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Instrument Software Update Instructions
Keysight X-Series Signal Analyzers (PXA/MXA/EXA/CXA)
Upgrading an older version to A.12.09 and above
The purpose of this document is to outline the instrument software update procedure for all X-Series
Signal Analyzes (PXA/MXA/EXA and CXA) from the revision that is currently installed, to the latest
revision available. The advantages of updating the instrument software with the current revision
1. Keeps the analyzer current and up to date.
2. Updating the advanced measurement applications where appropriate.
3. Updating the PC board software where appropriate.
An update to the instrument software revision does not require a new license key for the
measurement application(s), so long as the application(s) were licensed prior to the update.
This procedure will not update the 89601A or 89601B VSA measurement software.
To determine what revision of instrument software is currently installed, press [System], {Show},
{System} on the instrument, look for the "Instrument S/W Revision" number (for example: "A.10.52").
If the installed revision is the same as the latest revision on the web, there is no need to update the
Instruments with Windows XP
X-Series analyzers with Windows XP must have Windows Service Pack 3 installed before upgrading
to the latest instrument software. These instructions include how to identify if you analyzer has
Service Pack 3, and steps to download Service Pack 3 from the Microsoft