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Lab Manual
RA-3 Chassis and Direct View WEGATM Television Alignment Course
Alignment Lab Course: TVP-09
Sony Service Company A Division of Sony Electronics Inc ©1999 All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.
S is a trademark of Sony Electronics
Alignment Lab
Models: KV-20FV10 KP-43T70
Prepared by: National Training Department Sony Service Company A Division of Sony Electronics Inc.
Course presented by _____________________________________ Date___________________________________________________ Student Name ___________________________________________
Table of Contents
Lab A (Based on model KV20FV10) Objective 1. Pre-Lab Preparation 2. Precautions 3. Rear Panel Removal and Generator Connection 4. Yoke Support Removal 5. Beam Landing / Purity 6. Picture Geometry - Yoke Adjustment 7. Convergence
Convergence - Presetting the TV video levels and yoke controls Convergence - Adjusting the Electrical VStat Control Convergence - Adjusting the Yoke Tabs Convergence - Adjusting the Yoke Controls Convergence - Corner Convergence
1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 6
7 7 8 11 14
8. Picture Geometry - Service Mode Adjustments
Vertical Adjustments Horizontal Adjustments
14 15
9. Using the Memory Transfer Reader / Writer Addendum 1 - 27"-32" Adjustments Addendum 2 - Service Mode Item List Addendum 3 - Service Bulletin 387R2 Lab B (Based on model KP43T70) Objective 1. The New Service Mode 2. Positioning the Yoke 3. Focus Adjustment
Spot Shape Electrical Focus Mechanical Focus
17 20 22 24 31 31 31 34 35
35 36 37
4. Coarse Convergence
Setting the Video Levels
Check of Internal Reference Data Set the Green Geometry Superimpose the Red over the Green Superimpose the Blue over the Green Making the Cursor Data Visible Enter the Fine Convergence Mode Converge Red in the Cursor Area
38 39 42 46 47 47 48
5. Defocusing the Blue Color
Change the Picture Mode to VIVID Shut Off the Red and Green Colors from the Service Mode Adjust the Blue Electronic Focus Control so the Dot is a Specified Diameter Return the Red and Green Colors
49 49 49 50
6. Updating the Flash Focus Memory Appendix: Convergence Using Default Data
Install the Preset Convergence Data Install the Coarse Green Geometry Data Installing the Fine Green Geometry Data Sony's Authorized Service Website
i i ii iv
TVP-09 Lab A (Based on model KV20FV10)
Three technicians per TV. The first person reads while the second performs the adjustments. The third will assist both partners. Later when instructed in the text, the lab partners will rotate positions. Objective
The purpose of this lab is to teach you about the new flat screen TV adjustment procedures. You will apply these procedures when you replace a picture tube or yoke. After replacement, degaussing, beam landing, geometry and convergence will be necessary. Degaussing is done with the internal degaussing coil. A 20" direct view TV flat screen WEGATM TV will be used to teach these adjustment procedures. The Sony 27" and larger WEGATM TVs have an additional HTRP yoke control and ring magnets on a WA board. Procedures are given in this lab for those larger screen TV adjustments in the addendum that follows lab A. The larger screen TV adjustments are linked to lab A by step numbers so the adjustment sequence is maintained. Check off the box as you begin to read each step. This will help you follow along during the adjustment procedure. In this lab you will check the set, remove the previous class' convergence parts and converge the set. Convergence will be performed in this order: Center of the screen Sides of the screen Corners of the screen This direct view TV adjustment lab is divided into nine parts: 1. Pre-Lab Preparation a checklist 2. Precautions what not to do 3. Rear Panel Removal and Generator Connection 4. Yoke Support Removal 5. Beam Landing / Purity 6. Picture Geometry - Yoke Adjustment 7. Convergence 8. Picture Geometry Service Mode Adjustment 9. Using the Memory Transfer Reader / Writer 1. Pre-Lab Preparation The following equipment is necessary to perform this lab:
Equipment needed:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Test Equipment Insulated tip driver for yoke adjustments P/N = 7-700-731-04 Color / Hatch Generator or VCR for R, G, B colors and cross hatch tape PB. TV s Remote Control for service access Hexagon alignment tool P/N 7-700-73301 Not Magnetized + tip screwdriver NVM Reader/Writer P/N = T-9350-109-1 Spare Parts
1. Magnet for purity P/N = 1-452-032-00 (1452-094-00 for 27 or larger screen TVs)
2. Permalloy Strips for Convergence P/N = 4048-133-01 (4-051-734-21 for larger TVs) 3. Rubber yoke wedges P/N = 4-053-005-01 4. TLH convergence plate P/N = 4-057-714-01 TM (2-163-920-01 in 27 and 32 Wega TV sets).
2. Precautions
If the reasons for the following precautions are not understood, you must see your instructor before proceeding. · Do not wear a metal watch or rings. Physical and electrical damage to both you and the TV could occur. · Do not disconnect the high voltage anode. A loose anode lead may come off. · Do not manually degauss the picture tube (leave that to the internal degaussing circuit). Some picture tubes are pre magnetized to aid in purity and convergence. · Do not touch any exposed contacts or yoke wires. The highest voltage measured on the exposed yoke contacts of this 20" TV was 8.6Vdc (to cold ground). This was measured on a new working set. The set you have could still have a defect. · Do not scratch the CRT glass neck. A scratch weakens the glass considerably and a dangerous implosion is possible. Do not use if scratched. · Do not remove the tape around the neck. The cloth tape prevents the yoke from scratching the CRT neck and weakening the glass structure. The tape also provides friction to grip the yoke. If the tape is missing tell your instructor ASAP. · Use demagnetized tools to avoid magnetizing parts of the TV. A magnetized TV part can make convergence impossible.
3. Rear Panel Removal and Generator Connection
Step 1. Remove the seven rear cover screws (three in the back) and the rear cover. Step 2. Set the pattern generator for a green only raster and connect it to the TV's video 1 input. Step 3. Plug in and turn ON the TV. Select the video 1 input to verify the presence of a green raster. The speakers have been removed so there will be no sound. Step 4. Switch to a crosshatch pattern. Your objective is to improve the convergence performed by the last class. Step 5. Turn OFF the TV and unplug the AC cord.
4. Yoke Support Removal
Step 6. - For 27" and larger WEGATM sets - see Addendum 1 on page 20. Step 7. In the following step a NON-magnetized + screwdriver must be used. A magnetized screwdriver will magnetize the clamp when you touch it and leave a magnetic field that will make purity or convergence difficult or impossible. With a demagnetized + tip screwdriver, loosen the yoke clamp screw that holds the yoke in place. Slide the yoke back to free the rubber supports.
Yoke clamp screw Yoke Back Remove 4 yoke wedges 4 1
Side View
Back View
Step 8. Remove the four wedge type rubber yoke supports, the Permalloy strips and the disc magnets on the picture tube bell. Set them aside.
Permalloy Strips Rubber Wedge
Picture of a yoke in a 20" WEGATM series Sony TV.
5. Beam Landing / Purity
Step 9. Reset the six rings on the yoke by moving tabs to the initial position as shown: Note that all four of the small points, one on each ring, should line up when the tabs are in the initial position. Yoke Side View
Purity rings H/VStat BMC Yoke 4 Small points H/VStat CRT neck
Yoke Back View Initial Position
Purity tabs together
BMC rings
In this initial position, the purity rings are both at noon position. The two H/VStat tabs are at 7 and 10 o'clock positions. The BMC tabs are on the opposite side at the 2 and 5 o'clock positions. At the left side of the rings, four small points of the plastic BMC and H/VStat rings should be aligned in a row. Step 10. - For 27" and larger WEGATM sets - see addendum page. Step 11. Slide the yoke up to the bell (wide part) of the picture tube.
Step 12. Plug in the TV and turn it ON. Input a green raster pattern. You should see a green colored screen with color impurities.
Step 13. Slide the yoke about ¾" away from the bell of the picture tube so there is a color on each side of green.
TV screen with yoke pulled back.
With the yoke back about 3/4 away from the bell (over the velocity modulation coil), the green electron beam misses the green phosphor at the screen's left and right sides because of insufficient deflection.
Green Beam striking the wrong phosphors at the sides . Step 14. Spread the top purity tabs until there is an equal amount of red and blue at each side. Step 15. Slowly slide the yoke toward the bell of the picture tube. There will be one point where the screen is entirely green. KEEP THE YOKE LEVEL. Tighten the yokemounting clamp temporarily.
Step 16. Switch the input signal to a red and then to a blue color to make sure these colors are uniform. Step 17. - For 27" and larger WEGATM sets - see Addendum 1 on page 20. Step 18. If the screen is not a uniform color, place a disc magnet at the bell near the impurity. Move the magnet about until the TV screen's impurity is affected. Then rotate the magnet until the TV screen is pure green in that area. Stick the magnet there. In a larger TV an impurity is more pronounced and more magnets may be needed so you may have to repeat this step.
Add magnet Red impurity
CRT Rear
Caution: If the magnet is too strong (large) or too close to the yoke there will be geometric distortion. Keep the magnets as far away as you can. 6. Picture Geometry - Yoke Adjustment Mechanically adjusting the yoke is new to flat screen TV sets. It is crucial to straighten bent horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the picture.
Step 19. There is a black picture rotation coil about the yoke. To ensure your yoke adjustment is true, you will need to unplug the rotation coil. Trace the wires to the C board and unplug the coil from the C board.
Step 20. Input a crosshatch pattern.
Black Rotation Coil
Step 21. Rotate the yoke so the crosshatch pattern is straight at the middle.
Step 22. Never touch any exposed wires or terminals. Only touch the plastic parts of the yoke at the front of the yoke by the picture tube bell. You may touch the insulated black picture rotation coil to move the yoke. This is the most important step in straightening the top and bottom lines. You must tilt or bend the yoke front to get the top and bottom cross hatch pattern horizontal lines straight. Grasp the front of the yoke to move it up and down and side to side, while watching the crosshatch pattern on the TV screen. Position the yoke for straight top and bottom horizontal lines. You will use the wedges in the next step to hold the yoke in the bent position. Straight horizontal lines
TV Screen
Step 23. Locate the rubber yoke wedges (P/N 4-053-005-01) you removed. Insert the top wedge first because the yoke tends to tilt down. Insert the remaining three wedges. Normally you would permanently stick the wedges down now. Since this lab will be repeated, you will just insert the old wedges. Permanently sticking the wedges is tricky. This is done by peeling back a little of the adhesive cover at a corner so you can still grab the cover when the wedge is upright. Position the wedge upright under the yoke and then slide the remainder of the cover off the wedge.
Step 24. - For 27" and larger WEGATM sets - see Addendum 1 on page 21.
7. Convergence
In this part you will converge the three colors into white at the center of the screen using yoke rings, the sides using the yoke controls, and the corners using Permalloy strips. The convergence consists of five parts: · · · · · Presetting the TV video levels and yoke controls Adjusting the electrical HStat control Adjusting the yoke tabs Adjusting the yoke controls Corner convergence
Convergence Presetting the TV Video Levels and Yoke Controls In the steps to follow you will preset the picture level to 20% and brightness level to 50%. Then you will preset the two yoke controls to mid rotation. Step 25. On the remote, press the MENU button.
Select button Menu button
Step 26. Press the center "SELECT" button to enter the video adjustments. Use the down button to go to the "PICTURE" adjustment and press SELECT again Step 27. Use the left button to reduce the picture level to about 20%. Press the center SELECT button to return to video adjustments. Step 28. Use the down LECT button. button to go to "BRIGHTNESS" and press the center SE-
Step 29. Press the or button to adjust the brightness to 50% (½). Press the MENU button to exit. This presets the video adjustments. Step 30. On the 20 and 24" WEGA TV sets, the yoke has two controls on top. Preset the TLV and YCH controls to the middle of rotation.
20 & 24 TM WEGA TV Yoke Controls Locations
Deflection Yoke TOP VIEW
Convergence - Adjusting the Electrical HStat Control The H Stat control is used to converge the three beams into a single white line at the center of the picture. Step 31. Locate the black R1750 HStat control on the CRT board
C Bd
CRT Board
Step 32. While observing the center vertical line(s) on the screen, rotate the HStat control in both directions to see the effects. What lines are affected and how are they affected when the HStat control is turned clockwise at the shaft? Use the box below to draw what you observe on the screen.
H Stat CCW rotation
H Stat CW rotation
Adjust the HStat control until the red and blue vertical lines merge onto the green line to produce a white line. The control should be at or near mid rotation. The following will cause the HStat control to be incorrectly adjusted to the end of rotation: 1. 2. 3. 4. The yoke rings are not at the initial positions. The yoke is defective. The picture tube or its socket is defective. The H Stat control is broken or not grounded.
HStat Adjustment
CRT H.V. H. Stat
H.V. Resistor
Convergence - Adjusting the Yoke Tabs You will require the following information to assist you in adjusting the rear yoke tabs. There are three pairs of ring magnets at the back of the yoke. They are connected to tabs for adjustment. Read the following information before adjusting the ring magnets:
H Stat Control (R1750)
WA board on 27" or larger TV sets only. Rotating the tabs moves the red and blue beams. The following chart and diagram show the red and blue beam movement.
Yoke Ring Magnets Magnet Blue Mis-Convergence (BMC) Horizontal/Vertical Static (H/V Stat) Tab Shape 1 Notch 3 Notches # Magnets 6 Poles 4 Poles Beam movement Red and blue beams move in the same direction. Red and blue beams move in opposite directions.
From the chart you can see in this set that the four pole rings have three notches on their tabs and the six pole rings have one notch. During manufacture, these two rings are distinguished by the number of notches. A different manfacturer may use a different number of notches.
From the diagram, you can see the four pole rings move the beams in opposite directions and the six pole rings move the beams in the same direction. The distance the beams move is dependent upon the magnetic strength. Using a second ring to cancel or extend the magnetic fields can control the magnetic strength. Therefore spreading or closing the tabs on each ring controls the beam distance. The direction of movement can be controlled. Rotating both rings together changes the magnetic direction. S
4 Pole H/V Stat
6 Pole BMC
Initially the rings are preset with the south poles facing on top (4 & 6 pole diagram, left). From this initial position, spreading the tabs has the opposite effect in the 4 pole and 6 pole rings. Spreading the H/V Stat tabs causes vertical (up/down) beam movement but spreading the BMC tabs causes horizontal (left/right) beam movement. Generally, rotating both rings together performs the same beam movement in the other axis. Step 33. The H/V Stat ring magnets are used in pairs. Spreading these tabs apart controls the amount of red and blue beam movement. Moving both rings together controls how much the beams are moved in the other axis.
While looking only at about 6" around the center of the 20" screen, spread or close the yoke's three notch H/V Stat tabs so the red and blue horizontal lines are distinctly apart from the green line. This is performed in preparation for the next ring adjustment. If the vertical lines are spreading apart too, rotate both rings together until the vertical lines become a single line.
B H/V Stat beam separation white G R
Step 34. The BMC ring magnets are also used in pairs, but their affects are the opposite of the HVStat magnets. Moving both rings together controls the amount of red and blue beam movement. Spreading the tabs apart controls how much the beams are moved in the other axis.
B G R a c Rotate both one notch BMC tabs to move the R & B lines up so the spacing is equal (a=c)
The yoke's single notch BMC rings move the red and blue beams in the same direction. If one color is closer to the green than the other, move both BMC rings together to make the horizontal lines equidistant to the green. Spread or close the tabs to keep the vertical lines white.
H/V Stat Ring Adjustment R G B
Spread H/V Stat Tabs apart H/V Stat tabs R G B Rotate both tabs together (use H Stat control if present instead of the tabs).
BMC Ring Adjustment R G B
Rotate both tabs together BMC tabs R G B Spread BMC Tabs apart
Step 35. It is now time to switch places with your lab partner.
Step 36. Switch to a dot pattern.
Step 37. Rotate both H/V Stat tabs so the dots are aligned vertically (up and down). Step 38. Spread or close the H/V Stat tabs to converge the dots into one. Step 39. Switch back to the crosshatch pattern. Convergence - Adjusting the Yoke Controls The WEGATM TVs have new adjustments on the deflection yokes. These controls distort the picture at the ends of rotation.
TLH plate slot 1
20 TM WEGA TV Yoke Control Locations
TLV Deflection Yoke TOP VIEW YCH TLH plate slot 2
New WEGA Name TLV HTRP (27 & larger TVs) YCH TLH Plate
TV Series Yoke Convergence Adjustments Effect The red lines move apart from the blue. The top red and blue lines move together while the bottom ones move apart. The red line tilts left while the blue tilts right. The red and blue lines move apart or together.
Affected Areas Top and bottom red/blue horizontal lines Top and bottom red and blue horizontal lines. Leave at mid rotation. All red and blue vertical lines Left OR right vertical lines The affected area depends on the plate entry side.
HTRP (only 27 & 32 ) R B
The best adjustment of the TLV and YCH yoke controls are performed without the green lines so you can see the blue lines clearly. In the next three steps the green color will be turned off from the service mode. Step 40. Enter the service Mode by first turning OFF the TV set. Then turn the TV back ON pressing the following buttons on the remote control: Display, #5, Vol +, Power ON. Step 41. Use the remote control numbers 1 (up) or 4 (down) to move to service item GON. There is a partial list of service items in addendum 2 after lab A. GON is item number 36 out of 96 items. Step 42. While in the service mode item GON, press the remote control number 6 (data down). This changes the data from 1 to 0. The green color is shut OFF in preparation for the TLV and YCH adjustments.
TLH plate slot 1
20 TM WEGA TV Yoke Control Locations
TLV Deflection Yoke TOP VIEW YCH TLH plate slot 2
Step 43. The TLV control is one of two controls on the yoke. While looking at the top and bottom horizontal lines, adjust the TLV control so the red and blue lines merge (superimpose). Disregard the other line movements.
TLV Adjustment
R YCH Adjustment
Step 44. The YCH control is the other control on the yoke. Observe the vertical lines at the middle of the screen. Adjust the YCH control so the top and bottom of these vertical lines merge. You will notice that the blue color does not show as much when the lines merge. Step 45. Restore the green color by pressing number 3 to change the GON data back to 1. Step 46. The TLH plate is not normally needed on small TV sets. However, there are provisions in the yoke frame for this plate insertion. Ask your instructor for a TLH plate and insert it into the compartment at the left or right side of the yoke. Notice that it moves the very outer left or right red and blue vertical lines in opposite directions.
Left TLH plate insertion point. TLH Plate Adj
Right insertion
Left insertion
Right THL plate insertion point.
Step 47. - For 27" and larger WEGATM sets - see Addendum 1 on page 21. Step 48. Step back and determine where colors peek out from the white cross hatch lines (misconvergence). Touch up the adjustments. To make this easier, look through this lab for all the adjustments and list them below: Controls that affect Vertical Lines Controls that affect Horizontal Lines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HTRP Yoke control in 27" or larger WEGATM TV sets 7. Y Axis Separation ring magents in 27" or larger WEGATM TV sets 1. 2. 3. 4.
Convergence Corner Convergence Convergence at the corners is corrected by using Permalloy Strips. These strips contain bits of metal or ferrite fused onto a plastic adhesive strip. The metal inserts alter the yoke's magnetic fields. The strips come in different lengths. Order the right length for the size of the yoke.
Permalloy Corner Convergence Strips 24 TV sets and smaller 27 TV sets and larger Part number = 4-048-133-01 Part number = 4-051-734-21
Step 49. At each corner of the screen where convergence is needed, insert a Permalloy strip between the yoke and picture tube. For example, the illustration shows a TV screen with the upper right corner misconverged. The red line is not straight.
Insert strip here to correct upper right corner Yoke
Step 50. Insert a Permalloy strip between the yoke and picture tube. As the strip is inserted, the screen crosshatch will distort. Move the strip so the distortion is in the area of misconvergence. Pay particular attention to the bottom of the screen where lettering occurs. Position the strip so either the red line moves to merge with the green and blue lines or the green and blue lines both move to merge with the bent red line. Either way there should be a single white line. On large screen TV sets sometimes two or more strips are required in a single corner. Have your instructor check the convergence before proceeding to geometry.
Step 51. It is now time to switch places for the last time in this lab. 8. Picture Geometry Service Mode Adjustments
In this section you will straighten the picture so the cross hatch pattern forms a rectangle with uniform size boxes. It is easier to perform all the vertical adjustments as a group. Vertical Adjustments Step 52. While still in the service mode, use the #1 and #4 remote control buttons to locate the name of each vertical register. At each register name use the #3 and #6 buttons to change the data and correct the picture geometry. When finished, save the data by pressing the remote control MUTE button followed by the ENTER button. The next picture below the chart illustrates the effects of the data change to the VLIN and SCOR registers.
Service Mode Vertical Adjustment Registers Name VPOS VSIZ Tools 1. Crosshatch generator Purpose / Adjustment procedure Up/down picture positioning Center the picture. Overscan the picture top and bottom by approximately 5%. VLIN SCOR (VSCO) Overall Linearity. Adjust for equal spacing of the boxes at the middle and bottom. S signal correction. Adjust the height of the top row of boxes to equal the others
2. Remote control Height of the picture.
VLIN & SCOR adjustments:
CORRECT Vertical lines must be equidistant
INCORRECT Vlin bottom must = middle
INCORRECT SCOR Top must = others
Note: You must not have a curved horizontal line along the bottom. Only yoke positioning and Y splitting axis correction ring magnets (27" and larger TV sets) on the CRT neck can eliminate a curved horizontal line. Reposition the yoke if the bottom horizontal lines are not straight. Step 53. Store the vertical adjustment information by pressing the remote control's MUTE button, followed by the ENTER button. Horizontal Adjustments Step 54. While still in the service mode, use the remote control #1 (up) and #4 (down) buttons to locate the name of each horizontal register listed in the next chart. At each register use the #3 or #6 button to adjust the data. The changes in data result in the changes to the crosshatch geometry. When finished, save the data by pressing the MUTE button followed by the ENTER button. You can make the left and right vertical lines perfectly straight with these eight registers. The trick is to equalize the distortion on both the left and right sides of the screen, then eliminate it using another register. The pictures below the chart illustrate the effects of the data change to all of the registers except the simpler HPOS and HSIZ registers.
Service Mode Horizontal Adjustment Registers Name 1. HPOS Tools 1. Crosshatch generator 2. TV remote control Purpose Left/right picture positioning Center the picture so the center line is between the SO and NY of the SONY emblem. Width of the picture Vertical lines at the center bow in/out Vertical lines at the center bow left or right Vertical lines at the top bend left or right. Vertical lines at the bottom bend left or right. Rotates the picture left or right Keystones the picture *
3. PAMP adjustment:
4. VBOW adjustment:
5. UPIN adjustment. Correct for upper bends
6. LPIN adjustment. Correct for lower bends
7. VANG adjustment. Correct for picture tilt
8. TRAP/PPHA adjustment. A Keystone shape is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom or vise versa: Keystone Shapes Step 55. Store the horizontal adjustment information by pressing the remote control's MUTE button followed by the ENTER button. Step 56. The new yoke has a XCV coil adjustment that affects the straightness of the left vertical lines. The XCV coil is under the Yoke Board. The effect is more pronounced on the larger 27" TV sets. Using tool P/N 7-700-733-01, adjust the coil until the left vertical line is straight.
side view Yoke Assembly XCV Yoke Board TV screen straighten
The TV crosshatch pattern should now be straight, converged, and rectangular. Step 57. Touch up the focus. The control is located on the flyback transformer. Step 58. Turn OFF and unplug the TV. Disconnect the video input from the TV. Step 59. The black rotation coil around the yoke is still unplugged. Plug it back into the CRT board at connector CN707.
9. Using the Memory Transfer Reader / Writer
In this last section of lab A you will learn how to use the Non-Volatile Memory Reader/ Writer Jig. As an exercise, you will copy memory information from the TV, then alter the TV's data. Later if everything goes well, you will restore the original TV information. Step 60. In the TV set, there is a catch that holds the main board. The catch is located at the left side of the main board by the letter H. Pull out the catch and slide out the main and power supply boards to reach the rear power supply connectors.
Main bd Pull catch PS
Step 61. On the main board unplug power supply connectors CN120 and CN 550 to permit the main board to flip up. Step 62. Behind the tuner is the Micro, IC001. Underneath IC001 is the NVM (memory) IC003. Slide the main board out and flip it up on its side to expose the memory IC.
Step 63. Locate the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Reader/Writer Jig.
Write completion light Write button Read completion light Read button
NVM Reader/Writer Jig T-9350-109-1
Operation/Error light Power switch 4 switches
Step 64. The cable that plugs into the top of the NVM jig has two connectors and one clip lead. The clip lead is always grounded (connected to the white/orange ground @ connector pin 4). The two connectors connect to the memory IC.
1 4 5 NVM Jig 8 White/green = pin 8 Gnd White/blue = pin 1
Memory IC003 in this set is an 8 pin flat pack IC. Locate the Pomona model 5250 SOIC flat pack IC clip and put the connectors on so that the White/blue wire is pin number 1 and the White/green wire is pin number 8. Step 65. Set all the NVM Jig rocker switches to OFF. No damage to our knowledge has occurred with the switches in the wrong position. Experiment at your own risk. Switch 1 = Memory size Switch 2 = Unknown Switch 3 = Adds pull up resistor to BClk (connector pin 6) Switch 4 = Adds pull up resistor to Bdata (connector pin 5) Step 66. Connect the ground clip onto the Micro IC001/pin 30. This is the reset pin. Your instructor has soldered a wire at pin 30 so you can make the connection. This ground (reset) connection keeps the Micro inactive while the "NVM" is powered by the Jig. The ground prevents the Micro from accessing the memory IC while the NVM Jig is reading or writing to the same memory. Step 67. Locate memory IC003 and clip the Pomona clip onto it, observing pin outs. Step 68. Slide the NVM Jig power switch ON and press the READ button. One of three things will occur: · The Green Read light comes ON in three seconds Normal. Memory information was copied. The time is dependent upon the memory size.
· The Red Operate/Error light blinks immediately Failure to copy the memory information. Recheck the memory connections, verify ground pin. Unplug the TV. Reset the ERROR light by turning the Jig OFF. · The Red Operate/Error light blinks after a while Failure to copy the memory information. Turn memory size switch 1 to the ON position and try again. Step 69. Unplug the NVM Jig from the TV board and turn OFF the NVM Jig. The information has been saved in the jig and will remain there even when the Jig is OFF. The data will remain in the Jig until new information is read into it. Step 70. Reinstall the main TV board. Reconnect the two power supply connectors. Slide the boards in and plug in the TV set. Step71. Turn the set ON in the service mode by pressing the DISPLAY, 5, VOL +, then the Power ON button on the remote control. Step 72. The first service adjustment is horizontal size. Press the remote's # 6 button and hold it until the data (upper right corner) is 0. Press MUTE, then ENTER to save this incorrect data. Step 73. Press category change button #5 on the remote once. This should bring you to the ID codes that tell the Micro what features this model should have. Step 74. Press remote button #6 repeatedly to decrease ID-0 data from 89 to 17. Data 17 corresponds to a European TV. Press MUTE, then ENTER to save this incorrect data. Step 75. Turn the TV set OFF and then back on (not in the service mode). Is the picture still shrunken? ________ Step 76. Press the MENU button. Is the menu in English? _____________ Step 77. Turn the TV OFF and unplug it so the Micro does not get power. Step 78. Slide out the main board to access the memory IC003 again. Step 79. Clip the NVM Jig onto memory IC003 and the ground clip. Step 80. Turn the NVM Jig ON and press WRITE. After about three seconds, the write light will illuminate indicating a successful transfer of data. If the red error light blinks, recheck your connections, turn OFF the NVM Jig to reset the red error light and try again. The original information is still in the NVM Jig. Step 81. Disconnect the NVM Jig and reinstall the main board with the power supply. Step 82. Plug in the TV and turn it ON. Is the width reduced? _____________ Step 83. Press the MENU button. Is the menu in English? Step 84. Turn OFF the TV and unplug it. Step 85. Reinstall the rear cover and fasten with five large screws and two small ones. Unplug and coil up the TV line cord. Place the remote control on top of the TV. ___________
27" TV Set Adjustments: Step 6. Before removing the yoke, note the WA board's position on the CRT neck. Notice that the edge of the V board clamp is mounted just above the G3 cylinder grid. Return the V board to this position if it is moved.
G1 G3 cathode G2 Clamp location WA board / clamp edge
Step 10. Reset the two rings on the WA board to the initial position. The ring's tabs should be together and both face to the right as shown:
Both tabs should face to the right.
Step 17. On 27" and larger flat screen WEGATM TVs you must remove the side wedges and tilt or bend the sides of the larger yoke to straighten the left and right vertical lines of the picture. Reinsert the rubber wedges.
Vertical lines
Yoke Position Adjustment Tool Purpose Tilt front of yoke Add wedges P/N = 1. Straighten bent horizontal (left to right) lines. 4-053-005-01 2. Reduce bent vertical lines at the sides of the screen.
Step 24. Located on the neck assembly between the yoke and CRT pins are "Y splitting axis" correction ring magnets. Rotate the tabs of these ring magnets to straighten the pincushion distortion to the top and bottom horizontal lines.
Balance Top and Bottom
Balance Top and Bottom
Y splitting ring Incorrect adj. =
No good
No good
Step 47. On the top of the 27" and 32" WEGATM TV yokes there is an H-TRP control for trapezoid correction. Use the non-metallic 2.5mm flat blade type driver (P/N = 7-700731-04) to adjust control H-TRP. Make the left and right vertical lines of the picture straight. If the line cannot be made straight, equalize the distortion at both sides of the picture.
27 & 32 TM Wega TM WEGA TV Yoke Controls Locations
TLV YCH Deflection Yoke TOP VIEW
Adjust the H-TRP control
New Controls on 27 and larger WEGA Name Y axis ring magnets H-TRP Tool Fingers Non-metallic 2.5mm flat blade
TV sets Purpose
Top and bottom pincushion Make the left and right vertical lines as straight as possible. The final position must not be at the end of rotation.
DATA RANGE 0-63 0-63 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-63 0-63 0-63 0, 1 0, 1 0-3 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0-63 0-63 0-15 0-15 0, 1 0-15 0-63 0-63 0, 1 0-15 0-15 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0-15 0-15 0-63 0-63 0-63 0-15 0-15 0-15 0, 1 0-31 0-31 0-31 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0-15 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 NTSC VIDEO 20" 25" 20" 25" 35 35 33 33 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 36 36 36 36 0 0 2 Palette mode controls this register 0 0 0 0 47 47 32 32 6 8 0 6 47 31 1 12 5 0 1 0 0 0 31 25 21 25 21 10 7 6 6 0 14 12 14 15 13 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 7 1 1 1 INITIAL DATA PALM/ PALN AVERAGE DATA 38 21 9 5 7 32 39 39 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 49 32 6 8 0 6 47 31 1 12 5 0 1 0 0 0 36 26 25 8 6 7 1 15 15 15 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 1 1 1
NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
NO. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
DATA RANGE 0-3 0, 1 0, 1 0-15 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0-15 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-63 0, 1 0-63 0-63 0-127 0-127 0, 1 0-7 0-7 0-7 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-255
NTSC VIDEO 20" 25" 20" 25" 1 Palette mode controls this register 1 1 7 1 1 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 7 9 9 12 9 13 1 22 5 31 16 16 64 64 0 0 6 4 Palette mode controls this register 0 0 0 0 0 201 19 173 43 251 0 64
AVERAGE DATA 1 1 1 7 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 9 9 12 9 13 1 15 31 16 64 1 7 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 See ID Map See ID Map See ID Map See ID Map See ID Map See ID Map See ID Map
Sony Service Company National Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656
Service Bulletin TV Products
Model: KV-36FV1, KV-36XBR200 Subject: Geometric Distortion Symptom:
No. 387R2 Date: June 21, 1999
Geometric distortions, such as; shoulder rolloff (rounding of the horizontal lines at the top and bottom corners of the screen), or trapezoidal picture, etc. If the customer complains of this symptom please follow the adjustment procedure in this bulletin. Before doing so, please check the serial number of the set. ONLY early production units require a new improved Yoke to be installed. This procedure may require the following items, Rotatable Magnets P/N 1-452094-00 Permalloy Strips P/N 4-062-047-01, Core Alignment tool P/N 7-700-73301
Model: KV: 36FV1 36XBR200 Ser.# Range 1 1 9017656 9017263 Description Defl. Yoke Defl. Yoke Part # 8-451-506-11 8-451-506-11
Distinguishing the New Yoke: The new yoke contains 4 bar magnets added to the outside of the housing (white arrows). Electrical changes were also made to the windings. (Fig. 1 below)
Fig. 1
Important Note: Many experienced technicians have reported difficulty in obtaining good geometry with proper purity. Please read and perform all the steps in this procedure. The tilting and positioning of the yoke is critical to this procedure. Sony recommends the use of a large stand mirror for the geometric and purity adjustments. Adjustments are made to equalize the distortion (make even top to bottom or left to right). Don't try to correct only one position on the screen, therefore it is necessary to perform the entire adjustment procedure to obtain the best results.
Procedure for readjusting the Yoke
1. Set customer menu Tilt Correction adjustment to zero Use the remote to enter the menu and select the toolbox icon, then select tilt and set this to 0. 2. To be performed only if the yoke is the old type. First, mark the Neck Assembly position before removing. Remove the old yoke and all the rubber wedges. Also, remove the THL plate (Fig. 11, right side picture) from the original yoke, since this does not come with the new yoke. 3. Mount the new yoke and the Neck Assembly (at the previously marked place). If the neck assembly was not marked before it was removed, then position as illustrated below. The back of the metal clamp is positioned over the spot indicated by the dashed line.
Neck Assembly Position
End of this element
Back of metal clamp is position over the element indicated by the dashed line.
4. Set Yoke rings to their zero position. See Fig 2
Tall Purity tabs: Both tabs together pointing up to top of set (cutoff in this picture)
H/V tabs: Ridges on top of tab
The points of the H/V magnets, and the bumps of the BMC magnets should align at this point on the yoke, when set to the zero position
BMC tabs: V shaped notches
Fig 2
Purity Adjustments
If the set is being adjusted in the shop, it is extremely important to face the CRT towards either the East or West direction, which reduces the influence of the earth's magnetic field. Later you will be asked to check adjust it in a North to South position. This only reduces the possibility of readjustment upon delivery to the customer's home. however, due to the large flat CRT, some readjustment in the customers home is likely. If the set is adjusted in the customer's home, please face the set in the direction that the customer will watch it. This will optimize the adjustment. Note: For optimum adjustment, the set should be on for 20 minutes. 5. Remove all purity magnets, permalloy strips and rubber wedges (DY spacers). 6. Do not use an external degausser to degauss the CRT. Turn the set off and on to use the TV's own degausser circuit. Please note proper degausser operation: If the set is on for several minutes the degausser (relay activated) will have had time for the thermistor to cool so that it will degauss properly. However if the set was just turned on for a short while and then turned on and off, the degausser may not work properly. In this case, turn the set off and wait 3 to 4 minutes for the thermistor to cool and then turn the set back on. 7. Make sure the Purity ring tabs are at the zero position. See Fig 2. 8. Loosen the deflection Yoke mounting screw, using a non-magnetized screwdriver.( a standard screwdriver, one that does not have a magnetized head able to pickup screws). 9. Input a green flat field pattern. 10. Move the deflection yoke backward, and adjust with the purity tabs so that the green is in the center and red and blue are even on both sides. See Fig. 3 for tab location. 11. Move the entire deflection yoke forward, and adjust so that the entire screen becomes green. 12. Switch the raster signal to Red and Blue and confirm the purity condition. Readjust yoke and rings as required. 13. Lightly tighten the yoke holding screw with a non-magnetized screwdriver, so that it does not move back and forth. 14. Input a crosshatch pattern. Adjust the neck assembly rings (See Fig 4 ), so the top and bottom vertical pincushion is minimized. The purity may be affected by this adjustment. Therefore, a touch up of the Purity Rings may be required. 15. If after readjusting purity there is slight impurity in the picture, place a disc magnet, P/N 1-452-094-00, on the CRT bell to correct for the mislanding. Standard purity magnets are not effective, use only this type. 16. If adjusted in the shop, face the set North to South, turn unit on and off to degauss, and confirm the purity is correct. If not, readjust. Location of Ring Magnets (on Yoke) Neck assembly magnets (on WA board- behind yoke)
Neck Assy Rings For Geometric Adjustment
Adjusting for best geometric picture.
Input a crosshatch pattern. In the service mode turn off the Blue and Red guns. To enter the service mode, start with the set
off and then press the following buttons on the remote in this order in quick succession: Display, 5, Volume Up, Power. Set will then come on in the service mode.
The RON & BON are approximately 40 registers after the last ID code. Once selected by using the "1" (up) and "4" (down) buttons, press the "6" button to turn off. Green pattern is only displayed. 1. Hold the yoke and tilt it up, down, or sideways to obtain the best over all geometric pattern. The yoke can be held by the rotation coil that surrounds the yoke, when positioning it while viewing the effect on the screen. When the best position is obtained, place 4 rubber wedges (spacers), part number 4-053005-01, between the yoke and CRT to maintain the yoke position. Check that the Horizontal lines are still as straight as possible. This is one of the most important adjustments to improve Shoulder Roll off. (Fig. 5) Lift the yoke up/down and side to side for the best over all geometric pattern.
Fig. 5
2. Using the Core Alignment tool (Fig. 6) P/N 7-700-733-01. Adjust the XCV core (Fig.7) to obtain the straightest lines on the X-axis. (Vertical lines bend in on either the top or bottom as this coil is adjusted) Use the crosshatch pattern. (Right Side View of Yoke Located near the Bottom of Yoke) P/N 7-700-733-01
XCV core adjustment
Core Alignment tool (Fig.6)
XCV core to adj X-axis (Fig. 7)
3. Adjust the HTRP adjustment (Fig.11), which is one of three potentiometers located on the top of the yoke. Adjust for the least amount of trapezoidal distortion while viewing a crosshatch pattern. (Philips slotted) 4. Geometric Service Adjustments: Next adjust the following geometric registers in the Service Mode: (Display, 5, Volume up, power) The sequence of adjustments below are written in the order as they appear in the service mode. Some adjustments should not be changed, thus they are marked, "Do not Adjust". 5. VPOS: Moves pix up and down 14. PAMP: Pincushion on the sides 6. VSIZ: Increase/decrease vertical size 15. UPIN: Upper Pin (Top) 7. PVSZ: Do not adjust 16. LPIN: Lower Pin (Bottom) 8. VCOM: Do not adjust 17. PPHA: Trapezoidal Sides Angle in/out 9. VLIN: Vertical Linearity 18. AFC: Do not adjust 10. VSCO: Vertical Linearity (Top bends in) 19. VBOW: Bows vertical lines on the side 11. HPOS: Moves pix left or right 20. VANG: Angles both sides in/out 12. HSIZ: Increase/decrease Horizontal size 21. Write Data (Muting then Enter) 13. PHSZ: Do not adjust Note: Repeat steps as necessary : Equalize Distortions
Turn the Red and Blue Guns back on. Go to the RON (press 3) & BON (press 3)
Before adjusting set the brightness control to minimum and the Picture control to the mid-position. Use either the crosshatch or dot pattern from the generator
Center the H. Stat control. The H Stat control should not be positioned to either side, but should be somewhat centered. (Plastic knob on side of C-Board, RV:1761). The following order is recommended for adjustment: e V-Stat , BMC and then H-Stat. 1. Adj. the V. Stat rings by opening or closing the tabs to converge red, green, and blue bars in the center of the screen. (See Fig. 8) The H Stat control should be adjusted to fine-tune the convergence and should never be set to either side. (Diagrams below illustrate beam dot movement during ring adjustment)
A d j. th e V . S ta t m a g n e t a n d a d ju s t s ta tic c o n v e rg e n c e b y o p e n in g , c lo s in g o r ro ta tin g th e ta b s to c o n v e rg e th e R G B d o ts o r c ro s s h a tc h lin e s . R ing Location diagram (Fig. 8)
B M C R ings O peration
V . S ta t m a g n e t e ffe c ts o n R G B b e a m s (R e fe r to d ia g ra m s in s id e th e s o lid lin e s ) (Fig 9 :Tw o diagram s abo ve, on left hand side )
B M C A D JU ST: R e fe r to th e d ia g ra m s in s id e th e d o tte d lin e s : T h e re s p e c tiv e b e a m d o t p o s itio n re s u ltin g fro m m o v in g e a c h B M C rin g , w h ic h in te ra c ts w ith o th e r rin g s , s o y o u w ill n e e d to g o b a c k a n d fo rth b e tw e e n V -S ta t a n d B M C rin g a s s e m b lie s fo r o p tim u m c e n te r c o n v e rg e n c e . (Fig. 10)
2. The BMC (Blue Mis-Convergence) magnet rings will also interact with the V Stat magnet. Therefore you will need to go back and forth with these two magnets to achieve the best vertical and horizontal center convergence. All three magnets along with the H Stat control on the C Board should be touched up as you do the convergence alignment. Fig. 10 3. Once the adjustments are completed the V Stat and BMC adjustment rings should be locked into place with an acrylic latex paint, especially if the unit is being transported.
Location Of the various adjustment on the Yoke
YCH THL Plate (only one) (Must be removed from original yoke.)
THL plate slits are on both sides of the yoke. The effect is different on each side, please try mounting and adjusting (sliding in and out) this plate on each side to determine best adjustment position.
1. Turn off the Green gun from the Service mode (select GON, press 6). Adjust the YCH so that the Blue along the vertical center line (Top to Bottom lines) has the least amount of blue showing. If the blue can not be eliminated then the best compromise between the top and bottom of the screen.
2. Adjust the TLV so that the blue horizontal lines (Lines across the screen) on the top and bottom have the least amount of blue lines between a & b.
3. THL Plate Adjust: Note: This plate does not come with the new yoke. It must be removed from the original. Slide the THL plate into the slot on either side of the deflection yoke assembly in order to improve the horizontal convergence at the right and left sides of the screen. The plate can be mounted on either side of the yoke housing. Select the side that gives the best results. The plate should be secured with locking paint after the adjustment. (See Fig 11)
THL Plate Adj.
4. Corner Convergence should be corrected by use of Permalloy Strips around the Yoke. Part number 4-062-047-01.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Turn green back ON by selecting GON in the service mode and pressing "3" on the remote. Write this data by pressing "muting" then "enter". Exit Service mode by turning the set OFF and then back ON. Return Brightness and Picture control to their previous settings. This completes the adjustment procedure. Please verify proper geometry and convergence.
TVP-09 Lab B (Based on model KP43T70)
Three people per TV. The first person reads while the second performs the adjustments. The third will assist both. Later when instructed in the text, the lab partners will rotate positions. Objective
The purpose of this lab is to provide you with practical knowledge about Sony's new convergence procedures. Convergence is necessary after a picture tube or yoke replacement. Picture tube aging may also require reconvergence. With Sony's new microprocessor controlled convergence stage, merging of the red, green and blue pictures can be almost 100%. In this lab you will explore the new convergence service mode, position and adjust the green yoke, focus the TV, and then perform coarse and fine convergence of the three pictures. After convergence, you will update the Flash Focus memory. Check off the box as you begin to read each step. This locates your step as you switch places or pause. Items needed for this lab: · Demagnetized + tip screwdriver · TV remote control · Tape measure to locate the screen center · Ruler that measures in mm This projection TV adjustment lab is divided into six parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The New Service Mode Positioning the yoke Focus Adjustment Coarse Convergence Fine Convergence Defocusing the blue color Updating the Flash Focus Memory steps 1-11 steps 12-18 steps 19-32 steps 33-78, steps 79-90 steps 70-100 steps 101-108
1. The New Service Mode
The Sony RA-3 and RA-4 chassis projection TV sets contain an additional microprocessor that manages the convergence. You will access this convergence microprocessor information though the normal service mode. In the convergence service mode some of the remote control buttons will have different functions than the normal service mode. In this chassis, the last service mode category where you left off is remembered as long as the TV is plugged in. For example, if you turned off the TV in the ID category, the next time you enter the service mode it will be in the first item of the ID category. If the TV were unplugged the first item of the first category will appear in the service mode.
Step 1. Plug in the projection TV set into AC and connect an antenna to it. Step 2. With the TV initially OFF, press the following buttons on the remote control to enter the normal service mode: Display, #5, Vol +, Power Step 3. Using the remote control channel up/down buttons only, select a TV channel (one strong enough so the sync is stable). Then press the TV/Video button to select the unused video 1 input. The TV screen will have a service mode display in green similar to this: category The data numbers shown are samples. Your data number will be different.
Service VPNT 00 VPOS 028 000000 00 data
Step 4. You can use the remote control #2 (up) and #5 (down) buttons to jump through the categories. Press the #2 button three times to move from the initial VPNT category to the PJE convergence category. The convergence mode is distinctive because the letters are white, not green. The screen should look like this:
Service Mode Categories VPNT VPNV VPNS PJE 3DCM TONE DSP MC SC IC PP DAC PI ID CCD OP PJE Convergence screen White letters PJE FDIS 00 l 00
Step 5. Some remote control buttons perform different functions in the PJE convergence service mode:
Remote Control Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #3 = Color change - Green, Blue, Red. #6 = Crosshatch/dots/hatch/dots/OFF #9 = Coarse / Fine Convergence Mode
Press the #6 button to get a white cross hatch pattern on the screen. What appears on the screen when you press button #6? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OFF Cross hatch pattern________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ OFF
Step 6. We need to see why there are duplicate patterns. Switch to TV reception temporally by pressing the remote control TV/video button several times until you see a channel number. Kill the volume so you can hear your partner. With a TV station in the background, press the remote control #6 button several times to cycle through the patterns again. What is the difference between the two hatch patterns? Return to a crosshatch pattern (#6 button) and go back to an unused video input (TV/Video button) so you can see the white convergence service mode letters clearly. Step 7. You can use the #9 remote control button to alternate between the coarse and fine convergence modes. Press the #9 button. What appears on the screen? Draw in the answer.
PJE FDIS 00 1 00
Draw Answer here Fine Conv Mode
Coarse Conv Mode
Step 8. While in the fine convergence mode, press the #3 button. The cursor color corresponds to the beam color that is moved during fine convergence. What happens on the screen each time the #3 button is pressed? Green cursor 1st time 2nd time 3rd time 4th time
Step 9. Press the #9 button again to return to the coarse convergence mode. Step 10. In this step you will electronically remove the convergence signals to all three picture tube sub yokes. Press the #7 button on the remote control. The word INITIAL will appear.
Press ENTER before the word INITIAL disappears. An unconverged crosshatch pattern will appear with geometric distortion. This convergence reset mode can be saved but you will spend hours performing convergence before returning to the correct convergence unless you use default data (see Convergence using default Data in the appendix after this lab B). This mode is useful for yoke centering and can also be used to determine if a convergence signal line is actually active or just contains noise.
Step 11. Restore the convergence signals by pressing #0, ENTER.
2. Positioning the Yoke
If the yoke is incorrectly positioned, convergence cannot be completed because of insufficient R, G or B color data range. In addition, the Flash Focus feature will show an error code and will not work. The yokes are positioned after the convergence data is turned off from the convergence service mode. You will only position the green yoke in this exercise. Step 12. The yokes are behind the speaker grille. Loosen the front speaker grille from the back by removing three screws at the left and right bottom corners. Two screws are recessed inside the hole. The third screw is hidden below the others.
Screw 1
Screw 2 Screw 3
Step 13. Tilt the top of the TV backwards so you can wiggle out the bottom speaker grille. Do not disconnect the wires from the speaker grill. They contain the remote control's receiver. Step 14. The baffle board covers the circuitry where the yokes are. Remove the board's four screws and the board itself. Step 15. While still displaying a crosshatch pattern in the convergence service mode, press the remote control's #7, ENTER buttons. The convergence information is disconnected in this mode and the pattern is distorted everywhere except at the center. Step 16. The picture tube yoke clamps are accessible from the TV front. You will only use a demagnetized screwdriver to loosen the yoke clamp. A magnetized driver will magnetize the clamp upon contact. The beam will shift position (and its position will vary from day to day), making permanent centering/convergence impossible. Loosen the clamp connected to the middle (green) picture tube yoke. Rotate the yoke while watching the picture. With a partner, is it easy to position the yoke so the center horizontal lines are straight? ___Yes____ Step 17. Can the yoke be pushed up or slid down? _________________ Re-center the green yoke and tighten its clamp. Step 18. On the remote control, press #0, ENTER to return to the converged state. .
3. Focus Adjustment
Spot Shape, mechanical focus and electrical focus should be performed prior to convergence. Focus is adjusted one color at a time. Only the green focus procedure is shown in this lab: The others colors are adjusted similarly. Spot Shape The shaping of the electron beam affects the picture sharpness. Each picture tube has two pairs of ring magnets on the yoke for shaping. The 2 pole rings (near the CRT pins) are used to center the electron stream. The 4 pole rings centers the beam in the yoke's magnetic field so the beam spot on the screen is round, not oval. Adjust them after yoke or tube replacement before you perform electrical and mechanical focus. In this section you will access the yoke and adjust the ring magnets before performing typical focus adjustments. Not all these adjustments apply to all colors.
Spot Shape Adjustments Adjustment 2 pole 4 pole Defocus Color Green, Red Green, Red, Blue Blue only Focus control Clockwise Counter Clockwise Either Target Center dot in spot Spot must be round Enlarge dot
Step 19. Remove the eight screws from the back of the TV that hold the rear (lower) panel. Lift out and set aside the rear panel. Step 20. Cover both the red and blue picture tube lenses with a sheet of paper. Step 21. Each deflection yoke has two pairs of ring magnets. The 2-pole set is near the CRT pins. Tabs are connected to the rings to move the magnets.
4 pole tabs
Ring Magnet Location
Initial tab position
2 pole tabs
Step 22. While still in the convergence service mode, press the #6 button on the remote control several times until you come to a dot pattern. Step 23. Next you will defocus the green color. Locate the green focus control at the front of the TV and turn it CLOCKWISE until you can see the dots bloom. Inside the enlarged dot is a brighter spot.
Focus Control Block
Step 24. While looking at the center of the screen, move the 2 pole tabs to place the brighter spot at the center of the dot.
Dot Spot Two pole Adjustment
Step 25. Defocus the green color in the other direction by turning the electrical focus control COUNTER CLOCKWISE. Step 26. Move the 4-pole magnet tabs so the spot at the center of the picture is round.
Four pole Adjustment
Step 27. You may uncover the red lens and cover the green to perform the 2 and 4 pole adjustment on the red yoke rings. The 2-pole adjustment is not performed on the blue color. The 2 pole rings for the blue color will remain in the initial position. Electrical Focus This focus is performed while looking at snow or the scanning lines. The scanning line method is described here. Step 28. From the front of the TV set find the electrical block where the red, green and blue focus controls are located. This block also contains the screen controls for a total of six controls. Step 29. Place a piece of paper over the red and blue picture tubes lenses to block the light. Adjust the green focus control on the block for narrowest horizontal and vertical crosshatch lines. The focus adjustment should coincide with the clearest horizontal scanning lines.
Scanning lines Cross hatch Narrow cross hatch
Step 30. Repeat this electrical focus procedure for the other two colors. Shift the paper to cover the unused color lenses. Mechanical Focus This focus is performed from the back of the TV. The internal plastic lens is mounted to a wingnut on the lens housing. The wingnut and lens move on an inclined slot for focus. Step 31. At the center green lens loosen the wing nut that connects to the lens. While watching the crosshatch from the back of the screen, slide the loosened wing nut along the incline for the smallest cross hair width.
Wing Nuts
Step 32. Tighten the wing nut and remove the sheets of paper that cover the lenses. Step 33. Repeat this procedure for the remaining red and blue colors. To see the blue clearly, darken the room or have your partner place a piece of paper over the front of the screen to block the ambient light. Step 34. Touch up the electrical focus by repeating steps 27-29.
4. Coarse Convergence
Time spent performing a good coarse convergence will save time in the long run and avoid "maxing out" the fine convergence locations. In this section you will first check the reference information to see if the internal crosshatch and basic parameter data is correct. Then the green crosshatch is geometrically set so the picture is straight, rectangular and not bowed. Finally the red and blue colors can overlay the green pattern. Save frequently.
The plan for the coarse convergence is to: · · · · · Set the video levels Check internal reference data Set the green geometry Superimpose the red over the green Superimpose the blue over the green steps 34-41 steps 42-43 steps 44-52 steps 53-77 steps 78-79
Setting the Video Levels The picture and brightness levels must be reduced to 20% and 50% respectively to prevent damaging the CRTs with an unmoving crosshatch pattern. Step 35. Press the remote control button #6 a few times to turn the patterns off so the menu can be seen. Step 36. Press the MENU button. Press the SELECT at the middle of the arrow buttons twice, once to enter the video mode and a second time to select the mode. Step 37. Use the down arrow to highlight the MOVIE mode (because Vivid and Standard modes are not adjustable). Press the SELECT button again. Step 38. Use the down arrow button again to highlight PICTURE ADJUSTMENT AND PRESS the SELECT button. Step 39. Use the down arrow button again to highlight PICTURE and press SELECT.
Step 40. Use the left arrow button to decrease the picture level to about 20% and press SELECT. This returns you to the PICTURE ADJUSTMENT page to make brightness adjustments. Step 41. Press the down arrow Step 42. Use the left arrow Check of Internal Reference Data In this section, you will check the memory data to see if the internal crosshatch and basic parameter data is correct before beginning convergence. Convergence is not possible if the data is corrupt or incorrect. Step 43. While in the "PJE" coarse convergence category, you will use the remote control #1 (up) or #4 (down) buttons to verify the contents of the first 17 service mode items. At each location compare the data with the data listed in the chart. If they are different, use the arrow buttons to change the TV data to the data listed in the chart.
1 4 7 Remote Control Arrow Buttons 2 5 8 0 3 6 9
button to highlight brightness. Press the SELECT button.
button to reduce the brightness to 50%.
Use #1 (up) or #3 (down) to change items and the arrow buttons to change data. Press MUTE and ENTER to store the correct PJE convergence data.
Service Mode PJE Convergence Data Item # Item Data 00 FDIS 01 01 OSDH 31 02 OSDV 25 03 FVST 25 04 VIST 0 05 VICU 62 06 COHP 0 07 FIHP 194 08 TPHP 62 09 DFHP 225 10 DFHG -80 11 DFVG -15 12 PWM 1 0 13 PWM 2 32 14 HBLD 244 15 HBLW 23 16 BLKP 27 Category PJE FDIS Item Item # Data 00 00
Category Item Item # PJE BLKP 16
Data 27
PJE service Mode item # 16
Step 44. It is time to switch places. The person who was reading will now perform the adjustments. The person assisting will now read. Set the Green Geometry Each item within the convergence menu is numbered except for the last six. The coarse convergence is performed using the last six UN-numbered adjustment items. Not all of the colors have all adjustmen