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Customer Information
Contro-I System (CICS)
System Programmer's
Program Product Reference Manual
Program Nos. 5736-XX6 (DOS-ENTRY)
The IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) is
a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data
communication interface between a System/360 or
System/370 operating system and user-written application
programs. Applicable to most online systems,CICS pro-
vides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal
applications: message switching, inquiry. data _collection,
order entry, and conversational data entry.
CICS is available in three systems - two for DOS users and
one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are
compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system,
it is possible to start with a small data base/data communi-
cation configuration and move up through DOS into OS.
This manual provides information essential for persons who
have the responsibility to define, prepare, and administer
CICS in the environmen t it supports.
Fifth Edition (December 1972)
This edition is a major revision obsoleting SH20-1043-3.
This edition applies to Version 1, Modification Levell, of the CICS/DOS-ENTRY (S736-XX6) and
CICS/DOS-STANDARD (S736-XX7) program products and to Version 2, Modification Level 3, of the
CICS/OS-STANDARD (S734-XX7) program product; it also applies to all subsequent versions and
modifications unless otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
If changes are made to the information herein, the edition that is applicable and current will be
indicated in the latest System/360 and System/370 SRL Newsletter (GN20-0360).
Copies of this and other IBM publication can be obtained through IBM branch offices.
A form has been provided at the back of this publication for reader's .comments. If this form has been
removed, address comments to: IBM Corporation, Technical Publications Department, 1133
Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604. Comments become the property of IBM.
@ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1971, 1972
This publication contains detailed information necessary to implement
three IBM program products: CICS/DOS-ENTRY, CICS/DOS-STANDARD, and
CICS/oS-STANDARD V2. It provides system programmers, system analysts,
and system administrators with information that is primarily independent
of the operating system involved; for example, the use of CICS macro
instructions to selectively generate CICS management programs and
service programs and selectively prepare system control tables and
service tables. It is assumed that the reader of this publication has
some knowledge andlor experience concerning the Basic Telecommunications
Access Method (BTAM) or has access to persons with such knowledge
andlor experience.
This publication should be used in conjunction with the appropriate
CICS Operations Guide when generating CICS and when preparing the
system tables that describe the environment CICS is to support.
Throughout this publication, parentheses are used in the notation
of CICS macro instructions to indicate those operands where more than
one applicable parameter can be specified with a single use of the
operand. Where parentheses are not used, only one parameter at a time
can be specified as part of the operand. An asterisk in (card) column
72 indicates that the macro instruction is continued on the next line
(card). The first operand on a continuation card must begin in column
The words "transaction" and "task" have the same connotation in
CICS and are used interchangeably throughout this publication; the
processing of a transaction may involve the execution of one or more
For further information concerning CICS, see the following IBM
General Information Manual (GH20-1028)
Application Programmer's Reference Manual (SH20-1047)
Terminal Operator's Guide (SH20-1044)
Operations Guide (CICS/DOS) (SH20-1034)
Operations Guide (CICS/OS) (SH20;"'1048)
Logic Manual (CICS/DOS-ENTRY) (LY20-0712)
Logic Manual (CICS/DOS-STANDARD) (LY20-0713)
Logic Manual (CICS/OS-STANDARD V2) (LY20-0714)
All references to Clcs/os and CICS/oS-STANDARD in this publication
are references to the CICS/OS-STANDARD V2 system.
Note: Information in this publication concerning TCAM and 3735 support
is applicable only to the Clcs/os system.
Introduction. . . . . . . . . .'.
General Description . . .