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File Number 8360-36

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/3S0 Operating System
Supervisor Services

The title of this manual was formerly IBM System/360
Operating System Supervisor and Data Management
Services. The data management section of the book has
been made a separate publication, IBM System/360
Operating System Data Management Services, GC26-3746.

This ma:nual describes how to use the services of the
supervisor. Among the services of the supervisor are
program management, task creation and management,
main-storage management, checkpoint and restart, ahd
Time Sharing Option.

This book also describes the linkage conventions
used by the operating system.

Intended mainly for the assembler-language
programmer, this book is a guide to using the nacro
instructions described in IBM System/360 Operating
System Supervisor and Data Management ~acro
Instructions, GC28-6647. This book does not discuss
macro instructions used for graphics, teleFrocessing,
optical readers, optical reader-sorters, or magnetic
character readers. These macro instructions are
discussed in separate publications that are listed in
the IBM System/360 Bibliography, GA22-6822.

References in this book to the forms control buffer
(FCB) are applicable to the 3211 printer and are for
planning purposes only.

References in this book to PCP or the primary con-
trol program are no longer applicable.
Sixth Edition (June 1971)
This publication corresponds to Release 20.1. It is a
major revision of GC28-6646-4, which is now obsolete.
The changes to the book include modifications to the
topics wProviding a save Area,w -Bringing the Load
Module into Main Storage,- -creating the Task,-
-Extended-Precision Floating-Point Simulation,-
-Reenterable Load Modules,- and WEstablishing
Checkpoints,- and an explanation of the new operand,
RET=CHNG, in the ENQ macro instruction. In addition,
technical changes and clarifications have been made
throughout the book, and this edition should be
reviewed in its entirety.
The information in the book changes from ti~e to time. Before using
this manual with IBM systems, consult the latest IBM 360 SRL Newsletter,
GN20-0360, for the editions that are current and applicable.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's
comments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to
IBM Corporation, Programming publications, Department 636, Neighborhood
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