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Please note that this guide is copyrighted and any unauthorized replication will not be tolerated and is punishable under federal law. *** This includes giving away free copies, posting any links to this guide on forums,
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NOTE: This guide is best viewed with an active internet connection. There are links throughout the guide, to useful and informative pages to help you in your process of making Millions. We strongly suggest that you visit these sites to further you learning on the game of Runescape.

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Chapter 1- Getting Started Chapter 2 - Your First Million Chapter 3 - Starting Your Own.... Chapter 4 - Profitable Items Chapter 5 - Runescape Shops Chapter 6 - Woodcutting Chapter 7 - Tricks and Tips Chapter 8 - Scams and Hacks

4 11 15 18 19 22 23 25

Price Guide - enclosed in the zip file, we have also posted the guide on an internet site, for ease up updating the guide, it can be found at the following site. You may wish to bookmark this site. We try to update the guide on a monthly basis. http://www.runescapemillions.com/pguide.htm

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Chapter 1: Getting Started

www.RunescapeMillions.com would personally like to thank you for purchasing this guide. I can assure you that you have made a wise decision. Ok I'm sure that you are dying to start making money so lets get on our way shall we! Now naturally you can't just snap your fingers or wave a magical wand and achieve millions of gold pieces. (although this would be rather nice, lol!) But, if you put a little time and effort into it, and follow this guide I can guarantee you that you will be rich (in Runescape anyway) and can purchase all and any of those cool items you have seen everyone else wearing and trading. You know those ones that run around calling everyone "NOOBS!" All the money I have made in this game has come from the secrets in this guide. I am holding nothing back! I actually still use these methods today to rake in the gold! (November 2005, last guide update.) No cheating, scamming, only legit ways to make Runescape Money!
(Although for those interested we know of another company who can help you out. More on this will be discussed later. We personally do not recommend it but, there advertising pays well! ;)

And now those secrets will be your secrets as well!!

Note: For the best use of this guide please make sure you are connected to the internet, as there will
be links off and on the page that will gear you towards helpful websites/pages.

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To Make Money you Need Money!! Plain and simple, just as it states! This is a simple rule in Runescape, before you can make BIG money you have to have some to start off with. Think of it as in real life; Do you think that Bill Gates woke up one morning with 5 million dollars in his bank account? NO, he started small and gradually made it BIG (If you already have a decent amount of money (50-100k) you may want to skip this portion of the guide, and continue to the next chapter: Chapter 2) There are a few easy ways to earn your first 50,000 to 100,000 gp. After you have earned this starting cash we will then show you the secrets of getting rich. But first things first: The first, easiest, and most common way is to kill chickens. KILLING CHICKENS?? ARE YOU CRAZY! I know your probably laughing as you read this, but trust me....there is a demand for feathers, and soon enough you'll be laughing all the way to the bank! Members use feathers all the time for making arrows to raise their range or fletching levels. Simple enough right? Kill the chickens and collect the feathers. The chickens will drop between 5-15 feathers when they are killed. (If you are interested in raising your range or combat levels please refer to the combat/range/mage guides.) Listed below are the prices that people are currently buying for: Free Worlds: 5-7gp each Members Worlds: 10-12gp each I know this may not sound like alot of money, but you have to think BIG. To make money with anything you have to sell in bulk amounts. If you are F2P (free to play player), then you should always try to sell in World 1, if World 1 is full then log into the next busiest world, and so on.

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DO NOT SELL BELOW 5gp each!! Many people will offer to buy your feathers for 1-3gp each. Be firm with your price!! If they do not accept the trade, don't worry about it, just keep collecting feathers and wait for someone who will buy them for 5 each. Having feathers in your inventory is like having Money in your pocket!! If you are selling over 1,000 (1k) of feathers then you should try to sell for 6-7gp each. (If you are a member you should always sell in units over 1k and demand nothing less than 10-12 ea.) You should keep collecting and selling feathers until you have reached 5,000-10,000 gp. This may take some time, but remember YOU need MONEY to make MONEY! Selling at 5gp each you can reach the 5,000gp mark, by killing approximately 250 chickens (this is if they just drop 5 feathers everytime, but remember they can drop 10 or 15 feathers as well). This is a great time to work on training your other skills as well...combat, range, mage, (early levels), prayer, and cooking. (You'll get a lot of bones and chicken meat.) Now here is the fun part! After you have made 5k-10k gp you should start buying feathers from other people while you are collecting them. Try to buy them at 1-3gp each. You will be surprised at how many people will sell them to you for this price. Why? Because they have know idea what you can actually get out of them. Buying feathers makes collecting them much quicker! Don't be scared to spend your money, because you are actually investing your money, as long as you buy them cheap. Think about it for a minute. If you can 5k feathers, and sell for 5gp each you have made 25,000gp. If you collected 10k feathers and sold them for 5-7gp each you would have made 50,000-70,000gp, get the picture?? (If you are a member you can easily get 10 gp per feather.)

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Another thing you should do is check the forums on Runescape. (They are located on the main page of Runescape.)

If you are F2P you wont be able to post any messages, but you can still view the posts to find potential buyers. Feathers Buyers can be found in the Fletching section of the Forums.
(If there aren't any posts from feather buyers don't get discouraged! Just keep checking every 10-15 minutes.)

Since the players posting the messages are members, they will buy your feathers for 10gp each!! All you have to do is remember their name (I always write it down somewhere, lol) and then add them to your friends list. Contact them in the game and tell them you are selling feathers, and was wondering if they are still looking to buy. Now all of a sudden your 5k feathers sell for 50,000 gp, and 10k feathers sells for 100,000 gp!!! As a free player! Note: If someone replies to your post asking to buy, and you are currently out of feathers, be sure to tell them that you can get them for them if they are interested. This is a very good way to earn money, because you are in contact with a buyer who more than likely is going to need more in a few days, if not in a few hours! Always ask if they will be needing more!

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More Ways to Get Your Starting gp Luckily collecting feathers is not your only option! (Trust me, I know how boring this can get!) Another option you may consider, is to mine Rune Essence. In order to be able to mine Essence you will need to complete the Rune Mystery Quest first. You can start this quest by talking to the King in Lumbridge castle. After you have completed the quest you will be able to teleport to the Rune Essence Mines. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Varrock Rune Shop south of the west bank. Here you can right click or talk to Aubury. He will then teleport you to the mines. Once you have mined an inventory full of Rune Essence travel back to the bank. Repeat this until you have 1k or more Rune Essence.

(Remember to always sell in bulk amounts.)

You can sell your essence for 20-35 gp each. You can also apply the same tactics to feathers once you get enough money, just be sure that you buy the essence for less then 10gp or so.

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Members Options If you are a member you have a slight advantage. Members can make an easy 50k to 100k per hour at a lvl 3!! To achieve this all you need is a knife and an axe. You will be making arrow shafts. All you need to do now is empty your inventory, keeping an axe and a knife only. Then just go start cutting down trees (normal trees only!). When you get a full load of wood then use your knife with a log. On the screen that pops up, right click on the arrow shafts, and select "Make X", then just enter the number of logs that you have.

(Insert fletching pic)

Easy enough right. Depending on your wood cutting lvl, one round should take around 3-5 minutes to complete. When you fletch a log you will get 15 arrow shafts per log. So if you where to chop 200 trees, you would recieve a total of 3k arrow shafts. Arrow shafts generally sell for 5-10gp each. If you where to chop 666 logs you would recieve 10k shafts which you could sell for 100k gp!!

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UPDATE: Many players have said that this is not possible anymore, it does take a little longer than some of the other starting methods, compared to last year, but IT STILL WORKS, you must have patience! If you find yourself stuck with loads of shafts, attach feathers to them to make headless arrows, these arrows will sell better normally at 15-20gp ea., they just take longer to make, which means more time on your hands) it really depends on if you can find the right buyer. You will want to look for players raising there range or fletching levels, as they are in need of shafts constantly, many are lazy and rich, and don't want to take the time to make shafts themselves. If you find a buyer, they will need MORE later, keep them on your friends list and stay in touch with them, you may wish to offer them a discount sell for say 2 gp lower then the rest of everyone, this will ensure that they come back to you when they are in need.

The best way to sell shafts is to post them on the forums You can keep making the shafts yourself, or to save time, you can start hiring log cutters to cut normal logs for you. Pay them 10gp or less per log. A good place to find log cutters is to advertise that you are hiring log cutters in the banks in free worlds. By spending the 10gp per log, you are investing your money, because each log will give you 15 shafts: 1000 logs x 10gp = 10,000gp (what you pay for the logs) 1000 logs x 15 arrow shafts/log = 15,000gp x 10gp = 150,000gp As you can see you can easily turn 10k into 150k by doing this!!

In this chapter we have discussed how you can earn your vital starting cash and turn it into 50-100k gp. The following chapter will discuss how you can take this starting cash and start your journey to millions!

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Chapter 2: Your First Million!
Now that you have earned 50-100k you are well on your way to making your first million!! This chapter will primarily focus on easy ways to make your money grow. Remember what I said earlier "It takes money to make money." If you have not followed some of the ideas in Chapter 1, it is a must that you do so!! What is Bulk?? When trying to make money you always need to deal with bulk items. Bulk is simply a lot of items...generally over 1,000 of one item or more. So 5k feathers would be considered bulk. This goes for any item in the game. When dealing with non-stackable items such as ore or fish, you will always want to deal with bank notes. Without a bank note you could only carry 26 pieces of coal in your inventory. When you withdraw the coal in a note, you can carry for example 5k coal, and it will only take up one spot in your inventory bag. To withdraw an item as a note simply click on "withdraw as note" when you are talking to the bankteller.

All items in your bank can be withdrawn as notes. Using notes is great for the bulk trading of one item to another player, because the note only takes up one space in your inventory. (Sorry if you already no how to use notes, I just want to make sure everyone is following me.) Ok, so you now have a good amount of money in your bank, by following the methods in Chapter 1. Now you need to look for good deals on items. Always buy low and sell high, this is the key. Some of you are familiar with this I'm sure, but it honestly is the best way to make money, for it will never go out of fashion.

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If you notice an item is constantly being sold, but nobody is buying it, then there is a low demand for the item. On the other hand, if you notice people standing around the bank, screaming, "Buying XXX," and nobody is selling it, then you will learn that this item is in high demand. Now it's important to realize that this is just the general idea of how supply and demand work. You obviously wouldn't want to go by 3k of an item just because one person is looking for it (unless that one person is buying 3k of that item ;) You need to observe these trends to see how often people are asking to buy them, and how often people are selling them. There are however a few items that have remained constant for at least 2 years in Runescape: Lobster Coal Iron Feathers Herbs There are plenty more out there on the market today, these are ones I am personally comfortable with and had, and still have success with today. I will touch on a few of these items in this guide. But is important that you realize these are examples of my game play, results will always vary depending on who or what you are trading with. You may need to adjust these examples to fit your needs or capabilities, but this will give you the basic template of how I do it. Cooked Lobsters Cooked Lobsters currently are selling anywhere from 170-250gp each. Generally though you can find sellers that will sell Lobbies (Lobsters) for 125-150 each. These are the sellers you are looking for. One of the best ways to find a cheap lobby seller is to travel to Karjama (or Catherby if you are a member) and go the the fishing docks located there.

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What Do I do with all these Lobbies?

SELL THEM OF COURSE! The best way to make money off of lobbies is to find sellers in the bank who will sell you a large quantity of lobbies in notes. You will then want to resell the lobbie notes at a higher price. I generally buy lobbie notes at 150-175gp each. Then resell them for 200-225gp each. I know this may not sound like you are making a lot of money by doing this, but trust me, it works!! Example: Say that you have bought 100 lobbies off of several people at an average of 150 per lobbie. This would mean that you have spent 15,000gp on them. Then you turn around and sell them for 200gp each. 100 x 200gp = 20,000gp You have just profited 5k gp for doing nothing!! This may not sound like a lot, but imagine after you have done this many, many times. It all adds up quick. One night last week I personally bought 3,500 lobbies off of several sellers for 150gp. I spent a total of 525,000gp on them. I then resold them at 200gp each...700,000 gp. I made a profit of 175,000gp, in half an hour! IT SIMPLY TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY!! DON'T BE SCARED TO SPEND IT!! Once you have your first million you are set forever, as long as you are smart with your purchases. You can use this method with any item I was just using lobbies for an example. I know it may seem like it starts slow, but that's because it does!

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You must start slow to build a strong bankroll. Being persistent will make you extremely WEALTHY!! Iron Ore I often use this same process and principles with Iron ore. I will travel to different worlds and buy as much Iron ore as I possibly can. I will only buy for 20-50 gp each, occasionally I will purchase for higher prices if the seller has a large amount (3k or more). I generally offer to buy for 35 gp each. If the seller wants more than 50 gp I will simply refuse to buy it, and will log out of the world and into a new one. (Trust me there are plenty of sellers out there, lol). In world 1 you can always sell Iron ore for 100gp each. I normally try to buy ore in the Fallador bank, simply because this town is centralized with miners since the bank is so close to the mining guild and the mines southwest of Fally. When buying I always log into the smaller worlds, starting with the worlds that have the least players online, and staying out of world 1 and 3. As with any item world 1 should always be used for selling, as prices are always high there. A typical night for me when I am buying iron ore would be like this: I simply start finding sellers who will sell for 20-50gp each. I normally set an average price that I will buy for (35 gp), occasionally if I run across a seller who has a bulk amount (1k or more) I will pay 50gp each, simply because I know it is a quick profit. I generally will do this for an hour or so, before I sell. An average night will consist of me buying somewhere around 10,000 iron ore. At an average of 35gp each I have spent a total of 350,000gp. I will then log into world 1 and start selling the Iron ore for 100gp each (if you are really broke, you may wish to sell for 90 each, this will be less of a profit, but you will sell quicker this way.) This means I have sold the ore for 1 million gp, for a total profit of 650,000!! This is great money for no longer than it took to get it! If you do this everynight, or even a few hours, you will be a multi-millionaire before you know it!! Trust me there is no better feeling then seeing that large amount of money in your bank!!!

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Chapter 3 Start Your Own Runescape Business!! Ok so you've made your first million of gold or so, now what can you do? Well if your like me than I want to make more gp, lol. This chapter will my show my personal little trick to turn you into a muli-millionaire in a mattter of days!! By now you should have figured out what item you personally like to sell and trade, and know the high and low prices of what this item sales for. In this next example I will tell you how I started a feather business, (I chose feathers to start with because this is how I first started making my money and I know this Runescape item (as far as how to push it) better than any other. This plan will work with any item in the game providing that is has a generally demand. Some examples would be logs, iron, coal, steel, food items, etc. Please note that I am a member, therefore selling is a little easier since I can post the items I'm selling in the official Jagex Runescape Forums. F2P's may have better results with an Iron, Coal, or Steel business. Setting Payout Prices The first step in creating your Runescape business is to decide how much you are willing to pay your workers. How I figure this price is to go by the average price that the item sales for, and pay a little above it, but still below the high (the price that you will sell the item for.) In my feather business I currently pay 6 gp per each feather. I chose 6 because the current value of feathers in the free worlds is 5 gp each. Paying above the "street" price allows workers to receive more gp from me ( the buyer) than anyone else, (most people are offering to buy for 1-3 gp, because they do not know that you can sell them for 10 gp to members.) This keeps the sellers/workers happy and also keeps them from selling to other players. And as you have learned in Chapter 1, feathers can sell for 10 gp each to members. (If you are a free player view the FORUMS to find buyers!) This means that I currently profit 4gp per feather, which adds up very quickly when you are multiplying by 10,000 or higher!!

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Establish a Payment Plan The second step is to lay out some kind of payment plan for your workers, basically when they will receive there paycheck. I currently pay my workers once a week, every Friday (unless I will not be able to be online, for some reason.) I have created a website for my workers, so that they can check when payments will be made. (This page is very simple, and there are many free web hosts available, click here for some of the top free websites.) The only limit I set is that they must have at least 1k of feathers for me to purchase them, some of my best workers will have 20-30k + per week. You may decide to pay your workers daily or whenever you wish, this is totally up to you. YOU set your own limits. As with any business you will need to start out small, and before you know it you will bigger than you can imagine! Hiring Good Workers The third step is to hire workers! This may sound hard, but trust me you can find many very quickly! Everyone is looking for money. The best way to find workers is to go the Varrock Bank and simply type "Hiring Workers, Pays Well, Add me to find out details!" When a person messages you then give them the info. The other spot to hire workers is of course the chicken farm (for feathers) Northeast of Lumbridge. I currently have 25 workers in this business. You may wish to start out smaller this is up to you. I have weeded out, or fired tons of workers, for not being dependable on bringing in feathers, the 25 I have picked are hand selected and always have a good quanity (over 5k) of feathers to sell each week. Most of my workers will buy feathers as well as collect. They will often buy for 1-3 gp, knowing that they are going to get 6 each for them at the end of the week. On average I collect 250k-400k feathers per week. So at 4 gp profit per feather (buying for 6gp and selling for 10) I currently make 1 mil-1.6 Million gp per week!! This is just from the feather business!! Not to mention the other businesses I have running as well.

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Steel Bar Business I also run a steel bar business which is brings in crazy money!! Ok here is the basics of this business: I have hired miners paying them 150gp per coal, and 75 for iron ore. Then make the steel bars. I often buy steel bars for 200-400 also. I have hired smithers (I always use smithers willing to work for free) as well to smith the steel for me, I give them the coal and iron for free, and in return I get the steel bars, and they get the smithing experience they are after without the hassle of mining or collecting the ore on there own. Average cost per steel bar: 150 (coal)+75 (iron) = 375gp per steel bar I am then selling the bars for 500-600 each for a 125 gp profit per bar. Last week I sold a total of 45,000+ steel bars at an average of 560 per bar. This means that I spent 16,875,000 gold on the bars, but sold them for 20,720,000 gp!! My total profit for last week was 6,845,000 !! Not bad at all, think if you had 2 or three other businesses going. It is possible to make this amount in one night if you have the materials and workers to do so. If you are a member you can also make cannonballs. You get 4 cannonballs per steel bar. Cannonballs currently sell for 180-200 each. If I would have just made half (18k) bars of the 45k I sold. I would have had 72,000 cannonballs! I could have sold these for 12.9-14.4 million , and still had 18.5k bars left to smelt or to sell!! (I'm sure you can see the possibilities here.) Overall you may want to start with the feathers to generate some starting business cash and then switch to the steel bar business. Or just start out with what money you have to start the steel business, dont be scared to go into debt, because you can always sell your products!!

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Chapter 4 Profitable Items The following are current items that are always in demand and always sell easy with great profit opportunities, it is not a very big list simply because this list is based upon items that have proved they can make good money. (In over 2 years of playing Runescape, these items have always been in demand and will continue to stay that way:) FEATHERS - As over viewed in previous chapters. IRON ORE - As I stated before buying and selling Iron ore, is a great and easy way to make big profits. Smithers always and seeking large amounts of Iron. Always try to buy for 25-50 gp (It can be done hire noobs and under lvl 20 workers). Hire miners, pay them 25-50 gp per Iron. If you hire several miners you can acquire a large amount of Iron very quickly! Imagine if you had 10-15 miners working for you, bringing you 20k - 50k Iron ore per week. That is a possibility of 5,000,000 per week!! (I personally have made a ton more then that, just by hiring the right workers, for more on that click here. Even if you paid half of it back to your workers you'd still profit 2.5 MILLION!! That is a HUGE profit! COAL ORE - Use the same technique as you would Iron Ore, only the profits are always higher!! Just use this price range instead: 75-175. I normally try to buy for 100gp and then sell for 150gp. RARE ITEMS - Rare items always sell easily, because everyone wants one. Always keep your eyes open for good deals! Just a few weeks ago I purchased 3 Santas of another player. I bought them for 350k each, which meant I spent 1,050,000gp on them. Within 30 minutes I had resold all 3 of them for 500k each (1,500,000). So I profited 450k within 30 minutes, not bad at all, lol. HERBS - Collect or Grow Unidentified Herbs. They sell for 1k each.

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Chapter 5 Buy low Sell high from Shops Another great way to profit is to visit various shops located within Runescape. We will touch on a few of these in this chapter. The goal is to find items in demand, or "rare" items. You will want to buy common items from shops, and then resell them high to other players. If you are a member there are certain shops in Runescape that only sell items to members, and the good thing is that many of these items can be used by F2P players. 1. Rune Shops (F2P and members) This will work in any Rune shop for any level. (However, if you have access to the Magic Guild, you can literally make millions in minutes!) When you visit the rune shops you are looking for high volumes of runes that are in stock. Mostly Death, Law, Cosmic, Chaos, Mind...any rune that is used greatly by mages. Mages rely on runes to play and gain experience. The best place I have found to sell Runes in large quantities is to visit the Wizard Tower and head up to the 3rd floor. On this floor is the caged Lesser Demon, the are normally tons of mages here as this is the prime spot to level and gain magic experience for all levels. (pic of lesser) When you arrive just ask if anyone needs runes, or if they are running low. Mages hate to interrupt there training, and love it when they can find "runners" to go get runes for them. I personally am a mage and I actually have hired "runners" to run back and forth from Varrock and other towns to buy runes from the shop, and I pay them 2-3 times more than they have purchased them for. This is just an example of how this can work.

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Always remember to change worlds, to try and sell your runes. You may also wish to take orders. If you choose to do this, just write down what everyone wanted, (write down there username and how much of whatever runes they wanted) Once you have this information, simply visit the rune shop purchase the runes (switch worlds to find more runes in stock.) Tip: The more of an item in stock the less is costs. So watch the price, when it increases to high, switch worlds, over time the stock will regenerate, then you can come back and continue to buy. 2. Caniffs Clothes Shop (member) Have you ever wondered wear those colored gloves come from? Well here they are. This is another EASY way to make a quick profit. This shop houses many different colored robes, boot, and gloves. Red, Teal, Gold, Grey....

You may choose to only sell gloves, this is up to you. I always choose to buy complete outfits. (Gloves, Boots, Robes). Once you have bought what you would like to sell, log into a members world and go to the Varrock Marketplace:

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Example: Say you where to purchase 26 sets of Red Gloves (or any color). Each set costs you 650gp. 26 x 650gp = 16,900gp You then sell them at the Varrock marketplace, "SELLING COLORED GLOVES 3K" (I use to sell them for 5-7K!!) A good way to choose a selling price is to see what others are selling for. Say you sold them for 4k each. 26 x 4,000gp = 104,000gp for a total profit of (104,000-16,900) 87,100gp!! When you have emptied your inventory visit the Shop again and repeat!! EASY MONEY!! Thats all I have to say. There are tons of shops where you can do this at. Another good place is the fishing shop located in Port Sarim. Here you can buy feathers, really cheap, and then resell for 10-12 gp. (insert pic of fish store) Always keep your eyes open when you enter a new town, and be sure to check out the shops, because you never know when you will find a gold mine!

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Chapter 6 Woodcutting

There is also money to be made in Woodcutting. The best money is in high levels. I will briefly cover this topic as it is geared towards higher leveled players. I have a character with level 76 woodcutting skill. When you have reached lvl 70, you can start to cut magic trees.

The logs from this tree sells for 1k per log. I realize level 70 is very high, but I actually reached it in around a week. This was extremely boring, I must say, as this is pretty much all I did. If you reach lvl 70 you have it MADE as far as money is concerned. If you are just starting to cut wood you should focus on Oak

and Yew

(members should cut the maples behind the SEERS bank for quick leveling.) When you have reached lvl 60 you can cut Yews, which are also decent money, you can sell these logs usually for 500gp. I know that this chapter is not very detailed...after all how can you elaborate on cutting wood ;) Get an axe, go to a forest close to the bank, cut the trees, visit the bank, store you wood, Rinse and Repeat....try not to fall asleep. (just kiddin')

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Chapter 7 Tips & Tricks to Making Money The following are just some simple Tips & Tricks to keep in mind when try to make money. Some of these tips will seem obvious, however it is still important: · Always use a calculator!! For accurate trades it is very important to keep a calculator on hand. Make sure they are selling/buying for the price they said. I personally always keep a calculator on hand. You never know when you will run into scammers! · Start slow!! Start off only selling 1 or 2 items at first. When you first start merchanting items it is important too stay focused on 1-2 items. This willhelp you learn and perfect the different sale techniques for your item, whether it be iron ore, coal, feathers, or whatever else you may be selling. Buy starting out slow you will be able to find out what works well and what does not. · ALWAYS DEAL IN BULK!! I can't stress this enough, this is the easiest and almost the only way to make big money. It's simple really: The more items you have the more profiit there is to be made off of that item. · Buy low and Sell High! This is obvious right? Use the price guide to double check the prices for items you are unfamilar with. · Be sure to use the most updated price guide. We update the guide every 2 weeks. · PATIENCE is the key, sometimes it can take awhile to sell. This is ok, if the items won't sell for what you are asking (and the price of the items are relevant) DONT SELL CHEAP! Just keep the items in your bank, and try to sell them later. Having items in your bank is just like having money on your pocket.

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· Double check all trades to avoid scams. To good to be true? Most likely is. · Never give in on your price, if they won't buy it then leave, don't waste your time with them. There are always plenty of buyers!! · Use the FORUMS! They are there for a reason. This is the easiest way to sell in bulk. The forums are also a very good way to find bargains on low priced items as well. Forums · Switch worlds often. If you cant find any good deals, log into another world, eventually you will find them. In general you can find items for less money in the less populated worlds. The higher the population in the world the higher the prices will be. · Try different bank locations to find the items your looking to buy/sell. Example - If buying ores or bars you should try the banks in Faldor as this town has a furnace and is close to mining areas. If you are buying Rune Essence visit the East Bank in Varrock, since it is close to the Rune Essence mine.

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Chapter 8 Avoid Scams & Hacking Scamming and Hacking into accounts are unfortunatly very common in Runescape. The tips below will help you to protect your account from any hacking and scamming when playing. Hacking Accounts The most common way that people can hack your account is that they get your password, whether it be from keyloggers, simply guessing it, or other advanced macro programs that are there today. Follow these tips to further protect your account. 1. Change your password often - I try to change my password at least 2 times a week. This prevents anyone from constantly gaining access to your account. 2. BE SURE TO SET YOUR RECOVERY QUESTIONS- This should be one of the first things that you do when you open an account. It is helpful not only for regaining access to your account if it happens to get hacked, but also in case you happen to forget it as well. 3. Never give your password to anyone for any reason- Never type your password in the chat screen JAGEX does not block your password from being displayed!! Trust I've done it. 4. Be sure to run your virus program daily to detect any viruses. Trojan Viruses often carry keyloggers which can track what you are typing, including your password. If you do not have a virus program, please visit the site below: 5. Make your password impossible to guess! I use a password generator for this. A password generator creates a random password for you automatically, just be sure to write it down, lol. For more on password generators, visit the site below: Password

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6. Use a Firewall on your computer - Using a Firewall is a great way to protect yourself from any unseen threats. Common Scams 1. Jagex hides your password - You will see people saying "Jagex blocks your password, see ********". Watch out for this, Jagex DOES NOT BLOCK YOUR PASSWORD!! 2. Trimmed Armor - It is simply not possible to trim armor in the game. Trimmed armor comes only from treasure trails, or can be bought from other players. 3. Alt + F4 or Ctrl + W - Never press these keys together. Some players may tell you that you can double your items by pressing these keys on your keyboard. All this will do is make you drop all of your items in your inventory, and close out your Runescape window, leaving all the items for the scammer to pick up and run off or log out. 4. Buying Rune Items - Always be careful when buying or trading for Rune items. Many scammers will try to switch the Rune item for a Mithril item right before the final trade screen. ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK THE FINAL TRADE WINDOW!! 5. Beware of Beggars!! - There alot of players who have more than one account. They often have a "beggar account" which is a low level account they use to scrub items off of other players. They then will trade what items they recieved back to there main account.

These are just a few of the scams that I have personally witnessed while playing, there are alot more, and new scams are being created everyday. Just be careful, and if you have doubts about anything, then don't do it! Only trust yourself! I once had a friend that guessed my recovery question, because he knew my pet's name. He stole all my items EVERYTHING! He gave them back though, LOL!! True Story!

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Runescape Millions Combat Guide From combat lvl 3-15 Step 1: Go to the attack dummies located across from the East Varrock Bank.

Select the attack option from the combat menu

Keep attacking the dummies until you are around lvl 8. After this you should be around combat lvl 5 or 6. After you have attacked the dummies to this level, you cannot attack them anymore to gain experience.

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Step 2: When you have reached attack lvl 8, you should head to the goblin house Northeast of Lumbridge.

Here you will work on raising your combat lvl to 15 by fighting the lvl 2 goblins. You should work on your strength levels next. Select the strength option from the combat menu:

You should raise your strength to at least 22. This normally takes a little over an hour, depending on how many people are in the house. Be sure to keep the door closed on the goblin house so they will not leave the building. After obtaining 22 str, select the defense option from the combat menu:

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You will need to raise your defense to lvl 5. After you have reached lvl 5 defense, switch back to the attack lvl, and raise it to at least 10. Congratulations! You have just reached combat lvl 15-16. From combat lvl 15-25 Step 1: First off you need to head to the goblin village Northwest of Fallidor.

*Note: You will need to bring some food, and also equip the proper armor and weapon (which is steel at this point, black for weapon) if you can afford it. You should start by raising your defense to lvl at least 20. Then also raise you attack to lvl 20, as well.

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If at anytime you get low on food, be sure to take some time out and visit the bank in Fallidor to buy or take food out of your bank account. When you have reached the desired goals for defense and attack, concentrate on raising your strentgh to lvl 25. This should roughly take around 2 hours to complete.

Option 2: If at anytime you feel that the lvl 5 goblins are getting hard, or taking too much food, you can always stay at the goblin house Northeast of Lumbridge to achieve your leveling goals.

Congratulations! You have just reached combat lvl 25.

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From combat lvl 25-30 Now that you are getting a stronger character you now have a couple of options for the next step. *Note: I would advise that you upgrade your armor...if you have the money to do so. At this level you should purchase full Mith armor. I would suggest a Mith scimitar as your weapon. If you do not have the money, please refer to The Ultimate Runescape Millions Guide, if you have it. Option 1: Dwarven Mines Head to the Dwarven Mines:

Do not enter the mines. The best spot to raise your levels are outside the entrance of the mine:

Here you will face lvl 10 dwarves. Be sure that you have plently of food before you © 2004 www.RunescapeMillions.com - 31 PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor

Here you will face lvl 10 dwarves. Be sure that you have plently of food before you begin to battle them. Work on your strength first. You need to raise your strength lvl to at least 35. Continue fighting the dwarves, and raise your attack and defense to lvl 30.

Option 2: Al Kharid Head to the Al Kharid palace:

Here you will fight lvl 9 Al Kharid warriors.

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*Note: When you attack one warrior, all other warriors in the area will attack you as well! BE SURE YOU HAVE FOOD! This can be a quicker way to gain exp., but just be careful. Don't hesitate to run if you are low in health. You should concentrate on raising your strength to lvl 35, then raise your attack and defense to 30. After completing these goals you should be around combat lvl 30.

Congratulations! You have just reached combat lvl 30.

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From combat lvl 35-45 Now that you are getting a stronger character you now have a couple of options for the next step. *Note: I would advise that you upgrade your armor...if you have the money to do so. At this level you should purchase full Addy armor. I would suggest an Addy scimitar or Battle Axe as your weapon. If you do not have the money, please refer to The Ultimate Runescape Millions Guide Option 1: Dwarven Mines/Al Kharid Mine At these 2 locations you should focus on fighting the lvl 14 scorpions. Although they drop absolutely nothing, they are a very easy kill for the experience gained.

At this point you should choose what ability your character should favor. To build an all around character, I would suggest raising your strength 5 lvls, then raise your attack 5 lvls, then work on defense for 5 lvls. Then continue the process. If you have a combat calculator you can very easily determine when you will level up.

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Option 2: Varrock Sewers Here you should focus on attacking the lvl 18 Skeletons just past the zombies.

Option 3: Ice Caves- mid 30's to 45 At this lvl you should focus on the lvl 28 Hobgoblins.

Continue this strategy until you have reached at least lvl 45. Congratulations! You have just reached combat lvl 40-45.

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From combat lvl 45-60 At this point, you should pretty much have the hang of combat training, listed below you will find some locations of good monsters to train on.

Cave South of Rimmington/Ice Caves . Continue training here until you are at least lvl 53:

DO THE DRAGON SLAYER QUEST! It may seem scary to fight the dragon at first. I would suggest finding a quest guide for this quest if you are fairly new to Runescape. The first time I faught him I was lvl 51, it took all that I had to beat him but I did! After you have beat this quest you can now wear Full Rune. I would also suggest buying a Rune scimmy or Battle Axe as well.

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Karjama Island: lvl 50-60

At these levels you should focus on the lvl 34 Deadly Red Spiders. However, for a good challenge, bring lots of food and fight the lvl 82 Lesser Demons. They take alot longer to kill, but the experience is great. Well that is the end of the guide for now. After you have reached lvl 60 you should really consider becoming a member, if you are not so already. Congratulations! You have just reached combat lvl 60.

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Runescape Millions Magic Guide Lvl 1-9 So you want to be a mage? You had better be rich if you plan on this!! You will need large quantities of Runes to accomplish being a high level mage. Option 1: To start your training you should visit the chicken farm north of Lumbridge and and concentrate on killing them, (remember to collect the bones as well, this is great time to train your prayer as well) If it is overly crowded, log into another world or you may walk over to the chicken farm south of Falador as well.

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Option 2: You may also raise your levels by training at the Goblin House, and the Varrock sewers as well.

If you go to the sewer to train you should concentrate on killing the rats. Continue killing the monsters in Option 1 and 2 until you have reached lvl 9. Note: It is very hand when training your magic to use Auto-cast. This will let you constantly cast spells without the need of selecting you spell every time. This will save a lot of time and finger pain ;) To do this click on the weapon tab:

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Then click on the spellbook:

Then click on the spell you wish to cast.

The best spot to buy runes for a beginner is the Varrock Rune shop. The more of a rune in stock the cheaper they are. Go to the Rune shop, see how many air and mind runes are in stock, if there aren't very many, then log into another world to buy. When ever you notice the runes starting to increase in price. Log into another world to find cheaper runes.

Congratulations! You have reached Magic Level 9!

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Lvl 10-35 Be sure you are restocked on Runes. You should still use the spell Air Strike for you main attack, I always have better results using this rather than using Water Strike. Once you have reached level 13, you should then switch to Fire Strike. From here on out I would recommend using Fire Strike, as it is much cheaper than using the bolt spells. If you do have the money to train with the bolt spells, then you should use Fire Bolt to train with, you need to be lvl 35 before you can use this spell though. Make sure that you bring some runes that will allow you to Teleport (3 air, 1 fire, 1 air). After you have reached lvl 25 you will be able to Teleport to Varrock which is very handy when you run out of runes. Ok, with that being said, let's carry on. Option 1: Port Sarim Jail

This is a nice place to train, simply because the enemy cannot attack you because they are locked in the jail! The only downside to this is that you cannot collect anything that they drop. (once you have advanced enough levels you will be able to use Telekinetic Grab lvl 33 which will allow you to pick up items from a distance)

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Option 2: Barbarian Village

The trick here is to stay on the other side of the table. These barbarians are ignorant and will not come around to the other side of the table to attack you!

Focus on these two spots, as you cannot get attacked at either spot, which makes training a lot easier, faster, and cheaper.

Congratulations! You have now reached Magic Level 35!

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Lvl 35-66 Now that you are level 35, you should try to use the spell Fire bolt spell as much as possible. It does cost a little more, but it will help you gain levels more quickly. If you can't afford it then continue to use the Fire Strike spell. We will only focus on one training spot until you have reached lvl 66, then you can move to the Magic Guild to do your training. The Wizards Tower

The spot you will do the majority of your training at is the Wizards Tower. Once you have arrived to the tower head up to the third floor. Chances are you will see many other Mages training as well. This is a good spot to make some new friends as well. It is best to train by yourself, so if it is too crowded (more than 3 people) I would suggest logging into another less crowded world. You will be killing the caged Lesser Demon. It is possible to train solely on him even from level one. The only reason I really train at the previous areas is because I prefer a little variety. Killing one monster over and over again can get very monotonous trust me. The Lesser, however gives great experience. You can actually level from 1-40 in about 12 hours of game play, providing you have the gold, which if you have the Runescape Millions guide should not be a problem, to afford all of the runes.

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Well that pretty much concludes the Magic training. Like I said before, after you have reached lvl 66, head on over to the Magic Guild and start training there. Or if you wish, continure to train here. You may also wish to visit the site below. We are not affiliated with them in any way, but they give away a free mouse recorder that you can use to automated your magic training. We have downloaded their package to ensure that it is virus and key logger proof. Runescape may frown on the use of some of there programs, so use as at your own discretion. RunescapeCredit.com

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Earn 5-10 Million in less than 10 minutes! How? Have you ever been playing Runescape, and saw a message indicating that Runescape will be Upgrading or performing maintenance on the game? Well this is your ticket to getting rich very quickly. When you see this message you need to head to the Magic Guild ASAP. When you arrive logout then log back in (after update). Make sure you have a lot of money in your inventory, because you will need it. If you don't have much, then just take what you have. Why the Magic Guild? Whenever Runescape is completed with there upgrade all the items in the shops across Runescape will be reset to the maximum number of items, which is 5,000. Your goal is to buy as many high quality runes (law, death, soul, etc.) as possible. The shops items cost is based on how many of the particular item is in stock. With the maximum number of items in stock you can get runes extremely cheap, and then resell them later at "street" value. Please use our price guide to find prices of all the runes. As long as you can purchase these runes cheaper then the "street" value you can make huge profit. Ex. I bought almost 3 million worth of various runes, I than sold them in less then 5 minutes (once arriving to the bank to sell) for over 20 million!! What if I can't get in the Magic Guild? That is ok. The updates apply to every shop in Runescape. Simply go to the runes shop in Varrock or the runes shop in Port Sarim. Your overall profits my not be as much, but you can still make a very nice profit, buying mind runes, and chaos runes. You will need to act quickly whenever they update, be sure to log into a small world also. Be prepared to buy quickly, as there maybe many competitors. Get as much as you can, for as cheap as you can! Then sell and enjoy the profits!

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Well that is the end of our journey together. Now you know everything about Runescape that we do. We hope that you have enjoyed the guide, as long as you follow it as close as possible, and put a little effort into it you will be Millionaire in no time!!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have added a few resources that you may be interested in as well. Please take note that we are NOT affiliated with any of these sites, they have been placed strictly for advertising reasons. Any questions concerning the sites should be to their support staff. We will not reply to emails regarding the subjects of these sites. If you don't want to take the time to earn you own gold, you may buy gold from this company: There are others out there, but this site by far has the best support and service. They also have very quick delivery, and are very trustworthy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FREE Runescape CHEATS: A site that offers 3 Autominers, and a nice Runebot with over 20 programs to cheat Runescape. They are VIRUS and KEYLOGGER free, which is very rare anymore. We have personally download the files to check them out, and they were clean (at the time) However, we would recommend that you always run a virus program on the files yourself. http://www.runescapecredit.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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