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April, 1960
Applied Programming Department
International Business Machines Cor poratior
590 Madison Avenue
New York 22, New York
I1 .
v .
This manual is an attempt to fulfill a long standing, much-pressed
request. That is, a request for an over-all, comprehensive explan-
ation of the workings of the entire Fortran System. This includes,
in addition to the compiler proper, the monitor, the editor programs,
and other corollary routines. It should be noted at the outset, however,
that there a r e a number of difficulties involved in such a presentation.
W e want to take note of them immediately $0 that you can better apprec-
iate the form and organization of the manual that follows.
F i r s t and foremost, Fortran is a vaat, comprehensive system. This,
alone, provides its own 4ifficulties. It means that any description of
its workings can not be subsumed under the directional efforts of a single
individual who understands it all. One individual could not know all the
details and subtleties comprising the insides of all the sections marked
off by the fourteen Roman numerals of this manual. We have chosen to
make the attempt to bring you many of the fine points of the system; this
is done by having the "expert" on each of the sections do the writing for
that section. The price that must be paid for this approach is obvious :
a single style of presentation and a aingly oriented organization cannot
easily be obtained.
A certain lack of uniformity of the level of generalization used in the
various descriptions results. We trust this will be understood. In some
cases this lack of uniformity results from the nature of the subject matter;
in others, i t results from the difficultv described. we attemot to minimize
this difficulty by having an introduction which discusses the main points
of each of the sections on approximately the same level, and, in the case
of section two of the compiler, having a general level discussion then a de-
tailed description.
Certain redundancies, of course, must result. We do not apologize for
these redundancies; rather, we suspect you will find them of value. A s a
matter of fact, in a manual of this kind, repetition will prove useful,
especially since each added treatment of a subject matter will present it
from a unique viewpoint. What we do apologize for here is not having more
full cross-referencing.
The descriptions a r e kept on a general level. We deliberately have avoided
making references to machine and tape locations. This is in line with our
regarding this treatment a s an explanation of the system from a logical
standpoint. In otherwords, we a r e presenting what i s permanent
relatively permanent --
-- or
ignoring those things which a r e subject t o moment-
ary change, such a s absolute core locations. Futhermore, reference can
be made t o the listings, of course, for supplementation along this line.
A further advantage of this i s that it means we can, in general, give
simultaneous treatment to the 704 and 709 Fortran systems. With re-
spect to this, however, it should be noted that we orientate our discussion
primarily t o the 709 system, making reference to the manner in which
the 704 crystem differs.
W e wish to remind you, at this point, that the Fortran reference and
operations manuals, particularly the latter, comprise useful supplements
to the present discussion. In addition, an excellent paper on the compiler
is included in the Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference
i n Los Angeles, California, of February 1957.
1. The primitive elements of the Fortran system a r e the master tape
and appropriate editor deck. With these two a system tape is made. This
i s then used in the operation of the system.
2. In both 704 Fortran and 709 Fortran the system tape consists of four
files. In 704 Fortran, the first two files a r e compiler files. In 709
Fortran, the f i r s t file is the monitor file and the second i s the compiler
file. In both the systems the third file i s the library subroutine file and
the fourth is the diagnostic file. When 709 Fortran i s not being used in
the monitor mode (i. e., a single compile only i s occurring) the f i r s t re-
cord only of the first file is used. This is the Card-Tape Simulator.
3. The system tape, itself, i s manipulated by the tape record caller
routine, 1-CS. This sits in lower core a l l during compilation and calls
in the succeeding record from the system tape. The compiler records
a r e always called in in sequence. Once a system record has been called
and execute d, it i s not called again. ' It should be noted that in 704 Fortran
some of the records of the first file, comprising the compiler, a r e not
executed until after the records of the second file, These a r e the records
comprising the second pass of the section 6 assembly program. Records
of the compiler may be called in singly or in a string, consisting of two or
three records.
Each record has a control word telling whether control, after the record is
read in, is to go back to 1-CS or to the executive program record itself. If
control goes to 1-CS, i t means that another record in the string is to be
read from the system tape and execution recommences. This control word,
incidentally, i s contained in the information of the Master Record Card,
corresponding to it, in the Editor Deck (see X N ) .
4. What follows i s a brief over all survey of the Fortran compiler proper.
It will attempt to serve a s the coordinating unit for the separate detailed
write-ups, covering each of the sections of Fortran, which follow. As
mentioned in the prefatory note, the material will necessarily cross-cut
some of the material of the specific write-ups; it will, however, in most
cases, be at a different level of generality.
a The six sections. As is now fairly well known, Fortran falls
naturally into six main divisions, which we call sections. These
sections a r e always executed sequentially. There is never a return
t o one section once it has been relinquiehed to go on to its successor.
In addition to the six primary sections, there a r e four secondary
sections. These should, however, be considered a s nothing more
than appendages t o the primary sections. These a r e sections l', l",
5', and pre-6.
F o r t r a n may conceptually be considered a s falling into two
divisions: the first, comprised by sections 1, 2 , and 3; and the
second, by sections 4, 5, and 6. This is because at the end of
section 3, the entire object program i s essentially compiled. It
is, i n fact, compiled except for the fact that i t exists i n the C. L T.
format and that i t has symbolic tags (reference to index registers)
instead of absolute tags. It is then the job of the remaining three
sections t o remedy these two features. Sections 4 and 5 handle the
task of inserting the absolute tag references for the symbolic tag
references. This, of course, includes the obligation to i n s e r t the
necessary loading and saving index register instructions. Section
6, then, places the instructions i n the C. L T. format into the proper
r elocatable binary format.
As for the f i r s t three sections, i t may be considered that the f i r s t
two of these do the entire task of source program analysis. This
task includes performing most of the instruction (C. I. T. ) compil-
ation. With reference to some of the instructions, however, sec-
tions 1 and 2 simply compile information, in tabular form, to pass
on to section 3, which uses these a s the key to insert the proper in-
structions. Because the analyses of sections 1 and 2 a r e independent,
the C. I. T ts compiled a r e kept in separate files, which must sub-
sequently be merged. Section 3, therefore, has the task of perform-
ing this merge a s well a s the second merge implied by the instruct-
ion file which it, itself, creates. Both section 3 and the l a s t part
of section 5, because of their position at the end of necessary p r i m a r y
analyses, perform certain optimizing tasks consisting mostly of r e -
moving or inserting certain instructions.
It i s well t o note that the F o r t r a n compiler makes extensive use of
tables. These may be considered a s of two types: those which a r e
made up directly from the source program statements, and those
which result from further analysis. It is the former class of tables
which a r e mostly included i n the reference manual l i s t of tables and
their size limitations. The latter c l a s s do, i n some cases, impose
further size limitations. Most tables a r e passed on from one section
t o another; some, however, a r e created purely for use within a
section. The source program statements, once scanned, a r e placed
i n tabular form and the source program rrtatementa a r e not r e f e r r e d
t o again,
With one exception, Fortran may be considered a s a one pass system.
That is, it looks at the source program only once, and it makes a scan
of each statement once only. F r o m then on, references a r e to tables
only. The exception noted is i n section 1 of the 709 systems. In this
c a s e a preliminary scan i s made to separate the non- executable f r o m
the executable statements.
Among all the information placed in tabular form, i t would be well
for the reader to keep i n mind the so-called C. I T. table
. -- Com-
piled Instruction Table. This becomes central for i t is, indeed,
the ultimate object of the compiler. Instructions, throughout the
system, until the section 6 assembly, a r e kept i n the four-word per
entry table in buffers and records of 100 words (25 instructions).
This table i s illustrated. W e will merely note h e r e that word one con-
tains the internal statement number, with an increment in the address
of the word, i f necessary; word two contains the mnemonic instruct-
ion code, with the address having the decrement value i f the code is
TXIs TXL, or TIX; word three has the symbolic address (BCD) word ;
four has the relative address (binary) with the address having first,
the symbolic tag, then, the absolute tag.
b. Section One. Section one has the primary output of a file of in-
structions called the Compail file. In addition, it turns out a secondary
file of instructions, resulting from any Arithmetic Statement Functions
i n the problem. The Compail file consists of the following: A l the
instructions resulting from a translation of the Arithmetic Statements.
These arithmetic instructions, of course, r e f e r to symbolic tags in the
word four address. Also included in this file a r e a partial translation
of the IF and GO TO Statements, the subprogram definition statements,
and the input/ output statements.
With respect to the 1F and GO TO Statements, section one compiles the
necessary test instructions, but i t cannot compile the transfer instruct-
ions. This i s because section one does not know whether any given IF
and GO T O statement i s in the range of a DO and involves a transfer out
of the DO. It i s not until this is known that i t can be determined whether
or not any given transfer should be directly to the statement indicated in
the source program or to a set of instructions providing necessary in-
dexing, then the transfer to the specified source program state ment.
The analysis pertaining to these indexing instructions is left to section
two, with the physical instructions being compiled by a second p a r t of
section three. In some cases, a C. I. T. i s created containing the trans-
f e r instruction, but without the address. The address i s filled i n section
With respect to subprogram definition statements, information is gathered
which is used by section pre-6 i n actually filling i n the prologue and index-
saving inst-ructions.
With respect to 110 statements, all instructions a m ompiled except
/ etatement l i s t s , After section one
those involving DO'; implied by 1 0
has scanned and identified the source program statement, i t handles it
by transferring to a routine corresponding to it. Then, of course, all in-
formation i s tabulated and, when possible, compilation performed.
- A new internal formula number, incremented by one, i s assigned
to each input statement, whether that statement is executable o r
non-executable. Where external statement numbers -- i. e. , state-
ment numbers assigned by the source programmer -- exist, the TEIFNO
table s e r v e s to correlate the external and internal statement numbers.
The greatest division in the handling of statements in section one is
between the arithmetic statements and all others. The arithmetic com-
piler proper constitutes the major portion of section one in number of
instructions. The arithmetic compiler in making i t s scan of the arith-
metic formula makes an enormous number of table entries in addition
to doing i t s statement analysis necessary for compilation. Among these
tables a r e the TAU tables, recording subscript combination inform-
ation, the FORVAL and FORVAR tables recording fixed point variables
occurring on the left and right hand sides of arithmetic statements,
FIXCON and FLOCON, recording the converted fixed and floating
point numbers. It should be noted that the IF and CALL statements
fall onto both sides of this division. They a r e treated as arithmetic
statements, with compilation occurring that is not due directly to
the arithmetic compiler a s well.
The arithmetic compiler is divided into the Scan, Level Analysis,
various Optimizing routines, and the Compiler. The Level Analysis
kifts out into one group a l l those algebraic operations which form a unit.
A unit i s a group that must be performed together and have the s a m e
order of binding strength for i t s operators. 'Plus'and h i n u s ' a r e one
o r d e r of operators, multiplylandldivide' a r e another order. The
latter has greater binding strength than the former; consequently
when they occur in the same context the latter a r e assigned a higher level
number. Needless to say, the use of parentheses in an arithmetic
statement is a prime factor in determining units and, hence, level
numbers. Optimization occurs to minimize storage accesses. This
means that every attempt is made t o link one operation to i t s successor
via the machine r e g i s t e r s rather than the storage cells. The com-
pilation then proceeds from highest level number to lowest.
c. Section One- r i m e . Section One-Prime is the longest of a l l the
secondary sections. It has an enormous number of tasks to perform
involving sorting , combining, and moving of table information. Among
other things, using the TEIFNO table, i t substitutes internal formula
numbers for external formula numbers wherever these have had t o be
retained in tables. This means that from this point on, a l l F o r t r a n
handling is in t e r m s of i t s own assigned internal statement numbers.
An example of where the external statement number has had to be r e -
tained till this point is in the TDO table. Here, the number r e f e r r i n g
t o the statement number of the DO itself m a y be an internal formula
number because i t is readily known due to the constant updating of the
c u r r e n t internal formula number. On the other hand, the number
designating the end of the DO range had to be recorded a s an external
statement number at the time the TDO table entry was made. This
i s because i t could not then be known how many statements further
on in the program the end of the DO range occurred.
d. Section One Double-Prime. Section One Double- P r i m e is a diagnostic
section. It attempts to find as many a s possible of the source program
e r r o r s that were not found by section one. E r r o r s pertaining t o the
syntax of any of the statements a r e detected by section one and noted in
section one's own diagnostic. Section One Double- P r i m e , then, finds
as many as possible of the source program e r r o r 8 arieing from an
interrelationship of the statements. These, of course, pertain mainly
to flow. Such things as a part of the program that can't be reached o r
a transfer to a non-executable statement a r e found here. In general,
then, i t is true that by the end of one double-prime very nearly a l l
source program e r r o r s have been found. Such things as over-lapping
DO ranges and certain r a r e c a s e s of faulty flow still may not be found
until sections two and four or five. In addition, it should be mentioned
that there a r e a variety of table overflow e r r o r s which m a y be found
after one double-prime. Most of the tables listed i n the Reference
Manuals a r e , however, tested prior to this point and any overflow dis-
covered. Both one-prime and one double-prime use the general diagnoutic
of the fourth file, while erection one uses i t s own diagnostic.
e. Section Two. Section Two has for i t s primary output a file of com-
piled instructions called the Compdo file. In addition it, t 00, creates
a secondary file, closed subroutines for the computation of relative
constant subscript combination load values. An additional important
output a r e the TRALEV and TRASTO tables, which a r e essential for
section three in producing the third file of F o r t r a n instructions, the
TIFGO file.
The Compdo file of instructions contains the computing and indexing
instructions for the various subscript combinations contained within
DO ranges and any necessary additional tags. These instructions a r e
associated with the beginnings and ends of DO's. At the beginning of
DO's they will contain the computing instructions necessary t o determine
the load value for a tag (subscript combination index register) and the
load instructions. In addition, index saving instructions m a y occur.
At the end of DO's these instructions r e f e r t o the indexing required t o
increment subscript combination values for the next D 0 loop execution,
t o t e s t whether o r not control may pass out of the DO range and, i n
thc latter case, to r e s e t the DO'S subscript combinations to their lowest
values if control is still in a DO containing the f i r s t DO. The instruct-
ions performing these three function8 a r e TXI, TXL, and T M , respect-
All of these instructions result from the configuration of the combin-
ation of DO-nest structure on the one hand and subscript combinations
within the DO-nest, on the other. A DO-nest i s defined as any set of
DO% all of which a r e bounded -- contained within -- a single DO. Fig-
uratively, this means that the outside single DO is on level one, the next
DO which it contains, on level two, and so forth. Of course, in a
single nest there may be more than one DO on any one level greater
. .
than level 1 (Please see IV for illustrations )
Because this discussion of section two will be on the most general level,
illustrations will not be provided. However, brief references to the
structures of DO-nest in IV m a y prove useful. What we wish to do here
i s present in general outline the origin of the problems that section two
must solve, which a r e explained in greater detail in IV.
Section two is a long section and much of its analysis complicated. A
great deal of this complexity ari,ses from the desire to provide an highly
optimized object program. In other words, some of the problems
could have been solved more simply, but at the cost of extra and in-
efficiently placed object instructions.
In any given DO-nest, section two attempts to place the subscript combina-
tion load value computation instructions a s far toward the outer DO of
the nest a s possible. Where these instructions cannot be placed with the
DO of level one, a search i s carefully made for the point of definition
of all the parameters (nl n2, n3) of the inner or higher level DO's .
These values a r e , of course, necessary for the DO computing instructions.
As soon a s they a r e found the next DO serves a s the base for the r e -
quired instructions. This serves the purpose of avoiding the unnecessary
repetitions of the computing instructions if they were associated with the
inner DO's or the DOflscontaining the subscript combinations to which
they r e f e r .
Another interesting way in which section two seeks maximum optim-
ization is in i t s attempt to take advantage of the l k a r r y " condition
wherever possible. The k a r r y " condition may be described in this way.
There a r e cases where the configuration of DO% and subscript combina-
tions for a two or three dimensional a r r a y makes it possible to consider
that a single one dimensional sweep over the a r r a y i s being made. In
other words, the words a r e being referred to in core storage with the
sequential references that a one dimensional a r r a y would have. Wherever
conditions permit, section two treats such an a r r a y as if it were, indeed,
single dimensional. The practical affect is to save on indexing instructions.
Here, a considerable, sophisticated analysis is required and it is under-
taken on the belief that gt eater object program efficiency makes it worthwhile.
Section two always uses a single tag (index register) for every subscript
combination, no matter how complex the subscript combination is. By
complexity we refer here to number of subscript symbols and their associated
coefficients and addendas. In order to achieve thie in all cases
i t i s sometimes necessary to compile instructions, associated with
the DO/ which provide proper reinitialization of the decrement value
for the TXL instruction ending the DO on each successive pass through
the DO range. The SXDTX table i s used in this connection. It i s m a d e
up in section two and passed on to section three, part one. A config-
uration of indexing instructions is required for each possible config-
uration of subscript combinations --
resulting from a permutation of
the three possible subscript symbols. This means there a r e s i x possible
blocks of such indexing instructions.
When a DO, LrX,i s within another DO, Y , and the X DO has been ex-
ecuted i t s maximum number of times, there a r e two possible ways of
handling the resetting of the X DO'S subscript combinations for the
next re-entry into the X DO. These, of course, must be reset to the
value indicated by the n parameter of the X DO. They may be r e s e t
a t the point of re-entry into the DO or at the point of departure from
the DO. It is the latter course which F o r t r a n has chosen to take, This
accounts for the resetting TIX instruction following the TXL instruction
terminating the DO. This, in general, produces m o r e efficient object
programs, though it does create the problem of handling."resettingl'
where exit from the X (inner) DO occurs via a transfer to a point in the
Y DO rather than through a normal termination of the X DO. To handle
this problem, among others, i t i s necessary t o have a third file of in-
structions, the TIFGO f i l e .
Whenever' a transfer is made from a DO to a point completely outside
its DO-nest, the values of all the indices of all the DO'S within whose
range the transfer instruction exists a r e saved. 'If, on-the other hand,
the transfer goes to a point - really, a level --
outside the immediate
DO but still within the DO-nest, section two makes a search to de-
termine if it i s necessary to save the index of the immediate DO o r
DO'S from which the transfer occurred. This s e a r c h i s made by check-
i all FORVAR entries existing on the level of the transfer point. One
source of FORVAR table entries was.mentioned above; others a r e
listed in II.
With respect to transfers, legal and illegal, section two does catch
t r a n s f e r s from within a DO into another DO. It does not, however,
stop transfers from entirely outside a DO-nest into a DO. This is to
allow programmers to take advantage of the feature enabling them to
transfer out of a DO, execute a stretch of program, and return t o the
point of origin within the DO.
There a r e certain cases where section two c r e a t e s a tag; that is, a tag
does not correspond t o a source program subscript combination. The
most obvious case where this i s done is where a counter for a DO is
required. This i s where a DO on I does not have I appearing a s a
subscript in its range. In this case, an I tag i a .-mated. Tags a r e
also created to handle the conditions described immediately above --
where FORVARts a r e involved and the DO does not have i t s index
symbol a s a tag anywhere in i t s range.
But these instances a r e the simplest c a s e s of added tags: they r e f e r
only t o a DO index. In other c a s e s , m o r e complicated tags, involv-
ing two or three dimensioned subscript combinations, a r e created.
Assume a DO on K within a DO on J within a DO on I, and the appear-
ance of the subscript combination (I, J, K, ) on level two; i. e. , not i n
the range of the DO on K, but i n the range of the other two DO's.
Assume further that the value of K i n this subsctipt combination 1s s e t
by a t r a n s f e r from within the DO on K t o a point in level two. In this
case, i f the subscript combination (I, J, K, ) does not already exist
within the DO on K, one is created and placed there. This tag w i l l
then have the value needed a t the time of transfer. This situation
accounts for another of the six types of TRASTO table entries required
t o inform section three of the TIFGO file instructions it must cumpile.
This l a s t c a s e a l s o help t o point up another important function of
section two: Tag Name Changes. Subscript combinations or tags are
given names which a r e nothing m o r e than the table entry recording
the information of the subscript combination. When section one m a k e s
up the ;elevant TAU table entries i t does s o while examining each state-
ment separately, independent of i t s position within DO's. Therefore,
subscript combinations which syntactically look alike receive the s a m e
TAU table entry and,consequently, the s a m e name. However, where
subscript combinations receive their definitions and derive their load
values independently of each other they a r e , for all p r a c t i c a l purposes,
different even though their syntactic appearance is identical. Section
two, therefore, must s e e that *thenames a r e changed t o a s s u r e independ-
ent treatment of their indexing. F o r this purpose, a table called Un-
edited Change Tag Table is made up. Section three then physically
i n s e r t s the name changes.
A considerable portion of the work of section two ie devoted
t o tho propcr handling of eubscript combinations which are called r e -
lative constants. A relative constant is a subscript symbol not under
control of a DO on that symbol. That is, i t receives i t s defintion i n
some fashion other than the indexing normally associated with a DO.
A subscript combination may, therefore, be a pure relative constant
(where none of i t s symbols is under control of a D O ) , a mixed=-
lative constant (where at l e a s t one is not under control of a DO while
the others are), or a normal DO- subscript combination (where a l l
subscript symbols a r e under control of a DO). Each of these t h r e e
types r e q u i r e s i t s own mode of treatment by section two. A basic
point concerning handling of relative constants is that the computation
of the relative constant subscript combination load value i s done a t the
point of definition of the relative constant rather than at the point of
use. This decision was made primarily on the supposition that u s e s
of relative constants'would occur m o r e often than definitions of r e -
lative constants. Placing the required computation instructions at the
point of definition, then, covers a variety of uses.
F o r pure relative constants, there a r e two ways in which the com-
putation appears at the point of definition. One i s simply by means
of the LXD instruction, loading from the relcon (relative constant)
cell. This way applies only where the relative constant subscript
1 combination i s one dimensional and has no coefficient. The other i s
1 by means nf a transfer to a closed subroutine, mentioned earlier,
which computes the load value. This applies where the relevant sub-
script combination i s greater than one dimension or has a coefficient.
Where relcons a r e of the mixed type, the closed subroutine form will
be used in some cases and, i n others, the computation will be associ-
ated with the D W i n the usual way. The deciding factor here i s the level
of definition of the relcon symbol. If the definition occurs within the
s a m e DO-as the mixed relcon itself, the closed subroutine must be
used. In this case, in order to a s s u r e that the closed subroutine has
a l l the subscript symbols available for computation, section two must
s e e to i t that the DO subscript symbols of the mixed relcon a r e stored
before the transfer i s made. Where the definition of the subscript symbol
is outside the DO, the computing instructions a r e associated with the
DOCof the next possible higher level DO.
The table FORVAL is the key in determining point of definition of r e -
lative coastants. Causes of entries in this table were indicated above;
others a r e described in 11. Every point of definition i s used a s the base
for a relcon computation (of one of the two forms described above).
Section two cannot make the flow analysis necessary to eliminate super-
fluous points. For example, where I i s a telcon and the problem con-
tains two arithmetic statements in which I appears on the left side and
only one of them gets executed on the path of flow leading to the I relcon,
section two makes the computation instruction entries at both points even
though only one of them i s effectively valid.
W h e r e poosible, one of the subscript combinations appearing i n a DO is
uaed to rervo ar the t e r t tag for the end of the DO; that i., it i. referred
to by the terminating TXL. Where the DO index, itself, appears as o
separate tag (whether because it i s a subscript in the source program or
section two created one for it), this tag is used to test the end of DO.
In all othcr cases, section two attempts to determine the best tag for use
i n the end of DO test.
As a result of analyses like those mentioned above, and some others
that a r e indicated in the section two write-up, the COMPDO file i s made
to contain instructions giving highly efficient handling of DO loops.
f. Section three, first, merges the two existent files of instruction, the
Compail and Compdo. It then creates the indexing instructions necessary
for each transfer branch originating from a transfer out of a DO. This
entire set of instructions is called the TIFGO file .This i s then merged
with the .FIRSTESILE.
g. The program up to this point assumes an object machine with a s
many index registers a s symbolic tags a r e used i n the section two in-
structions. Since, however, the machine will have three index r e g i s t e r s ,
i t is necessary t o substitute assignments of these three for the indef-
initely high number of symbolic tags. The object here will be t o min-
imize the number of LXD1s and SXD's -- load and save instructions--
required by this fact. By %umber1' here, we mean'not only the number
of separate physical instructions, but also the number of executions of
them. That. is, optimization with respect to time takes precedence over
optimization with respect to space. F o r example, if a tag is used i n a
very high frequency part of the program (such a s the inner DO of a DO-
nest three levels deep), and a branch transfer is made to four different
a r e a s i , each of which requires saving of the tag b e f o r e i t is reused,
a single save instruction before transferring out of the high frequency
a r e a is logically sufficient. However, our method is to place four
separate save i n ~ t r u c t i o n s the point of entry t o each of the four branch
points, thus eliminating the instruction from the path which would r e -
quire most frequent executions of it.
This case also serves to illustrate some of the problems confronting
sections four and five - - the two sections whose concern this task is.
It shows that there is a linkage, with-respect to index registers, of
different p a r t s of the program and that details of-the linkage must be
knowin for efficient insertion of load and save instructions. ~ d example,
i n the above case, the SXD will not be used on any of the four paths where
i t is not required. Furthermore, a comprehensive knowledge of a r e a s
and their expected frequencies of object time flow is necessary. As a
corollary t o these problems, there is the one of avoiding the SXD in-
struction for a tag which i s no longer to be used. That is, the tag can .
be efficiently - killed by over-loading i t in i t s index register. There is
also the problem of knowing when t o save an index register when the next
use of the tag in i t requires a load instruction. If the last reference to
this tag is one that changed its value, it must be saved; if the l a s t r e -
ferences did not change its value but merely used i t s earlier established
value, i t is not necessary to save. Here, a distinction between active
and passive references to tags is necessary.
This entire complex of problems comprise the task of sections,$our and
five. The work required of these sections falls naturally into two
divisions, allowing the division of labor between them. section four in-
forms section five of the divisions of the object program for purposes of
flow analysis and the relative frevquency of paths of flow over these
divisions. Its task i s much the l e s s e r of the two sections. Section five
then uses this information along with a knowledge of the specific tags
required by each of the "divisions" to assign absolute index r e g i s t e r s
and compile neces s a r y indexing instructions.
Before giving the general discussion of the work of these two sections,
it is well to note how this work was presupposed i n the handling of
symbolic index registers by the e'arlier sections of Fortran. Essent-
ially, this can be stated very simply: the earlier sections simply ignored
the problem and acted a s if a s many index registers a s were wanted
were available. That is, load instructions may appear in sequence up to
any number. The assumption i s the "savestt necessary to make the
"loadsH effective will be added later. The important thing to note here is
that SXDts and LXDts a r e not always coupled a s the previous discussion
might imply. There i s an asymmetrybetween them; the earlier sections
have complete freedom with respect to LXDts, very r a r e l y compiling
an SXD. On the object program level this difference i s reflected in the
cells which the SXD's and LXDts address. Section two's instructions,
for example, mostly refer to the subscript symbol cells i n the regular
data a r e a of core storage. On the other hand, section five's ins-tructions
always r e f e r to the specially designated erasable a r e a for storage of
index registers. These erasable storage cells a r e referred to a s the
C) cells. The actual designation i s C)i, where i i s an increment result-
ing from the conversion of the symbolic tag name. By means of this
device there i s co-ordination between section five references to such
tag storage cells and whatever section two references a r e necessary.
h. Section four has for i t s main task the assembling of four different
tables. These a r e the BBB table, the Predecessor, the Successor table,
and the Tag List table. The primary input to section four is the single
file of merged C. I. T. Is; section four also uses other tables created
earlier. The BBB table i s a l i s t of the Basic Blocks of the object pro-
gram, plus indices referring to each Basic Bloc& Successors and
Predecessors. A Basic Block i s the primary unit that section four works
with -- i t was referred to by the word "divisiontt i n g. above. A Basic
Block is a stretch of program into which there i s only one entrance and
f r o m which there i s only one exit. wExit'' must here be interpreted i n
the logical sense; that i s , i t may consist of more than one transfer in-
struction, going to a variety of Basic Blocks. Each of these Basic
Blocks, then, i s a Successor Basic Block. As implied by this, section
four must mark off the Basic Blocks of the program and determine the
Successor and Predecessor Basic Blocks for any one Basic Block. A
BBB entry corresponds t o each Basic Block; i t has references to the
Predecessor and Successor tables denoting i t s Predecessor and Successor
Basic Blocks. But section four's work goes beyond this. It must pro-
vide the information to section five concerning frequency of paths of flow.
Therefore, the form of the Predecessor and Successor table entries
which section four passes on to section five will contain, in addition to
the Basic Block reference number, a number denoting relative f r e -
quency of transition between the two Basic Blocks. Here, the two Basic
Blocks r e f e r to the BBB Basic Block and the Basic Block or Blocks of the
Predecessor and Successor table that it designates. In order to achieve
these relative frequency numbers, section four performs a simulated
flow over the program going from Basic Block to Basic Block.
The major problem here is in determining which Successor Basic
Block to go to when, a s a result of a conditional transfer, a possibility
of m o r e than one Successor Basic Block exists. At this point a "Monte
Carloll technique' i s used. A random number i s generated and, i n
accordance with the numeric possibilities of succession indicated by the
frequency statement entries for that conditional transfer, a particular
Successor Basic Block i s chosen. The random p u h b e r i s meant to
a s s u r e that over the long run of the entire simulated flow, the possible
Successors will be .chosen in the proportions indicated by the Frequency
entries. Where no Frequency entry i s made by the source programmer,
the assumption i s that of equal probability for all paths of succession.
Some of the special problems encountered during the performing of this
simulated flow a r e those given by conditional transfers where the con-
ditions a r e s e t directly i n the source program (such a s ASSIGN GO T o ' s
and Sense /Light Tests) and DO's involving variable parameters. F o r
both of these additional intermediate tables a r e necessary. In the .case
of DO-nests, three general cir curnstances, involving flow analysis
problems, may occur. One i s a DO-nest whose DO'S all have constant
parameters and contain no transfers, another i s constant parameters
with transfers, and the third i s a DO-nest at least one of whose DO's has
variable parameters. For the l a s t mentioned circumstance, either the
frequency entry for the DO must be used or barring that, a frequency
of five i s posited for the number of times oferepetitionof the DO range.
F o r purposes of the simulated flow, a large number i s chosen, which i s
a function of the number of; Basic Blocks and distinct transfer' branches
occurring in the problem. . F o r every transition between a Basic Block
and i t s Successor that i s made during the simulation, this number is
ticked off by one. The flow ends when this number equals zero.
It should be pointed out, finally, that this simulated flow has nothing
whatever to do with the individual instructions of the problem. It is
concerned only with Basic Blocks a s units and not with the contents of
a Basic Block. As f a r a s section four i s concerned a Basic Block m a y
actually contain one hundred instructions or two instructions, and these
instructions may contain many tags or no tags: section four's treat-
ment of i t i s the same. It may also be mentioned h e r e that the division
into Basic Blocks is based on an examination of the compiled instruct-
ions. Of course, the recognition of transfers - - beginning with the
letter I1T" -- i s vital. For this reason, section one finds it necessary
to use pseudo-names in the C. I. T. ' s of some of i t s instructions. It does
not wish section four to think that these end Basic Blocks when actually
they do not.
After the flow analysis i s completed, section four assembles the BBB,
Predecessor, and Successor tables. These a r e a summary of the Basic
Block flow and relative frequency of this flow. The BBB entries also
contain a designation.of the type of ending for each Basic Block: absolute
transfer, pre-set transfer, con'ditijmal transfer, and s o forth etc. The
last significant item that each BBB entry contains i s an index to the
Tag List entries belonging to it. The Tag List table is made up a t the
end of section four; it is a list of ail symbolic tags contained in the
C. I. T. 's of the program togethei with a code designating the type of
instruction referring to the tag. The index to this table that is placed
i n the BBB entry, then tells which tags occur in each Basic Block of
the program and how they a r e used.
i. Section Five m u s t now substitute references to tags 1 , 2 , and 4 for
the symbolic tags which occupy the address portion of word 4 of the
C. I. T. '8. A8 a corollary to this, the loading and aaving instruction.
would be inserted for the appropriate index registers. These will load
from and lrave in the group of cells designated as C)--cells. The in-
formation contained in the four tables created for i t by ~ e c t i o n
four a r e
sufficient to do thicr.
To perform this main task, section five operations fall logically into two
broad divisions. These are Region Generation and LXD and SXD Assign-
Region Generation i s the method of setting aside a portion of the program.
consisting of one o r more basic block^, for independent treatment with
respect to index register assignment. After a s e t of basic blocks have
been s e t aside a s a region and treated, it then, a s a region, becomes a
separate unit liable to be incorporated i n a new region along with other
basic blocks. The flow configuration of a problem determines when a
region itself becomes part of another region. When it does i t losee i t s
identity for the new region is an independent and separate unit. Ultimate-
ly, of course, all regions and basic blocks become absorbed into a single
region which i s the entire program. At this point the section five analysis
i s complete. In referring to "treatment" above, we mean the LXD and
SXD Aesignment.
There is, then, an interweaving of the operations of the two main divisions
of section five, Region Generation and SXD and LXD- Assignment. (The
second of these divisions i s often r e f e r r e d to as the LXing Pass. ) The
regions grow recursively until the entire problem i s one region. At any
given time during this recursive treatment, several regions may exist
independently or one only may exist.
Priority i s given the high frequency path of flow in index register assign-
ment by the manner i n which regions a r e generated. Basic blocks a r e
traced forward and backwards in flow, via the Predecessor and Successor
Tables, and those basic blocks a r e used f i r s t whose numeric linkages are
highest with other basic blocks, a s indicated in the figure on comparative
frequency of paths of flow given by section four. When a region has been
treated, if a l l three index r e g i s t e r s a r e assigned to the tags of that
region, i t is considered to be an opaque region. The tracing of basic
blocks and regions, f i r et backwards, then forwards, proceeds until
either a) there a r e no m o r e untreated linkages, b) a n opaque
region i s encountered, c) a loop is formed. The c ) case occurs
where the Predecessor o r Successor basic block i s one already i n
the string. In this case, all basic blocks not within the scope of
the loop a r e cut off. Where a region encountered during this t r a c e
is a transparent region, as distinct from an opaque region, the t r a c e
continues by way of the highest frequency untreated link from i t o r
into it, depending upon which direction the t r a c e is taking. Because,
by definition, all the index registers of a transparent region have not
been used, i t i s subject to further treatment and, consequently, may
be absorbed into the region a s a basic block is.
The "treatment" of a region is based on another type of simulated flow
through it. This simulated flow affects the symbolic index register
usage occurring in the region. In cells representing the three index
r e g i s t e r s , the symbolic tags a r e loaded, then comparisons made with
successive symbolic tags, as these a r e revealed in Tag list. When
i t becomes necessary to save one of the three index registers, a look
ahead through Tag l i s t is made to determine which i t is preferable t o
save ; that is, which is l a s t used further ahead in the program. It
should be noted that two fundamental problems a r e involved here. One
i s simply the problem of assignment of index registers; this involves
. t h e compilation of LXD1s and the choice of an index register. The
other is the problem determining when to save an index register when
the quantity is subsequently going to be over-written by a load into
that index register.
With respect to the second of these two problems, a tag must be
saved t o initialize the appropriate C) cell for l a t e r loading, and to
handle "active" index registers. "Activity" is denoted by the type of
reference made to the tag i n the tag instruction. The Tag List code
referring to the tagged instruction tells essentially whether that
instruction is active o r passive. An active instruction i s simply one
that changes the value of an index register (such a s TXI or LXD) and
a passive instruction is one that uses the tag only ( such as CLA).
Where 'tactivitylt is present and a subsequent load will over-write the
index register, an SXD is inserted following the l a s t use of the
symbolic tag. Adtivity has meaning applying beyond the context of the
immediate region i n which it is discovered. It may subsequently be
found that a pass on the flow from this region requires the new tag
value. Activity for regions, then, must be carefully noted.
As a result of this simulation within a region, the index r e g i s t e r s
upon entry into a region and upon exit from i t a r e assigned certain
symbolic tags. These a r e noted in the BBB entry for the basic block
a s i t s entrance and exit conditions. When a region -- which, of course,
has been previously treated -- ia encountered a match must be made
of the exit conditions of the l a s t basic block with the entrance con-
ditions of the basic block by which they region is entered. Where
necessary, permutation of the index r e g i s t e r s within the already
treated region takes place to force compliance. If a match cannot
be made, LXD1s a r e called for at the head of the region. These
LXD's a r e called inter-block LXDts because they concern the link-
age between regions a s distinct from basic blocks. There a r e a l s o
inter -block SXD1s. These result from activity within a region already
treated. The SXD is placed a t the head of the region using the active
tag. In this way, incidentally, the deployment of save instructions
among different low frequencies paths raother than the single save
instruction within the high frequency path occurs. This was r e f e r r e d
to in g.above.
Continuing to work in this way, f r o m region to region, the high
frequency paths of flow naturally receive priority in the assignment
of index registers. . T h e SXDts and LXD's a r e inserted enforcing
conformity of the low frequency paths with the already assigned high
frequency paths.
During this entire analysis, Section 5 records within tables the in-
formation nceded to make the actual compilation and insertions of the
LXD and SXD instructions. The compilation itself occurs later.
A new table, the STAG table, i s created for recording these instruct-
ions a s needed within a region. The necessity for inter-block in-
structions is recorded in the Predecessor table.
The inter-block instructions, because they a r e at the head of a region,
must take their own location symbols so that transfers may occur to
the block. These location symbols are: D), when the instruction i a a n
LXDj and E), when it is an SXD. A TRA instruction m a y have to be
added to bypass these instructions when entry to the block occurs from
the p a r t of the progr am immediately preceeding it.
Section Five, also because it makes a pass over the entire program,
p e r f o r m certain small optimizing operations on the compiled program.
j. Section Five prime places the information, which represents
program constants, in the CIT format. Section P r e - s i x does some
compilation. This covers mostly the prologue to F o r t r a n sub-pro-
grams. Section Six does the final assembly for the program. The
Section Six write-up that follows is also presented on two levels of
5. This survey of the F o r t r a n compiler is supplemented i n detail by the
sections that follow. By m'eans of this survey, some of the details may
m o r e easily be inter related.
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
This se ction is the initial processor of the FORTRAN compiler. It
makes those entries in the Compiled Instruction Table which a r e possible
a t a first level. A l l i n f o r s t i o n w h i z cannot beprocessed is recorded
in one o r more tables,
*Input: The input to Section One is the Source Program on a BCD tape.
It i s a single file.
Output: Tables which m a y be classified into two groups:
Generated by Section One and required for reference. Theee
tables, retained in cores and on drums, are:
Generated by Section One and not required for reference.
These tables, written on tape(s) in buffer- sized reazords, with
labels where needed are:
P a r a m e t e r s describing above tables.
Residual contents of'buffers,
Most tables a r e simple in format and their meaning and usage fairly
obvious. The following discussions of processors will show specific
table entries. Briefly the tables are:
DIM1 one-dimensional a r r a y s
DIM2 two- dimensional a r r a y s
DIM3 three-dimensional a r r a y s
TA U1 one- dimensional subscripts
TA U2 two-dimensional subscripts
TA.U3 three-dimensional aubecripts
FIXCON fixed-point constants
FLOCON floating-point constants
FORSUB arithmetic statement functions
END . options specified in END statement
TEIFNO corresponding IFNs and E F N s
TDO DO statements
TIFGO IFs, GO TOs, ASSIGN statements
TRAD GO TO statements
- -
IFNs I TAU tags
fixed-point variable u s age r r C. N I LJ J'
FORVAL fixed-point variable definition
II- 1
CLOSUB names of closed subroutines referenced
FORMA T F0RMA.T statements
COMMON COMMON statements
HOLARC Hollerith arguments in CALL statements
NONEXC IFNs of non-executable statements
TSTOPS IFNs of STOP and RIETURN statements
CALLFN first a ~ last IF'Na of CALL statements
d ~u~wILL)
FMTEFN 10- statement references to FORMAT numbers
TSKIPS IFNs of possible machine language rlcip.
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
ASSEMBLY routine reads records from the BC;D input tape until a
statement and all its continuation cards a r e assembled in an erase-
able buffer termed the F- region. This region remains until replaced,
by the following statement. In order to ascertain that all continuation
cards have been read the program reads one record ahead into an a r e a
termed FT. Blank cards and comments cards a r e ignored.
A word of all-ones is written after the last non-blank word in the
F- region to serve a s an end-of-statement marker.
An internal statement number O((1FN) i s assigned.
If an external statement number (EFN) appears in the source state-
ment it is converted to binary and following table entry made:
TEIFNO table
word 1 1 (X(1FN) O( (EFN)(
Any special mode character in cc 1 a r e isolated and saved.
CLASSIFICATION After assembly each statement i s classified accord-
ing to type. This classification is a two-phase procedure.
I. The sqatement is classified as arithmetic if:
1) There exists an = sign not within "(" ")".
2 ) This t sign is not followed by a t t , not within "('* ")".
Control goes to the ARITHMETIC processor.
1 . If the statement i s not classified a s .arithmetic by the above pro-
cedure it i s assumed to be non-arithmetic. The beginning of
statement i s compared to entries in a dictionary of non-arithmetic
statement beginnings. When identified a s to type control goes to
the appropriate processor. Failure to identify causes a Diagnostic
The reader is advised that this preliminary paper does not include a
description of the ARITHMETIC Proc,essor. A paper, describing this
processor from a theoretical standpoint, m a y be found in the commun-
ications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 2, No. 2,
February, 1959.
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
DIMENSIONS V( I ~ , . . . , 1 ~ 1 ~ . . . , 1 ~ .1 .~.
The statement i s scanned collecting the variable name V and assoc-
iated specification (Il, Ik) where K k 3. It is verified that V
has not been previously defined in a DIMENSION statement. Dimen-
sionality i s based on the number of specifications Ikwhere 1a. K 4 3.
There a r e thus three possible cases:
K 1. The following table entry is made:
D I M table
word 1
word 2 1
V a r i a b l e N a m e
(BCD) 1
K 2. The following table entry i s made:
DIM2 table L .#
word,l V a r i a b l e N a m e (BCD)
word 2 I1 12
K It 3. The following table entry i s made:
DIM3 table
word1 I V a r i a b l e N a m e (BCD) 1
word 2 I1 I2
word 3
This procedure i s repeated until all V(Ip
. .
Iq A
Ik) have been
Each specification of .equivalence i s scanned. The variable name i s
collected. The constant, i f present, i s collected and converted to binary.
If not present it i s understood to be 1 The following table entry is made:
EQUIT table -
word 1 V a r i a b J e N a m e (BCD)
word 2 N
where N i s the associated constant o r 1 '
This is repeated for each variable of a specification until the last.
On the last such the following table entry is made:
EQUIT table 3
- -
word 1 V a r i - a b l e N a m e (BCD)
word 2 N
where the signifies the end of a specification.
The entire procedure i s repeated for each specification.
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
COMMON Vl* . a Vn
Each variable name is collected and the following table entry made:
COMMON table
word1 I V a r i a b l e N a m e (BCD) I
If the variable name i s fixed-point the following table entry i s made:
FORVAL table
word 1 I 1 10
word2 1 V a r i a b l e N a m e (BCD) 1
The above procedure i s repeated for each argument name.
The statement i s scanned, collecting the statement number Bi. It is
converted to binary and the followjng table entry is made:
FRET table 5
word 1 I - 0 Bi(EFN) I
Each branch frequency Ni i s collected and converted to binary.
The following table entry is made:
FRET table
word 1 I 0 id
This i s repeated for each branch frequency.
The entire procedure is repeated for each specification.
END (11, . 6 a In)
Each specification is collected and the following table entry made:
END table
word 1
This is repeated for each specification. )
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
FORMAT ( . .. )
The following table entry is made:
FORMA T table
word1 1 1 6C(EFN) 1
Each word of the FORMAT specification as found in the F region i s
made into the following table entry:
FORMAT table
word1 I ~ o r m a tS p e c i f i c a t i o n (BCD) 1,
The first word, if less than eix characters, is prefaced by blanks.
When the entire Format specification has been entered the following
table entry is made:
During the above procees&g a scan is made of the Format specification
for legality of charactere and balance of parenthesie (excluding hollerith
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
The termination of the DO range N i s collected and converted to binary.
The variable I i s collected. The parameters M, N2, N3 a r e collected.
Any constant parameter i s converted to binary. N3 is understood to be
1 if not specified. The following table entry i s made:
TDO table
word 1 H (IFN) N(EFN)
word 2 V a r i a b l e N a m e (BCD)
word 3 1 N1 1
word 4 ~2
word 5 N3
where N1, N2, N3 may each be constant o r variable and where
for each which is variable a 1 i s placed in bit 20, 19, 18 re-
spectively of word 1.
Each branch address M, NZ, N3 i s collected and converted to binary.
The following table entry is-prepared:
TIFGO table
--- - -
word 1
word 2
- -
- O((1FN)
This entry i s held until treatment of the arithmetic expressick
is completed. If the expression contained any references to
subprograms, resulting in the final O((IFN)i # O((1FN) then
such MIFN)i replaces O((1FN) in the pending entry. The entry
is then made.
The statement is modified by the following transformation.
I is replaced by X
F is replaced by non-BCD character 12 ,
( is replaced by =
) i s replaced by non-BCD character 77.
The statement i s then treated by the ARITHMETIC processor.
FORTRAN 11, Section One (704 Version)
The branch addresses Nl, NZ a r e collected and converted to binary.
The following table entries a r e made:
CIT table .
word 1 q(IFN) 0
word 2 T 0 V 0
word 3 0
word 4 0 0
TIFGO table 4
word 1 O((IFN) 5
word 2 L M(EFN) W(EFN)
The branch addresses N1, N2 a r e collected and converted to binary.
The following table entries a r e made:
CIT table
word 1
word 2
word 3
word 4
TIF'GO table
word 1
word 2
The branch addresses N1, N2 a r e collected and converted to binary.
The following table entries a r e made:
CIT table
word 1
word 2