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Table of contents
Safety information----------------------------3 8Control board silk screen diagrqm--------------------------33
1 General guide---------------------------3
2 Low zeta potential leaking inspection------3 Attachment 3------------------------------34
3 High zeta potential leaking inspection------3
Component list
Device avoiding ES (Electric susceptible) 1 Decoder board component list------------------35
Influence of ESD (Electric Susceptible 2 Amplifier board component list----------------38
Discharge)----3 3 Control board component list-------------------41
Electric specification-------------------4
Mechanical diagram---------------- -------8
Mechanical parts list-------------------- 9
Packing and accessories--------------10
Disassemble and assemble-----------11
1 Take out disc from trouble player-------11
2 PCB position------------------------11
Disassemble and assemble parts of the unit----12
1 Can open the tray by electricity---------12
2 Can not open the tray by electricity-----12
3 Assemble the case-------------------------12
Attachment 1------------------------- 13
Block diagram/Circuit diagram--------13
1 Block diagram--------------------------------14
2 Connecting diagram-------------------------15
3 Decoder board diagram---------------------16
4 Amplifier board diagram-------------------21
5 Control Board diagram---------------------24
Attachment 2-------------------------25
PCB diagram
1 Upper decoder board PCB diagram----26
2 Upper decoder board silk screen diagram-------27
3 Lower decoder board PCB diagram-------------28
4 Amplifier board PCB diagram-------------------29
5 Amplifier board silk screen diagram------------30
6 Upper control board PCB diagram-------------31
7 Lower control board PCB diagram------------32
Safety information
General guide of discharge of distortionESDexceeded the
1.Observe the original circuit during maintenance. If short restrained figure, electric shock should be
circuit occurs, change the over-hot or damaged components. possibly suffered. Do maintain the unit and
2.Observe all the protective device after maintenance, such inspect once more before return to the user.
as whether the shielding cover or paper is assembled well. Device avoiding ES influence of ESD.
3.To avoid electric shock, please inspect electricity leakage Some solid semi-conductor devices are easy to be
after maintenance damaged by static electricity. These devices are generally
Low zeta potential leaking inspection called ES device. The typical devices are IC, field effect
1.Take out AC cord and connect a piece of wire between two component and semi-conductor laser diode.
legs of the outlet. The following technology helps to abate the danger of
ESD on body before handle any semi-conductor or
2.Use Gear R x 10K of the voltmeter to measure the spares
semi-conductor component. Or wear the ESD bangle availed
on AC outlet and exposed metallic part with short circuit.
from the market to eliminate the threaten of static electricity
The resistance between screw cap, control shaft should be on human body.
2.Put the electronic parts with ES device on the surface of
conductor such as aluminium foil after take them out in order
AC voltmeter
Electric leakage inspection
to protect static electricity from accumulation and explosion.
3.Solder or disassemble ES device through iron connecting
the earth.
4. Utilize device only anti-static electricity to disassemble
soldering tin. Non-anti static electricity device (ESC
protection) will release ES that damage ES device.
5.Do not use chemical volatile releasing static electricity
1.5K 10W
Cold water pipe
To device with connecting to
exposed metal parts ground that leads to damage ES device
6. Unless preparation for pre-assembling has been made,do
Picture1 not take out the ES device to be changed from the protective
High zeta potential leakage inspection packings( most of the changed ES devices are packed
.As illustrated 1, Connect Resistor with 1.5K, 10W and
together with anti-static electrical foam or similar electric
capacitor 0.15 between exposed metallic part and device of
material, besides, countermeasures for down-lead short
fine connection to the earth (water pipe etc.).
circuit are taken.).
2.Plug-in AC cord directly to AC outlet. Do not inspect with
shield adaptor. 7. Protective material should connect the model or the circuit
3.Utilize 1000 or more sensitive voltmeter to measure component to be assembled in it before taking out the
alternating voltage. protective material from the ES device.
4.Turn back the AC plug-in from AC outlet then iterate the Note: do not bear electricity to the model or the circuit, and
inspection as above. pay attention to all the other safety information.
5.Inspect the voltage of the resistor between other exposed 8. When disassembling and replacing the ES device, try to
metallic parts and the earth with the same way.
reduce body movement (Or, the movement of legs, the
6. The voltage must not be over than 0.75Vrms at any points friction of fibrous of clothes, or elevating the legs from the
on the resistor. Electric leakage should not be over 0.5mA floor will generate static electricity ESD, causing damage to
when processing high voltage leakage testing through the ES device.)
prevent ed static of keennessESsetting is exposedto static
Electric Specification
MW electric index Model No.: DVP-0601-1
Test condition:
1. Supply voltage: AC230V 50Hz 2. Standard power output: 1W
3.Speaker impedance: 4FLFRSLSR 8C 6(SW)
4.Standard modulating: 400Hz 30%
No. Test items Unit Standard Limit error
1 Intermediate frequency KHz 450 +/-3
2 Cover with area KHz 522-1620 +/-5
S/N 20dB612KHz uV/M 600 3000
4 Utility delicacy S/N 20dB999KHz uV/M 600 3000
S/N 20dB1395KHz uV/M 600 3000
5 S/N ratio999 KHzinput 5mV/M dB 40 30
6 Intermediate Frequency restrain rate612KHz dB 45 35
7 Mirror restrain rate1404KHz dB 35 30
8 Auto plus controlinput 100mV/M dB 30 20
Distortion 5mV/M input30 % 1 3
degree 100mV/M input80 % 3 5
10 -6dB bandwidth20dB S/N KHz 8 5-10
11 zip input 5mV/MIFx1 IFx2 % 3 10
Volume max W
12 Distortion degree: 10%60% modulation
power W 4.5 3
degreeinput 5mV/M
13 +/-10KHz selectivity 1000KHz 20dB S/N dB 14 8
14 Frequency respond -6 dBinput 5mV/M Hz 40~4K 100~3.15K
15 Modulating AC volume input 100mV/M dB 40 35
16 The least noise mV 1 3
17 Sensitivity of station locking dB 90
FM electric index Model No.: DVP-0601-1
Test condition:
1. Supply voltage: AC230V 50Hz 2. Standard output power: 1W
3. Antenna impedance: 75 4. Standard modulating: 1KHz 22.5KHz
5. Speaker impedance: 4FLFRSLSR8C 6(SW)
No. Test items Unit Standard Limit Error
1 Intermediate frequency MHz 10.7 +/-0.1
2 Cover with area MHz 87.5-108 +/-0.1
S/N 30dB90MHz dB 22 26
3 Utility delicacy S/N 30dB98MHz dB 22 26
S/N 30dB106MHz dB 22 26
4 S/N ratio 98MHzinput 1mV dB 50 34
5 -3dB limit delicacy uV 10 20
6 Intermediate Frequency Restrain Rate90MHz dB 50 45
7 Mirror Restrain Rate106MHz dB 28 22
8 Distortion degree 1mV input % 0.6 1.5
9 Modulating AC volumeinput 5mV dB 50 40
10 Auto frequency control range1mV input-3dB KHz
11 AM restrain1mv inputmodulate degree 30% dB 32 26
12 Power outputdistortion degree 10%60KHz1mv input W 10
13 Frequency response-3dB Hz 40~12.5K 100~8K
14 Noise of minimum volume mV 1 3
15 Sensitivity of station locking dB 35
16 Passage separating dB 25 20
DVD electric index Model No.: DVP-0601-1
1Video section
No. Test item Test point Performance require Unit Remark
1 Video 1.0