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This desk-top has a view
The new TEKTRONIX 4051 BASIC The engineer.. . can design, debug, and
Graphic Computing System is the only analyze without leaving desk-side.
compact data system you can buy that The analyst.. .gains complete data
combines high-level BASIC-language security, with prompt access to unlimited
interaction, built-in computing, and local taped programs.
tape memory-plus the unique graphic
capabilities of the Tektronix display. The physician.. . can analyze patient
data, obtain charts, input notes, with
Many users are now looking foTa com- greater comprehension and speed.
pact computing system with local control,
a convenient storage medium and Furthermore, with the data communica-
enough computing and calculating tions option, the 4051 distributes your
power to handle their workload. The computing by doing double-duty: as a
4051 answers all these needs, at a price graphic inputloutput terminal: and as an
competitive with systems offering only on-line tape storage facility.
a much smaller, alphanumeric CRT The 4051 BASIC Graphic Computing
display. System bears looking into.
But then the 4051 takes off where other
systems quit: with Graphics.
If you have ever been intrigued by the
possibilities of graphic output for your
own application, you should seriously
investigate the economics and ease of
the 4051.
The manager.. . can interpret data, not
just shuffle it. Forecasting comes alive,
and costly errors are easy ta spot.
The researcher.. .can spot check and
analyze weeks of logged data, in seconds.
. ,
haring, the ...to
Magnetic tape unit:
access, bv file seam
lacks. Addition of these packs MANDS, the stars of 4051 BASIC:
the capabilities and performance d th
Printer output 0610n:'tio plug in
(instant lines from any data matrix);
ROTATE; and more.
additions; CLEAR UNEfrom memory; rare in BASIC.
RECALL last statement.
AUTO NUMBER my: autom
generates line numbers.
STEP key: exmutes a program
at a time. ptions, up ti32~ total, with a size for
Numeric keypad: for fast five-function
calculator comput.ations. n addition, a 32K ROM (Read Only
Tape and Hard Copy controls emory) in the 4051 holds the operating
LOAD (replaces commands FIND, old, " "system, including 8K switchable banks
and RUN for first program on tape), - that enable ROM pack expansion and
REWIND (tape to beginning); and MAKE flexible data communications modes via
COPY (activatesthe optional 4631 hard the data communications option. For
You can literally multiply the capa-
bilities of your 4051 with our low-cost
data communications. We can only
sketch its capability here, but a demon-
stration will really show you the
beauty of it.
The communications option:
A special RS-232-C Interface; with at once a subtle and powerful concept,
built-in firmware for interactive data with broad potential.
communications mode selection. Worldwide, companies are using the
What can you do with the communi- intelligent satellite to combine local data
cations option? convenience with central computer
Enter a single command, Instantly you power, while holding line traffic and
are given control of the RS-232-C computing expense to a minimum.
capability. Then you interactively choose A scientist with a lot of programs in the
baud rate, parity and other applicable host computer can do big or shared-data
communication parameters. programs in the host, and small BASIC
In TERMINAL mode, the 4051 acts
like a TEKTRONIX 4012 Computer
Display terminal. Keyboard inputs go
direct to your mainframe, returning data
and graphics go up on the screen. Use
the TEKTRONIX PLOT-10 graphics
software, or tailor your own.
In COMMUNICATIONS mode, the 4051
internal tape unit looks like a paper tape
readerlpunch to your computer-but it's
a lot more to you. You can send or
receive dara via the tape, at asynchro-
nous speeds up to 2400 Baud
Plus working agreements.
The best of all systems.. .
. . . is the one that solves your applica- prepare your purchase, including Where else? For a high capability graphic
peripherals, options, and accessories. computing system, you need a high
tion problems. There is capability here to
guarantee a cost-effective, graphically In fact, yoursales Engineer may be the capability graphic cathode ray tube. No
clear answer to your needs today. most important accessory Tektronix one else has quite gotten the knack of
provides: equipped with technical making the storage tube that Tektronix
Equally important, there is the built-in expertise, applications awareness and customers have learned to love,
promise of design compatibility with the service
answers of tomorrow. A lot of other engineering and manufac-
Systems analysts are also located at turing wizardry has gone into the 4051,
When you buy from Tektronix, you're Tektronix field offices to help you analyze
working with a field office that stays though most of it is less visible than the
systems, software and configurations of - tube.
within earshot, and a company that goes Tektronix products.
around the world. You can count on it-and graph on it-
Wherever you are, we'll work something for a long time to come. jtSs from
All equipment carries the Tektronix out for you.
warranty: 90 days for any problem; and Tektronix.
on all parts for one year.
Field service extends from ready phone
advice to a wide range of available
service contracts. Your Sales Engineer
has details on emergency repairs, sched-
uled and contract maintenance and on-
site service.
Financial arrangements go from our
standard to extended terms (with addi-
tional service charges); installment
plans; and flexible rental agreements.
OEM agreements are also available.
Central processing umeric Accuracy: $+decimal digits sical Characteristics
Type: LSI Microproc ~ght: 13.6 inches (34.5 cm)
Workspace Size: 8K Bytes dth: 18.3 inches (46.5 cm)
epth: 32.5 inches (82.6 cm)
Expandableto 32K Bytes
Weight: 65 pounds (29.5 kg)
Programming Langu
integrated operating Power Requirements:
graphics and numerous other extensions alphanumerics with auto-repeatina Line Voltage Range: +- 10%.
keys. Full ASCII. 128 characters. - Low Med Hi
4051 BASIC Language Elements 100 110 120 operates between
10 user definable Keys with SHIFT for
up to 20 separate function calls. 90V to 132V RMS.
Five editing keys with SHIFT control 200 220 240 operates between
1C 'erent editing functions used to 180V to 264V RMS.
modify BASIC source programs. Line Frequency: 48-66 Hz
Power Consumption: 200W maximum
y pad including 10 key
meric pad, 5 math operator keys, +
Operating Temperature: 10 degrees C
WD ~ apoint and parenthesis.
to 40 degrees C
FOR.. . TO. . . STEP Tektronb, Inc.
FUZZ TO ,,,MBER--genere+- proylat- Information Display Group
numbers automatical - P. 0. Box 500
STEP-executes program steps one Beaverton, Ore. 97077
Telephone: (503) 638-341 1
IF... THEN . . . AUTO LOAD-automatically loadc TWX: 910-467-8708
and runs first program on tape Cable: TEKTRONIX
REWIND-Rewinds tape ~Lktronix Datatek N.V.
MAKE COPY-activates optional 4631 P. 0. Box 159
Hard Copy Unit. Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Telephone: 02968-6051
Display Characteristics Telex: 16565
Type: Direct view storage CRT. Cable: DATATEK Holland
Dimensions: 8 inches wide by 6 Sony/Tektronix Corporation
inches high (20.3 cm x 15.2 cm). 9-31 Kitashinagawa-5
Alphanumeric Format: 72 characters Shinagawa-Ku
Tokyo 141 Japan
ler line, 35 lines; 2520 total. Telephone: 445-0221
Character Set: Full ASCII character set, (Area 03flokyo)
including upperllower case. Also Telex: 02422850
includes Scandinavian, German, General Cable: SONYTEK Tokyo
European, and Spanish fonts. Tektronix Australia Pty. Limited
Graphic Resolution: 1024 x 780 points Sydney
80 Waterloo Road
Hard Copy: Compatible with our North Ryde, N.S.W. 21 13
4631 Hard Copy Unit. Telephone: 888-7066
Tape Drive Telex. AA 24269
Cable: TEKTRONIX Australia
Capacity: 300K bytes max (dependent Tektronix Canada Ltd.
on number of files). Montreal
System Characteristics: File structures 900 Selkirk Street
for storage of programs or data. Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R3S3
Telephone: (514) 697-5340
Access is via 4051 BASIC operating
Telex: 05-821 570
system. Cable: TEKANADA
General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) Printed in U.S.A. U.S.A. and Foreign
Specifications: Conforms to IEEE Products of Tektronix, Inc. are covered
standard 488-1975. Byte serial, bit by U.S.A. and Foreign Patents and/or
parallel transfer mode. Patents Pending. All specifications
Control Mode: External devices can be
serviced via interrupt procedures
available in the BASIC operating system.
Enable/disable, polling and data
transfer comma able r~ndnr
program control.