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Logic Analyzers
TLA Family
Features & Benefits
MagniVuTM Technology Provides
500 ps Timing Resolution on All
Channels All the Time Through
the Same Probe
Up to 200 MHz State
Acquisition with 400 MHz Data
Rate for Advanced Processors
and Buses
Simultaneous State and High
Speed Timing Analysis Through
the Same Probes Pinpoints
Elusive Faults
500 MHz Deep Timing Analysis
with Up to 128 Mb Per Channel
Broad Processor and Bus
Universal Source Code Support
for Correlating High-level
Language Source with Real-
time Trace
Performance Analysis Support
for Optimizing Target System
The TLA family of logic analyzers consists of the TLA600 Series and the TLA700 Series. The TLA600 offers a Remote Control Using
Microsoft COM/DCOM
selection of standalone logic analyzer instruments at prices that make 500 ps timing resolution available to Technology Supports Advanced
designers of today's mainstream embedded systems. The TLA700 Series offers the highest performance for Data Analysis
today's demanding applications and consists of portable and benchtop modular mainframes with expansion
mainframe capability. Instrument modules include logic analyzer, pattern generator and digitizing oscillo- Microsoft Windows 2000
scope. A full line of complementary support products for popular processors and buses is available for the Professional PC Platform
entire TLA family. Provides Familiar User Interface
With Network Connectivity
All Probes, Software and
Accessories Fully
Breakthrough Solutions for Real-time Digital Interchangeable Between all
Systems Analysis TLAs
Today's digital design engineers face daily pres- deep state acquisition to find the cause of complex
Hardware Debug and
sures to speed new products to the marketplace. problems; generating the digital stimulus for func- Verification
The TLA answers the need with breakthrough solu- tional verification, debugging and stress testing;
Processor/Bus Debug and
tions for the entire design team, providing the ability and offering non-intrusive real-time software execu- Verification
to quickly monitor, capture and analyze real-time tion tracing that correlates to the source code and Embedded Software
Integration, Debug and
system operation in order to debug, verify, optimize to the hardware events. Verification
and validate digital systems. This kind of performance is matched by value.
Hardware developers, Hardware/Software integra- Productivity and connectivity features such as the
tors and embedded software developers will appre- open Microsoft Windows platform make all TLA logic
ciate the range of capabilities of the TLA. Its broad analyzers easy to use and easily networked into the
feature set includes capturing and correlating elu- design environment. Modularity and flexibility fea-
sive hardware and software faults; providing simul- tures help you protect your current investment.
taneous state and high-speed timing analysis; using
1 TLA Family