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PMvOget read a pixel from buffer o ..................................................................................................... PMvOget(3X)
PMvOput write a pixel to buffer o .................................................................................................... PMvOput(3X)
PMvlget read a pixel from buffer I ............................................................................................................ PMv(3X)
PMvlput write a pixel to buffer I ............................................................................................................ PMv(3X)
PMcopyj fast but dangerous 32 bit DNRAM copy .................................. :.............................. PMcopy_f(3X)
increments PMcopy_v 32-bit copy with variable ......................................................... PMcopy_ v(3X)
PMcopy_ s safe 32-bit DRAM or VRAM copy ................................................. PMcopy_s(3X)
PMnorm normalize a 3D vector and return its length .................................................... PMnorm(3M)
manipulate page registers used to access video and Z memory /to ............................................... PMpagereg(3X)
!load a page register and return an address to a section of DRAM ................................................ PMgetzaddr(3X)
PMgetzdesc. PMzdesc_valid allocate a DRAM block ........................................................... PMgetzdesc(3X)
DRAM and page registers for dynamic allocation /PMset_hireg reserve .................................................... PMzbrk(3X)
DEVswapyipe switch primary and alternate pipes of a: dual pipe! ............................................ DEVswapyipe(3H)
to compute the cosine of an angle PMcos trigonometric function .............................................. PMcos(3M)
PMapply apply a function to all subscreens ................................................ PMapply(3X)
PMlong_dsp convert an array of longs to float ............................................................. PMlong_dsP(3M)
d3as DSP32 assembler ................................................................................................. d3as(l)
/DEVopen_system make a Pixel machine available to a user program .......................................................... DEVopen(3S)
pixel nodes DEVrun begin execution of all pipe and ..................................................... DEVrun(3H)
into specified pipe! DEVpipe_run begin execution of programs loaded ..................................... DEVpipe_ run(3S)
into specified pixel! DEVpixetrun begin execution of programs loaded .................................... DEVpixel_run(3S)
PMcopy_f fast but dangerous 32 bit D/VRAM copy ...................................................................... PMcopy_f(3X)
PMzdesc valid allocate a DRAM block PMgetzdesc. .. ................................................................ PMgetzdesc(3X)
interleave or deinterleave a block PMinterleave ............................................................... PMinterleave(3X)
register DEVpipeyut write a block of dsta to a pipe DSP's PDR ...................................... DEVpipeyut(3S)
register DEVpixetPut send a block of dsta to a pixel DSP's PDR .................................... DEVpixelyut(3S)
pipe feedbackl DEVfifo_read read a block of four byte values from a .......................................... DEVfifoJead(3S)
FIFO DEVfifo_write write a block of four byte values to a pipe ..................................... DEVfifo_write(3S)
DEVpipeJead reads a block of memory from a pipe DSP ..................................... DEVpipe_read(3S)
DEVpixel_read read a block of memory from a pixel DSP ................................... DEVpixelJead(3S)
DEVpixel)d_write write a node id block to a reserved location in at ................................. DEVpixel)d_write(3S)
PMcopyvtov copy blocks of VRAM .................................................................... PMcopyvtov(3X)
resets all FIFOs on a pipe board DEVfifo_reset ............................................................ DEVfifo_reset(3S)
color tables from video controller board and return the value /update ............................ DEVput_color_map(3S)
color tables from video controller board and returns value tread the ............................... DEVget_color_map(3S)
DEVpixetmode)nit initialize pixel board mode register ................................................... DEVpixel_mode)nit(3S)
DEVfifoyarallel configure a pipe board to operate in parallel mode .................................... DEVfifoJlarallel(3S)
DEVfifo_serial configure a pipe board to operate in serial mode ........................................... DEVfifo_serial(3S)
!wait until control of the broadcast bus is granted ....................................................... PMswapyipe(3H)
read a pixel from the frame buffer DEVgetJlixel. DEVgetJlixels ................................. DEVgetJlixel(3S)
one or more scan lines from a frame buffer DEVget_scan_line read ..................................... DEVget_scan_line(3H)
write pixels into the frame buffer DEVputJlixel. DEVputyixels ................................ DEVputJlixel(3S)
read a pixel from the current buffer PMgetpix .......................................................................... PMgetpix(3X)
read a float value from the Z buffer PMgetzbuf ........................................... ........................... PMgetzbuf(3X)
output a pixel to the current buffer PMputpix ......................................................................... PMputpix(3X)
write a float value to the Z buffer PMputzbuf ..................................................................... PMputzbuf(3X)
read of a pixel from the current buffer PMqget quick ...................................................................... PMqget(3X)
write of a pixel to the current buffer PMqput quick ..................................................................... PMqput(3X)
PMswapback swap meaning of back buffer ......................................................................................... PMswapback(3)
PMzget read a float from the z buffer ............................................................................................... PMzget(3X)
PMvOget read a pixel from buffer 0 .......................................................................................... PMvOget(3X)
PMvOput write a pixel to buffer 0 ......................................................................................... PMvOput(3X)

Permuted Index 1
Permuted Index

PMvlget read a pixel from buffer I .................................... ............... ...... ........................... ...... ....... PMv(3X)
PMvlput write a pixel to buffer I ............ ...... ...... ...... ........................... .................. ...... ...... .......... PMv(3X)
of a pixel node DEVread_ z read a buffer of bytes from the Z memory ............ ...... ...... ...... ............ DEV read _z(3S)
of a pixel! DEVwrite_z writes a buffer of bytes into the Z memory .......................................... DEVwrite_z(3S)
DEVpipe_write write a buffer to a pipe DSP ........................................................... DEVpipe_ write(3S)
DEVpixel_write write a buffer to a pixel DSP ...................................: ..................... DEVpixel_write(3S)
DEVpixel_buffer selects the frame buffer to be displayed ...................................................... DEVpixel_buffer(3S)
PMdblbuff enable double buffering mode ........ ..................... ... ...... ... ......... .................. ....... PMdblbuff(3X)
PMsnglbuff disable double buffering mode .............................. ... ......... ..................... .......... PMsnglbuff(3X)
swap front and back pixel buffers PMswapbuff ............ .............................. ... .......... ....... PMswapbuff(3X)
wait until control of the broadcast bus is granted PMswapyipe ......................................... ..... PMswapyipe(3H)
DEVfifo read read a block of four byte values from a pipe feedback! ........................................ DEVfifo_read(3S)
DEVfifo write write a block of four _ byte values to a pipe FIFO .................................................. DEVfifo_ write(3S)
DEVpixel_get read a stream of bytes from a pixel DSP's PIRI ............................................. DEVpixel_get(3S)
DEVpipe_get read a stream of bytes from the PIR of a pipe DSP ........................................ DEVpipe_get(3S)
node DEVread z read a buffer of bytes from the Z memory of a pixel ........................................ DEVread_z(3S)
node DEVwrite_z writes a buffer of bytes into the Z memory of a pixel ......................................... DEVwrite_z(3S)
programs using DEVtools devcc C compiler for Pixel Machine .............................................................. devcc(l)
d3cc DSP32 C language compiler ............................................................................... d3cc(l)
lookup tables !reads file of gamma calibration values and sets color ............................. DEVload color tables(3S)
nodes to signal completion, then call DEVexit !wait for pixel ............................................... DEVwa"it_exit(3H)
code and specify functions to be called Idefine a message ......................................... DEVuser_msg_enable(3H)
DEVpipe)d_check check status of node's ID ............................................. DEVpipe)d_check(3S)
DEVpixeUd_check check status of node's ID ............................................ DEVpixel)d_ check(3S)
PMwaitsem wait for semaphore to clear ........................................................................................... PMwaitsem(3N)
memory! IDEVreleaseyixel_semaphore clear the software semaphore in the ............ DEVreleaseyipe_semaphore(3H)
DEVexit halts processors, closes Pixel Machine device ......................................................... DEVexit(3H)
DEVclose closes the Pixel Machine ............................................................. DEVclose(3S)
DEVuser_msg_enable define a message code and specify functions to bel ............................ DEVuser_msg_enable(3H)
Iserver program for Pixel Machine code that uses the print routines ................ ........................ ............... devprint(1)
gamma calibration values and sets color lookup tables lreads file of ........................... DEVload_color_tables(3S) (
DEVshadow_off turns off updating of color lookup tables from shadow! ................................... DEVshadow_off(3S)
DEVshadow_on turns on updating of color lookup tables from shadowl ..................................... DEVshadow_ on(3S)
board and! DEVput_color_map update color tables from video controller ............................... DEVput_color_map(3S)
board! DEVget_color_map read the color tables from video controller ............................... DEVget_coloT_map(3S)
floating point value to internal color value /macro that converts ......................................... PMfloat_color(3N)
converts an integer to an internal color value PMint_color macro that ............. ......................... PMint_color(3N)
/macro that converts internal color value to an integer .............. .................. ...... ................... PMcolor_int(3N)
Imacro that converts internal color value to floating point! ............... ........................ ......... PMcolor_ float(3N)
generate a ZRAM pointer to a columri PMzaddrcol .......... ........................ .............................. PMzaddrcol(3X)
PMgetcmd load command from a pixel node FIFO .... .................. ......... ............. PMgetcmd(3X)
data structure used for FIFO commands PMcommand ...................................................... PMcommand(4N)
data structure used for FIFO commands PMcommand ...................................................... PMcommand(4N)
processing of selected system commands PMenable enable ............ ...... ..................... .............. PMenable(3N)
/Pixel Macltines pipelines and read commands back from the feedback! ........................................... DEVwrite(3H)
PMfb_on direct output commands to the regular output FIFO ......................................... PMfb_ on(3P)
d3cc DSP32 C language compiler ................................................................................................... d3cc(l)
using DEVtools devcc C compiler for Pixel Machine programs .... ...... ...... ...... ............................ devcc(l)
Ito the host that signals the completion of a Pixel Machinel .............................................. PMhost_exit(3N)
Iwait for pixel nodes to signal completion, then call DEVexit ............................................. DEVwait_exit(3H)
PMcos trigonometric function to compute the cosine of an angle ...... ...... ............ ...... ............ ...... ....... PMcos(3M)
in parallel mode DEVfifoyarallel configure a pipe board to operate .................................... DEVfifoyarallel(3S)

2 DEVtools Reference Manual
Permuted Index

in serial mode DEVfifo_serial configure a pipe board to operate .... .... ............ .................... DEVfifo_ serial(3S)
granted PMswap...PiPe wait until control of the broadcast bus is ............................................. PMswapJlipe(3H)
/update color tables from video controller board and return thel .......... ... ...................... DEVput_color_map(3S)
lread the color tables from video controller board and returns value .................. ............. DEVget_color_map(3S)
printf formatted output conversion on host .............................................................................. printf(3N)
PMlong_dsp convert an array of longs to float ........................................... PMlong_dsp(3M)
and host long integer DEVbswapl convert between DSP32 long integer .................................. ..... DEVbswapl(3S)
and host long integer DEVsswapl convert between DSP3210ng integer ....................................... DEVsswapl(3S)
and host short integer DEVbswaps convert between DSP32 short integer ..................................... DEVbswaps(3S)
host long integers DEVswap_Iong convert from DSP3210ng integers to ................................ DEVswap)ong(3S)
to host shon! DEVswap_short convert from DSP32 short integers ................................... DEVswap_short(3S)
floating-point format! DEVdsp)eee convert from the DSP32 ........................................................ DEVdsp)eee(3S)
floating-point format! DEVieee_dsp convert from the host's .......................................................... DEVieee_dsp(3S)
PMieee_dsp convert ffiEE float to DSP float ............................................. PMieee_dsp(3M)
color value PMint color macro that converts an integer to an internal ............................................ PMint_color(3N)
intemal/ PMfloat_color macro that converts floating point value to ............................................ PMfloat_color(3N)
integer PMcolor_int macro that converts internal color value to an .......................................... PMcolor_int(3N)
floatingl PMcolor_float macro that converts internal color value to ............................................ PMcolor_ float(3N)
PMmyx test if a given screen space coordinate is in processor space ..................................................... PMmyx(3X)
PMmyy test if a given screen space coordinate is in processor space ..................................................... PMmyy(3X)
PMxat map subscreen coordinates to screen space .............................................................. PMxat(3X)
PMyat map subscreen coordinates to screen space .............................................................. PMyat(3X)
fast but dangerous 32 bit D/VRAM copy PMcopy_f ......................................................................... PMcopy_f(3X)
PMcopy_s safe 32-bit DRAM or VRAM copy ............................................................................................ PMcopy_ s(3X)
PMcopyvtov copy blocks of VRAM ........................................................... PMcopyvtov(3X)
copy DRAM to video RAM ....................................................................... (3X)
another PMcopyztoz copy from one section of DRAM to ...................................... PMcopyztoz(3X)
another PMqcopyztoz copy from one section of DRAM to ....