Text preview for : cp-390_961.pdf part of Daewoo cp-390 961 Daewoo TV CP-390-961 cp-390_961.pdf
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1. SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 1
2. SAFETY INSTRUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 2
3. BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 3
4. ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 4
5. IC DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 7
6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 35
7. PCB LAYOUTS...................................................................................................................................... 44
8. TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTS ......................................................................................................... 46
9. IC DC VOLTAGE CHARTS .................................................................................................................. 53
10. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ................................................................................................................ 56
11. CP-390 (INDIA CRT) INCH DIFFERENCE PART LIST ...................................................................... 74
12. CP-390(ORION CRT)INCH DIFFERENCE PART LIST ..................................................................... 75
13. CP-390 CHASSIS CRT DIFFERNT PART LIST ................................................................................. 76
TV STANDARD P A L/S E C A M -B /G , D /K , I, H , N TS C -3.58/4.4 3/5.5
M A IN S V O LT A G E 1 00~ 250 V A C , 50/60H z
P O W E R C O N S U M P TIO N 1 4T6 V M =72 W
2 0T 6 V M =82 W
2 1T 6 V M =87 W
SOUND OUTPUT 1 4" : 3W + 3W
2 0" : 5W + 5W
2 1" : 8W + 8W
SPEAKER 1 4" : 5W 8 0 hm (2E A )
2 0" : 5W 8 0 hm (2E A )
2 1" : 8W 8 0 hm (2E A )
A N TE N N A 7 5 o hm u nba lanced
IM P E D A N C E 3 00 ohm balance d w ith su pplie d b alun
T U N IN G S Y S TE M V oltage S ynthesize tu nin g S yste m
M EM ORY CHANNEL V M : 1 00 chan nels, T M : 70 chan nels
R E C E P TIO N VHF - L : CH2 - CH4
C H A N N E L U N IT V H F - H : C H 5 - C H 12
C ab le B a nd : C H S 1 ' - C H S 3 ', C H S 1 - C H S 20
H yp er B a nd : C H S 21 - C H S 40(option )
U H F : C H 21 - C H 6 9
R E M O TE C O N TR O L V M : R -28B 04, T M : 28B 03
SCREEN SIZE 14" : 34cm (A34JLL 90 02)
20" : 48cm (A48JLL 90 02)
21" : 51cm (A51JLL 90 02)
W E IG H T 1 4" : 9.7 K g (set)
2 0" : 18.5K g(se t)
2 1" : 27.2K g(se t)
IN D IC A TIO N O n -S cre en D isplay
P ic tu re (B rig h t, C o lo r, C o n tra st, S h a rp n e ss , T IN T )
T im e r(C lo ck, W a ke -u p -T im e , A ctiv a te , W a ke -u p -P ro g )
L a n g u a g e
P re se t
E d it
S le e p T im e r
S o u n d M u te
V o lu m e C o n tro l
B efore servicing this chassis, read the "X -R A Y radiation precaution",
"safety precaution" and "product safety notice" below .
1. E xcessive high voltage can produce potentially hazardous X -R A Y R A D IA T IO N .To avoid such hazards,
the high voltage m ust not exceed the specified lim it. The nom inal value of the high voltage of this receiver
is 22-23kv(14"), 25-26kv(20", 21") at m ax beam current. The high voltage m ust not,
under any circum stances, exceed 27.5kv (14", 20"), 29.0kv(21").
E ach tim e a receiver requires servicing, the high voltage should be checked. It is recom m ended the
reading of the high voltage recorded as a part of the service records. it is im portant to use an accurate and
reliable high voltage m eter.
2. The only source of X -R A Y R adiation in this T V receiver is the picture tube. For continuous R A D IA TIO N
protection, the replacem ent tube m ust be exactly the sam e type tube as specified in the parts list.
1. P otentials of high voltage are present w hen this receiver is operating. O peration of the receiver outside the
cabinet or w ith the back cover rem oved involves a shock hazard from the receiver.
1) S ervicing should not be attem pted by anyone w ho is not thoroughly fam iliar w ith the precautions
necessary w hen w orking on highvoltage equipm ent.
2) A lw ays discharge the picture tube to avoid the shock hazard before rem oving the anode cap.
3) D ischarge the high potential of the picture tube before handling the tube. The picture tube is highly
evacuated and if broken, glass fragm ents w ill be violently expelled.
2. If any Fuse in this T V receiver is blow n, replace it w ith the FU S E specified in the R eplacem ent P arts List.
3. W hen replacing a high w attage resistor(oxide m etal film resistor) in circuit board, keep the resistor
10m m aw ay from circuit board.
4. K eep w ires aw ay from high voltage or high tem perature com ponents.
5. This receiver m ust operate under A C 260 volts, 50H z/60H z.
(A C 100~250 volts, 50/60H z)N E V E R connect to D C supply or any other pow er or frequency.
M any electrical and m echanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics.
T hese characteristics are often passed unnoticed by a visual inspection and the X -R A Y R A D IA TIO N
protection afforded by them cannot necessarily be obtained by using replacem ent com ponents rated for
higher voltage, w attage, etc. R eplacem ent parts w hich have these special safety characteristics are identified
in this m anual and its supplem ents, electrical com ponents having such features are identified by designated
sym bol on the parts list. B efore replacing any of these com ponents, read the parts list in this m anual carefully.
T he use of substitute replacem ent parts w hich do not have the sam e safety characteristics as specified in the
parts list m ay created X -R A Y R adiation.
4-1. AFT
1. Standard B/G, D/K, I
1) S et a S ignal G enerator w ith
- R F F R E Q U E N C Y = 38.9 M H z,
- R F O U TP U T LE V E L = 80 5 dB uV
- S ystem = P A L / S E C A M - B /G , D /K , I
N TS C - 3.58/4.43
2) C onnect the S ignal G enerator R F O utput to P101 (Tuner IF O utput).
T here m ust be no signal input to the tuner.
3) P ress the "A FT" K E Y and w ait until the T V screen display "A FT O K ".
2. AGC
1) S et a P attern G enerator w ith R F LE V E L 63 2 dB uV .
2) C onnect a O S C ILLO S C O P E P R O B E to P 101 (TU N E R A G C IN P U T ).
3) A djust A G C U P /D O W N KE Y the voltage drop 3.5V dc point its m axim um voltage.
(TD A8374A N 1 V E R S IO N )
Adjust A G C up/dow n key the voltage drop 1V dc over blow its m axim um voltage
(TD A8374A n3 version)
Alternative Method
1) S et a P attern G enerator w ith
- R F LE V E L 80 5 dB uV
- P AL C R O S S H A T C H
( w ithout S O U N D C A R R IER )
2) C onnect a O S C ILLO S C O P E
( B andw idth 100M H z ) P R O B E
to P 101 (T U N E R IF O U T P U T).
3) U se A G C U P /D O W N K E Y to obtain
an envelop am plitude 200 + 50 m V p-p.
1) A pply a C O LO R B A R pattern signal.
2) S et the C O N T R A S T, B R IG H TN E S S
to M A X , C O LO R to M IN . Black leve
3) S et the R ,G ,B LE V E L to C E N TE R (31/63)
160 + 5Vdc(20", 21")
160 5V dc ( 20", 21" ) w ith R ,G ,B U P /D O W N K E Y . 130 + 5Vdc(14")
4) C onnect a O S C ILLO S C O P E P R O B E
to P 904 ( C R T C A TH O D R , G , B ). GND
5) A djust the SC R E E N V O LU M E on FB T
such that the highest black level voltage
160 5V dc (20", 21"), 130 5V dc (14").
1) S et the T V to N O R I m ode.
2) S et the R ,G ,B LE V E L to C E N TE R w ith R ,G ,B U P /D O W N K E Y .
3) A djust the R ,G ,B U P /D O W N K E Y of the other color w hich did not appear on the screen to obtain W H IT E .
1) A pply a R ET M A P A TT E R N signal.
2) A djust the FO C U S V O LU M E on FB T to obtain optim al resolution.
1) S et the T V to N O R I m ode.
2) P ressing the V -S IZE U P /D O W N K E Y ,
the low er half of the screen is blanked.
3) A djust the border line of blanked picture
coincident w ith the m echanical center m arks
of the C R T using the V -C E N TE R U P /D O W N KE Y .
The V E R T IC A L C E N T E R adjustm ent
has to be done in advance.
1) A pply a R E T M A P A TT E R N signal.
2) S et the T V to N O R I m ode.
3) A djust the upper part of the picture
w ith the V -S IZE U P /D O W N keys.
The V E R T IC A L S IZE adjustm ent
has to be done in advance.
1) A pply a R E T M A P A TT E R N signal.
2) A djust the low er part of the picture w ith
the V -S LO P E U P /D O W N keys.
1) A pply a C R O S S H A T C H P A TT E R N signal.
2) A djust the S-C O R U P /D O W N K EY to obtain
the sam e distance betw een horizontal lines.
1) A pply a R ET M A P A TT E R N signal.
2) A djust picture centering w ith H -C E N T E R
LE FT /R IG H T keys.
If E E P R O M (1703) has been changed ;
- O ption data has to be changed and
- all alignm ent function has to be readjusted.
The initial state of adjustm ent are as follows;
- V -C enter, V -S lope V -S ize, H -C enter, R , G , B , A FT = C enter (30/64 - 33/64)
- S -C orrection = 00/64
- A G C = 15~ 60/64
Service Remocon
DW370ASM* (Micro-controller for Non-Teletext Model)
=TMS370C08A05 ( TI Type No.)
1. General Description
The T M S 370C 08A 05 devices are m em bers of the cM C U 370 fam ily single-chip m icrocontrollers.
The cM C U 370 fam ily provides cost effective real-tim e system control through use of the P R IS M m ethodology.
The P R IS M m ethodology m odular fabrication process integrates analog, digital, linear and pow er
technologies on a single chip, thereby m axim izing the total integration strategy.
The T M S 370C 08A 05 devices are designed w ith the high-perform ance 8-bit TM S 370C 8 C PU .
Features of the `C 8 C P U and system m odule as im plem ented on this device include three C P U registers
(stack pointer, status register, and the program counter), tw o external interrupts, reset,
m em ory m apped control registers.
2. Feature