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File No. S360-36
Program Logic
Version B.l
IBM System/3S0 Time Sharing System
System Control Blocks
This publication documents all control blocks that
( are a part of the IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
(TSS/360). Each control block is described in four
parts: a text description, a diagram, cross reference
lists of fields, and Jl--DSECT listing.
This material is intended for persons involved in
program maintenance, and system programmers who are
altering program design. Program Logic information
is not necessary for use and operation of the system.
. (
This p~ication describes the internal
structure of the IBM System/360 Time
Sharing System (TSS/360) control blocks.
Each control block, or group of closely
related control blocks, is assigned a
specific section within this manual,
indexed alphabetically. Each control
block section contains a description of
the purpose and structure, a diagram,
cross reference lists of fields, and
a DSECT listing.
This manual provides detailed
descriptions of control blocks to supplement
the information contained in individual PLMs.
It is intended to be used by system designers
and programmers, and IBM customer engineers
involved in program maintenance.
Seventh Edition (Se~e.ber 1971)
Tbis is a aajor revision of, and . . kes obsolete.
GY28-2011-S. This edition reflects chang. . ral . . . .~ for
syst_ 8.1.
This edition is current with version 8, lIOI!ification 1,
and reaains in effect for all subsequent versions of IBM
Syateml360 Time Sharing Syst... unless otherwise in4icate4.
Significant changes or a~ditions to this publication will
be provided in new editions or Technical !levsletters.
Before using this publication, refer to the latest edition
of IBM System/360 Tillie Sharing System: Addendum, GC28-20113,
which _y contain iDformation pertinent to the topics
covered in this edition. The Addendum also li.t. the edition.
of a1.1. TSSI'360 publicatioDs that are applicable aDd current.
Reque.ts for copies of IBM publications should be _de to
your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office s.rving
your l.ocality. -1
A fora is provided at the bsck of this publication for
reader's c~nts. If the fora has been r-.oved, ~nts _y be
addressed to IBM Corporation, Progralllllling PUblications, Depart-
_nt 643, Neighborhood Road. nngsten, !lew York 121101.
CInternationa1. Bwli_s llac:bi_ COrporation 1967. 196