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User's Guide
Agilent 83483A,4A,4B
and 54751A,2A,2B
Plug-In Modules
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Agilent part number: 83483-90010 and 54751-97011
Printed in USA April 2000
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other agencies.
Copyright Agilent Technologies 2000
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior
written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Agilent Technologies certies that this product met its published specications
at the time of shipment from the factory. Agilent Technologies further
certies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States
National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by
the Institute's calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other
International Standards Organization members.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
This Agilent Technologies instrument product is warranted against defects in
material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment.
During the warranty period, Agilent Technologies will, at its option, either
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For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service
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Agilent Technologies warrants that its software and rmware designated by
Agilent Technologies for use with an instrument will execute its programming
instructions when properly installed on that instrument. Agilent Technologies
does not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or
rmware will be uninterrupted or error-free.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper
or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or
interfacing, unauthorized modication or misuse, operation outside of the
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Exclusive Remedies
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements
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Sales and service oces
Agilent Technologies has sales and service oces located around the world
to provide complete support for Agilent Technologies products. To obtain
servicing information or to order replacement parts, contact the nearest
Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Oce. In any correspondence or
telephone conversation, refer to the instrument by its model number, serial
number, and option designation.
Before returning an instrument for service, call the Agilent
Technologies Instrument Support Center at (800) 403-0801,
visit the Test and Measurement Web Sites by Country page at
http://www.tm.agilent.com/tmo/country/English/index.html, or call one of the
numbers listed below.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Agilent Technologies Service Numbers
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FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Declaration of Conformity
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Safety Symbols
The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize
yourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this
CAUTION The caution sign denotes a hazard to the instrument. It calls attention to a
procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
damage to or destruction of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a caution
sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
WARNING The warning sign denotes a life-threatening hazard. It calls attention to a
procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result
in injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a warning sign until the
indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Instruction The instruction manual symbol. The product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary
Manual for the user to refer to the instructions in the manual.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
General Safety Considerations
WARNING Before this instrument is switched on, make sure it has been properly
grounded through the protective conductor of the ac power cable to a
socket outlet provided with protective earth contact.
Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor, inside or
outside the instrument, or disconnection of the protective earth terminal
can result in personal injury.
WARNING There are many points in the instrument which can, if contacted, cause
personal injury. Be extremely careful.
Any adjustments or service procedures that require operation of the
instrument with protective covers removed should be performed only by
trained service personnel.
WARNING If this instrument is not used as specied, the protection provided by the
equipment could be impaired. This instrument must be used in a normal
condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only.
CAUTION Before this instrument is switched on, make sure its primary power circuitry
has been adapted to the voltage of the ac power source.
Failure to set the ac power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to
the instrument when the ac power cable is plugged in.
CAUTION Electrostatic discharge (ESD) on or near input connectors can damage circuits
inside the instrument. Repair of damage due to misuse is not covered under
Before connecting any cable to the electrical input, momentarily short the
center and outer conductors of the cable together. Personnel should be
properly grounded, and should touch the frame of the instrument before
touching any connector.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
1. The Instrument at a Glance
Ordering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Menu and Key Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
The Agilent 83483A, 83484A,B and Agilent 54751A,
54752A,B Electrical Plug-In Module . . . . . . . . 1-6
The purpose of the plug-in module . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Front panel of the plug-in module . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Getting the best performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Installing the plug-in module . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
2. Channel Setup Menu
Displaying the Channel Setup menu . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bandwidth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Channel autoscale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
External scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calibrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Calibration Overview
Factory Mainframe Calibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
User Calibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Plug-in Module Vertical Calibration . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Dark Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Channel Skew Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Probe Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
External Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Complete Calibration Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
4. Specications and Characteristics
Specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
5. In Case of Diculty
If the mainframe does not operate . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
If the plug-in does not operate . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
1-1. Front panel of the plug-in module. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
2-1. Electrical Channel Setup menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-2. A typical Cal Status display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
3-1. Current Frame 1Temp condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3-2. Dark calibration menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-3. Electrical Channel Calibrate Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3-4. External Scale Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3-1. Factory Calibration Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3-2. Electrical Channel User Calibration Summary . . . . . . . 3-6
3-3. Miscellaneous User Calibration Summary . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-4. Complete Calibration Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a Glance
What you'll nd in this chapter
This chapter describes:
options and accessories
the key conventions used in this manual
the front panel, rear panel and keys that do not display menus on the screen
Understanding the information in this chapter will help you successfully operate the instrument.
CAUTION The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Therefore, avoid applying static discharges to the front-panel input
connectors. Before connecting any coaxial cable to the connectors,
momentarily short the center and outer conductors of the cable together.
Avoid touching the front-panel input connectors without rst touching the
frame of the instrument. Be sure the instrument is properly earth-grounded
to prevent buildup of static charge.
The electrical plug-in module provides two accurate measurement channels
with user selectable bandwidths. The lower bandwidth mode provides
excellent oscilloscope noise performance for accurate measurement of
small signals. The high bandwidth mode provides high-delity display and
measurement of very high-speed waveforms.
The Agilent 83483A or Agilent 54751A electrical plug-in module provides:
User selectable 12.4 or 20 GHz bandwidth
2.5 GHz bandwidth trigger channel
3.5 mm (m) connectors
The Agilent 83484A,B or Agilent 54752A,B electrical plug-in module provides:
User selectable 26.5 or 50 GHz bandwidth
2.5 GHz bandwidth trigger channel
2.4 mm (m) connectors
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Ordering information
Options Option 0BW Agilent 83483A, 83484A, B and Agilent 54751A, 54752A, B
Service Guide
Option 0B1 Additional set of user documentation
Option 0B0 Deletes the user documentation
Option UK6 Measured performance data
Optional accessories Agilent 54006A 6 GHz divider probe
Agilent 54008A 22 ns delay line
Agilent 54118A 500 MHz to 18 GHz trigger
Agilent 10086A ECL terminator
SMA (f-f) adapter, Agilent part number 1250-1158
APC 2.4 (f-f) adapter, Agilent 11900B
APC 3.5 (f-f) adapter, Agilent part number 1250-1749
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Menu and Key Conventions
The keys labeled Trigger, Disk, and Run are all examples of front-panel keys.
Pressing some front-panel keys accesses menus of functions that are displayed
along the right side of the display screen. These menus are called softkey
Softkey menus list functions other than those accessed directly by the
front-panel keys. To activate a function on the softkey menu, press the
unlabeled key immediately next to the annotation on the screen. The
unlabeled keys next to the annotation on the display are called softkeys.
Additional functions are listed in blue type above and below some of the
front-panel keys. These functions are called shifted functions. To activate a
shifted function, press the blue front-panel Shift key and the front-panel key
next to the desired function.
Throughout this manual front-panel keys are indicated by a box around the
key label, for example, 4Timebase5. Softkeys are indicated by shading on the
key label, for example, Mask Align . The softkeys displayed depend on
the front-panel key pressed and which menu is selected. Shifted functions
are indicated by the front-panel 4Shift5 key followed by the shaded shifted
function, for example the Local function (above the 4Stop/Single5 front-panel
key) will be shown as 4Shift5, 4Local5.
A softkey with On and O in its label can be used to turn the softkey's
function on or o. To turn the function on, press the softkey so On is
highlighted. To turn the function o, press the softkey so O is highlighted.
An On or O softkey function will be indicated throughout this manual as:
Test On.
A softkey such as Sweep Triggered Freerun oers you a choice of
functions. In this case you could choose Triggered by pressing the softkey
until Triggered is highlighted, or choose Freerun by pressing the softkey until
Freerun is highlighted. A choices softkey will be indicated throughout this
manual as: Sweep Triggered Freerun Triggered.
When some softkeys, such as Calibrate probe , are pressed the rst time,
a measurement will be made and the result will be provided. Some softkeys,
such as Offset require the entry of a numeric value. To enter or change the
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a Glance
Menu and Key Conventions
value, use the general purpose knob located below the front-panel Measure
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Agilent 83483A, 83484A,B and Agilent
54751A, 54752A,B Electrical Plug-In Module
The electrical plug-in module is one of several plug-in modules available for
the Agilent 83480A, 54750A mainframes.
The purpose of the plug-in module
The purpose of the plug-in module is to provide measurement channels,
including sampling, for the mainframe. The plug-in module scales the input
signal, sets the bandwidth of the system, and allows the oset to be adjusted
so the signal can be viewed. The output of the plug-in module is an analog
signal that is applied to the ADCs on the acquisition boards inside the
mainframe. The plug-in module also provides a trigger signal input to the
time base/trigger board inside the mainframe.
Front panel of the plug-in module
The plug-in module takes up two, of the four, mainframe slots. The front
panel of the plug-in module has two channel inputs and an external
trigger input. The front panel also has two Probe Power connectors for
Agilent 54700-series probes, an Aux Power connector for general purpose
use, and a key for each channel that displays the softkey menu. The softkey
menu allows you to access the channel setup features of the plug-in module
for the selected input.
The front-panel Probe Power connectors allow automatic channel scaling
and probe calibration with Agilent 54700 series probes. The front-panel Aux
Power connector provides only power to Agilent 54700 series probes for use
as a trigger input. Probe calibration and scaling are not required for a trigger
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a Glance
The Electrical Plug-In Modules
Figure 1-1. Front panel of the plug-in module.
Getting the best performance
To ensure you obtain the specied accuracy, you must perform a plug-in
module vertical calibration. The calibration must also be performed when you
move a plug-in module from one slot to another, or when you move a plug-in
module from one mainframe to another. Refer to Chapter 3 for information
on performing a plug-in module vertical calibration.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a Glance
Installing the plug-in module
You do not need to turn o the mainframe to install or remove the plug-in
modules. The plug-in module can be installed in slots 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 on
the Agilent 83480A, 54750A mainframe. The plug-in module will not function
if it is installed in slots 2 and 3.
To make sure the instrument meets all of the published specications, there
must be a good ground connection from the plug-in module to the mainframe.
The RF connectors on the rear of the plug-in module are spring loaded, so
nger-tighten the knurled screw on the front panel of the plug-in module to
make sure the plug-in is securely seated in the mainframe.
CAUTION Do not use extender cables to operate the plug-in module outside of the
mainframe. The plug-in module using extender cables can be damaged by
improper grounding when using extender cables.
The external trigger level range for this plug-in module is 61 V. The trigger
source selection follows the slots the plug-in module is installed in. For
example, if the plug-in module is installed in slots 1 and 2, then the trigger
source is listed as trigger 2. If it is installed in slots 3 and 4, then the trigger
source is listed as trigger 4.
CAUTION The maximum safe input voltage is 62 V + peak ac (+16 dBm).
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a Glance
CAUTION The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Therefore, avoid applying static discharges to the front-panel input
connectors. Before connecting any coaxial cable to the connectors,
momentarily short the center and outer conductors of the cable together.
Avoid touching the front-panel input connectors without rst touching the
frame of the instrument. Be sure the instrument is properly earth-grounded
to prevent buildup of static charge.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
The Instrument at a Glance
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
What you'll nd in this chapter
This chapter describes the Channel Setup menu. A key tree and description of the available functions
is included.
CAUTION The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Therefore, avoid applying static discharges to the front-panel input
connectors. Before connecting any coaxial cable to the connectors,
momentarily short the center and outer conductors of the cable together.
Avoid touching the front-panel input connectors without rst touching the
frame of the instrument. Be sure the instrument is properly earth-grounded
to prevent buildup of static charge.
At the top of the plug-in module are the 4Channel5 keys. These keys give you
access to the Channel Setup menu for each input. The Channel Setup menu
is displayed on the right side of the screen when the 4Channel5 key is pressed.
There are several types of softkeys available. A description of the dierent
softkeys and their functions is provided in the Agilent 83480A, 54750A User's
Quick Start Guide supplied with the mainframe.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
Figure 2-1. Electrical Channel Setup menu.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
Displaying the Channel Setup menu
To display the Channel Setup menu, press the 4Channel5 key.
The Display softkey turns the channel display o and on. When the channel
display is on, a waveform is displayed for that channel, unless the oset is
adjusted so the waveform is clipped o of the display.
The channel number, vertical scaling, and oset are displayed at the bottom
left of the waveform area. They remain on the display until the channel
is turned o, or an automatic measurement is performed. The automatic
measurement results share the same area of the display as the channel
When the channel display is o, the waveform display for that channel is
turned o, pulse parameter measurements are stopped and acquisition on
that channel is stopped, unless it is needed as an operand for waveform math
Even though the channel display is o, you can still use the plug-in as a
trigger source or as a function source in the Math menu. However, the
instrument will not trigger unless one or more of the other channel displays
are turned on, or unless a math function is using one of the channels.
Key Path
4Channel5 Display
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
The Scale softkey controls the vertical scaling of the waveform. If the ne
mode is o, then the knob and arrow keys change the vertical scaling in a
1-2-5 sequence. When ne mode is on, the knob and arrow keys change the
vertical scaling in 1 mV increments. You can also use the keypad to enter
values in 1 mV increments, independent of the ne mode selection.
The units the scale is displayed in depend on the unit of measure selected
with the Units softkey. The choices for units are volts, watts, amperes, or
Key Path
4Channel5 Scale
The Oset softkey moves the waveform vertically. It is similar to the position
control on analog oscilloscopes. The advantage of digital oset is that it is
calibrated. The oset voltage is the voltage at the center of the graticule
area, and the range of oset is 500 mV. You can use the knob, arrow keys, or
keypad to change the oset setting. The ne mode also works with oset.
When an Agilent 54700-series active probe is used with the plug-in module
and is connected to the probe power connector adjacent to the channel input,
the oset control adjusts the external scale factor and oset of the hybrid
inside the active probe. A probe connected to the auxiliary power connector
adjacent to the trigger input will function, but the channel scale factor will
not be adjusted automatically.
Key Path
4Channel5 Offset
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
Bandwidth. . .
Agilent 83483A, 54751A only
You can use the Bandwidth function to select either the 12.4 GHz or the
20 GHz bandwidth.
Agilent 83484A,B 54752A,B only
You can use the Bandwidth function to select either the 26.5 GHz or the
50 GHz bandwidth.
Key Path
4Channel5 Bandwidth. . .
Channel autoscale
The Channel Autoscale function provides a convenient and fast method for
determining the standard vertical scale setting with the highest resolution
that will not clip the waveform. Timebase and trigger settings are not
This function is useful in manufacturing environments where the timebase
and trigger settings remain constant and only the vertical scale needs to be
adjusted for signal level variations in multiple DUTs.
Key Path
4Channel5 Channel autoscale
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
External scale . . .
The External Scale function allows you to setup the instrument to
use external optical-to-electrical converters or attenuators. Scaling is
automatically adjusted to account for the external device.
Key Path
4Channel5 External scale . . .
The Atten Units function lets you select how you want the probe attenuation
Atten units
factor represented. The choices are either decibel or ratio. The formula for
calculating decibels is:
20 log Vout or 10 log Pout
Vin Pin
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
The Attenuation function lets you select an attenuation that matches the
device connected to the instrument. When the attenuation is set correctly,
the instrument maintains the current scale factors, if possible. All marker
values and voltage or wattage measurements will re
ect the actual signal at
the input to the external device.
The attenuation range is from 0.0001:1 to 1,000,000:1. When you connect
a compatible active probe to the probe power connector, adjacent to
the corresponding channel input, the instrument automatically sets the
attenuation. For all other devices, set the probe attenuation with the knob,
arrow keys, or keypad.
Refer to Chapter 3 for information on calibrating to the tip of the probe.
Key Path
4Channel5 External scale . . . Attenuation
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
The Units function lets you select the unit of measure appended to the
channel scale, oset, trigger level, and vertical measurement values. For the
plug-in module, the units are Volts, Amperes, Watts, or unknown. Use Volt for
voltage probes, Ampere for current probes, Watt for optical-to-electrical (O/E)
converters, and unknown when there is no unit of measure or when the unit
of measure is not one of the available choices.
Key Path
4Channel5 External scale . . . Units
Ext gain and When you select Ampere, Watt, or unknown on an electrical channel, two
Ext offset additional functions become available: External Gain and External Oset.
These two additional functions allow you to compensate for the actual
characteristics of the probe rather than its ideal characteristics. For example,
you might have an amplied lightwave converter with ideal characteristics
of 300 V/W with 0 V oset. But, its actual characteristics are 324 V/W with
1 mV of output oset. Therefore, set the External Gain to 324 V/W and the
External Oset to 1 mV.
Key Path External scale . . . Units Volt Ext gain or
Ext Offset
External scale . . . Units Watt Ext gain or
Ext Offset
External scale . . . Units Unknown Ext gain or
Ext Offset
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
The calibrate menu allows you to null out any skew between probes or cables
and check the present calibration status of the instrument.
Key Path
4Channel5 Calibrate
The Skew function changes the horizontal position of a waveform on the
display. The Skew function has a range of +100 s. You can use skew to
compensate for dierences in cable or probe lengths. It also allows you to
place the triggered edge at the center of the display when you are using a
power splitter connected between the channel and trigger inputs. Another
use for skew is when you are comparing two waveforms that have a timing
dierence between them. If you are more interested in comparing the shapes
of two waveforms rather than the actual timing dierence between them, you
can use Skew to overlay one waveform on top of the other waveform.
To skew two channels
1. Turn both channels on and overlay the signals vertically.
2. Expand the time base so the rising edges are about a 45 degree angle.
3. Adjust the skew on one of channels so that the rising edges overlap at the 50 percent points.
Key Path
4Channel5 Calibrate Skew
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
The Cal Status function displays a screen similar to Figure 2-2.
Cal status
Key Path
4Channel5 Calibrate Cal Status
Figure 2-2. A typical Cal Status display.
Current Date This is the current date and time. You can compare this to the last plug-in
module calibration time. That way you will know how long it has been since
the last plug-in module calibration was performed.
Current Frame This is the temperature change on the inside of the instrument since the last
1Temp mainframe calibration was performed. A positive number indicates how many
degrees warmer the mainframe is currently as compared to the temperature
of the mainframe at the last mainframe calibration.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Channel Setup Menu
Channel 1 The instrument displays Calibrated or Uncalibrated, depending on
Calibration whether the last plug-in module calibration is still valid. A calibration can be
Status invalidated if:
The mainframe has cycled power.
The plug-in has been repaired, reprogrammed, or removed from the
The instrument's operating temperature has changed and remains more
than 5 C from the temperature at which the Plug-in calibration was
Uncalibrated indicates the plug-in module vertical calibration is invalid.
Plug-in The Plug-in function lists the model number, serial number, date, time, and
temperature delta. The temperature 1 is the temperature change from the
temperature of the mainframe when the last calibration was performed. If
this temperature 1 is greater than 65 C since the last mainframe calibration,
then you must perform a plug-in module calibration to achieve the specied
dc accuracy.
Calibrate probe Connect a voltage probe to the plug-in and then press:
Calibrate probe
The instrument calibrates to the tip of the probe by setting the probe
attenuation to the actual attenuation ratio of the probe. The instrument
also automatically compensates for any oset that the probe may introduce.
The CAL signal is internally routed to the probe tip for Agilent probes.
Key Path
4Channel5 Calibrate Calibrate probe
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Calibration Overview
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Calibration Overview
What you'll nd in this chapter
Factory Calibrations
User Calibrations|Optical and Electrical
Complete Calibration
This chapter describes the calibration of the mainframe and the plug-in
module. It is intended to give you, or the calibration laboratory personnel, an
understanding of the various calibration procedures available, and how they
were intended to be used.
Proper calibration is critical to measurement accuracy and repeatability. The
Agilent 54750A/83480A and their associated modules and accessories require
that both factory and user calibrations be implemented at the recommended
intervals in order to perform measurements at their published specications.
This chapter is divided into three sections. The rst section describes
factory calibrations. A factory calibration consists of verifying instrument
performance to all specications. If an instrument fails to meet specications,
adjustment or repair may be necessary. For most users, this will mean
shipping the instrument back to an authorized service center. Some users
may purchase the required instrumentation and perform the factory timebase
calibrations themselves using the optional Agilent 83480A, 54750A Service
Guide or the electrical module calibration using the optional Agilent
83483A/4A/4B, 54751A/2A/2B Service Guide.
The second part of the chapter addresses calibrations that are routinely
performed by the end user. Subsections in each of the two main sections
discuss the individual calibrations. In addition, there will be summary tables
at the end of each of these sections summarizing the main areas addressed.
The third part of the manual consists of a complete calibration summary
table at the end of the chapter. Both factory and user calibrations must be
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Calibration Overview
performed regularly in order to ensure proper measurement accuracy and
CAUTION The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Avoid
applying static discharges to the front-panel input connectors. Before
connecting a coaxial cable to the connectors, momentarily short the center
and outer connectors of the cable together. Avoid touching the front panel
input connectors without rst touching the frame of the instrument. Be sure
that the instrument is properly earth-grounded to prevent buildup of static
charge. It is strongly recommended that an antistatic mat and wristband be
used when connecting to electrical channel inputs.
Calibration interval Agilent Technologies recommends that the factory calibration be performed
on a periodic basis. Agilent designs instruments to meet specications
over the recommended calibration interval provided that the instrument
is operated within the specied operating environment. To maintain
specications, periodic recalibrations are necessary. We recommend that the
plug-in module be calibrated at an Agilent Technologies service facility every
12 months. Users are encouraged to adjust the calibration cycle based on
their particular operating environment or measurement accuracy needs.
Required warm-up time The instrument requires a 1 hour warm-up period before any of the
calibrations mentioned in this chapter are performed. It is not enough for the
instrument to be in the standby setting. It must be turned on and running for
the entire hour.
Remote operation Remote programming commands for calibrations are included in the Agilent
83480A/Agilent 54750A Programming's Guide. Performing calibrations
remotely is slightly dierent than the operation of front-panel calibrations.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Factory Mainframe Calibrations
Mainframe calibration (performed at the factory) improves timebase accuracy.
All timebase measurements such as rise time, fall time, eye width, jitter,
and so forth are aected by the timebase accuracy. The calibration factors
are stored in the nonvolatile RAM of the instrument. There is a switch on
the back panel of the instrument that allows the mainframe calibration to
be protected or unprotected. Next to the switch there is a drawing that
shows each switch's function and protected position. Refer to the optional
Agilent 83480A, 54750A Service Guide for more details about the mainframe
calibration, and the position of the rear-panel memory protect switches.
Table 3-1. Factory Calibration Summary
Calibration What is calibrated Measurements Recommended Softkey Path
Aected Interval
Mainframe Calibration Accuracy and All time base Annually at Agilent 4Utility5
continuity of the measurements such Technologies service CalibrateFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
timescale as rise time, fall time, center or if operating Calibrate
eye width, and jitter. temp has changed
and remains 5 C or
more from calibration
temperature. See
service manual.
CAUTION To prevent access to the mainframe calibration switch, place a sticker over
the access hole to this switch.
CAUTION Do not attempt a Mainframe calibration without consulting the Agilent
83480A, 54750A Service Guide.
A mainframe calibration should be performed on a periodic basis, annually,
or when the ambient operating temperature has changed by and remains
5 C dierent than the operating temperature at which the last mainframe
calibration was performed. To see how much the operating temperature
has changed since the last mainframe calibration and the date of the last
mainframe calibration, check the Calibration status by pressing the following
key sequence: 4Utility5, Calibrate , and then Cal status on.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Calibration Overview
Factory Mainframe Calibrations
The temperature change is displayed at the top of the display as shown in the
following gure.
Figure 3-1. Current Frame 1Temp condition
If the Current Frame 1Temp listing is greater than 65 C, then the
mainframe should either be calibrated at the current operating temperature or
be placed in an ambient air temperature that is within 5 C of the temperature
of the current calibration.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
User Calibrations
The following calibrations can be performed by the user:
Plug-in Module Vertical Calibration
Dark Calibration
Probe Calibration
Channel Skew
External Scale
Electrical channels have calibration procedures for:
adjusting timebase skew, for matching propagation delay between channels,
probes, cables, and so forth
using external probes
CAUTION The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Avoid
applying static discharges to the front panel input connectors. Before
connecting a coaxial cable to the connectors, momentarily short the center
and outer connectors of the cable together. Avoid touching the front panel
input connectors without rst touching the frame of the instrument. Be sure
the instrument is properly earth-grounded to prevent buildup of static charge.
An antistatic mat and wristband are strongly recommended.
Table 3-2. Electrical Channel User Calibration Summary
Calibration What is calibrated Measurements Aected Recommended Interval Key Path
Plug-in Vertical oset and vertical Any electrical vertical Perform after any power cycle or 4Utility5
Vertical scale accuracy. measurements such as once every 10 hours during FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Calibration Vp to p, eye height, continuous use or if operating
Calibrate Plug-in
extinction ratio temperature changes by more
than 2 C.
Dark Dark calibration measures Channels aected: electrical Before extinction ratio 4Shift5, 4Meas eye5
Calibration the channel oset signal with O/E converter. Extinction measurements if the vertical scale Extinction ratio
without any light present ratio. or oset has changed since the Dark Cal
and this value is used in last dark calibration or after a
the extinction ratio plug-in vertical calibration is
algorithm. performed.
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Calibration Overview
User Calibrations
Table 3-3. Miscellaneous User Calibration Summary
Calibration What is calibrated Measurements Aected Recommended Interval Key Path
Probe Probe Attenuation Any electrical measurement Whenever a probe is 4Electrical Channel Setup5
calibration taken with the probe connected FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Calibrate probe
Channel Skew Calibrates out the small Multiple channel Before multiple channel 4Channel Setup5
dierences in delay measurements measurements when FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
between channels. Useful measuring timing dierences FFFFFFFFFFFFF
for looking at timing between channels.
dierences between
External Scale Compensates for gain or Any measurement taken Whenever using external 4Channel Setup5
loss associated with through an external device devices (component or FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
External Scale
external devices (component or transducer) transducer)
(calibrates vertical scale
to external device)
Plug-in Module Vertical Calibration
The plug-in module vertical calibration allows the instrument to establish
the calibration factors for a specic plug-in when the plug-in is installed in
the mainframe. The plug-in calibration factors are valid only for the specic
mainframe slot in which it was calibrated. The plug-in vertical calibration
establishes vertical accuracy.
A plug-in vertical calibration should be done if:
The mainframe has cycled power.
The plug-in has been repaired, reprogrammed, or removed from the
The instrument's operating temperature has changed and remains more
than 5 C from the temperature at which the Plug-in calibration was
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in
Calibration Overview
User Calibrations
To obtain the best measurement results, it is recommended that a user
vertical calibration be performed after every 10 hours of continuous use or if
the temperature has changed by greater than 2 C from the previous vertical
To view the This procedure displays the temperature change that the instrument has
temperature change undergone since the last Plug-in Vertical Calibration.
1. Press the front-panel channel 4SETUP5 key.
2. Press Calibrate and then Cal status on.
The current plug-in 1Temp value is listed for each installed module.
To perform a plug-in No additional equipment is required to perform a plug-in vertical calibration.
module vertical Reference signals are both generated and routed internally.
calibration 1. Remove any front-panel connections from electrical channels.
2. Press 4Utility5, Calibrate. . . , and then Calibrate plug-in. . . .
3. Select the plug-in module to be calibrated, press 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 . NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
4. Press Start cal to start the calibration.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Dark Calibration
The dark calibration is for electrical measurements if an external O/E is being
used. This calibration measures the optical channel oset signal when there
isn't any light present and then uses this information in performing extinction
ratio measurements. Dark calibrations should be done for the following
Before any critical extinction ratio measurements are made
After a plug-in vertical calibration
If a module has been removed
If the mainframe power has been cycled
FINAL TRIM SIZE : 7.5 in x 9.0 in