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iAPX 432
Interface Processor
Architecture Reference Manual
Manual Orner Number 171863-001
Release 1.1 Oamponents
Cb~right (C) 1981, Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95051
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Understanding any complex comp.lting system, such as the Intel iAPX
432, requires the assimilation of a great deal of technical
information. Before reading this manual on the architecture of the
432 Interface Processor, the reader should have conmand of the
general 432 concepts. Intel offers three documents which provide
these prerequisites.
o The INTEL 432 System Summary, Order Number 171867, provides
the broad picture of the 432. It should be read as a first
introduction to the 432 system.
o The Introduction to the iAPX 432 Architecture, Order Number
171821, restricts discussion to general architecture
features which distinguish the 432.
o The iAPX 432 General Data Processor Archi tecure Reference
Manual, Order Number 171860-001, provides detailed
information on one type of 432 processor, a General Data
Processor (GOP). Its glossary is a concise surrmary of the
rrost important terminology which is required when reading
the Interface Processor manual.
This manual describes another 432 processor, the Interface Processor
(IP), similar in many respects to a GOP and different in others.
Rather than duplicate all of the general 432 information oontained
in the companion documents, this manual relies 00 the above
references for descr iptions of features of 432 archi tecture which
are common among processors. Unique features am functions of the
IP are presented and oontrasted with those of the GOP when
Chapters 1 through 6 of this manual are oomposedof descriptions of
the Interface Processor, allowing the reader to understand the
cx:x>peration between an IP and Peripheral Subsystems in forming a
logical I/O processor for a 432 system. Detailed representations
for the objects, descriptions of windCMs and functions, faults,
interrupts, am initialization may be foum in the apperrlices.
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