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By the Editor
There Is a fierce competition today In the
computer market place, a far cry from JUSt a few
years ago, and even more so among computer
Now available thru
magazines. What we hOpe to accompllSh with
ICON is to provide a forum to fit the needs of
LISA owners. We hOpe this first issue will start the ALA-
to accompllsh tnat goal.
To be InclUdeClln future Issues are reviews of new The PLA has available LISA "fUeware U

software and nardWare. ICON Is lOOl material to puDl1Sh In future Issues. It woulO De purchased by sending $9.00 for each disk ordered.
'helpfUl if sUbmittals could be contribUted using These are blank, no label diSkS made for the LISA
UsaWrite and sent on a LISA 01S1 include 6.5% sales tax on the order. The abOve
diskette will De returned within a few days and price InclUdes shipping. Most dealers sell a box
wl111nCUde some of the templates talked abOUt In of 10 disKs for $120.00 or $12.00 each. Send your
the ~MemberShlp form. cheCk or money order, US funds only, to the PLA
In this first Issue are some TIPS aboUt operating PO Box with your name, address and quanlty.
some of the tools, a column abOUt hidden facts -
DID YaJ KNlW7 (by the way If you know of any
please let us I other resouroes on LISA materials.


ICON is the official newsletter of APPLE LISA ASSOCIATION
ASSOC:IAiICN P.O. Box 634, Santa Clara, CA95052
D 13 D ICON D 13 1:1
Issue #1 OCtober 1983

ICON Is publ1shed by Apple Usa The following Ups were obtained from Apple
Association and its entire contents Computer, Inc. and compUed by the LISA PhOne
Support group. They are listed under each
are copyrighted. No part of this heading approximately in the order of their
publ1catlon my be reprodUced in Importance.
any form wIthOut prior written General
permission from (ALA)Apple VERY JM=