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Ready to excel in the most demanding server-class environments

IBM UltrastarTM 146 Z10
hard disk drives

Advanced drive technology media. Informally known as "pixie
Introducing the sixth generation of IBM dust" this technology sandwiches a
Ultrastar* 10,000 rpm disk drives. The three-atom thick layer of ruthenium, a
IBM Ultrastar 146 Z10 drive family offers precious metal, between two magnetic
high quality and superior performance. layers on a disk. AFC technology pro-
These drives feature more powerful vides greater stability of the recording
processors and read/write channels to media, thereby enhancing reliability.
excel in server-class environments.
IBM's Drive Fitness Test enables drive
To achieve maximum I/O performance, self-testing and analysis--for more
the drives combine fast seek times, robust system management. To help
large 8 MB multi-segmented buffers, ensure data protection, IBM Ultrastar
a sophisticated command queuing drives include IBM-exclusive reporting
algorithm, hardware automation, and tools, such as Predictive Failure
Rotational speed of 10,000 rpm
superior data rates (825 Mbps). Analysis* (to signal potential drive
and average seek times as low as
Ultrastar 146 Z10 drives include new problems) and Drive-TIP* (to monitor
4.7 ms provide outstanding
performance servo technology (Rotational Vibration the drive temperature and avoid
Safeguard "RVS"), employed to coun- malfunctions).
Capacities of 146, 73, 36, and teract the effects of rotational vibration
18GB from a single server drive that commonly occur in multi-drive In addition, load/unload technology and
family for unrivaled configuration cabinets. They also employ fifth- glass substrate disks also increase
flexibility and ease of integration generation giant magnetoresistive reliability of IBM Ultrastar drives by pro-

(GMR) head technology to double areal viding a more robust solution at high
First ever server-class drive to density from previous generation drives rotational speeds.
implement antiferromagnetically- (26.3 Gbits/sq. in.) and boost per-
coupled (AFC) media, combined Outstanding environmentals
formance. In addition, highly efficient
with advanced head/disk design, IBM Ultrastar drives provide extremely
No-ID* sector formatting enables more
resulting in high reliability for quiet operation. The tri-laminate drive
data to be stored per disk.
today's critical server-class cover reduces both idle and seek
environments acoustics while an enhanced spindle
Reliability features
The Ultrastar 146 Z10 family of motor driver enables smoother com-
Enhanced servo technology
server-class drives is the first of mutation for less noise. Moreover, the
(Rotational Vibration Safeguard)
its class to incorporate IBM's latest IBM Ultrastar 146 Z10 delivers an out-
nullifies the effect of rotational
storage breakthrough technology-- standing power efficient design.
vibration in multi-drive cabinets,
overcoming an industry hurdle to antiferromagnetically-coupled (AFC)
optimal server performance
Support for advanced applications
IBM Ultrastar 146 Z10 at a glance
and interfaces
Product name Ultrastar 146 Z10 Ultrastar 146 Z10 IBM Ultrastar drives provide high
Model names IC35L018UWDY10, IC35L018UCDY10 IC35L018F2DY10 data throughput for data-intensive
IC35L036UWDY10, IC35L036UCDY10 IC35L036F2DY10
IC35L073UWDY10, IC35L073UCDY10 IC35L073F2DY10 applications with a choice of 2
IC35L146UWDY10, IC35L146UCDY10 IC35L146F2DY10
Gbit Fibre Channel and Ultra320
Configuration SCSI (backward-compatible)
Interface Ultra320 / Ultra1603 SCSI FC-AL-2 interfaces. The Ultra320 SCSI adds
Capacity (GB)1 146.8/73.4/36.7/18.3 146.8/73.4/36.7/18.3
Sector size (bytes) 512-528 (variable, 2 byte inc.) 512-528 (8 byte inc) greater speed, reduced overhead,
Recording zones 15 15
Data heads (physical) 12/6/3/2 12/6/3/2 improved diagnostic capabilities and
Data disks 6/3/2/1 6/3/2/1
Max. areal density (Mbits/sq. inch) 26,263 26,263
data protection.
Max. recording density (BPI) 548,000 548,000
Track density (TPI) 47,900 47,900

For more information
Data buffer 8192 KB 8192 KB Internet and e-mail:
Rotational speed (rpm) 10,000 10,000
Latency average (ms)
Media transfer rate (max. Mbits/sec)
433 - 825
433 - 825