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070-2044-00 Fi rst Pr i n ting NO V 1975
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PG 508

n st ru men t Description
I 1-1
n stallatio n and R e m oval 1-1 SECTIO N 4 S ERV IC E INFORMATION

P e r io d and Duratio n Selectio n 1-2 Sym bols and R efere n ce Designators 4-1
D uty Facto rs 1-2 Ge neral M ainten ance and Adjustme n ts 4-2
Delaye d an d P ai re d Pu lse Selectio n 1-2 Services Availab le 4-2
Tra n sition Time Selection 1-3 Mai n te n a nce 4-2
Ou t put L evels 1-3 Ci rc u it B oard Removal 4-2
Exter nal Triggeri n g a nd Gati n g 1-3 Test E qui p me n t 4-2
T rigger O u t pu t 1-4 Ge n e ral 4-2
Manual T rigger 1-4 I n tern al Ad justment Pr oce dur e 4-2
Co ntrol E r r or Lig h t 1-4 I npu t B oa rd Pa rts L ocatio n Gri d
O PERATI N G CO N SID ERATIO N S Co nt rols a nd Co nn ectors
Ou t put Termi n ations a nd Con n ections 1-4 Transition Boa rd Pa rts Locatio n Gri d
R ise Time M easu r e m e n ts i n L i near Bloc k Diag r a m
Syste ms 1-5 Timi n g Boar d Parts Locatio n Gri d
E xte rnal Voltage Co nt rol 1-5 R ea r I n te rface Co nn ector Assig n men ts
Coun ted Bu rst U si ng t h e DD 501 Outpu t Boar d Pa r ts Locatio n G ri d
Digital Delay Un it 1-5 I npu t Sc h ematic

Defi n itio n s of Pu lse C h a r acte r istics 1-8 P eriod Ge nerator Sc h e m atic
S PECI F ICATIO N S 1-9 Delay Ge ne rato r Sc h ematic
S E CTIO N 2 THE O R Y O F OPERATION D uratio n Generato r Sc h ematic
Va ria b le Tra nsition Ti m e Ge n erator Sc h ematic
I n tro du ctio n 2-1 L evel Co n t rol Mu lti plier Sc h e m atic
I npu t Ci rc u itry 2-1 Ou t pu t Amp lifier Sc h e m atic
TRIG'D/GATED L ig h t Ci rc u it ry 2-1
Trac k i n g Voltage S upp lies Sc h ematic
Trigge r ed M o de 2-1 Powe r Supp ly Sc h ematic
P erio d Ge n erator 2-2
Delay Gen erato r 2-2
D uration Ge n erator 2-2
D uratio n and Delay Con trol E rro r Lig h t PA R TS L IST
Ci rc u it ry 2-3
V a r iab le Transitio n Time Circuitry F ig . 1 E x p loded V iew
Tra n sitio n Time Co n trol E r ro r L ig h t F ig . 2 Accessories
Circ u itry 2-3
Level Co n t rol Mu lti p lier 2-5
O u t pu t Am p lifier 2-6
P ower S upply 2-6 C HAN GE I FORMATION

REV . , APR . 197 7
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Section 1---PG 508

Instru m e n t Description The front p a n el is color code d for easy refere nce to
co n trols a n d t h eir associated fu nctions. Green in d icates
T he PG 508 is 50 MH z ge n eral p u rpose full fu nction triggeri ng fu n ctio n s an d blue in d icates mode fu nctio ns.
pulse generator usable in all TM 500-series p ower
modules exce pt the TM 501 . It is co m patible with M OS
and oth er ge neral pu r p ose circ u itry . Im porta nt featuresof
Installation an d R emoval
the i nstrume nt include inde p en dent period an d d uratio n
co n trols with control error light, inde pendent p u lse to p T he PG 508 is calibrated a n d ready for use whe n
an d bottom level controls, variable leading an d trailing received . It operates in any two com p artmen ts of the
tr ansition time ad justments, an d fully a d j usta ble pulse 500-series power mod ules . See th e p ower module
d elay ca pabilities . F ront pa nel controls an d connectors instruction manual for li ne voltage r eq uireme nts and
p rovi d e trigger or sync h ronous gate in put with level an d power module operatio n. F ig . 1-1 sh ows the installation
slope controls, square wave out p ut a n d comp leme ntary an d r e moval proce d ure . M ake certai n t he power mo d ule is
p ulse ou tpu t for h ig h duty factors . Delaye d and paired off whe n inserti ng or removing the PG 508. Chec k t hatthe
pu lse an d manu al trigger or gate ca p abilities are also P G 508 is fully inserte d in the power module . Pull the
provided . All i n p uts an d out p uts are i n ternally terminated p ower switch on th e p ower mo du le . Th e P OWER lig h t on
in 50 exce pt the TRIG/GAT E np ut w hic h is internally the PG 508 shou ld now be on . R efer to the Co ntrols and
selectable foreither 50 o r 1 , 20 pF i np ut im pe d ance . Connectors foldout page in Sectio n 4 of th is manual for
Special positio n s on PER IOD, DUR ATIO N , DELAY, an d com p lete description of the front panel controls and
TRA NSITION controls p ermit customize d co ntrol ranges . co n nectors.

Fig . 1-1. P G 508 installation a nd Removal .
Operating In st ructions-PG 508

P eriod and Du ration Selection 10 -2 or 500 F ca pacitor . If p olarized ca pacitor is use d ,
observe th e correct p olarity . U se at least 6 V rated
T he perio d ge nerator o perates, in all mo des exce pt ca pacitor . Co nnect this ca pacitor as s h ow n i n Fig . 1-2 .
TRIG o r MAN, at rate set by the PERIOD ra nge switch
an d va riable co ntrol . The d uratio n of the output pulse is Duty Factors
set b y the DURATION range switch and va riable control .
Wh e n t he DURATION control is set fo r time greater than Duty factors greater than those s pecifie d are ob-
t he PER IOD, the CO NTROL ERRO R lam p will lig ht. Wh en tainable on several ranges . Wh en the d uty factor is
th e DURATIO N co ntrol is set to the SQ WAVE position, the increased to the point that i nternal circuitry prevents
du ration time is d ete rm i ned i n ternally at a p pr oximately completion of the pulse waveform, the CO N TRO L ERRO R
50 / of the p erio d ti m e. ligh t will flas h. To furt her i ncrease the d uty factor, switch
to the comp leme n t mode. Set the DUR ATIO N control for
p ulse wi dth equal to the d esired pulse off time an d p us h
Th e custom range positio ns on the PERIOD an d t he fro nt p anel CO MPLE M ENT (--) p us hb utton:
DU RATIO N controls permit u ser-selecte d p eriod and
d uratio n times. To d etermine the app roximate ca pacitor Delayed and P ai red P ulse Selection
value for the d esired p eriod, multi p ly the p eriod time in In the pu lse d elay mode, the output pulse is d elayed
seco n ds b y 5 10 -'. The result is the value of the capacitor from the +TRIG OUT sig nal by the DEL AY time selected
i n F arads. F or example, 50 ms p erio d times 5 10-' plus specifie d fixed d elay . In the PAI RE D mode of
eq uals 250 10 -6 or 250 F . This capacitor must be non- operatio n , the delay controls the time betwee n t he lea d i ng
polarized and h ave at least 6 V rating . Solder t h is edges of the p ai red p u lses . To use this feature push t he
ca pacitor in t he p ositio n s h own in Fig . 1-2 . DEL AY b utto n a nd trigger the external device from t he
+TRIG OUT j ac k . Set the DE LAY control for t he d esire d
delay time from trigger to p ulse leading e d ge . U se the
To d etermine the capacitor value for the d uration time variable co ntrol labeled CA L fo r ti m e adj ustments
d esired, multi p ly the duration time by 1 10 -2 . For betwee n steps or to increase t he delay times beyo n d t he
example 50 ms duration time re quires 50 ms times 1 steps.

Perio d

im pedance switch.
To determ ine the custom capacitor
value multiply the10-2 . red duration o r
delay time by 1 See text .

Fi g. 1-2. Locat i ons of pe rio d, delay and duratio n custom timing ca pacito rs and TRIG/GATE IN input im pedance s witch.
R emove the Input b oa rd to gain access to the delay p ads.

REV . , A PR . 1978
Operati ng Instructio ns-PG 508

Paired pu lses are obtain ed by push in g both t he DELAY
a nd UN D LY buttons . An initial pulse now occurs at
external trigger time with t he second or paire d p ulse
d elayed by t he selected delay time . The CO NTRO L
ERRO R lig h t illuminates if th e delay is too sh ort or lo ng for
valid p ulse train . custom d elay position is provid ed on
t h e DE LAY switc h . To determine th e valu e of th e ca pacitor
require d , multiply t h e desired d elay time in seconds by 1
10- . For example, 50 ms d elay time re q uires 500 F
ca pacitor (50 ms ti mes 1 10 - ) . U se either a p ola rized or
non-polarized capacitor with rati n g of at least 6 V . If
p olarized ca pacitor is u sed, observe th e p olarity markin gs .
R emove the inp ut board and co nn ect th e capacitor as
show n i n Fig . 1-2.

Transition T ime Selectio n
The leading and traili n g times of the p ulses may be
varied by using the TRANSITION TIME co ntrol and the
To determine the custom ca pacitor
LEADING and TRAI L I N G va riable cont rols. Select the value multiply the desired dur atio n or
desire d transition time range with t h e TRAN SITION TIME delay time by 1 10 -2 . See text.
control and vary the lead ing an d traili ng times in-
depen de n tly with t he LEADING a n d TRAI LING co ntrols.
Fig . 1-3. Locatio n fo r transitio n c ustom timi ng capacito r.

custo m range position is also provi d ed on the The p ulse h ig h an d low levels can be p reset. Pu sh t he
TRANSITION TIME co ntrol . To select th e correct PRESET button and ad ju st the HIGH L EV E L and th e L OW
capacitor (i n Farads) for this ra nge, multi ply the d esired L E VEL potentiometers wit h screwdriver for the d esired
transition ti me (in seco nd s) measured from 10