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Service Bulletin
Sony Service Company - Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Drive, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656
Subject: The unit won't play a Minidisc Symptom: (51)
Date: October 13, 1994
The MDS501 won't play a disc due to a defective ATRAC decoder and/or defective Shockproof memory controller IC.
Improved ATRAC decoders and Shock proof Memory Contoller IC's are available. The improved ICs can be identified by the date/lot number information printed on the IC. The information takes the form of a code which uses the year/week/"A"/lot#/"E". A code that is read 407A51E would mean the IC was manufactured in 1994, in the 07th week. The "A" has no special meaning. The 51 after the "A" is the lot number. Like the "A", the "E" has no special meaning in this code structure, these letters can be found in all different versions of these IC's. For IC101, the ATRAC Decoder IC type CXD2531/AR/BR, the improved ICs have date/lot codes of "412A83E" and later. For IC110, the Shock proof Memory Controller IC, type CXD2526AR, the improved ICs have date/lot codes of "412A26E" and later.
Reference: Info from AU-QE group Autoflagged - NO
Audio Products Service Bulletin No. xxx
Filename: HFP0415.SB Directory: J:\SBDOC\OCT94 Template: C:\WINWORD\S_BULL.DOT Title: MDS501 Subject: The unit won't play a Minidisc Author: Hoyt Wing Lee Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 10/13/94 9:26 AM Revision Number: 2 Last Saved On: 10/13/94 9:26 AM Last Saved By: Hoyt Wing Lee Total Editing Time: 0 Minutes Last Printed On: 04/01/96 10:28 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 2 Number of Words: 211 (approx.) Number of Characters: 1,206 (approx.)