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Alignment and Adjustments
1. Alignment and Operation Checks
1-1 To enter the Factory mode and to select the item
1) Press the factory remote control keys in the following sequence : Display->Fcatory
2) Press the user remote control keys in the following sequence :
(In the standby mode) Display->Menu->Mute->Power
3) Move to target item with Up/Down cursor key or Channel Up/Down key.
4) Select target item with Left/Right cursor key or Volume Up/Down key.
1. ASI500 (Main) 8. DNIe
2. ASI500 (Sub) 9. L3E7050K (Epson)
3. VPC3230 (Main) 10. M62392E
4. VPC3230 (Sub) 11. DDP1010 (DLP)
5. FLI2200 12. Test Pattern
6. AD9888 13. Option Table
7. CXA2151Q 14. Reset
[Factory Main Menu]
1-2 Image position Adjustment
1) Select L3E7050K in Factory Main Menu.
2) Horiziontal Adujustment : Use the sub item H Position (25) of L3E7050K.
The default value is 40.
3) Vertical Adjustment : Use the sub item V Position (26) of L3E7050K.
The default value is 17.
9. L3E7050K (Epson)
25. H position 40
26. V position 17
1-3 White Balance Adjustment
1) White Balance is individually adjustment per four for each different input modes; Video
(RF/VIDEO/Component SD), Component HD, PC and DVI.
2) Lowlight adjustment :
- Adjust it by changing Bright R/G/B Center value in DNIe item.
- Generally fix Bright G Center value, and change Bright R Center and Bright B center values.
- The Brightness of each color will get higher as the value increases.
- The default value of Video mode is 117, while it is 128 for Component HD, PC and DVI modes.
8. DNIe
27. Bright R Center
28. Bright G Center
29. Bright B Center
Samsung Electronics 1-1
Alignment and Adjustments
3) Highlight adjustment
- Adjust it by changing R/G/B Contrast in L3E7050K item.
- Generally, fix G Contrast value, and change R Contrast and B Contrast values.
- The gain of each color will get higher as the value increases.
- Contrast 20 will be changed by step 20, and Contrast 01 will be changed by step 1.
- The default value of Video and Component HD mode is 512, while it is 500 for PC and DVI modes.
9. L3E7050K (Epson) 01 R Contrast 20
02 R Contrast 01
03 G Contrast 20
04 G Contrast 01
05 B Contrast 20
06 B Contrast 01
1-4. Test Patterns
The factory mode has various built-in test patterns.
T est P attern
01 Cross Bar 14 Dark 4%
02 Cross Hatch 15 Step 64
03 Check er 16 Step 32
04 Charac ter 17 Step 16
05 Box 18 Step 8
06 Single Color 19 Color B ar
07 White 75% 20 F lic ker_100
08 White 50% 21 F lic ker_75
09 White 25% 22 F lic ker_50
10 White 10% 23 F lic ker_25
11 Dark 1% 24 P attern T one 3
12 Dark 1.5% 25 V _F requency _60Hz 0
13 Dark 3% 26 OSD Mix ed 0
,[ T est P attern Menu]
1) Using method (Example: Step (18) test pattern)
- Move cursor to Step 8(18) test pattern 8 with up/down direction key or channel up/down key
of transmitter.
- Activate the test pattern with left/right direction key or volume up/down key of transmitter.
- Test pattern of white, blue, red, and green will be displayed in turn with press on left/right
direction key or volume up/down key.
- The display will be returned to the test pattern menu with press on up/down direction key or
channel up/down key at the test pattern display status.
- The display will be returned to the main menu of the factory mode with press on menu key at
the status of the test pattern display status.
2) Types of patterns
A) LCD patterns: These patterns are made from LCD driver board, which are ranged from
Single Color (06)to Dart 4%(14) pattern.
1-2 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
- Function of Pattern Tone(24): Only available on LCD patterns
* 1: Test pattern signal is displayed after adjusted with white balance and gamma correction.
* 2: Test pattern signal is displayed after adjusted with gamma correction.
* 3: Test pattern signal is displayed to LCD panel without adjustment. (Mainly used to
measure optical characteristics.)
- Normal display of LCD pattern indicates at least that the status of optical engine including the
LCD board is normal.
B) Scaler Patterns: These patterns are made from scaler IC on digital board which are ranged from
Cross Bar(01) to Box(05) and from Step 64(15) to Flicker_25(23) pattern.
- OSD Mixed: Only available on Scaler Patterns.
* 0: Test pattern will disappear when the display is returned to the menu at test pattern display status.
* 1: Test pattern will be a background picture when the display is returned to menu at test
pattern display status.
- Normal display of scaler patterns means at least the parts after scaler IC are normal.
1-5 M62392E LCD driver control
It em Default F uction It em Default F uction
01 V middle 1 85 F ix ed 14 D ->L T r ans - Refer below
02 V refence 230 F ix ed 15 L C D All Initial - Don't use
03 NRSL 103 F ix ed 16 OSD Star t P os 00 F ix ed
04 NRSH Red 96 F ix ed 17 L C D E E P - Refer below
05 NRSH Gr een 96 F ix ed 18 DIG E E P - Refer below
06 NRSH Blue 96 F ix ed
07 L C COM Red 94 Red F lick er contr ol
08 L C COM Gr ee 94 Gr een F licker conr ol
09 L C COM B lue 94 Blue F licker contr ol
10 UpDown 01 Image F lip
11 L eftRight 01 Image F lip
12 Unifor mity 00 F ix ed
13 Cr emo Debug 00 F ix ed
[ M62392E Menu]
- LCD board and digital board can simultaneously backup the data of gamma (uniformity) and
flicker adjustment, because they have the same capacity of EEPROM.
- LCD EEP: It indicates the status of EEPROM in the LCD board.
* Cremo: With the eguipment used during engine assembly at the factory, it indicates that the adjusted
gamma and flicker data is stored.
* Download: It indicates that the gamma and flicker data on the digital board is downloaded and
stored through D->L Trans(14) operation.
At replacement of the LCD board, 14 D->L Trans operation should be carried out.
* Default: It indicates that the default value of Gamma and flicker data is stored.
- DIG EEP: It indicates the status of the EEPROM of the digital board.
* Download: It indicates that the gamma and flicker data on the LCD board is downloaded and
stored through factory reset operation. At replacement of the digital board, the data in EEPROM of
the LCD board should be backed up to EEPROM of the new digital board by factory reset.
* Default: It indicates that the default value of gamma and flicker data is stored.
Samsung Electronics 1-3
Alignment and Adjustments
14 D L T rans (L CD E E P : download)
Digital B oard L CD Board
F actory reset (DIG E E P : download)
F actory
Adjustment (L CD E E P : Cremo)
,[ E E P ROM Status Diagram]
- LCCOM Red: It is used for the LCCOM adjustment of the Red panel.
It adjusts the flicker of the Red panel.
- LCCOM Green: It is used for the LCCOM adjustment of the Green panel.
It adjusts the flicker of the Green panel.
- LCCOM Blue: It is used for the LLCOM adjustment of the Blue panel.
It adjusts the flicker of the Blue panel.
1-6 Flicker agjustment
* Basically, the flicker is agjusted to an optimal status during the assembly of the optical engine. In
case additional adjustment is needed, please refer to the following; (ex. Blue panel)
1) Select Test Pattern item.
1) Set item OSD Mixed(26) to 1.
2) Select item Flicker_50(22) (Signal level 50%) pattern.
3) Selecting Blue color, and check the value of the flicker.
4) Press Menu key.
5) Select item M62392E(10).
6) Adjust flicker by selecting item LCCOM Blue(9).
7) Press again Menu key.
8) Select test pattern item, and return item OSD Mixed(26) to 0
1-4 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
1-7 Option Tables
It e m D ef a ult ( E u r o pe ) D ef a ult ( A s ia) ET C
01 L an g uag e G r o u p E ur o p e A s ia D ep e nd e nt o n A r ea
02 L an g uag e - - D ep e nd e nt o n N at io n
03 Jac k T y pe S c ar t RCA S c ar t/R C A
04 A T M /A r e a AT M A r ea A T M /A r e a
05 C W /C S CW CS
06 L NA On On
07 T OP T T X On On
08 T T X G r o up - - D ep e nd e nt o n A r ea
09 T T X C o nt r as t 3 3
10 H igh D ev iat ion O ff O ff
11 C ar r ier M ut e On On
12 P ic t u r e A s pe c t L as t M e m o r y L as t M e m o r y L as t/W id e
13 S c ar t WS S N o r m al N o r m al N o r m al/W ide /P an or a m a
14 C lo c k D is play 12Hrs 12Hrs 1 2 H r s /2 4 H r s
15 A V In p ut TV TV T V /L as t m e m o r y
16 P lu g & P lay On On
17 P ix e l N um be r 01 01
18 P ix e l T im e 01 01
19 Me lo dy V o lum e 05 05 P o w e r on /o f f M e lod y v o lum e
20 P A L O S D /D N I e S h if t 0 /0 or 0/-1 0 /0 or 0/-1 F ix ed
21 N T O S D S h if t 0 0 F ix ed
22 A u to P o we r On On
23 L am p T im e - -
24 L am p T im e C lea r
25 P ix e l S hif t O ff O ff
26 D N Ie D e m o On On
27 A r ab ic /P e r s ian - - O S D la ng u ag e s e le c t io n
28 61 In c h - - S e e 5 - 8 . 6 1 " O p tio n
Samsung Electronics 1-5
Alignment and Adjustments
1-8 LED Operation
( :On, :Blinking, : off )
Standby mode.
A timer pilot light when Timer Auto On or is selected.
Normal operation
Normal operation(When Timer Auto On or off is selected.)
Lamp is warming up. The normal picture comes on after 25 seconds.
The normal picture comes on after 25 seconds.(when Timer Auto On or
off is seleted.
Air vent cover in the rear of the TV is not properly installed.
Inside temperature of the TV is over normal. Clean the air vent cover in
the rear of the TV. Turn the TV back on after 1hour.
The lamp does not work, please contact an authorized service center for
1-9 61" Option
SP43L2/50L2HX SP61L2HX
a b
b a e
LED Indicators (a) Input Source Selection
(b) Menu Display
(c) Channel Selection
(d) Volume Adjustment
(e) Confirm your choice
(Store or Enter)
f (f) Power On/Off
* The 61" model has no additional Enter button, and the Source button provides an Enter
function as well. That is, the Source button is for Entering with at status with the OSD menu,
while it is also for the Source Selection at status without OSD menu.
1-10 Lamp Time Clear
* Existing lamp time should be cleared after replacing lamp.
1) Select Option Table.
2) Run item lamp time clear(24) on the 2nd page of option table.
1-11 Display spots
1) Appearance: Some areas, lines, or points with black, cyan, yellow, magenta, etc, that is not white color
are found in the white (10~100%) picture among repose pictures, and in some cases, red, green, blue color
of area is appeared at black picture.
1-6 Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
2) Types
Appearance Cause Countermeasure
1 to 3mm diameter of surrounding boundary is It is caused by dust stuck to the screen inside the Remove the dust on the screen.
Screen dust seen clear at white picture, and is more of a set, caused by static electricity.
polygon than circle. (It's the same with the
shape of dust)
It is found well from white 40 to 80% as cyan, A minute dust on the polarizer or panel part of the 1.Remove dust by discharging high
yellow, or magenta color etc, and has the 8 to engine sticks to one channel among red, green, blue, pressure of air to the filter of the engine.
20mm circle of shape with unclear boundary. and is displayed with its size 60 times increased. The 2.Remove dust with air pump for lens
Engine dust diameter of dust stuck to a panel part is displayed a cleaning after removing cover-lens.
smaller while it is bigger on polarizer. 3.Replace engine.
Dust stuck to a panel is found red, green, blue color,
etc at the same location of black picture.
Water drop shape is displayed on a white Reflection image is displayed on the screen due to Replace mirror.
Bad Mirror Shape picture, and its surrounding boundary is a little light distorted by a pin hole or bad shape on the
cloudy. reflection side of the mirror.
Mirror or Screen Various shapes are displayed with a cloudy It is displayed on screen in case mirror or Clean Mirror or Screen.
contamination surrounding boundary in a white picture. screen inside is contaminated.
Bad Uniformity The white picture is very big and black is the Dust located in the engine lighting system is Replace engine.
main color found compared to other colors. blocking the lighting.
Contamination of A big light pink spot is found in the white It is caused by contamination due to fingerprint Clean transmitting lens.
transmitting Lens picture. on the surface of the transmitting lens, etc.
It is caused by a scratch on the surface of the
Bad transmitting Lens A wave shape is found in the white picture. Replace engine.
transmitting lens.
Alignment and Adjustments
Alignment and Adjustments
ASSY COVER P-FAN Separation :
Remove the 3 screws securing the COVER-DUCT, TOP.
ASSY COVER P-FAN Separation :
Pull out the screws while holding and pressing on the HOOK of the HOLDER-FILTER.
1-8 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
ASSY COVER P-FAN Separation :
Pull out the HANDLE-FILTER in the direction shown in the figure.
ASSY COVER P-FAN Separation :
Lift up the COVER-DUCT TOP with your hand in order to pull out the FAN.
Samsung Electronics 1-9
Alignment and Adjustments
ASSY COVER P-FAN Separation :
Pull out the FAN and let go of the COVER-DUCT TOP .
1-10 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
Remove the 4 screws in order to pull out the LAMP_BALLAST CONNECTOR
Pull out the connector connected to the LAMP-BALLAST and the LAMP (Left Figure), and lift it up to
separate the two parts.(Right Figure)
Samsung Electronics 1-11
Remove the 4 screws securing the LAMP-BALLAST.
Remove the ON/OFF CABLE inserted in the LAMP-BALLAST.
Remove the LAMP-BALLAST, and replace it.
Alignment and Adjustments
COVER-LENS Separation :
Remove the marked screws.
COVER-LENS Separation :
Pull out the COVER-LENS in upward direction as shown in the figure.
Samsung Electronics 1-13
Alignment and Adjustments
Remove the 4 marked screws.
Hold both sides of the ASSY MISC P-SHIELD-CASE TOP and pull it out in the direction of the arrow to
separate it.
1-14 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
LCD-PANEL Separation :
Separate the 3 marked parts of PANEL R,G,B.
Refer to the figure for details.
LCD PANEL Separation :
Separate each PANEL HOLDER
Refer to the figure for details.
LCD PANEL Separation :
Push both sides of each PANEL HOLDER in
direction of the arrow in the figure to separate it.
Samsung Electronics 1-15
Alignment and Adjustments
LCD PANEL Separation :
A figure showing three separated panels
Remove the 4 marked screws.
1-16 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
Hold both sides of the ASSY MISC P-SHIELD-CASE BOT and pull it out upward in the direction of arrow
to separate it.
Remove the 4 marked screws.
Samsung Electronics 1-17
Alignment and Adjustments
FAN-BALLAST Separation :
Remove the 2 screws securing the HOLDER-BALLAST.
1-18 Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
FAN-BALLAST Separation :
Pull out the ASSY BALLAST as shown in the figure.
FAN-BALLAST Separation :
Remove the 2 HOLDER screws securing the FAN.
Samsung Electronics 1-19
Alignment and Adjustments
FAN-BALLAST Separation : FAN-BALLAST Separation :
Remove the 2 screws securing the FAN. Pull out the FAN as shown in the figure and
replace it with a new one.
1-12-5 FAN(FAN-LAMP)
FAN-LAMP Separation : FAN-LAMP Separation :
Remove the 2 screws Turn the HANDLE-LAMP by 90