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Field Engineering
Theory of Operation
For Sale Through IBM Branch Offices
~fID@J TI Storage Control (Stage 2)
This manual describes the theory and operation of the IBM Installation Manual, 2841 Storage Control
IBM 2841 Storage Control Unit Stage 2, serial nwn- !l!!!!. (Included in System Diagram Manual)
bers 30101 (domestic) and 70-21147 or 73-21600 IBM Maintenance Diagram Manual,
(W. T . C .) and above, with the IBM 2311 Disk Storage 2841 Storage Control, Order No. SY26-4137
Unit. (FEMDM) (Included in System Diagram
Other manuals necessary for understanding the Manual Volwne 8)
2841 follow:
IBM Systems Reference Library Manual,
System 360 Component Descriptions It is assumed that the CE has completed and
(Order No. GA26-5988)* understands IBM System/360 preschool; the 2311
IBM Field Engineering Preschool Manuals, Disk Storage Unit; a IBM System/360, Model 30 or
System/360 larger; and channel operation.
IBM Systems Reference Library Manual, Because the 2311 is the standard device used
System/360 Principles of Operation with the 2841, most of the references in Chapters
(Order No. GA22-6821) 1 through 4 of this manual refer to operation with
IBM Field Engineering Maintenance Manual, 2841 the 2311 interface.
Storage Control Stage 2 (Order No. SY26-3688) This manual is based on version 007 of the
IBM Field Engineering Manual of Instruction, system diagrams and information available as of
SLT Packaging (Order No. SY22-2800) July, 1969.
*Manuals referred to in this publication that have a form number with a four
character preflX are identical in content to the same manual without the
initial preflX character. (e.g., GA26-xxxx is the same in content as A26-xxxx.)
Fourth Edition (July, 1970)
This publication, Order No. SY26-4000-3, is a reprint of Order No. SY26-4000-2 and
Supplement SS27-0715.
Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publication are
continually being made. When using this publication in connection with the opera-
tion of IBM equipment, check the latest FE Publications Systems Sequence Listing,
Order No. SY20-0073, for revisions or contact the local IBM Branch Office.
The illustrations in this manual have a code number in the lower comer. This is a
publishing control number and is not related to the subject matter.
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch
A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the
form has been removed, send your comments to the address below.
This manual was prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product
Publications, Department G24, San Jose, California 95114.
(9 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1966.
ii (7/69)
List of Illustrations ................ v 2. 3. 1 FT - File Tag Register .