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GC24- 5201 -0
File No. 8370-34

Systems .

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File No. 5370-34

Systems OSjVS1 Release 7 Guide
Release 7

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This publication summarizes the differences between The Release Guide no longer contains lists of APARs
OS/VS 1 Release 7 and Release 6.7. It provides installa- and PTFs that are included with this release. See the
tion managers, system programmers, and IBM Field Program Directory available from PID for this informa-
Engineering personnel with useful planning and imple- tion.
mentation information.
APAR descriptions and the Program Symptom Index
The four chapters of this publication contain: are available in the EWS (Early Warning System) mi-
1. Functional summaries of the enhancements and crofiche service, which the Field Engineering (FE) Di-
information about the device support included in vision maintains and updates weekly. You may sub-
this release. scribe to the EWS under SLSS (System Library Subscrip-
tion Service). Contact your IBM representative or the
2. Installation and system generation considerations.
IBM branch office serving your locality to assist you in
3. An OS/VSl publications list and library chart. establishing and maintaining a subscription so you'll
4. Order and distribution procedures for this release, automatically receive updated books.
including program material shipped with the sys-
tem and optional material available.

First Edition (July 1979)
This edition, GC24-5201-0, applies to Release 7 ofOS/VSI. Changes are continually
made to the information contained herein; before using this publication in connection
with the operation ofIBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/370 Bibliography,
GC20-000I, for editions that are applicable and current.
Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for IBM publications
should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your
This publication"has been produced by IBM Corporation, Programming Publications,
Dept. G60, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, NY, U.S.A. 13760.