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File No. GENL-13
Form A24-3315-0
Systems Reference Library
Custom Peatures for
IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460 Data Processing Systems
This manual contains brief descriptions of
some of the custom features available for the
IBM 1401, 1440, or 1460 Data Processing
Systems. Availability of these features can
be determined by requesting a price quota-
tion from IBM.
IBM l401 Custom Features. 5
SECTION 2. . . . . . . . 14
IBM l401, 1440, and 1460 Custom Features 14
IBM 1401, 1460 Custom Features 14
IBM 1440 Custom Features 16
IBM 1460 Custom Features 16
IBM 1440, 1460 Custom Features. 16
Custom features are designed to meet special appli-
cation requirements beyond the capabilities of the
standard or special features available with the sys-
tem. These custom features are developed as a re-
sult of the submission of a Request for Price Quota-
tion (RPQ) through an IBM sales representative.
The number assigned to the RPQ when originally
submitted becomes a reference for future requests
for this function.
This brochure lists, alphabetically, the RPQ's
applicable to the IBM 1401 alone (Section 1) and
those applicable to the IBM 1401 or the IBM 1440 or
the IBM 1460 (Section 2). An index is provided by
RPQ number at the end of the publication.
In considering these custom features, give spe-
cial consideration to the prerequisites necessary for
the proper operation of the RPQ. For further de-
tails and advice on custom features, consul t your
IBM sales representative.
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices.
Address comments concerning the content of this publication to IBM Product Publications, Endicott, New York 13764.
IBM 1401. 1440. and 1460 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS
IBM 1401 CUSTOM FEATURES Branch End of Forms W03462
1401 Model A, B, C, D, E, or F
bdditional Index Registers M01912
l401 Model B, C, E, or F This device makes available a branch instruction
that causes the 1401 to branch on a 1403 end-of-
This device permits three additional index registers forms condition.
for the 1401. Addresses assigned to the new index
locations are: Branch End of Forms, Second Printer W04100
1401 Model A, B, C, D, E, or F
location 4 storage 187-189 address 189
This device adds the circuitry to accept a branch on
location 5 storage 192 -194 address 194 end-of-form im~truction for the second printer in a
dual 1403 system.
location 6 storage 197-199 address 199
Prerequisite: W03462 on the 1401, and 815064 on
Normal tens-position tagging remains the same. the 1924-43.
Index locations 4, 5 p and 6 are chosen by tagging
the units position with a word mark. The word mark Branch End of Form 815064
must be placed after a normal tagging operation o 1924-43
The word Inark is automatically removed during the
indexing operation. This feature provides for recognition of a branch
end-of-form instruction for the second printer in a
location 4 tens position A -bit, no B-bit, dual 1403 system.
units-position WM
Prerequisite: RPQ W04100 on the 1401.
location 5 tens position B-bit, no A-bit,
units-position WM Branch on Inquiry-Special F93019
1401 Model C, D, E, F
location 6 tens position A-bit, B-bit, units-
position WM This feature allows for a program-test of a single
foreign inqUiry-request signal by providing a branch-
Normal address modifications are not affected. on-inquiry instruction with a d-modifier. The re-
quest signal should be a minus N-signal at least two
Prerequisite: Advance Programming. microseconds long through the tape connector.
~~ udible stop Signal W94783 Branch Non-Numeric Op Code M02955
~j.o1 Model A, B, C, D, E, F9 or G 1401 Model A, B, C, D, E, or F
This feature sounds an alarm when delta process This feature adds a special d-character to be used
turns off and 1/ 0 operations are complete. The with the standard V(I)(B)d branch operation. It al-
signal can be heard for a distance of 25 feet. A lows branching if the character at B contains any
switch is provided to permit manual disabling of the zone bits, blanks, 8-4, or 8-2-1 bit combinations.
~3ranch On. Column Binary E02364 Branch on Paper Tape Reader Busy M94255
].401 Model B, C, E, or F 1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F~
A 9-7 combination in column one at the first read This feature provides for first branch on paper tape
station indicates a column-binary card. The branch- reader busy operation. The instruction format
on-colunlll--binary instruction tests this condition $ III d causes a program to branch to the I-address
and sets the reading at the second read station ac- if the paper tape reader is busy. otherwise the
eordingly. This device permits intermix of program continues sequentially 0
eolumn-binary and normal cards with validity
ehecking on normal cards. Prerequisite: RPQ 891050.
1401, 1440, 1460 Custom Features 5
Branch Paper Tape Reader Busy-Additional 893043 Branch on Zero Indicator M97538
1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F 1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F
This feature provides an additional branch on paper This feature provides a branch instruction to test a
tape reader busy instruction. The instruction for- zero indicator that is set if the arithmetic result of
mat is the same as on RPQ M94255 except that a an add or subtract operation is zero. Zero indicator
different d-modifier is assigned to each reader. is to be reset by the next add or subtract operation.
Prerequisite: RPQ 891050 for second reader
RPQ M94255 for first branch reader Character Insert on Card Error F91948
busy. 1401 Model A, B, C, E, or F
Branch Printer Not Ready E17300 This feature inserts a specified character in storage
1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F in place of any character giving a validity check when
read from a card in the 1402. The inserted charac-
This RPQ furnishes a special d-character to be used ter may be any character that includes zone bits in
with a branch operation to branch on printer-not- its configuration. The character must be specified
ready in the first printer of a dual printer system. with the order. Switch control for character inser-
Printer-not-ready consists of end-of-forms, forms tion is in the 1401.
check, carriage tape brushes up, T-casting open,
clutch light (that is, when the clutch is not in one of RPQ 812066 is required only if error card count
the four positions), or blown fuseo If branch- is desired. This feature is not compatible with oper'-
printer-not-ready is desired for second printer, ation of Column Binary or Punch-Feed Read.
1924-43 must have RPQ 811155.
Clock Input Adapter -- Hours and M08400
Branch Printer Not Ready-Second Printer 811155 Hundredths of Hours
1924-43 Dual Printer Adapter 1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F
This feature furnishes circuitry in the 1924-43 to
This feature provides the adapter for connecting the
allow branch-printer-not-ready to be operative with
1998-35 continental clock (hours and hundredths of
the second printer in a dual printer system.
hours) to the 1401. The clock is addressable under
instruction format I AAA R and is read out serially
Prerequisite: The 1401 must have RPQ E17300 in-
to the 1401 storage area speCified by the A-address.
Address modification is plus one. An interlock cir-
cuit is provided to interlock the 1401 in case a read-
out is called for while the clock is advancing. Oper-
Branch on Reader Punch Ready E01829 ation of this device is not permitted in process over-
1401 Model A, B, or C lap mode. It cannot be used to calculate use time as
outlined in the sales manual. The device is incom-
This feature provides two branch conditions to allow patible with any standard, optional, or special de-
reader and punch operations to occur when the 1402 vice using the operation code I.
can accept the command. stacker-switch or jam-
bar troubles will prevent a branch. Hopper empty Prerequisite: RPQ 813129.
will also prevent a branch with two unprocessed
cards left in the machine.
Branch on Tape Ready Op Code W94945 Clock Input Adapter-Hours and Minutes F89070
1401 Model C, D, E, or F 1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F
This feature provides a branch-on-tape-ready com- This feature reads the same as M08400 except that
mand B(I)d where d is a special character to test the time is given in hours and minutes, and the 1998
tape-unit status. Model 28 is used.
Limitation: For IBM 729 Magnetic Tape Units only. Prerequisite: RPQ 812135.
Collating Sequence 1401-7090 M99387 Eliminate Validity Check 815031
1401 Model B, C, or D 1402 Modell
This feature provides, by switch control, a change This feature furnishes two switches for controlling
in collating sequence between standard 1401 sequence validity checking by elimination of reading and/ or
and the 7090 sequence. punching the specified columns in the 1401.
Prerequisite: High-Low-equal compare feature. Prerequisite: RPQ W92900 on the 1401.
Compare Digit Only Op Code F91221
,!401 Model B, C, D, E, or F Eliminate Validity Check Columns 41-80 W92900
1401 Model A, B, C, E, F, or G
This feature provides a special operation (Op) code
to compare the digit portion of a character regard- This feature eliminates validity check by preventing
less of zone information bits. reading and/or punching of columns 41-80 to permit
processing of tumble cards. Read and punch switches
Counter-1403 Line 811054 are provided.
1401-All ModeLs
Prerequisite: RPQ 815031 on the 1402.
This feature provides the 1401 adapter to control the
1403 line counter.
Expanded Alpha Special Systems
~:ounter-1403 Line E05304 Feature Bulletin L24-3102
!403 Modell, 2, or 3
80- and 120-character-set printing for letter writing
This feature provides a six-position, manual-reset and other special printing jobs requiring more than
counter for counting cumulatively the lines printed the standard 48-character set. See Special Systems
by a 1403 printer. The counter is mounted under Feature Bulletin L24-3102 fOll:' description and or-
the covers and in no way limits the standard ma- dering information.
chine o
Feed 59/80-Column Adapter 898074
Prerequisite: RPQ 811054 required on the 1401. 1401 Model B, C, E, or F
Count Error Cards 812066 This feature consists of the circuitry in the 1401 for
1402 Modell interchangeably reading 59- and 80-column cards.
This feature furnishes a counting device on the 1402
and circuitry in the 1401 to count cards that have File Adapter 7631 and 1301 810099
produced a validity error. Switch control for the 1401 Model F
counter will be in the 1402. For use with the 1401
character insertion on card error deviceo This feature provides the circuitry for attaching an
IBM 7631 Modell File Control and as many as five
Counter-Read Feed M95147 IBM 1301 Modell or 2 Disk Storage units. Attach-
~.402 Modell or 2 (1401) ment circuitry in the 1401 replaces the 1405 attach-
ment circuitry, and the system can be equipped with
This feature consists of a six-position counter, 1301 units only. Field installation is available on
switch-controlled, which counts cards that passed 1401 systems above serial number 25,000 only. The
hole-count and validity check. 1401 must have 8K or more storage and must have
sense switches, Feature Code 7600.
~~liminate A-.bit Printing as Record Mark W97359
~L401 Model A, B, C, D, or E File Interchange E03909
1401 Model F
This feature changes the circuitry so that an A-bit
only in melnory or print buffer will print nothing. This feature permits the interchange of one 1405
It presently converts to A-8-2 for printing a record Modell or 2 between two 1401 systems. Both sys-
lnark" tems must have power off while interchange is made o
1401, 1440, 1460 Custom Features 7
Files, 2 or 31405's on 1401 F91232 Move Character Instruction F91530
1401 Model F 1401 Model A, B, C, D, E, or F
This feature modifies the first 1405 Modell or 2 This feature provides programming means for com-
unit to permit attaching one or two additional Model bining the functions of move numeric and move zone
1 or 2 units (maximum of three to a system) 0 in a single instruction.
Four Additional Sense Switches EOl142 Move Character with WM 811115
1401 Model A, B, C, D, E, F, or G 1401 Model A, B, C, D, E, F, or G
This feature gives as many as four additional sense This feature allows modification of move-numeric
switches beyond the seven available as standard and move-zone operation codes. A single operation
features. takes place in which a move numeric, zone, and
word mark occurs. A d-character with move Op
Group Mark 12-5-8 or 12-7-8 M94618 code allows the special operation. The special move
1401 Model A, B, C, E or F Op code can be chained.
This feature provides reading and punching of group Move Records -- With or Without WM M00732
mark as 12-5-8 or 12-7-8 under switch control. If 1401 Models -- see description
switch is in 12-5-8 mode, 12-7-8 is invalid and vice
versa. This feature supplies a programming means that
permits records to be moved from the A-field to the
Hopper Extended Capacity M03535 B-field with or without transmission of A-field WM
1402 Modell or 2 (1401) (word marks). The B-field WM will be lost when the
A-field WM is inhibited with ad-character. Advance
This feature extends the hopper side plates and back programming is a prerequisite, and this device can
plate to allow insertion of about 2,000 joggled cards be installed on any 1401 model for which Advance
into the hopper instead of the standard 1,200. Programming is available.
Magnetic Tape -- Check Point Write E02881 Paper Tape Input to 1401 E95528
Instruction 1903-2
1401 Model C, D, E, or F
This RPQ provides a special unit (IBM 1903 Paper
This feature supplies a special write tape operation Tape Reader Model 2). It is a 500-character-per-
code that recognizes special character (undefined) to second reader with a 140-character core buffer.
stop tape write. The standard group-mark with word- The control panel is pluggable for 5-channel tele-
mark is ignored as a control character and is treated graphic or IBM 8-channel coding. Order must spec-
as any other character. No special read instruction ify 5- and/or 8-channel operation.
is provided.
Prerequisite: RPQ 891050 Serial Input Adapter
Magnetic Tape Release E98253 for 1401.
1401 Model C or D
This feature provides for an operation like read and Paper Tape Read Modify Operation, W99246
punch release. It allows processing during start 1011 to 1401
time of a read or write magnetic-tape instruction. 1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F
This feature modifies the 1401 so that when paper
Modify Address Op Code M98528 tape read is terminated by a group-mark with word-
1401 Model B, C, D, or E mark in 1401 core storage, the first character of the
next record is not lost. The group-mark with word-
This RPQ provides a modify address instruction for mark is lost but by programming, can be placed
models equipped with 4K or less core storage. This back in its proper location at the end of the read
instruction operates and takes the same form as the field before the next block of information is read
modify address instruction provided on 1401' s from the 1011. This change does not affect the op-
equipped with more than 4K of storage. eration of magnetic tape.
Paper Tape Serial Input Adapter 891050 Print Space Suppress 898172
1401 Model B, C, D, E, or F 1924-43
This feature provides the adapter in the 1401 to per- This feature is compatible with the space suppres-
mit attachment of the 1903-2 paper tape input unit sion feature in the 1401 system and requires the
provided by RPQ E9~)528. same Op code once the sec ond 14.03 is selected.
Plotter Attachment to 1407 W01372
Printer Space 6-20 LPI W96131
1,107 Model 1
1403 Model 1 or 2 (Factory Only)
This feature provides the circuitry to attach an IBM
This feature modifies the 1403 to provide 6- or 20-
1<627 Plotter to the 1401 system through the 1407
LPI spacing. Eight-LPI spacing is not available with
Model 1.
this feature. Specify maximum form length to be
Printer - Form Length Extended E01<665
1403 Model 1, 2, or 3 (1401)
Prerequisite: RPQ 815037 on 1401.
This feature modifies the 1403 carriage control to
use a control tape as long as 40 inches. With a 40-
inch tape, the following maximum form lengths can Punch Binary and Standard IBM Card M95242
be used: * 1401 Model A, B, C, E, or F
40-inch form @ 6 LPI
30-inch form @ 8 LPI This device provides for the reading and punching of
24-inch form @ 10 LPI both binary and standard IBM card codes from and
16-inch form @ 15 LPI into the same cards.
15-inch form @ 16 LPI
12-inch form @ 20 LPI
Punch Buffer E97649
* Prerequisite: None for standard 6 or 8 lines 1924 Model 44
per inch.
This feature provides a special punch buffer that can
RPQ W91990 for 6 and 10 LPI be ordered on single or dual 1402 basis. On single
RPQ M98638 for 6, 8 and 10 LPI basis, the 1402 is attached to the 1401 through the
RPQ W90494 for 6 and 15 LPI 1924-44 box with the 1402 punch side buffered and
RPQ M08444 for 6 and 16 LPI the read side standard.
RPQ W96131 for 6 and 20 LPI On the dual basis, the first 1402 is connected to
the 1401 with read and punch operating normally.
Print Lozenge for GM and Lozenge E09787 The second 1402 is connected to the 1401 through
1401 Models (see description) the 1924-44 with the punch side buffered and operable
as required. The read side of the second 1402 is
This feature makes possible the printing of alozenge not usable at any time. Single or dual operation
for either BCD code CBA 84 or CBA 8421 in storage, must be specified.
which covers card codes 12-4-