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4 Alignment and Adjustments
This section of the service manual explains how to make permanent adjustments to the monitor. Direction
is given for adjustment using the monitor Interface Board Ver. 2.0 and software (SoftJig).
4-1 Adjustment Conditions
Caution: Changes made without the SoftJig are saved only to the user mode settings. As such, the
settings are not permanently stored and may be inadvertently deleted by the user.
4-1-1 Before Making Adjustments 4-1-1 (f) +B 210 V LINE ADJUSTMENT
Signal: 1024 x 768 mode (68 kHz/85 Hz)
4-1-1 (a) ORIENTATION Display image: Full white
When servicing, always face the monitor to the Contrast: Maximum
east. Brightness: Maximum
Whenever possible, use magnetic field isolation Signal: 1024 x 768 mode (68 kHz/85 Hz)
equipment such as a Helmholtz field to surround Display image: Full white
the monitor. If a Helmholtz field is not available, Contrast: Maximum
frequently degauss the unit under test. Brightness: Maximum
Limit: 27 kV