impedance tests defined in the MIPI Alliance Specification for M-PHY.
The instrument operations contained in this document are designed for Agilent E5071C
ENA Network Analyzer Option TDR.
3. References
MIPI Alliance Specification for M-PHY v3.0
MIPI Alliance Conformance Test Suite for M-PHY Physical Layer v1.0
4. Resource Requirements
1. ENA Series Network Analyzer with Enhanced Time Domain Option
Note: Use the test set option of 4.5 GHz or above, and either of 2-port and 4-port.
Note: Ensure that E5071C firmware revision A.11.31 or above is installed.
Note: E5071C-TDR application software revision A.01.56 or above is installed.
2. Electronic Calibration Module N4431B (for 4.5/6.5/8.5 GHz models) or N4433A (for
14/20 GHz models)
3. 3.5 mm cables of 4.5 GHz bandwidth or above x2
Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
5. Test Procedure
5.1. Outline of Test Procedure
1. Instrument Setup
2. Calibration and Adjustment
Time Domain Calibration with the setup wizard in the TDR application software
Frequency Domain Calibration with the VBA macro program
3. Measurements and Data Analysis
Time Domain Measurements
- Single-Ended Output Resistance
- HS-TX Single-Ended Output Resistance Mismatch
- Single-Ended Output Resistance, STALL or SLEEP State
- M-RX Differential Termination Resistance
Frequency Domain Measurements
- M-TX Differential Return Loss
- M-TX Common-Mode Return Loss
- M-RX Differential Return Loss
Note: Hard Keys (Keys located on the Front panel of E5071C) are displayed in Blue color
and Bold. (Example: Avg, Analysis)
Note: Soft keys (Keys on the screen) are displayed in Bold. (Example: S11, Real, Transform)
Note: Buttons (in the TDR or VBA) are displayed in Green color and Bold. (Example: Trace,
Rise Time)
Note: Tabs (in the TDR) are displayed in Brown color and Bold. (Example: Setup, Trace
Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
5.2. Instrument Setup
This section describes the procedures for recalling the state file and VBA macro that
support the instrument setup. Download "E5071C-TDR Test Package for MIPI M-PHY
Tx/Rx Devices" from www.agilent.com/find/ena-tdr_mphy-txrx.
Extract the zip file and transfer the extracted files to the instrument with a USB flash
memory. For manual measurement settings, refer to 6 Appendix.
5.2.1. Recalling State File
1. If TDR setup wizard appears, click Close button on the wizard.
2. Open Setup tab (item1).
3. Click Advanced Mode (item2).
4. A dialog box appears requesting for confirmation. Then click Yes. (Clear the check box
for "Use Advanced Calibration Methods")
5. Click File (item3) and select Recall State to open the Recall State dialog box.
6. Specify the folder and appropriate state file name, and click Open.
E5071C Test Set Option State File Name
240/245/260/265/280/285/440/445/460/465/480/485 MIPI_M-PHYv3_TxRx_24x-48x.tdr
2D5/2K5/4D5/4K5 MIPI_M-PHYv3_TxRx_2D5-4K5.tdr
Agilent MOI for MIPI M-PHY Conformance Tests
5.2.2. Running VBA macro program
1. Installing the VBA macro program
INSTR STATE Obtain the VBA macro program from
Agilent and install it on the E5071C.
Macro Macro Macro
Setup Run Break Press Save/Recall on the front
Save/ System Preset
Recall panel, then press the Explorer soft
Using Explorer, copy the file to
the "D: