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System DMIWl96l I

ANALOG SFlTLINC TIME: < Ims (UOdB at dc, MHz or @Hz (*0.05%) with lkl2 in either lead. NMRR: >adB 11 SOHZor 6xlH.z (iO.O5%)

`For a%digit auury. divide cMult emorby IO. For w-dig0 `e3JmL-y. co""* m is 5. In w- and r*digo modes,spcdimbm apply for inputs >mHz `For rincwavc inputs >Z,Mo counts. `Far ruuwsve inputs .in.m co""IS. RESPONSE: True root mean square, ac coupled. TEMFERAluRE COEFFICIBNT fo=lwc & zBwo'cl: < t(O.1 x applicable accuracy spei6catim)l°C below Z&Hz, XEST FAnOR frrtio of pe,,c b mu,: Up to 3:l allowable. *(0.2x) for z&Hz to 1ookHz. YONSfNUSOfDAL INPLiTs: For fundamental frequencies





System DMIW196

5(-j LLJ ZQ i&p bQ 0-l -


0.03 + ia InA mr* 0.m + 10 3mA ii2 0.06 + 10 DInA 3mmA 0.05 + 10 3 A ll:: 0.09 + 10 wa+ttcanld~*1).3*~camlemnh5. HAXIMUM ALWWASLB INPUR 3A. WV. NERWALt VI 3A fuse (tw)V), aces.&Ic from rBMPEMTuRE COemQDM Is'-WC L 20'40'0:

0.4" 0.4" 0.. v 0.5" 2 " BESO. LlmON 3b.Di, rtmigi4 5'h.oigit .6*-o&~ huemdBdfu MUX: on on lam tml 33 333 35 09) 9 6.51 9 v-7 ikzz.tn: -sdfa MUX: Muy: OH on 0" on II2 YI 737 80 la 63 91 49 9 (7.5, 35 (29, 9 (7.5, 44 03) 0.3 (0.2 0.3 (0.23~

mar panel.

< i(O.1x l pplluble acsxmcy spdication)l~C.

rRMS AC AMPS ACCIJMCY' NNnNvM 5% oifpw I Yur, W-WC "DLTAGE SANGE nBwumoN mb.43Hz &N&.tokHl WmDeN 0.9 + ml 2 + 100 Ja)#A i.z 3mA d2 1,100 0.6 + 1rn 0.6 + 1rn m" *mnA 2+lOO 3% 0.6 + 100 ON a + lrn 3 A 4," 0.6 + 100 2" *+lCO For abwlvwt inpull >Fsal comlm. pa wdgit Kciuq, ditie cuml mur by 10.km JHd$tit accw&y, mull, Qnu b 5. In 3%. and 1Hdigo mods. spdocamN apply fa dmwe Inpun >maia. WPONBE: `he mot mean quart, SCcoupled. aeSTFA~B~~pJ;bru);Upto9:1~~bleatWfullscale. ~ONBUW3DIDALINFUIS:!$dicdm.uaqku-frequencite
OHMS READINGS/SECOND colllinuw iam t%t*nnl Tr&r into %i@yrd vi4 InlInul luffU InkmalB"ff.r IEEE-(880"s REOO. MUX: MUX: MUX I.IJnDN OH on 011 On Off 0" 3*.Dipt 53 25 n 25 37 23 4H-mgit 0 M 17 21 33 19 5~.olgn 95 (7.5, 1 (15) 9.5 (1.5, 15 (12.5) 9.5 (7.5 16u.9 6H.oigil' 0.3 (O.z! 0.3 w5) 9 0.5) Ofhet Compmuted Ohnu: Rates are 0.5 x nomal mm on ohm rate!

`m M an for on-mng* on-%& reldingr with internalfilter off, for 3". 3!d and 3mA m*es. Oh- and 5Hdigit nke9 are for @Hz operdm. Valuer i pmnmm UC for 5Liz opratian. `InterNI fins on.

MuLnLmEcoMMAND S: DCL, LLO, SDC, GET, GTL, UNT, UN1 SPR, sm. uNILINEcoMMAND s; IFC, REN, EOL SRQ, ATN. INTERFACE FUNCITONS: SHl, AHl, T6, T?iO,LA, LEO, SRI RLI, PPt DCI. DTl, 20, El. FTt0GRAhfMABl.E PAMM!27ZRS: Range, Function, Zero. Integratio Period, Fitter, EOI, Tr&er, Terminator, Delay, SW-Reading Stag< Cdtbmtion, Dirpky, Multiplex, Status, Service Request, Self Tes Output Pamat, TRANSLATOR.


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7.&r& TR REVISIONS APP, DATE ORN.`-3j9' OATE '-. z`,y=: , ,4,;' ,.~ i' Is 7~7 <$CKD. ' --I OATE APP.jyl(l$ DATE&!g-1, m I

Keithley Instruments Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 44139


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SENERAL LANCING: Manual01sutornnging.
MXIMUM READING: 5U29W counts in 6Hdigit mode. !EItO:Gmbul-on-scakvdue6ummtbsequeIlttrudhylsasllows vahle to be pmgranltned. :ONNECTORB: Analog: Switch sektable front or rear, safety jacks. DighI: TKIGCER input and VOLTMIXEK COWLEYE mqwt on rear pad, BNCs. VARMUPz2hwrstontedunmcy. XSPLAY: 10, 0.5.in. aiphanuwrk LSD diSits with dzcimal pdnt and pAity. Pundon and IEEWBE bus at&u alan indkated. 80UnON;lnputLomIBEELoapmpUnegmund:5alVpJrSxl~ mu. VHz product. >lB'B pamkkd by 4CQpF. lATAMIMOILy;1to5BBloc.tk,,.MuurrmmtbtarnlsdechbIefmmlnmto999w9ma =aieecrrd. mat UWMC n~lg; 5 ndinlpllwrmul @Iott joMn nd 3mMQ Nyles). "L-i-$ www mn(p (apmaaw). Rspllnrmblcwww.~~ WBItMlNG ENVIRONMBNTr WXPC, cl%-SB rdath htmddity up to WC; linedy der#te 3% RHPC, 35'C-5Lw (0%-60% RH up to WC on 3m40 range).

STORAGE ENVIRONIMBNZ -25' to +6!YC. POWER: 105Izv or ZlDwIV, rear panel switch selected, YIHZ or 6oHz 3OVA max. 9011OV and UC-ZZOV versions avaiIable upon ~quest. DIMENSIONS, WSIGHTz Wmm high x 216mm wide x 559mm deq (5 in. x 8H in. x 14%in.). Net wet&t 3.7kg (8 Ibs.). ACCESSOKISS AVAILABLE: Model 1019A-1: S&in. Single Pixed Rack MountinS Kit Model 1019A-2: SU-in. Dual Fixed Rack MountiS Kit. Model 101951: W-in. Single SIide Rack MountinB Kit Model lOl9?+2: 5!&in. Dud Slide Rack Mounting Kit Model 1651: 5O.m Shunt `Mode,16B,: COpOn Test Lead set hsodel1682A: lIPRobe pdelE; aamp.oncmntRobe ~PWpO~TestLuds Model xi41 UninrulTestLeadKit Modd5806: KdvhtaipLeadB Model 7m7--ded mmB8 cable, lm Moddm7-2: shkMedmEe4BBIBge488,zm Madelmog3: IsE648clbk,3ft.(0.9m) Model RXltt4 lBEIMB8 W, 6 ft. (l.Sm) Riar .nd e@W,on, rub)srt m duqe witbout notice.





Keith& Instruments Inc. Cleveland. Ohio 44139