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File No. 8360-29

Program Logic

IBM System/3 6 0 Time Sharing System
PL/I Conlpiler

This publication describes the internal logic of the
IBM Systenv360 Time Sharing System PL/I Compiler.

Prograrr: Logic Manuals are intended for use by IBM
customer 'ngineers involved in altering program design.
It can be used to locate specific areas of the program,
and i t ena,bles the reader to relate these areas to the
corresponCling program listings. Program logic informa-
tion is not necessary for program operation and use.

This publication provides customer PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS
engineers and other technical personnel
with information describing the internal
organization and logic of the TSS/360 PL/I Effective use of this manual requires know-
compiler. The material is divided into ledge of the information contained in the
four sections and nine appendixes. following manuals:

Section 1 describes the overall organi-
zation of the compiler and the relationship IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
between the compiler and the time sharing
Concepts and Facilities, Order No.
Section 2 contains a general description GC28-2003
of each logical phase of the compiler, fol-
lowed by descriptions of the physical PL/I Language Reference Manual, Order
phases contained within each logical phase. No. GC28-2045
Descriptions of the control modules and of
the interfaces between the compiler and the System Logic Summary PLM, Order No.
time sharing system are also included. GY28-2009
Section 3 consists of flowcharts, tables In addition, the following publications are
and routine directories. The flowcharts recommended as supplemental reading:
show the relationship between the routines
of each phase, while the tables and direc- IBM System/360 Time Sharing system:
tories list the routines and their
fUnctions. PL/I Programmer's Guide, Order No.
Section 4 contains the layouts of tables
used by the compiler, as well as formats of PL/I Subroutine Library PLM, Order
text and dictionary entries. No. GY28-2052

The appendixes contain supplementary Dynamic Loader PLM, Order No.
material for references purposes. GY28-2031

First Edition (June, 1970)

This edition is current with Version 7, Modification 0,
and remains in effect for all subsequent versions or
modifications of IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
unless otherwise indicated. Significant changes or
additions to this publication will be provided in new
editions or in Technical Newsletters.

Before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM
systems. refer to the latest edition of IBM SystemV360 Time Sharing Sys-
tem: Addendum, Order No. GC28-2043, for the editions of publications
that are applicable and current.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's com-
ments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM
corporation, Time Sharing System/360 Programming Publications, Depart-
ment 643, Neighborhood Road, Kingston, New York. 12401

C Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1970
Page of GY28-2051-0, Issued September 30, 1971 by TNL GN28-3191
