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1. Specification
2. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting

3. Exploded View and Parts List

4. MAIN Electrical Parts List

5. PCB Diagrams

6. Block Diagrams
1. SGH-D800 Specification

1-1. GSM General Specification

E- GSM DCS1800 P C S 19 00

Freq. Ban d [M Hz ] 88 0~9 15 1 71 0~ 1 78 5 1 85 0~ 1 91 0
Upl in k/Downl in k 92 5~9 60 1 80 5~ 1 88 0 1 93 0~ 1 99 0
97 5~ 10 23
A RF C N ra n g e 51 2~8 85 51 2~8 10
0~12 4

Tx/R x sp aci ng 45 MHz 95 MHz 80 MHz

27 0. 83 3K b ps 27 0. 83 3K b ps 27 0. 83 3K b ps
M od . B i t GPRS
3.692us 3.692us 3.692us
Bi t P eri od 8 12 . 5 K b p s 8 12 . 5 K b p s 8 12 . 5 K b p s
3.692us 3.692us 3.692us
Ti me S lot P eri od /F rame 576.9us 576.9us 576.9us
Peri od 4. 61 5ms 4. 61 5ms 4. 61 5ms

GP RS 0. 3GM SK 0. 3GM SK 0. 3GM SK
M od ul a ti on

G P RS 3 3d B m ~ 5 d Bm 3 0d B m ~ 0 d Bm 3 0d B m ~ 0 d Bm
MS P ow er
EDGE 27 ~5dBm 26~0dBm 26 ~0dBm

GP RS 5~1 9( cl as s4 ) 0~15(class1) 0~15(class1)
Power Level
EDGE 8~ 19 (cl ass E2) 2~15(class E2) 2~15(class E2)

Sensitivity -102dBm -100 dBm -102dBm

TDM A Mu x 8 8 8

Cell Ra dius 35Km 2Km 2 Km

Operating Temperature -20 ~ 45 -20 ~ 45 -20 ~ 45

Supply Voltage 3.7V 3.7V 3.7V

Dimention : 97(H)