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File No. S360-25(OS)
Order No. GY28-6638-1

Program Logic

IBM System/3S0 Operating System
FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler
Program Logic Manual

Program Number 3S0S-FO-520

This publication describes the internal logic of the
FORTRAN IV (G) compiler.

Program Logic Manuals are intended for use by IBM
customer engineers involved in program maintenance, and
by systems programmers involved in altering the program
design. Program logic information is not necessary for
program operation and use: therefore, distribution of
this manual is limited to persons with program main-
tenance or modification responsibilities.
The FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is a processing program
of the IBM Systeml360 operating system. It translates
one or more source modules written in the FORTRAN
language into an object module that can be processed
into an executable load module by the linkage editor.
order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847

This publication provides customer Concepts and Facilitie~, Form C28-6535
engineers and other technical personnel
with information describing the internal supervisor and Data Management Macro-
organization and operation of the FORTRAN Instructions, Form C28-6647
IV (G) compiler. It is part of an inte~
grated library of IBU System/360 operating Linkage Editor, Proq.!:!!!L_y>gic_~!!!!!!!,
System Program Logic Manuals. Other publi- Form Y28=6'610
cations required for an understanding of
the FORTRAN IV CG) compiler are: