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VIA Technologies, Inc. Application Note AN228A
1045 Mission Court. 8th. Fl., No. 533
Fremont, CA 94539 Chung-cheng Rd.,Hsin-tien
USA Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
TEL: 1-510-683-3300 FAX: 1-510-683-3301 TEL: 886-2-218-5452 FAX: 886-2-218-5453
Title The power sequence of VT8235
Released Date May 23, 2003
Disclaimer Notice:
No license is granted, implied or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of VIA
Technologies. VIA Technologies makes no warranties, implied or otherwise, in
regard to this document and to the products described in this document. The
information provided by this document is believed to be accurate and reliable to the
publication date of this document. However, VIA Technologies assumes no
responsibility for any errors in this document. Furthermore, VIA Technologies
assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the information in this document
and for any patent infringements that may arise from the use of this document. The
information and product specifications within this document are subject to change at
any time, without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such change.
Revision History
Document Date Revision Initials
AP228 07/09/2002 Initial release MJ
AP228A 05/23/2003 Update item4,5,11,12,13 and 14 of table1. MJ
Power On Sequence with default OFF
RTC power llllrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Suspend power lllllllrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RSMRST# lllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Core power llllllllllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhh
PWRGD lllllllllllllllllllrhhhhhhhh
PWRBTN# hhhhhhhhhhflrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
SUS[A-C] llllllllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Power On Sequence with default ON
RTC power llllrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Suspend power lllllllrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RSMRST# lllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Core power llllllllllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhh
PWRGD lllllllllllllllllllrhhhhhhhh
PWRBTN# hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
SUS[A-C] llllllllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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VIA Technologies, Inc. Application Note AN228A
1045 Mission Court. 8th. Fl., No. 533
Fremont, CA 94539 Chung-cheng Rd.,Hsin-tien
USA Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
TEL: 1-510-683-3300 FAX: 1-510-683-3301 TEL: 886-2-218-5452 FAX: 886-2-218-5453
Power On Suspend sequence without RESET (S1)
Power hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
POS command zznozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Stop Grant zzzznozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Resume event zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznozzzzzzzzzzzz
STPCLK# hhhfllllllllllllllllllllrhhhhh
SLP# hhhhhhfllllllllllllllllrhhhhhh
SUSTAT# hhhhhhhfllllllllllllllrhhhhhhh
CPUSTP# hhhhhhhhfllllllllllrhhhhhhhhhh
PCISTP# hhhhhhhhfllllllllllrhhhhhhhhhh
SUSA hhhhhhhhhfllllllllrhhhhhhhhhhh
SUS[B-C] hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Power On Suspend sequence with CPU/PCI RESET
Power hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
POS command zzznozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Resume event zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznozzzzzzzzzz
STPCLK# hhhhhfllllllllllllrhhhhhhhhh
SLP# hhhhhhflllllllllllrhhhhhhhhh
SUSTAT# hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
CPUSTP# hhhhhhhhfllllllllllrhhhhhhhh
PCISTP# hhhhhhhhfllllllllllrhhhhhhhh
SUSA hhhhhhhhhfllllllllrhhhhhhhhh
SUS[B-C] hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
PCIRST# hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhflllllllrh
Suspend to RAM sequence
PWRGD hhhhhhhhhhfllllllllllllrhhhh
Power hhhhhhhhhhhhfllllllllrhhhhhh
POS command zzznozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Resume event zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznozzzzzzzz
STPCLK# hhhhhflllllrh"""""""""hhhhhh
SLP# hhhhhhfllllrh"""""""""hhhhhh
SUSTAT# hhhhhhhflllllllllllllllllrhh
CPUSTP# hhhhhhhhfllll"""""""""llrhhh
PCISTP# hhhhhhhhfllll"""""""""llrhhh
SUS[A-B] hhhhhhhhhfllllllllllrhhhhhhh
SUSC hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
PCIRST# hhhhhhhhhhhfl"""""""""llllrh
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VIA Technologies, Inc. Application Note AN228A
1045 Mission Court. 8th. Fl., No. 533
Fremont, CA 94539 Chung-cheng Rd.,Hsin-tien
USA Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
TEL: 1-510-683-3300 FAX: 1-510-683-3301 TEL: 886-2-218-5452 FAX: 886-2-218-5453
Suspend to DISK sequence
PWRGD hhhhhhhhhhfllllllllllllrhhhh
Power hhhhhhhhhhhhfllllllllrhhhhhh
POS command zzznozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Resume event zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznozzzzzzzz
STPCLK# hhhhhflllllrh"""""""""hhhhhh
SLP# hhhhhhfllllrh"""""""""hhhhhh
SUSTAT# hhhhhhhflllllllllllllllllrhh
CPUSTP# hhhhhhhhfllll"""""""""llrhhh
PCISTP# hhhhhhhhfllll"""""""""llrhhh
SUS[A-C] hhhhhhhhhfllllllllllrhhhhhhh
PCIRST# hhhhhhhhhhhfl"""""""""llllrh
Item Parameter Min Max Unit
1 VCCsus good to RSMRST# inactive 1 ms
2 PWRBTN rising to SUS[A-C]# inactive 4 5 RTCCLK
3 RSMRST# inactive to SUS[A-C]# inactive (default ON) 12 14 ms
4 SUSPEND command to STPCLK active 0 RTCCLK
5 STPCLK active to SLP# active (after stop grant cycle) 2 4 RTCCLK
6 SLP# active to SUSTAT# active 1 RTCCLK
7 SUSTAT# active to CPUSTP#/PCICTP# active 1 RTCCLK
8 CPUSTP#/PCISTP# active to SUS[A-C]# active 1 RTCCLK
9 Resume event to SUS[A-C] inactive 1 RTCCLK
10 SUSA# inactive to CPUSTP#/PCISTP# inactive 1 RTCCLK
11 PWRGD to CPUSTP#/PCISTP# inactive. 1 2 ms
(Function 0 offset 95 bit 7 = 1)
12 PWRGD to CPUSTP#/PCISTP# inactive 16 32 ms
(Function 0 offset 95 bit 7 = 0)
13 CPUSTP#/PCISTP# inactive to SUSTAT# inactive 125 250 us
(Function 0 offset 95 bit 7 = 1)
14 CPUSTP#/PCISTP# inactive to SUSTAT# inactive 1 2 ms
(Function 0 offset 95 bit 7 = 0)
15 SUSTAT# inactive to PCIRST# inactive 1 RTCCLK
Table 1.
Note: The timing font is required to display timing diagram. You can get it from
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