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Agilent E6618A
Multiport Adapter
Data Sheet
Used with the Agilent Technologies E6630A
wireless connectivity test set, the Agilent
Technologies E6618A multiport adapter
helps you significantly accelerate throughput
during non-signaling wireless connectivity
device manufacturing test.
The E6618A is controlled by a plug-and-
play USB connection with the E6630A. The
solution enables the connection of multiple
devices under test (DUTs) to a single
instrument for parallel testing.
Definitions and Conditions
All data listed in this datasheet are nominal values when the E6618A is used in conjunction with the E6630A. Nominal values indicate expected performance,
or describe product performance that is useful in the application of the product, such as a 50 connector. This data is not warranted and is measured at room
temperature (approximately 25