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Keysight EEsof EDA
Software and Modular Solutions
for Universities
Keysight for Universities
Topics Page
Overview of Keysight's Academics Program 03
Keysight EEsof EDA University Educational Donations 05
Educational Support Programs for Educators, Students,
and Researchers
Tools to Accelerate your Research 10
Software Enabling Communications Design Flow 11
Applications for Education and Research: Antenna Array 12
Research and Design Instrumentation 16
Resources for Lecturers, Researchers and Students 19
Seven Decades Innovating Across Boundaries 20
03 | Keysight | EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities - Brochure
Overview of Keysight's Academics Program
Education and Research for the Next Generation
Our Commitment to You... Premier
Keysight Technologies, Inc. will continue to support As the world's premier measurement company, Keysight
universities world wide. There is no better way for students works in close collaboration with engineers, scientists
to prepare for the real world than building skills that will and researchers around the globe to meet the communi-
be in demand wherever their talent and interests lead. cations, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis
That is one of the many reasons why Keysight EEsof EDA, challenges of today and tomorrow. Keysight is committed
the leading supplier of Electronic Design Automation to providing innovative measurement solutions that enable
(EDA) software for communications product design, has our electronics and bio-analytical customers and part-
supported Universities worldwide for over twenty ive ners--the leaders in their ields--to deliver the products
years with programs that make our products easy to and services that make a measurable difference in the
integrate into engineering studies. lives of people everywhere.
Keysight works closely with academia, government, and
industry to provide the tools that enable development of
new technology and supports the scientiic process of
investigation, discovery and analysis by providing reliable
measurement solutions.
We are committed to making an ongoing contribution to
academia by stimulating education and research, in areas
of importance to the next generation of engineers' future
contributing time, and expertise to research programs and
teaching tools.
This brochure provides a guide to the educational
programs of interest to university educators and students.
You will learn about Keysight EDA's donation program,
hardware and software tools available for education and
research and other educational resources available to the
education communities.
04 | Keysight | EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities - Brochure
Overview of Keysight's Academics Program
Keysight EEsof EDA University Educational Support Programs
The Keysight EDA's University Educational Support The University Support Program is available to qualify-
Program offers full versions of Keysight EDA software to ing institutions offering academic instruction in electrical
qualiied academic institutions for instructional use. This engineering, RF and communications system design, elec-
software, the same as used in industry, creates a full RF- tromagnetic analysis, high-speed digital design and device
EDA experience to help students develop skills that will modeling. Keysight EDA provides resources for Educators,
serve them throughout their careers. A working knowledge Researchers, and Students.
of Keysight EDA's design tool capabilities allows students
to enter the workforce as industry-ready engineers. Ad-
ditionally, the software enables professors to encourage
student creativity and students to capture and present
that creativity in a form that's recognized and trusted in
conference papers, presentation and proposals.
Worldwide education program in over 850 locations
05 | Keysight | EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities - Brochure
Keysight EEsof EDA University Educational Donations
Georgia Institute of University of South
Technology Florida
News Release. Keysight Tech- News Release. Keysight Tech-
nologies commits a donation in nologies makes a in-kind dona-
the form of software to Georgia tion, the largest ever received
Institute of Technology. by USF.
Georgia Tech dedicates a A record-setting gift to the
laboratory to Keysight after the University of South Florida
company made a substan tial donation to the university's from Keysight is positioning USF's College of Engineering
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). among the top schools in the nation offering access to one
of the engineering industry's leading design tools.
Academic uses of Keysight EDA software will focus on
Keysight EDA's Advanced Design System (ADS) and Keysight software provides the means to speed engineers
SystemVue solutions. ADS is the world's leading elec- through the process of turning ideas--even those scribbled
tronic design automation software for RF, microwave and on a napkin--into schematics and products. Thanks to the
high-speed digital applications, pioneering innovative and California-based design, test and measurement company,
commercially successful technologies such as X-param- USF's engineering students will have access to the same
eters and 3-D electromagnetic simulators. SystemVue is software professionals use.
Keysight's premier platform for designing communica-
tions systems. It enables system architects and algorithm
developers to innovate the physical layer of wireless and
aerospace/defense communications systems and provides
unique value to RF, DSP and FPGA/ASIC implementers.
See YouTube video: See YouTube video:
www.keysight.com/ind/GeorgiaTechandKeysight_video www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntntpHgla1M&noredirect=1
Georgia Institute of Technology University of South Florida
"Georgia Tech is among the best research universities "Every student who graduates from our electrical
in the world...Maintaining that position requires the best engineering program will have had hands-on experi-
teachers and facilities and, increasingly, key partner- ence with ADS (Advanced Design System) and that fact
ships with companies like Keysight. Thanks to Keysight's strengthens the value of their degree. This training and
support, our students now have access to the industry's experience gives our students a skill set and familiarity
leading software and hardware tools." with an industry-leading software, which will give them
an edge in the job market. From an employer's stand-
Steve McLaughlin, chair of Georgia Tech's School of point, it will eliminate a six-month training period."
Electrical and Computer Engineering.
John M. Wiencek, College of Engineering Dean
06 | Keysight | EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities - Brochure
Educational Support Programs For Educators
Resources for Educators
As a university educator, your Qualify for Keysight
route to building skills with
EDA educational
Keysight EDA products begins
with your local Keysight EDA support
Field Engineer and/or our It's easy to ind out if your
University Program Manager. University can qualify. Just
Participation in our Academic contact your local Keysight
Licensing program is provided EDA Field Engineer and
at nominal cost to the Univer- request a University Ap-
sity. Access to download and install software releases, ind plication, and be prepared to share some plans on how
information on hotixes, patches, and add-on software as Keysight EDA products will be used in your classroom and
well as installation and licensing instructions is available RF/Microwave program.
on the educators resource page.
Keysight EDA's program for classroom use of our prod-
Dreamcatcher University ucts in Higher Education has expanded to include major
additions to product families. Our programs feature fully
Courseware includes teaching slides, lab exercises and
operational versions of our commercial products and
reference design iles. It has been made available specii-
are available to qualifying institutions offering academic
cally for educators and students involved with the
instruction in:
Keysight EDA University Educational Support Programs.
The course provides complete educator resources for: