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File No. 5370-36
Order No. GC28-2017-5

IBM Time Sharing System
Systems Terminal User's Guide

This manual gives instructions for using the IBM 3277
Display Station, the IBM 2741 Communications Terminal,
and the teletypewriter terminal with the IBM Time Sharing
System (TSS). It is intended for programmers, system
managers, and system administrators who use terminals
with TSS.

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This manual is intended for program.ers, The user of this manual must be familiar
system managers, and system administrators with the co.mand system of T$S. This
who use ter.inals in the IBM Time Sharing information for general users is available
System (rSS). There are three parts to in:
this manual. The first part provides
operating instructions for the IBM 3277
Display Station. The second part describes IB! Time sharing System: Command System
how to operate the IBM 2741 Com.unications User's Guide, GC28-200l
Terainal. The third part describes how to
use the teletypewriter terminal. All system managers and administrators
instructions are limited to those needed to should refer to:
operate the terminals in the time sharing
system. For additional information about IB! Time Sharing system: Manager's and
the IBft terminal devices, refer to the Administrator's Guide, GC2S-2004
following publications:
Operators should consult:

IB! 3270 Information Display System, IB! Time sharing System: Operator's
GA27-2749 Guide, GC2S-2033

IBft 2740/2741 Operator's Guide, For a general description of TSS,
G127-300l consult:

1Bft 2741 Co.munications Terminal, IBft Time Sharing System: Concepts and
GA24-3415 Facilities, Ge2S-2003

Sixth Edition (June 1978)

This is a major revision of, and .aakes
obsolete, GC28-2017-4. This edition
replaces the 1050 with the 3277.

This edition is current with Release 3.0
of IBB Time Sharing 5ystem/370 (T55/370),
and reaains in effect for all subsequent
versions or .odificatioDs of rss unless
otherwise noted. Significant changes or
additions to this pUblication vi1l be
provided in nev editions or Technical
lIewslet ters.

Requests for copies of IBft publications
should be made to your IBM representative
or to the IBB branch office serving your

A form is provided at the back of this
publication for reader's com.ents. If this
form has been reaoved, com.ents aay be
addressed to IBM Corporation, rime Sharing
Systea, Dept. 80ft, 1133 Westchester
Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604.