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Clarion Co., Ltd. Published by Service Dept.
Export Division - 22-3, Shibuya 2-chome, Shibuyaku, Tokyo, 150-8335 Japan Tel: 03-3400-1121 298-5761-00 Aug.1999 P
Service Dept.- 50 kamitoda,Toda-shi,Saitama,335-8511 Japan Tel: 048-443-1111 FAX:048-433-6996 Printed in Japan
Service Manual
PEUGEOT Automobile Genuine
RDS/FM/MW/LW Radio CD Stereo
Model PU-2294A
(Genuine No. 96 346 766 80)
Model PU-2325A
(Genuine No. 96 373 095 80)
CITROEN Automobile Genuine
RDS/FM/MW/LW Radio CD Stereo
Model PU-2294B
PU-2325A (Genuine No. 96 346 767 80)
Current consumption: Less than 10A
Dimensions(mm): 178(W) 50(H) 165(D)
Radio section Weight: 1.45kg
Tuning system: PLL frequency synthesizer system
Receive range: FM 87.5MHz to 108.0MHz Specifications and design are subject to change without
MW 531kHz to 1,602kHz notice for further improvement.
LW 153kHz to 279kHz
Intermediate frequency:
FM 10.7 0.2MHz
MW 450 3kHz PU-2294A-A/PU-2294B-A/PU-2325A-A
LW 450 3kHz Main unit 1
Quieting sensitivity: FM Less than 13dB (30dB S/N)
MW Less than 36dB (20dB S/N)
LW Less than 43dB (20dB S/N)
We cannot supply PWB with component parts in prin-
Separation: FM More than 20dB
ciple. When a circuit on PWB has failure , please repair
Auto tuning stop sensitivity:
it by component parts base. Parts which are not men-
FM 22 8dB (DX)
tioned in service manual are not supplied.
45 10dB (LO)
MW 30 10dB (DX)
60 10dB (LO)
To engineers in charge of repair or
LW 30 10dB (DX)
60 10dB (LO)
inspection of our products.
Before repair or inspection, make sure to follow
CD player section the instructions so that customers and Engineers
Separation: More than 65dB in charge of repair or inspection can avoid suf-
S/N ratio: More than 80dB fering any risk or injury.
Distortion: Less than 1.0
1. Use specified parts.
The system uses parts with special safety features against
General fire and voltage. Use only parts with equivalent charac-
Load impedance: 4 teristics when replacing them.
Output power: More than 10W 4 The use of unspecified parts shall be regarded as re-
Power supply voltage: DC13.5V modeling for which we shall not be liable. The onus of
Negative ground
-1- PU-2294A/B
product liability (PL) shall not be our responsibility in removing the pickup from the mechanism, short
cases where an accident or failure is as a result of un- the terminals by soldering them to prevent this
specified parts being used. damage.
2. Place the parts and wiring back in their original positions 9-2. Actuator
after replacement or re-wiring. The actuator has a powerful magnetic circuit. If a
For proper circuit construction, use of insulation tubes, magnetic material is put close to it. its characteris-
bonding, gaps to PWB, etc, is involved. The wiring con- tics will change. Ensure that no foreign substances
nection and routing to the PWB are specially planned enter through the ventilation slots in the cover.
using clamps to keep away from heated and high voltage 9-3. Cleaning the lens
parts. Ensure that they are placed back in their original Dust on the optical lens affects performance. To
positions after repair or inspection. clean the lens, apply a small amount of isopropylalcohol
If extended damage is caused due to negligence during to lens paper and wipe the lens gently.
repair, the legal responsibility shall be with the repairing
3. Check for safety after repair.
Check that the screws, parts and wires are put back se- This appliance contains a laser system and is classified as
curely in their original position after repair. Ensure for a "CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT".In case of any trouble with
safety reasons there is no possibility of secondary this player,please contact your nearest "authorized service
ploblems around the repaired spots. station".To prevent direct exposure to the laser beam,do
If extended damage is caused due to negligence of re- not to open the enclosure.
pair, the legal responsibility shall be with the repairing
4. Caution in removal and making wiring connection to the
parts for the automobile.
Disconnect the battery terminal after turning the ignition
key off. If wrong wiring connections are made with the
battery connected, a short circuit and/or fire may occur.
If extensive damage is caused due to negligence of re-
pair, the legal responsibility shall be with the repairing
5. Cautions regarding chips.
Do not reuse removed chips even when no abnormality
is observed in their appearance. Always replace them
with new ones. (The chip parts include resistors, capaci- COMPUTER ANTI-THEFT SYSTEM
tors, diodes, transistors, etc). The negative pole of tanta- This unit has built-in Computer Anti-Theft System(CATS)
lum capacitors is highly susceptible to heat, so use spe- which makes the radio inoperative if power to the unit is
cial care when replacing them and check the operation interrupted for any reason whatsoever(including disconnec-
afterwards. tion and reconnection of the car battery).The radio will re-
6. Cautions in handling flexible PWB main inoperative unless you enter the correct CATS code
Before working with a soldering iron, make sure that the number.
iron tip temperature is around 270 . Take care not to
apply the iron tip repeatedly(more than three times)to the Release CATS
same patterns. Also take care not to apply the tip with
1. Press the power button to turn on the power.
("CODE" appears on the display,and "----" appears 3
7. Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and parts replace-
seconds later)
ment. Recheck all work before you apply power to the
2. Press 1,2,3 or 4 button the number of times necessary
for the secret number(CATS code) and display the code
8. Cautions in checking that the optical pickup lights up.
The laser is focused on the disc reflection surface through
3. If the input code number is correct,the radio turn on.
the lens of the optical pickup. When checking that the
A radio frequency appears on the display.
laser optical diode lights up, keep your eyes more than
4. If the input code number is incorrect,"1 ERROR"appears
30cms away from the lens. Prolonged viewing of the la-
on the display,and "----" re-appears 5 seconds later.
ser within 30cms may damage your eyesight.
"1 ERROR" to "3 ERROR" Waiting time(5 seconds)
9. Cautions in handling the optical pickup
"4 ERROR" to "6 ERROR" Waiting time(5 minutes)
The laser diode of the optical pickup can be damaged by
"7 ERROR" to "14 ERROR" Waiting time(30 minutes)
electrostatic charge caused by your clothes and body.
Make sure to avoid electrostatic charges on your clothes
or body, or discharge static electricity before handling the
optical pickup.
9-1. Laser diode
The laser diode terminals are shorted for transpor-
tation in order to prevent electrostatic damage.
After replacement, open the shorted circuit. When
PU-2294A/B -2-
Item Procedure instrument
FM S-meter 1. Press the RDS button and M6 button to set RDS test mode. SSG
2. Input a 98.1MHz/30dB (1kHz,30 mod) signal. Milli volt meter
3. Adjust VR101 of the tuner pack so that an output of TP101 is 2.8V.
E L E C T R O N IC - P O W E R -IC
B L 1 0 1 V O L U M E T D A 7 3 8 5
F M /M W /L W T U N E R L C 7 5 3 8 6 IC 3 0 1
IC 2 0 1
7 .2 M H z 4 .3 3 M H z
P L L -IC R D S -D E C O D E R
S A A 6 5 7 9 1 2 M H z
L C 7 2 1 4 6
IC 1 0 3 IC 1 0 2
u P D 7 8 4 2 1 6 B G C
IC 8 0 1
N M 9 3 C 4 6
IC 8 0 3
4 M H z
L C 7 5 8 5 4
IC 1 0 1
L C D 1 0 1 K E Y M A T R IX T S S 4 6 1 M T C 3 0 5 2 1
V R 1 0 1
IC 4 0 1 IC 4 0 2
EXPLANATION OF IC pin 28 : DG PHNT IN : IN : Input terminal of Internal A/D converter to
detect the PHANTOM circuit.
PD784216BGC-102-8EU 052-1157-00 CD, Radio, VAN-Bus Ref. Table 1.
Controller pin 29 : PLL DI : IN : PLL serial data input.
pin 30 : REMOCON 1 : IN : Remote control signal input.
1. Outward Form : 100 pins QFP pin 31 : REMOCON 2 : IN : Remote control signal input.
pin 32 : MUTE DET : IN : Input terminal of Internal A/D converter to
2. Terminal Description detect the Voltage of Backup Line.
pin 1 : LCD DO : O : LCD data output. pin 33 : A VSS : - : Ground.
pin 2 : LCD CLK : O : LCD clock output. pin 34 : SD SPD UP : O : FM SD speed control signal output.
pin 3 : LCD CE : O : LCD chip enable signal output. "L"= FM seek.
pin 4 : RDS DATA : IN : RDS serial data input. pin 35 : EEPROM DI : IN : Serial data input from EEPROM.
pin 5 : NOISE CLR : O : Noise clear signal output. pin 36 : A Vref 1 : - : Connect to VDD.
pin 6 : RDS MUTE : O : "H"= RDS mute ON. pin 37 : PLL/ROM DO : O : Serial data output to PLL and EEPROM.
pin 7 : FM SD : IN : "H"= FM station detected. pin 38 : PLL/ROM CK : O : Clock pulse output to PLL and EEPROM.
pin 8 : AM SD : IN : "H"= AM station detected. pin 39 : EEPROM CE : O : Chip enable signal output to EEPROM.
pin 9 : VDD : - : Positive supply voltage. pin 40 : PLL CE : O : Chip enable signal output to PLL.
pin 10 : X 2 : - : Crystal connection (12MHz). pin 41 : DG PHN OUT : O : Diagnosis Phantom signal output.
pin 11 : X 1 : IN : Crystal connection (12MHz). Ref. Table 1.
pin 12 : VSS : - : Ground. pin 42 : A MUTE_ : O : Mute signal output to Audio power ampli-
fier IC. "L"= Mute ON.
pin 13 : XT 2 : - : Not in use.
pin 43 : JBL AMP RM : O : "H"= External Audio amplifier ON.
pin 14 : XT 1 : IN : Not in use.
pin 44 : BEEP : O : Beep output.
pin 15 : RESET_ : IN : Reset signal input. "L"= Reset.
pin 45 : VOL CLK : O : Clock pulse output to Electric volume IC.
pin 16 : SUB SYNC : IN : Sub cord block synchronizing pulse input
from CD. pin 46 : VOL DATA : O : Serial data output to Electric volume IC.
pin 17 : VAN INT_ : IN : VAN interrupt signal input. Negative logic. pin 47 : VOL CE : O : Chip enable signal output to Electric vol-
ume IC.
pin 18 : RDS CLCK : IN : RDS clock pulse input.
pin 48 : VOL MUTE_ : O : Mute signal output to Electric volume IC.
pin 19 : LCD DI : IN : LCD data input. "L"= Mute ON.
pin 20 : BACKUP DET : IN : Backup interrupt signal input. pin 49 : 5V REM_ : O : 5V power supply circuit control signal out-
"H"= Backup ON. put. "L"= ON.
pin 21 : ACC DET_ : IN : ACC ON signal input. "L"= ACC ON. pin 50 : 14V REM : O : 14V power supply circuit control signal
pin 22 : CATS DET_ : IN : "L"= ISO connector pulled off. output. "H"= ON.
pin 23 : A VDD : - : Positive supply voltage. pin 51 : +VAN ON : O : "H"= ACC(+VAN)ON.
pin 24 : A Vref 0 : - : Reference voltage input for A/D convert- pin 52 : TEL MUTE : IN : "H"= Tel mute ON.
er. pin 53 : EEPROM INI_ : IN : EEPROM initialize command input.
pin 25 : NOISE IN : IN : Input terminal of A/D converter to detect Negative logic.
the Noise of FM. pin 54 : CD 8V ON : O : CD 8V power supply circuit control signal
pin 26 : N.C. : IN : Not in use. output. "H"= ON.
pin 27 : S METER : IN : Input terminal of Internal A/D converter to pin 55 : CD 5V ON : O : CD 5V power supply circuit control signal
detect the Voltage of FM S meter. output. "H"= ON.
-3- PU-2294A/B
pin 56 : AD 0 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 3 : UHSO : O : Playback mode flag output. Ref. Table 1.
pin 57 : AD 1 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 4 : EMPH : O : Emphasis flag output of Sub cord Q data.
pin 58 : AD 2 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. "H"= emphasis ON.
pin 59 : AD 3 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 5 : LR CK : O : Channel clock output. (44.1kHz)
pin 60 : AD 4 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 6 : VSS : : Ground.
pin 61 : AD 5 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 7 : B CK : O : Bit clock output. (1.4122MHz)
pin 62 : AD 6 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 8 : A OUT : O : Audio data output.
pin 63 : AD 7 : I/O : Data input/output terminal of VAN-Bus. pin 9 : D OUT : O : Digital output.
pin 64 : AREA A : IN : Destination select input. Ref. Table 2. pin 10 : MBOV : O : Buffer memory over signal output.
pin 65 : AREA B : IN : Destination select input. Ref. Table 2. pin 11 : IPF : O : Compensation flag output.
pin 66 : JBL_ : IN : "L"= With external amplifier. pin 12 : SBOK : O : CRCC judgement output of Sub Q data.
pin 67 : CITR_/PEUG : O : "L"= Citroen, "H"= Peugeot. "H"=OK.
pin 68 : CD 0 FLAG : IN : 0 flag input from CD. pin 13 : CLOCK : I/O : Clock output/input to read Sub cord P to
pin 69 : CD BUS 0 : I/O : Data bus line connected to CD.
pin 14 : VDD : : Positive supply voltage terminal.
pin 70 : CD BUS 1 : I/O : Data bus line connected to CD.
pin 15 : VSS : : Ground.
pin 71 : CD BUS 2 : I/O : Data bus line connected to CD.
pin 16 : DATA : O : Sub cord P to W data output.
pin 72 : VSS : - : Ground.
pin 17 : SF SY : O : Frame synchronize signal output.
pin 73 : CD BUS 3 : I/O : Data bus line connected to CD.
pin 18 : SB SY : O : Sub cord block synchronize signal output.
pin 74 : CD DET : IN : Not in use.
pin 19 : SP CK : O : Clock signal output to read processor sta-
pin 75 : VAN WU : O : Wake up signal output to VAN IC. tus. (176.4kHz)
pin 76 : VAN RESET : O : Reset signal output to VAN IC. pin 20 : SP DA : O : Processor status signal output.
pin 77 : VAN RD_ : O : Read strobe signal output to VAN IC. pin 21 : COFS : O : Correction frame clock output. (7.35kHz)
Negative logic.
pin 22 : MONIT : O : Not in use.
pin 78 : VAN WR_ : O : Write strobe signal output to VAN IC.
Negative logic. pin 23 : VDD : : Positive supply voltage terminal.
pin 79 : VAN CS : O : Chip select signal output to VAN IC. pin 24 : TESIO0 : IN : Not in use.
pin 80 : VAN ALE : O : Latch strobe signal output to VAN IC. pin 25 : P2Vref : : (Reference voltage) 2 terminal for PLL.
pin 81 : VDD : - : Positive supply voltage. pin 26 : HSSW : O : pin26=Vref : 2-speed or 4-speed.
pin 82 : N.C. : IN : Not in use. pin 27 : Z DET : O : 0 flag output of 1 bit DAC.
pin 83 : CD BUCK : O : Clock pulse output to CD. pin 28 : PDO : O : Error signal output. (EFM - PLCK)
pin 84 : CD CEE_ : O : Chip enable signal output to CD. pin 29 : TMAX S : O : TMAX detect signal output.
pin 85 : CD RESET_ : O : Reset pulse output to CD. pin 30 : TMAX : O : TMAX detect signal output.
"L"= Reset. pin 31 : LPF N : IN : Inverted input of amplifier for LPF.
pin 86 : CD CHU SW : IN : Chuking signal input from CD. pin 32 : LPF O : O : Output of amplifier for LPF.
pin 87 : CD TR A : IN : Photo sensor signal input from CD. pin 33 : PVref : : Reference voltage terminal for PLL.
pin 88 : CD TR B : IN : Photo sensor signal input from CD. pin 34 : VCOref : : Reference voltage terminal for VCO.
pin 89 : CD TR C : IN : Photo sensor signal input from CD. pin 35 : VCO F : O : Output of filter for VCO.
pin 90 : CD CCW : O : Loading motor control signal output. pin 36 : AVSS : : Analog ground.
Ref. Table 3. pin 37 : SLCO : O : Output of DAC for data slice level.
pin 91 : CD CW : O : Loading motor control signal output. pin 38 : RF IN : IN : RF signal input.
Ref. Table 3. pin 39 : AVDD : : Positive voltage supply for analog.
pin 92 : VOL A : IN : Volume control pulse input from Volume pin 40 : RFCT : IN : Center level input of RFRP signal.
switch. pin 41 : RFZI : IN : RFRP 0 cross.
pin 93 : VOL B : IN : Volume control pulse input from Volume pin 42 : RFRP : IN : RF ripple signal input.
pin 43 : FEI : IN : Focus error signal input.
pin 94 : VPP : - : Connect to ground.
pin 44 : SBAD : IN : Sub beam addition signal input.
pin 95 : N.C. : IN : Not in use.
pin 45 : TSIN : IN : Not in use.
pin 96 : N.C. : IN : Not in use.
pin 46 : TEI : IN : Tracking error input.
pin 97 : N.C. : IN : Not in use.
pin 47 : TEZI : IN : Tracking error , 0 cross input.
pin 98 : N.C. : IN : Not in use.
pin 48 : FO O : O : Focusing equalizer output.
pin 99 : N.C. : IN : Not in use.
pin 49 : TR O : O : Tracking equalizer output.
pin100 : N.C. : IN : Not in use.
pin 50 : Vref : : Reference voltage for analog.
pin 51 : RFGC : O : RF gain control signal output.
pin 52 : TEBC : O : Tracking balance control signal output.
Table 1. Diagnosis Phantom signal output
pin 53 : FM O : O : Field equalizer output.
Input voltage of pin 28 (DG PHNT IN) DG PHN OUT(pin41) pin 54 : FVO : O : Field error or Field search EQ output.
0.00V to 0.93V L pin 55 : DMO : O : Disc equalizer output.
0.94V to 2.82V H pin 56 : 2Vref : :2 Vref for analog.
2.83V to 5.00V L pin 57 : SEL : O : Laser ON and UHS="H" : output "H"
pin 58 : FLG A : O : Monitor signal output.
pin 59 : FLG B : O : Monitor signal output.
Table 2. Destination select input pin 60 : FLG C : O : Monitor signal output.
AREA A(pin64) AREA B(pin65) pin 61 : FLG D : O : Monitor signal output.
Europe H H pin 62 : VDD : : Positive supply voltage.
South America H L pin 63 : VSS : : Ground.
Saudi Arabia L H
pin 64 : IO 0 : I/O : I/O port.
pin 65 : IO 1 : I/O : I/O port.
Asia L L
pin 66 : IO 2 : I/O : I/O port.
pin 67 : IO 3 : I/O : I/O port.
Table 3. Loading motor control signal output pin 68 : DMOUT : IN : Not in use.
pin 69 : CKSE : IN : Not in use.
Loading Eject Brake Stop
pin 70 : DACT : IN : Not in use.
CD CW (pin 91) H L H L
pin 71 : TESIN : IN : Not in use.
CD CCW(pin 90) L H H L
pin 72 : TESIO1 : IN : Not in use.
pin 73 : VSS : : Ground.
pin 74 : PX I : IN : DSP oscillator input.
TC9462F 051-6342-00 Digital signal processor for CD pin 75 : PX O : O : DSP oscillator output.
pin 76 : VDD : : Positive supply voltage.
1. Outward Form : 100 pins QFP pin 77 : X VSS : : Ground for system oscillator clock.
2. Function : Sync. separation, EFM, Error correction pin 78 : X I : IN : System clock oscillator input.
pin 79 : X O : O : System clock oscillator output.
3. Terminal Description pin 80 : X VDD : : Positive supply voltage for system clock
pin 1 : TEST0 : IN : Not in use. oscillator.
pin 2 : HSO : O : Playback mode flag output. Ref. Table 1. pin 81 : D VSR : : Positive supply voltage for right channel
PU-2294A/B -4-
DAC. pin 95 : VSS : : Ground.
pin 82 : R O : O : Right channel data non-inverted output. pin 96 : BUS CK : IN : Clock input for data bus.
pin 83 : D VDD : : Positive supply voltage for DAC. pin 97 : CCE : IN : Chip enable signal input. Negative logic.
pin 84 : D Vref : : Reference voltage. pin 98 : TEST 4 : IN : Not in use.
pin 85 : L O : O : Left channel data non-inverted output. pin 99 : TS MOD : IN : Not in use.
pin 86 : D VS L : : Positive supply voltage for left channel pin100 : RST : IN : Reset signal input. Negative logic.
pin 87 : TEST 1 : IN : Not in use.
Table 1. Playback speed flag.
pin 88 : TEST 2 : IN : Not in use.
pin 89 : TEST 3 : IN : Not in use. Play back speed UHSO(pin3) HSO(pin2)
pin 90 : BUS 0 : I/O : Data bus to micro computer. Normal speed 1 H H
pin 91 : BUS 1 : I/O : Data bus to micro computer. Normal speed 2 H L
pin 92 : BUS 2 : I/O : Data bus to micro computer. Normal speed 4 L H
pin 93 : BUS 3 : I/O : Data bus to micro computer. ------------------------ L L
pin 94 : VDD : : Positive supply voltage.
Main section
2 5 2 4
2 6 2 0 7 2 3
2 2
2 0
2 9
2 1 7
4 2
4 2
2 0
3 5 3 4
5 6 2 8
5 1
4 1 3 6 5 2
1 8
5 5 5 3 5 4
3 8
5 3 5 4
3 6 3 6
4 5
4 4 4 2 2
4 3 2 8
4 0 1 2
1 1
8 1 9
4 8 3 9 1 4
1 5
4 7 3 7 9
4 6
1 0
3 3 1 6 4 9
5 7
1 3
5 8
1 1 7
2 0
3 2 6
2 7 5 0
3 0 2 7
3 1 3 4
2 0
(NOTE) Some parts depend on each model.The model name is specified in the description.
1 311-1765-01 LOWER CASE 1 11 074-1159-02 OUTLET SOCKET 1
2 750-3328-00 SPRING 1 12 060-0057-56 AUTO-FUSE(10A) 1
3 750-3329-00 SPRING 1 13 880-2084A TUNER ASSY(FM/MW/LW) 1
4 312-0433-10 MAIN CHASSIS 1 14 009-9006-60 CHOKE 1
5 039-1429-01 MAIN PWB 1 15 331-2577-00 ISO HOLDER 1
16 076-0324-14 PLUG(14P) 1
6 076-0540-18 PLUG(18P) 1
17 074-1186-26 OUTLET SOCKET(26P) 1
7 714-2606-81 MACHINE SCREW(M2.6 6) 4
18 039-1432-00 SWITCH PWB 1
19 331-2574-00 IC HOLDER 1
9 076-0324-10 PLUG(10P) 1
20 731-2608-80 TAPTIGHT(M2.6 8) 9
10 051-2013-00 IC(TDA7385) 1
-5- PU-2294A/B
NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION Q'TY CD mechanism section:929-0069-83
22 313-1750-00 HEAT SINK 1 1 HBS-463-100 DRIVE UNIT 1
23 716-1831-00 REAR BOLT 1 1-1 966-0314-21 STOP LINK ASSY 1
24 345-4847-01 STOPPER 1 1-2 966-0447-22 DR-PLATE ASSY 1
25 929-0069-83 CD MECHANISM 1 1-3 966-0448-21 SIDE PLATE ASSY 1
26 310-1669-02 UPPER CASE 1 1-4 966-0449-22 CLAMP LINK ASSY 1
27 716-0878-00 IT-SCREW(2.6 5) 2 1-5 969-0050-51 PICK UP UNIT 1
28 731-3008-40 TAPTIGHT(M3 8) 2 1-6 013-7100-00 LIMIT SWITCH 1
29 714-2610-81 MACHINE SCREW(M2.6 10) 2 1-7 620-0198-03 CLAMPER PLATE 1
30 380-5439-00 KNOB 1 1-8 620-0491-03 SPRING PLATE 1
31 940-7862-64 ESCUTCHEON ASSY 1 1-9 620-0690-01 RATTLE PLATE 1
940-7892-63 ESCUTCHEON ASSY 1-10 621-0205-02 CLAMPER LINK 1
1-11 621-0251-03 ROCK LINK 1
32 331-2573-00 SHIELD CASE 1
1-12 621-0252-03 DISC STOPPER 1
33 331-2578-00 SHIELD CASE 1
1-13 621-0253-02 MOTOR HOLDER 1
34 309-0720-02 FRONT PLATE 1
1-14 621-0255-02 SECOND GEAR 1
35 286-8497-26 SETPLATE(PU-2294A) 1
286-8497-27 SETPLATE(PU-2294B) 1-15 621-0375-00 SH-BASE 1
286-8497-28 SETPLATE(PU-2325A)
1-16 621-0357-03 PICK UP GUIDE 1
36 716-0778-00 WAVE SCREW( 2 6) 4
1-17 621-0358-02 LS-HOLDER F 1
37 013-3741-11 SWITCH 18
1-18 621-0359-02 LS HOLDER R 1
38 016-0010-13 VARIABLE RESISTOR 1
1-19 622-1073-02 CLAMPER ROLLER 1
39 017-0454-01 PILOTLAMP 5
(PU-2294A/ORG/14V40mA) 1-20 714-2003-81 MACHINE SCREW(M2 3) 10
017-0454-02 PILOTLAMP
(PU-2294B/GRN/14V40mA) 1-21 716-0675-00 SCREW(M2 2.5) 2
017-0454-03 PILOTLAMP
(PU-2325A/ORG/14V40mA) 1-22 716-1468-00 SCREW(M2 2.5) 2
40 074-1151-18 OUTLET SOCKET(18P) 1 1-23 716-1555-00 WAVE SCREW 1
41 816-2488-00 FLAT WIRE 1 1-24 716-1733-00 SCREW(M2 2.5) 2
42 714-2303-81 MACHINE SCREW(M2.3 3) 5 1-25 732-2004-11 SEMS SCREW 2
43 331-2593-00 LCD HOLDER 1 1-26 739-1735-17 PRECISION SCREW 2
44 335-5994-00 SHIELD SHEET 1 1-27 746-0761-00 SCREW(M2 2.5) 2
45 379-1155-41 INDICATOR 1 1-28 750-3097-03 CLAMPER SPRING 1
379-1155-40 INDICATOR(PU-2294B) 1-29 750-3098-00 L-LINK SPRING 1
46 335-5911-01 FILTER(PU-2294A/PU-2325A) 1 1-30 750-3099-00 ES-SPRING 1
335-5912-01 FILTER(PU-2294B)
1-31 816-2372-00 WIRE(BLU) 1
47 335-5910-00 ILLUMI PLATE 1
1-32 816-2373-00 WIRE(WHT) 1
48 335-5909-00 LCD HOLDER 1
1-33 966-0454-00 SH-ROCK ASSY 1
49 331-2638-00 SHIELD CASE 1
1-34 HBS-432-100 LS-GEAR ASSY 1
50 331-2639-00 SHIELD CASE 1
1-35 SMA-146-100 SLED MOTOR ASSY 1
51 285-1633-10 GUIDE LABEL(CLASS1) 1
52 345-8316-00 INSULATOR 1
2 966-0308-10 CHASSIS ASSY 1
53 345-3814-82 LAMP CAP(PU-2294A/ORG) 2
345-3814-81 LAMP CAP(PU-2294B/GRN) 3 966-0309-20 L-DISC-G-ASSY 1
345-3814-83 LAMP CAP(PU-2325A/ORG)
4 966-0310-21 SHIFT-P-CH-ASSY 1
54 017-0455-00 PILOTLAMP(9V65mA) 2
5 966-0312-21 SHIFT-P-ASSY 1
55 285-1628-00 GUIDE LABEL 1
6 966-0358-21 DRIVE-L-PL-ASSY 1
56 285-1627-00 GUIDE LABEL 1
7 966-0359-21 SIDE-L-PL-ASSY 1
57 347-6200-00 INSULATOR 1
8 013-3879-01 CHUCKING SWITCH 1
58 347-6217-00 INSULATOR(PU-2294A/B) 1
9 039-0586-01 CHUCKING SWITCH PWB 1
10 039-0588-01 SENSOR PWB 1
11 060-0252-01 PHOTO TR (PT4850F) 3
12 345-7513-01 CLAMPER SHEET 1
13 345-7514-00 S-PWB SHEET 1
14 620-0485-04 FRONT PLATE 1
PU-2294A/B -6-
1 -1
1 -2 2
1 -7 A 7
1 -2 9
1 -3 2
5 0 1 -1 1 1 -3 1
1 -3 0
L 1
1 -4
1 -2 0 1 -1 0 1 -3 5
L 2
1 -2 0