Text preview for : 5968-1445E 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers - Data Sheet c20140726 [6].pdf part of Agilent 5968-1445E 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers - Data Sheet c20140726 [6] Agilent 5968-1445E 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers - Data Sheet c20140726 [6].pdf
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Keysight Technologies
11970 Series
Harmonic Mixers
18 to 110 GHz
11970K*, 11970A, 11970Q,
11970U, 11970V, 11970W
Data Sheet
For use with the Keysight E4407B, 8560E/EC Series,
8566B, 71000 Series, and PSA Series spectrum analyzers,
plus the N9030A PXA signal analyzer
02 | Keysight | 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers - Data Sheet
Exceptional performance
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 11970 Series harmonic mixers are general purpose mixers
employing a dual-diode design to achieve very flat frequency response and low conversion
loss. Each mixer is calibrated across its full band:
11970K* 18 to 26.5 GHz 11970Q 33 to 50 GHz 11970V 50 to 75 GHz
11970A 26.5 to 40 GHz 11970U 40 to 60 GHz 11970W 75 to 110 GHz
This series of mixers has been designed for a local oscillator frequency of 3 to 6.1 GHz.
Accurate absolute amplitude measurements can be made by using the mixer's conversion
loss calibration chart. The SWR of the waveguide input is typically 2.2:1 to further
minimize measurement uncertainty. The combination of high gain-compression level and
low conversion loss provides the maximum dynamic range for measuring input signals.
* 11970K is excluded from PXA support
03 | Keysight | 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers - Data Sheet
Easy to use Frequency extension for the Kaysight E4407B,
The excellent frequency response and low conversion loss are 8560E/EC Series, 8566B, and 71000 Series
achieved without external dc bias or tuning stubs. Since bias and and PSA Series spectrum analyzers
tuning stubs are not required, manual operation is simplified, and
The 11970 Series harmonic mixers are fully compatible with the
the complexity of hardware and software for automatic systems
Keysight E4407B, 8560E/EC Series, 8566B (requires a preampli-
is greatly reduced. The repeatability of amplitude measurements
fier), 71000, and PSA Series spectrum analyzers. Accurate
is also enhanced. The dual-diode design of the mixers further
frequency and amplitude measurements are made directly from
simplifies measurements by suppressing the odd-order harmonics
the spectrum analyzer's display after calibration using the mixer's
by more than 20 dB, which makes identification of the mixing
calibration chart.
products easier.
Frequency extension for the Keysight N9030A
PXA Series signal analyzer
The 11970 Series harmonic mixers (11970K excluded) are also
compatible with the N9030A PXA Series highperformance signal
analyzer. The PXA offers optional external mixing (Option EXM),
enabling it to work with the 11970 Series and other external
mixers for frequency extension. An external diplexer is required
because the PXA external mixing has a single SMA LO/IF port,
whereas the 11970 Series mixers have separate LO and IF ports.
Recommended diplexers can be purchased from Keysight as
Figure 1. The 11970 Series mixers have separate LO input N9029AE13, or from OML Inc. as DLP.313B.
and IF output ports
The rugged Keysight 11970 Series mixers will survive input IF input SMA cable
levels up to 100 milliwatts (+20 dBm) with no damage to the SMA cable
1st LO output
mixer diodes. They will withstand shocks up to 30 G's and the IF LO
vibration required by MIL-STD 28800C, Type III, Class 3 tests Spectrum analyzer Keysight 11970 Series
harmonic mixer
Keysight PSA Series spectrum analyzer
Extended frequency PSA Series
Keysight 8560E/EC
Series spectrum
Extended IF Input/1st LO output
frequency SMA cable
Series Mixer
IF diplexer
SMA cable
SMA barrel
Keysight N9030A
PXA Series signal analyzer
Keysight E4407B Extended frequency PXA Series RF input
spectrum analyzer
Extended frequency Keysight 11970 Series
harmonic mixer
E4407B ESA-E Series
04 | Keysight | 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers - Data Sheet
Specifications describe the device's warranted performance over the temperature range 0 to 55